HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-19 City Commission Minutes �x Sot sety�f�v o8 moo?�e THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,August 19,2019 Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Present Staff Present at the Dais: City Manager(CM)Andrea Surratt, City Attorney(CA) Greg Sullivan, Deputy City Clerk Brenda Sweeney A. 05:59:57 PM (00:02:05)Call to Order—6:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Andrus called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. , B. 06:00:08 PM (00:02:16) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:00:55 PM (00:03:03)Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D. 06:01:00 PM (00:03:08) Public Service Announcements 1. City Commission Meetings Cancelled on Monday,August 26, 2019 and Monday,September 2, 2019 and Closure of City Offices on Monday,September 2, 2019 (Sweeney) E. 06:01:15 PM (00:03:23) FYI • Commissioner Cunningham talked about the Affordable Housing Working Group's Action Plan regularly scheduled community check-in's tomorrow from 11 am-1 pm and 5 pm-7 pm. • DM Mehl announced that the Planning Board will be discussing the Growth Map Amendment tomorrow at 7:00 PM. • Mayor Andrus informed the commission that on September 9th they will be setting the mill levies in two separate motions.She recommends looking at the General Fund to make amendments to spend any additional mill levies.She talked about further budget amendments and communicating those to CM Surratt or Mayor Andrus for proper noticing. • CM Surratt let the community know about the next iteration of Symbozium. Page 1of14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 F. 06:03:59 PM (00:06:07)Commission Disclosures Cr. Cunningham will be recusing himself from the discussion in Action Item 1. and will explain further at that point. G. 06:04:18 PM (00:06:26)Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services(LaMeres) 4:3 2. Formal Cancellation of the August 26, 2019 and September 2, 2019 City Commission Meetings (Crough) _ °41 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Task Order Number MID20-002 with Sanderson Stewart for 5th Avenue Conduit Design (Fine) __ a 4. Resolution 5088, Intent to Create Special Improvement Lighting District(SILD) Number 755 for Norton East Ranch Subdivision, Phase 4(Massey/Clark) L!. 06:04:22 PM (00:06:30) City Manager Overview CM Surratt noted the highlights of the consent agenda. 06:05:01 PM (00:07:09) Public Comment There was no public comment. 06<05:13 PM (00:07:21)Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-4 as submitted. The motion passed 5-0 Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve H. 06:05:31 PM (00:07:39) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 06:06:10 PM (00:08:18)Debbie Anpelie,Public Comment Ms.Angelie spoke about the Durston Road construction and how the majority of traffic flow on the west side of town is coming through her neighborhood.She asked for action in the way of temporary speed bumps. I. 06:08:23 PM (00:10:31)Action Items 1. 06:08:25 PM (00:10:33)The Parklands at Village Downtown Subdivision,a Preliminary Plat Application for a Proposed Ten (10) Lot Residential Subdivision with Stormwater Tract, Park, Page 2 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 and Rights-of-way on 4.6558 Acres, Located at the East End of the Village Downtown Boulevard,Application 19135 (Quasi-Judicial) (Saunders)7LC 06:08:51 PM (00:10:59) Commissioner Recusal Cr. Cunningham recused himself from the discussion and explained his position and business connection to one of the applicants. 06:09:48 PM (00:11:56)Staff Clarification CA Sullivan explained the impact on the process in the event there is a tie vote. 06:10:52 PM (00:13:00)Staff Presentation Community Development Manager Chris Saunders presented The Parklands application,which is zoned as R-4 and consists of nine single home lots and one multi-home lot. He reviewed the findings and staff recommendations. 06:22:19 PM (00:24:27)Staff Clarification CA Sullivan pointed out that one commissioner may have received direct communication from the applicant that was not directed to agenda@bozeman.net,which could be new information. He explained the process the commission would need to follow under state law to make a determination about the new information. 06:23:42 PM (00:25:50)Questions of Staff Cr. Pomeroy asked if this project qualifies for affordable housing.She asked about conditions 20 and 26. She asked about the sewer main being at full capacity. DM Mehl asked about recommendations meeting standard approval. He asked about condition 26 and any new code requirements since the Planning Board report. He asked about emergency access and adequate snow storage. Mayor Andrus asked about condition 24 regarding high ground water.She asked about the park equation. 