HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-23-19 City Commission Packet Materials - A6. Hobson Historic NCOA and Deviation Request for Garage Setback19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. Third Ave. Historic Neighborhood Certificate of Appropriateness and Deviation Request Application Date: City Commission Public Hearing is on September 23, 2019 Project Description: Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application to extend an existing garage which footprint lies in front of the front house façade. With the proposed increase of 7’ further in front of the house façade, the applicant is requesting a deviation to the residential garage setback standards. Project Location: 1310 S. Third Avenue. BUTTE Add, S18, T02 S, R06 E, Block 17, Lot 19 - 21, Sqft. 11.360, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana Recommendation: Denial Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the staff findings as presented in the staff report for application 19260 that the application does not meet criteria required for approval and move to deny the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. application for a Certificate of Appropriateness application and deviation request to allow the construction of a garage extension past the house front facade. Report Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Staff Contacts: Phillipe Gonzalez, Historic Preservation Specialist Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi-judicial) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues Staff was unable to make findings in support of this project. While the proposed addition meets the standards for certificate of appropriateness in Section 38.340.050, and the standards in the Design Guidelines for Neighborhood Conservation and Historic Preservation, it is not meeting the first deviation criteria that the modification be more historically appropriate for the building and site in question. If the Commission decides to approve the garage setback deviation they should state findings regarding how this deviation contributes to the overall historic character of the surrounding area under code standard 38.340.070.A.1. Project Summary Zoning deviation request to extend an existing garage, which currently extends 15’-8” past the main house façade, 7’ towards S. 3rd Ave, totaling 22’-8” projecting in front of the front 573 19087, Staff Report for the 724 N. Bozeman Deviation (NCOA) Page 2 of 21 house facade. With the proposed increase, the applicant is requesting a garage setback standard deviation to extend their garage The property is located in the southern corner of an R-1, Residential Single-Household Low Density zoning district. Various other zoning districts including R-4, Residential High Density, R-O, Residential Office, R-2, Residential Two-Household, Medium Density and B- 1, Neighborhood Business surround the applicant’s district. Pursuant to Section of the Bozeman Municipal Code, the City Commission retains itself under all circumstances the review of any deviation request where the deviation is for more than 20% of the standard. Where the current standard is a minimum, all residential garages in single to four-household uses residential garages facing the street must be at least four feet behind the front façade of the structure. The existing garage currently sits in front of the existing front house façade. The proposed increase of 7” towards S. 3rd Ave. of the garage footprint requires a deviation request greater than 20% of the standard and therefore requires the review and decision of the City Commission. Section 38.340.050.D. BMC, Standards for certificates of appropriateness, states that when reviewing a contemporary, non-period, or innovative design for new structures or additions to existing structures, the review authority must be guided by the design guidelines for the neighborhood conservation overlay district to determine whether the proposal is compatible with any existing or surrounding structures. A description of the NCOD Guidelines review criteria and staff evaluation is in Section 5 of this report. The application must also meet the standards for granting deviations in Section 38.340.070, BMC. A description and staff evaluation of these standards is in Section 5 of this report. No public comment has been received as of writing this staff report. Alternatives 1. Approve the application with the following motion: “Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby find [state positive findings for criteria in Section 5] for application 19260 and move to approve the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. application for a Historic Neighborhood Certificate of Appropriateness application and deviation request to allow the construction of a garage extension 22’-8” past the main house front facade within the current zoning regulations required front setback, subject to all applicable code provisions. 2. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to Staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. 574 19087, Staff Report for the 724 N. Bozeman Deviation (NCOA) Page 3 of 21 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 1 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 1 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 1 - MAP AND PLAN SERIES ............................................................................... 4 SECTION 2 – PROPOSED DESIGN....................................................................................... 7 SECTION 3 - REQUESTED DEVIATION ........................................................................... 12 SECTION 4 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS ...................................... 