06:44:28 PM (00:46:36)Applicant Presentation Matt Hauser,with C&H Engineering, presented the project and highlighted a few aspects surrounding the sight. Mike Delaney, developer for the project,addressed questions that were raised. He talked about an issue that he encountered today regarding a forestry area that would need to be taken out. 06:56:38 PM (00:58:46)Questions of Applicant Cr. Pomeroy asked if there is any provision for affordable housing.She asked about emergency access. Cr. Krauss asked if there is a realty requirement that will point out the railroad and related noise to potential buyers. DM Mehl asked about the change to the parks configuration. He asked if the team has read the staff report except the one condition. He asked if this is all on the record now for the public. Page 3 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 07:07:49 PM (01:09:57) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 07:07:59 PM (01:10:07)Sherry Stout, Public Comment Ms.Stout talked about the strategic plan addressing zero net wetland loss for Bozeman. 07:09:04 PM (01:11:12)Staff Clarification City Engineer Shawn Kohtz provided clarification about the trees at the end of the cul de sac. 07:09:48 PM (01:11:56)Staff Clarification CA Sullivan stated the applicant's oral testimony reflected his public comment,and the commission can proceed. 07:10:09 PM (01:12:17)Questions of Staff Cr. Pomeroy asked for clarification that this project is protecting wetlands. 07:11:04 PM (01:13:12)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,Planning Board recommendation, and all the information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 19135 and move to approve the Parklands at Village Downtown subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd 07:11:53 PM (01:14:01) Discussion Cr. Pomeroy agrees with the staff report and all conditions. Cr. Krauss adopts the findings of the staff report. He talked about developing next to the railroad. DM Mehl will be supporting the motion. He agrees with the staff analysis. Mayor Andrus will support the motion as well and associates with the comments of her colleagues. 07:19:06 PM (01:21:14) Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, Planning Board recommendation, and all the information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 19135 and move to approve the Parklands at Village Downtown subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Page 4 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Abstain 07:19:15 PM (01:21:23)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,Recreation and Parks Advisory Board recommendation, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for the park master plan associated with application 19135 and move to approve the Parklands at Village Downtown subdivision park master plan. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd 07:19:49 PM (01:21:57) Discussion Cr. Pomeroy stated this project meets all city requirements,and she will support the motion. Cr. Krauss stated he has mixed feelings on this and believes parkland should be accessible to everyone in the city. He talked about clear signage. DM Mehl talked about an existing condition for signs. He talked about what could happen in the future in a much larger system. Mayor Andrus will support it as well but echoed the caution about parkland and that communities enjoy those properties. 07:23:03 PM (01:25:11) Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,Recreation and Parks Advisory Board recommendation, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for the park master plan associated with application 19135 and move to approve the Parklands at Village Downtown subdivision park master plan. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Manor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Abstain 07:23:14 PM (01:25:22) Recess Mayor Andrus called the meeting into recess until 7:35 PM. 07:31:26 PM (01:33:34)Call to Order Mayor Andrus called the meeting back to order. 2. 07:31:31 PM (01:33:39) Resolution 5065, Establishing Rates for Water Service for the City of Page 5 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 Bozeman (Donald) _-P 07:31:42 PM (01:33:50)Staff Presentation Finance Director Kristin Donald presented Resolution 5065 and explained the background leading up to the inclusion of this model in the budget.She reviewed the proposed established Water Fund rates. 07:34:20 PM (01:36:28) Questions of Staff Cr. Krauss asked about the incremental use and usage rate tables. He asked about the increased government rate including the city's base rate. He asked about drought rates. DM Mehl asked for confirmation that none of the rates changed from the April presentation. He asked if the lowest tier will see the lowest increase. He asked about the average residential customers will see. Cr.Cunningham talked about the Historical Annual Flow by User Class chart. He asked about low income assistance. He asked about benchmarks for the commission to refer to in the future. CM Surratt stated staff will provide an update to the commission after the new rates have been tested relative to impacts on families. Cr. Pomeroy asked why the government increase went from 5%to 20%. She asked how water consumption changes during the year.She asked about the techniques of watering plants and lawns versus drinking water. 07:46:45 PM (01:48:53)Staff Clarification City Engineer Shawn Kohtz talked about the current development of a cemetery water irrigation project. He talked about separating treated water for other watering means and the cost of running parallel lines to existing water lines in the streets. 07:47:52 PM (01:50:00) Discussion Continued Cr. Krauss asked about drought rates and if this is about saving utility in the drought years. He asked for confirmation that the$.80 increase is to establish a drought reserve to protect the utility. 07:50:08 PM (01:52:16) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 07:50:15 PM (01:52:23)Marsha Kaveny,Public Comment Ms. Kaveny thanked the commission for volunteerism that's been advertised. She thinks a lot more should be done toward reducing consumption. 07:53:57 PM (01:56:05)Motion to adopt Resolution 5065,Establishing Rates for Water Service for the City of Bozeman effective on bills due September 15,2019 and September 15,2020. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: 2nd Page 6 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 07:54:17 PM (01:56:25) Discussion Cr. Krauss won't be supporting his own motion and does not agree with the protection of the utility portion of the rate structure. DM Mehl made several points regarding conservation, drought, and water in general for the area. Cr.Cunningham talked about the scope of the issue and why it's getting so much attention from the commission toward conservation. He talked about the integrated water resources plan. Cr. Pomeroy talked about Bozeman having the best proactive water conservation programs and stated we need to make more effort to conserve water usage. Mayor Andrus talked about taking measures to conserve water and thinks the tiered system works well. Cr. Krauss talked about advocating for zero growth and the real demand being for new development. Mayor Andrus talked about the difference of philosophy about water. 08:12:25 PM (02:14:33) Vote on the Motion to adopt Resolution 5065, Establishing Rates for Water Service for the City of Bozeman effective on bills due September 15,2019 and September 15,2020. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Disapprove Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Approve 3. 08:12:49 PM (02:14:57) Resolution 5066, Establishing Rates for Wastewater Service for the City of Bozeman (Donald) p 08:13:10 PM (02:15:18)Staff Presentation Finance Director Kristin Donald presented Resolution 5066 and explained the background leading up to inclusion in the final budget.She reviewed the proposed established Wastewater Fund rates. 08:14:20 PM (02:16:28)Questions of Staff. DM Mehl noted this is cost of service for the next year plus emergencies. Cr. Pomeroy referred to a charge for a written shutoff notice. Cr. Krauss asked for clarification that there is no charge for falling behind a month. Mayor Andrus asked about seasonal shut off. Cr. Pomeroy asked for clarification on reinstating water service charge. 08:18:18 PM (02:20:26) Public Comment There was no public comment. Page 7 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 08:18:29 PM (02:20:37)Motion to adopt Resolution 5066,Establishing Rates for Wastewater Service for the City of Bozeman effective on bills due September 15,2019 and September 15,2020. Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: 2nd 08:18:52 PM (02:21:00) Discussion DM Mehl talked about the studies conducted over a period of time. He talked about the efficiencies of the system and our need to have a reserve. Cr. Cunningham commented we will get the opportunity to look at the results of the Wastewater Fund and whether it has established the desired reserve and accomplished our goals. Cr. Pomeroy agrees this makes sense. Cr. Krauss expressed concern that the collective efforts of the city ending up in the East Gallatin River. He talked about continuing to plan for how a growing Bozeman deals with wastewater. Mayor Andrus talked about the cost analysis and thinks this helps to bring inequities into balance. 08:23:58 PM (02:26:06) Vote on the Motion to adopt Resolution 5066,Establishing Rates for Wastewater Service for the City of Bozeman effective on bills due September 15,2019 and September 15,2020. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve 4. 