12 SECTION 5 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ........................................................... 12 Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.230.070 and 38.340, BMC. ....................... 13 NCOD Design Guidelines Review Criteria (reference pages 19-91) ............................... 14 Criteria for Granting Deviations ....................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY............................... 19 APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND.............. 20 APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ................................................... 21 APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF ........................... 21 FISCAL EFFECTS ................................................................................................................. 21 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................... 21 575 19087, Staff Report for the 724 N. Bozeman Deviation (NCOA) Page 4 of 21 SECTION 1 - MAP AND PLAN SERIES ZONING 576 19087, Staff Report for the 724 N. Bozeman Deviation (NCOA) Page 5 of 21 LAND USE – CURRENT 577 19087, Staff Report for the 724 N. Bozeman Deviation (NCOA) Page 6 of 21 LAND USE – FUTURE 578 Page 7 of 21 SECTION 2 – PROPOSED DESIGN Exisitng - Demo Revisions 07-15-19 Revisions 07-15-19 Revisions 07-15-19 579 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 8 of 21 Proposed - Complete Revisions 07-15-19 Revisions 07-15-19 580 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 9 of 21 Revisions 07-15-19 581 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 10 of 21 Exisitng Floor Plan Revisions 07-15-19 582 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 11 of 21 Rear Addition Proposed Floor Plan Rear Addition Privacy Fence Existing Garage Wall Proposed Garage Wall Front Facade Garage addition will create a mudroom and basement access via staircase. Garage projects 22’-8” past front house Revisions 07-15-19 583 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 12 of 21 SECTION 3 - REQUESTED DEVIATION One deviation from the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) is being requested with this application. A deviation from Section 38.350.070 BMC, residential garage setback standards, is requested. Pursuant to Section 38.350.070 BMC, all street facing garages must be setback a minimum of 4’ behind the front façade of the structure in all single to four-household residences. Currently the garage sits 15’-8” in front of the front façade facing the street. The applicant is proposing to expand the garage by constructing an additional 7’of garage space along the street facing façade, creating a garage set 22’-8” in front of the front façade along South Third Avenue. SECTION 4 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS The proposed application and associated deviation request requires the review and decision of the City Commission. The City Commission retains itself under all circumstances the review of any deviation request where the deviation is for more than 20% of the standard. Staff’s position is denial on the application. The Unified Development Code requires all street facing garages to be setback 4’ front the front façade. The applicant is proposing to increase the non-conforming status of the garage location in relation to front façade of the structure. While staff was able to make positive findings for all design criteria for the NCOA, staff cannot make positive findings for all the deviation criteria because it has not been demonstrated that expanding the current garage footprint is more historically appropriate for the building and site. The City Commission will consider the proposal on September 23, 2019. The City Commission public hearing will occur at 121 North Rouse Avenue, Bozeman MT, in the City Commission room at 6 p.m. SECTION 5 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, and plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis in this report is a summary of the completed review. The design of the proposed addition meets the design guidelines set forth in the Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD). See below for details and discussion on the applicable “NCOD Design Guidelines” that staff finds have been ‘met’, ‘not met’ or ‘neutral’. 584 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 13 of 21 Applicable Plan Review Criteria, Section 38.230.070 and 38.340, BMC. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. In considering applications for plan approval, the review authority and advisory bodies evaluate the following criteria. This application must be reviewed for compliance with all applicable requirements of this BMC chapter including overlay district requirements. Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District Review Criteria The adopted NCOD Design Guidelines convey general policies and goals that are meant to be followed in order to make consistent decisions about the treatment of historic resources. The following paragraphs are excerpts from the Introduction section Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation and the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD), pages 1-16. “Introduction Historic preservation and neighborhood conservation are well-established parts of city planning in Bozeman. Over the past decades, the community has initiated preservation initiatives to protect the many historic districts and older traditional neighborhoods that remain as reminders of the City’s heritage. While change continues to occur in response to varying community goals and economic conditions, preserving Bozeman’s heritage remains a primary goal of the community. These design guidelines are written for use by City Staff, property owners, residents and others to foster the preservation of historic residential and commercial districts and to maintain the traditional character of the broader Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD). A primary design goal for Bozeman is to preserve the integrity of its individual historic structures and the character of its streetscapes in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. To maintain the character of a historic building, design elements such as form, mass and materials should be considered in any alteration. The relationship each building has with other neighborhood design elements is also important, as well as the hierarchy of site elements, such as street trees, front yards, walkways and accessory structures. In general, properties must be at least 50 years old before they can be evaluated for potential historic significance, although exceptions do exist when a more recent property clearly has historical value. A property may be significance can’t for one or more of the following reasons: • Association with events that contributed to the broad patterns of history, the lives of significance can’t people or the understanding of a community’s prehistory or history. 585 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 14 of 21 • Construction and design associated with distinctive characteristics of a building type, period or construction method. • An example of an architect or master craftsman or an expression of particularly high artistic values. • Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association that form a district. • An established and familiar natural setting or visual feature of the community. As stated in the UDC, “the intent and purpose of the conservation district designation is to stimulate the restoration and rehabilitation of structures, and all other elements contributing to the character and fabric of established residential neighborhoods and commercial or industrial areas.” NCOD Design Guidelines Review Criteria (reference pages 19-91) Type of Work: New construction (addition to existing home) in the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, but outside a Historic District. Chapter 1. Rehabilitation Guidelines for Historic Properties Not Applicable Chapter 2. Design Guidelines for All Properties Applicable A. Topography 1. Minimize cut and fill on a site. NA 2. Design a building foundation to conform to the existing topography, rather than creating extensive cut and fill. NA 3. Minimize the visual impacts of cut and fill on a site. NA Notes: No additional site work or changes in topography of the property are part of the project scope. B. Street Patterns 1. Respect historic settlement patterns. NA C. Alleys 1. Unpaved lanes contribute to the distinct character of the neighborhood; therefore, they should continue in their “rustic” state, when feasible. NA 2. The traditional scale and width of alleys should be continued. NA Notes: An addition of 2’ of the master bedroom along the rear east façade will have a minimal to impact on traditional scale along alley. D. Streetscape 1. Maintain the variety of street paving designs. NA 2. Maintain the variety of sidewalk designs. NA 586 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 15 of 21 3. Continue the use of planting strips. NA 4. Continue the pattern of street trees in a block. Because street trees serve various aesthetic and practical functions, they should be maintained. NA Notes: No changes to the street, sidewalk, boulevard strips, or street trees are proposed. E. Landscape Design 1. Preserve and maintain mature trees and significant vegetation within all corridors. NA Notes: No trees are purported to be removed on lot. F. Building Form 1. Use building forms that are similar to those seen traditionally on the block. Met 2. Exotic building and roof forms that would detract from the visual continuity of the street are discouraged. Met Notes: Project will maintain existing roof forms. G. Solid-to-Void Ratio 1. Use a ratio of solid-to-void (wall-to-window) that is similar to that found on historic structures in the district. Met Notes: The modification of existing fenestration patterns will be altered along the front façade though are found to meet the design guidelines, representing mid-century elements. H. Materials 1. Use building materials that appear similar to those used traditionally in the area. Met 2. The use of masonry that appears similar in character to that seen historically is appropriate. NA 3. New materials that are similar in character to traditional materials may be acceptable with appropriate detailing. Met 4. Use building materials that contribute to the traditional sense of scale of the block. Met Notes: Materials proposed are primarily cedar beveled siding, a material commonly seen throughout the neighborhood. I. Architectural Character 1. The imitation of older historic styles is discouraged for newer structures. N/A 2. Contemporary interpretations of traditional details are encouraged. N/A J. Parking Complies 587 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 16 of 21 1. Minimize the visual impact of surface parking in residential neighborhoods. NA 2. Locate a surface lot in the interior of a block whenever possible. NA 3. Site a surface lot so it will minimize gaps in the continuous building wall of a commercial block. NA 4. Where a parking lot abuts a public sidewalk, provide a visual buffer. NA Notes: There are no proposed changes to parking. The application does not propose any changes to the required parking. K. Buffers Complies 1. Landscape buffers should be provided along edges of parking and service areas. NA Notes: No site development such as parking, storage and equipment areas that would create unavoidable negative visual