08:24:11 PM (02:26:19) Resolution 5067, Establishing Rates for Stormwater Service for the City of Bozeman (Donald) -- a 08:24:21 PM (02:26:29)Staff Presentation Finance Director Kristin Donald presented Resolution 5067.She explained this was brought to the commission during budget time, and a 4%rate change was recommended by staff. 08:25:17 PM (02:27:25)Questions of Staff Cr.Cunningham mentioned his recollection of the increase in the fund helping to fund an FTE. He asked if stormwater capital projects are taken out of the CIP. He asked about the possibility of the city taking over homeowners associations' contribution towards the maintenance of detention ponds. 08:27:09 PM (02:29:17)Staff Clarification Page 8 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 Stormwater Division Coordinator Kyle Mehrens talked about when the storm water utility was brought before the commission about five years ago. He pointed out the maintenance of homeowners associations'facilities was on the table at the time, and the associated cost was considered. He talked about the growth since then. 08:28:21 PM (02:30:29)Questions of Staff Continued Cr. Pomeroy asked about the significance of the 4% increase. Cr. Krauss asked about a rebate he receives from the flat rate because of a stormwater plan managed by the homeowners association in his neighborhood. CM Mehl asked about the number of inspections that could be done and how increasing the rates would increase those inspections. 08:31:52 PM (02:34:00) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 08:31:59 PM (02:34:07)Marsha Kaveny,Public Comment Ms. Kaveny talked about the stormwater issue in her subdivision regarding saturated sediments and the inability to get a company to remove them because of the disposal problem. 08:35:17 PM (02:37:25)Staff Clarification Mr. Mehrens spoke about the difficulty of the program they're trying to develop. He spoke about the previous public comment and the unique problem of the neighborhood. 08:36:49 PM (02:38:57) Questions of Staff DM Mehl asked for confirmation that the city did not require that the system be underground in that particular neighborhood. 08:38:18 PM (02:40:26)Motion to adopt Resolution 5067, Establishing Rates for Stormwater Service for the City of Bozeman effective on bills due September 15,2019. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 08:38:33 PM (02:40:41) Discussion Cr. Cunningham thanked staff for the presentation. He will vote in favor of the motion. Cr. Pomeroy will support the motion and talked about the lack of rate increase since 2015. Cr. Krauss pointed out there is no impact fee for storm water. He talked about the importance of design and what we accept. DM Mehl talked about increasing the inspection rate. He pointed out this is a learning process and addressed the public comment. He talked about the struggle of paying for operation and maintenance. Mayor Andrus will support this and appreciates the public comment.She thinks the 4%increase makes sense. Page 9 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 08:46:11 PM (02:48:19)Vote on the Motion to adopt Resolution 5067,Establishing Rates for Stormwater Service for the City of Bozeman effective on bills due September 15,2019. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve 5. 08:46:25 PM (02:48:33) Presentation of the Results of the Solid Waste Rate Study(Donald) � a 08:46:47 PM (02:48:55) Presentation Introduction Finance Director Kristin Donald introduced the Solid Waste Cost of Service and Rate Design Study conducted by Burns& McDonnell. She explained that staff will come back with a resolution to implement recommendations the commission makes tonight.Scott Pasternack,with Burns and McDonnell, presented the findings of the study, methodology to complete the project and cost of service study as well as rate recommendations. Mr. Pasternack explained he will pause at key points of the presentation for questions. 08:49:01 PM (02:51:09) Presentation—Methodology Overview and Cost of Service Study Mr. Pasternack presented the methodology overview and cost of service study. 08:56:45 PM (02:58:53)Questions of Presenter Cr.Cunningham asked about using the reserve strictly as a reserve or creating one to save toward something else. He asked about the philosophy behind residential subsidizing commercial revenue. Cr. Pomeroy asked about commercial dumpsters and commercial roll-off.She asked about the general trend over the last ten years. Cr. Krauss asked how we have factored in the competitive nature of solid waste collection. He asked how we built up a large reserve. DM Mehl asked if are we adding customers generally and whether our prices are able to attract residential and commercial customers. Mayor Andrus asked whether communities were benchmarked as they related to population or if they did all their collection. DM Mehl asked about the law relative to subsidizing this utility in terms of competing. 