impact on abutting properties or the public way. Not applicable. L. Site Lighting Complies 1. Lighting shall be shielded to prevent any off-site glare. N/A Notes: No new lighting is proposed through application. M. Utilities and Service Areas Complies 1. Orient service entrances, waste disposal areas and other similar uses toward service lanes and away from major streets. NA 2. Position service areas to minimize conflicts with other abutting uses. NA Notes: Public and private utilities currently service the site. Chapter 3. Guidelines for Residential Character Areas Applicable A. Hierarchy of Public and Private Space 1. Provide a front yard similar in character to its neighbors when possible. N/A 2. Provide a walkway from the street to the building. NA 3. Orient the front porch to the street. NA 4. Clearly define the primary entrance by using a front porch. Met Notes: The proposed front fence has an articulated entrance to distinguish the primary entrance. B. Building Mass and Scale 1. Construct a new building to be similar in mass and scale to those single household residences seen traditionally. NA 2. On larger structures, step down a building’s height toward the street, neighboring structures and the rear of the lot. NA 3. On larger structures, subdivide larger masses into smaller “modules” that are similar to single household residences seen traditionally. NA 588 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 17 of 21 4. The front wall of a structure should not exceed two stories in height. The Primary plane of the front should not appear taller than those of typical historic structures on the block. NA 5. A façade should appear similar in dimension to those seen traditionally in the neighborhood. NA Notes: Proposed project is a modification of an existing structure and not new construction. Modifications are generally maintaining existing mass and scale. C. Roof Form 1. Use roof forms that are similar to those seen traditionally on the block. Met Notes: Proposed project scope keeps existing original butterfly or slant roof style. D. Secondary Structures Not Applicable 1. A new secondary structure should be subordinate in height to those buildings seen traditionally along the street front. 2. Locate secondary buildings to the rear. 3. Locate a garage such that its visual impacts will be minimized is encouraged. Notes: Not applicable. E. Multi-Household Not Applicable 1. Retaining an existing single household building that contributes to the established character of the neighborhood in a multi-household project is encouraged. 2. Minimize the perceived scale of a multi-household building. 3. Use traditional features that will convey a human scale. 4. A new multi-household building should be within the range of heights seen traditionally in the neighborhood. 5. A primary building face should not exceed the width of a typical single household building in a similar context. 6. The proportions of window and door opening should be similar to those traditionally in the neighborhood. 7. Brick, stone and painted wood are preferred primary building materials. 8. Orient a primary entrance to the street, when feasible. 9. Provide some useful, functional common open space that can be enjoyed by all residents in the development. 589 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 18 of 21 10. Minimize the visual impacts of multi-household garages. 11. Design a surface lot with landscaping. Notes: Not applicable. F. Fences and Retaining Walls 1. A new fence should be in character with those seen traditionally. Met 2. A new retaining wall should be in character with those seen traditionally. NA Notes: Screening fence of the proposed project are common design elements seen on the Contemporary residential architectural style. Chapter 4. Guidelines for the Commercial Character Area Not Applicable Chapter 5. District Specific Descriptions and Guidelines Not Applicable Criteria for Granting Deviations Pursuant to Section 38.340.070 BMC, there are three criteria for granting deviations from the underlying zoning requirement. 1. Modifications must be more historically appropriate for the building and site in question and the adjacent properties, as determined by the standards in Section 38.340.050, than would be achieved under a literal enforcement of this chapter. The structure was constructed in approximately 1952 in the Contemporary architectural style, an architectural form of Modernism. The property has not been surveyed for its historic integrity though appears to have had little to no modifications; though does not currently met the definition of “historic structure” in Sec.38.700.090 Section 38.340.070 states in part: “In order to encourage restoration, rehabilitation and appropriate new construction activity that would contribute to the overall historic character of the community, deviations from underlying zoning requirements may be granted…” If the Commission decides to approve the application, they should state findings regarding how this deviation contributes to the overall historic character of the surrounding area. Section 38.340.050 included in Criterion 1 references five standards for certificates of appropriateness: Item A references the Secretary of the Interior’s standards for historic buildings. As this building is not itself historic the application of these standards are limited. Item B addresses generally applicable architectural guidelines for appropriateness. Staff finds that this addition meets all applicable design standards. Item C encourages contemporary design structures if new construction does not destroy significant historical, cultural or architectural structures and if their components are compatible with the foregoing elements of the structure and surrounding structure. The proposal is compatible with the existing structure. 