09:28:56 PM (03:31:04) Presentation—Residential Rate Recommendations Mr. Pasternack presented the residential rate recommendations overview. Page 10 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 09:37:35 PM (03:39:43)Questions of Presenter Cr.Cunningham asked about cost of service for the 35-45 gallon containers. He asked about data for size of households and size of trash and recycling containers. He asked what percentage of our customers have what size containers. Cr. Pomeroy asked what kind of method is in place to generate a positive revenue over the next five years. Cr. Krauss asked about financial goals and staying competitive in each category. 09:52:25 PM (03:54:33) Presentation—Recycling Rate Recommendations Mr. Pasternack reviewed the rates for recycling,temporary dumpster,commercial dumpster, commercial roll-off. He reviewed the five-year reserve forecast based on recommended rates. 09:59:45 PM (04:01:53) Meeting Extended Mayor Andrus extended the meeting to 10:15 PM. 10:02:09 PM (04:04:17)Questions of Presenter Cr. Cunningham asked about the percentage of households that have blue carts versus green carts. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the commercial dumpster collections per week. Mayor Andrus asked about the five year reserve forecast with regard to the number of reserve days. DM Mehl asked about reevaluating rates in the future based on growth rates. 10:13:25 PM (04:15:33) Meeting Extended Mayor Andrus extended the meeting to 10:30 PM. 10:13:57 PM (04:16:05) Discussion Cr. Cunningham stated he agrees with getting closer to cost of service with commercial is fair to residents and aligning our rates is the right direction. He talked about the goal of creating diversion and other ways of doing so. 10:17:37 PM (04:19:45) Public Comment There was no public comment. 10:17:48 PM (04:19:56) Discussion Continued DM Mehl talked about the 35-45 gallon recycling tote flat rate versus the 65 gallon tote increasing rates. He talked about conducting demonstration projects for smaller totes used because of cost advantages. Cr. Krauss does not support bumping rates up for the smallest tote because that's all people can afford. He talked about the cost of recycling going up. Cr. Pomeroy supports positive net revenue over the next five years for commercial dumpster and roll- off. Mayor Andrus generally supports the recommendations.She would like to look at other ways of incentivizing more recycling. Cr. Krauss talked about some homeowners associations requiring containers be kept inside and how Page 11 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 much room that requires. Mayor Andrus commented on the possibility of other recycling options that would allow room for inside storage. Consider the motion:No motion is required, advertised as action item so the commission may direct staff as necessary. 6. 10:28:15 PM (04:30:23)Appointment to the Design Review Board (DRB) (Sweeney) a 10:28:18 PM (04:30:26) Public Comment There was no public comment. 10:28:32 PM (04:30:40)Motion to appoint Lotus Grenier to the Design Review Board,Architect position, with a term ending June 30,2021. Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd 10:28:47 PM (04:30:55) Vote on the Motion to appoint Lotus Grenier to the Design Review Board, Architect position, with a term ending June 30,2021. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve 7. 10:28:57 PM (04:31:05)Appointment to the Midtown Urban Renewal Board (MURB) (Sweeney) a 10:29:02 PM (04:31:10) Public Comment There was no public comment. 10:29:08 PM (04:31:16)Motion to appoint Madeline Roche,non-voting member appointed by City Commission position, to the Midtown Urban Renewal Board with a term ending January 31,2022. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Page 12 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 10:29:27 PM (04:31:35) Vote on the Motion to appoint Madeline Roche, non-voting member appointed by City Commission position, to the Midtown Urban Renewal Board with a term ending January 31,2022. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-1-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve J. 10:29:41 PM (04:31:49) FYI/Discussion • Cr. Krauss talked about a letter the commission received today regarding service contracts and suggested people in older parts of town may be interested. • Mayor Andrus again reminded the commission of the mill levy discussion on September 9th and if there are other amendments, let CM Surratt know so the public can be appropriately notified. The commission further discussed clarifications to the process. K. 10:32:17 PM (04:34:25)Adjournment Mayor Andrus adjourned the meeting at 10:32 PM. Cy thia L.Andrus Mayor ATTEST: 13 Robin Crough C,•� --1aa3 ••'��` City Clerk TIN CO Page 13 of 14 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,August 19,2019 PREPARED BY: Brenda leeney Deputy City Clerk Approved on: Scplc� In Page 14 of 14