590 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 19 of 21 Item D: when reviewing contemporary, non-period, or innovative design for new structures or additions to existing structures, the review authority must be guided by the design guidelines for the neighborhood conservation overlay district to determine whether the proposal is compatible with any existing or surrounding structures. See above in this Section 6 for further review of the applicable NCOD design guidelines. Item E, compliance with other development standards in Chapter 38. With the exception of the requested garage setback deviation, staff finds this structure meets all other applicable standards in Chapter 38. Item F, tax abatement is not applicable. 2. Modifications will have minimal adverse effects on abutting properties or the permitted uses thereof. The proposed garage extension of 7’ towards the front property line and continued garage height is oriented towards South Third Avenue and setback 26’-5” from the property line. The garage will have a continued side setback of 12’-4” to the southern neighbor and approximately 48’ to northern neighbor. Structures to the east and west are buffered by public right of way in the form of streets and alleys. The design of the proposed addition uses the continued roof form of the existing garage a slant or shed roof, and materials similar to those seen traditionally in the area. The proposed addition will have minimal adverse effects on the permitted uses of the abutting property. The intended use of the addition is for residential purposes, which is a permitted use and the current use of the building. 3. Modifications must assure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. Approvals may be conditioned to assure such protection, and such conditions may include a time period within which alterations will be completed; landscaping and maintenance thereof; architectural, site plan and landscape design modifications, or any other conditions in conformity with the intent and purpose set forth in this part 1. Staff has identified no barriers to public health, safety and general welfare from the proposed construction. APPENDIX A – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The subject property is zoned R-1 (Residential Low Density zoning district). The intent of the R-1 residential low density district is to “provide for primarily one-household residential development and related uses at urban densities within the city.” Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Residential” in the Bozeman Community Plan. The Plan indicates that, “This category designates places where the 591 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 20 of 21 primary activity is urban density dwellings. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. High density residential areas should be established in close proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. Implementation of this category by residential zoning should provide for and coordinate intensive residential uses in proximity to commercial centers. The residential designation indicates that it is expected that development will occur within municipal boundaries, which may require annexation prior to development. The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies between 6 and 32 dwellings per net acre. A higher density may be considered in some locations and circumstances. A variety of housing types can be blended to achieve the desired density. Large areas of single type housing are discouraged. In limited instances the strong presence of constraints and natural features such as floodplains may cause an area to be designated for development at a lower density than normally expected within this category. All residential housing should be arranged with consideration of compatibility with adjacent development, natural constraints such as watercourses or steep slopes, and in a fashion which advances the overall goals of the Bozeman growth policy. The residential designation is intended to provide the primary locations for additional housing within the planning area.” APPENDIX B – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The Planning Division received an application for a Historic Neighborhood Certificate of Appropriateness application (NCOA) on June 25, 2019 and a corrections letter was sent on July 05, 2019. Revisions were received on July 15, 2019. A Deviation Application were received August 30, 2019. After communicating with the applicant the application materials received September 5, 2019 were able to be deemed adequate for continued review and the City Commission hearing and noticing was scheduled. The subject application is a request for the City Commission to review and approve a deviation and NCOA. The application is proposing the extension of an existing garage to extend 22’-8” in front of the front house façade to an existing home within the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, but outside of a Historic District. The property is addressed at 1310 South Third Avenue and is legally described as BUTTE Add, S18, T02 S, R06 E, Block 17, Lot 19 - 21, SqFt. 11.360, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. It is located along the east side of South Third Avenue and is zoned R-1. A zoning deviation is being requested to allow this construction to occur 22’-8” from the front house facade facing South Third Avenue, where the R-1 zoning single to four-household residential uses of parking and garages are required. The existing home garage was previously constructed 15’-8” in front of the existing front house facade, and predates the parking and garage setback for single to four-household residential uses standard. 592 19260, Staff Report for the 1310 S. 3rd Ave. Deviation (NCOA) Page 21 of 21 The proposed addition would be constructed as a continuation of the existing original approximaetly1952 garage. Staff has not analyzed the potential for an alternative design path that would not require the construction of an extension of the garage. Pursuant to Section 38.200.010 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, the City Commission retains itself under all circumstances the review of any deviation request where the deviation is for more than 20% of the standard. The applicant is proposing to construct an addition to garage which currently sits 15’-8” in front of the front house façade. Since the current standard is a minimum 4’ setback behind the front house facade, the deviation requested is greater than 20% of the standard and therefore requires the review and decision of the City Commission. APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Noticing was provided pursuant to Section 38.40.030, BMC. Notice was sent to property owners within 200 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property via USPS first class mail On September 5, 2019 which was at least 15 and not more than 45 days prior to the expected decision by the City Commission. Notice was published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on September 8th and September 15. A 24” x 36” notice sign was posted on site on September 8, 2019. No public comment has been received as of writing this staff report. APPENDIX D – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner/Applicant: Edward Hobson, 1310 S. 3rd Ave, Bozeman, MT 59715 Representative: Same as owner Report By: Phillipe Gonzalez, Historic Preservation Specialist FISCAL EFFECTS No unusual fiscal effects have been identified. No presently budgeted funds will be changed by this application. ATTACHMENTS The full application and file of record (#19260) can be viewed at the Bozeman Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. A project summary, copy of the public notice, and a plan set can be found online at: http://weblink.bozeman.net/WebLink8/0/fol/186295/Row1.aspx Application Documents Application Plans 593 594 595 596 597 Deviation West Elevation West Elevation Proposed House to South The code states (sec.38.350.070.C-2) that the garage is to be 4 feet behind the front of the house. We wish to propose a deviation on this already non conforming residential house. There are a couple benefits to this proposition. One is with the current proposed design the illegal basement apart will be conjoined with the main house making the house retain its single family zoning and building purpose. Two, the proposed design will retain the aesthetics of the mid century modern house designed by locally known Architect, Ozzie Berg. This will be the only deviation proposed, with the garage extended toward the street the garage still remains 15 feet behind the setback. To help with the retracted garage look set forth by the code some years ago; we are designing an outdoor room (court yard). The intent is to maintain the aesthetic of the 4 foot garage setback by putting in an 6 foot privacy wall, in essence emulating and satisfying the code. 598 House to South This is a single family home and will remain a single family. The roof pitch will remain the same. The existing exterior walls to be demolished are the West wall of the garage as well as the Northern portion of the East facade. The garage will be extended 5' towards 3rd Ave and the roof will extend as well. The East wall will be extended 2' and will not effect the existing roof plan. The remodel will add 137sf of living space on the main level by extending the garage 5' to create a mudroom as well as the removal of internal walls. Windows will be added to the North, East, South and West facades. Some exisitng windows will be converted to combination fixed and awning windows. A 6' tall fence will be added to the front yard. NarrativeExisting Facades to be Demolished and adjusted West Elevation North west Corner House to North South East Corner 599 0Ia;inrH^in0< ^ ?3lit-s-°Ims s -^Is? 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Reuse, reproduction or publication by any method, in whole or in part, is prohibited. This drawing is classified as part of an unpublished collection of visual art under the 1978 copyright act. It is an exclusive work of original authorship. None of the pictorial graphic or technical charts or drawings depicted on this sheet may be reproduced by any method, includung tracing or photocopying, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by means electronic, mechanical or otherwise; nor may they be used or re-used for any purpose without the express prior written permissionof the author. Title and ownership remains with the author without rejudice. Visual contact with these plans shall constitute prima facie evidence of the acceptance of these restrictions.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. SCALE:DRAWN:PROJECT NO:DATE:Project Description:Design Intent Warning:GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL WORK, INCLUDING STRUCTURAL, ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SHALL CONFORM TO THE 2012 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, 2012 IRC, IPC, 2012 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE, 2014 NEC, 2012 IFGC AND MUNICIPALITY OF LOCAL AMENDMENTS. 2. ALL STAIRS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM TREAD OF 10" AND A MAXIMUM RISE OF 7 3/4" 3. GUARDRAILS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 42" WITH NO OPENINGS GREATER THAN 4". 4. ALL ESCAPE WINDOWS FROM BEDROOMS SHALL HAVE A NET CLEAR OPENING 5.7 SF. AND A MAXIMUM SILL HEIGHT OF 44". 5. ALL MODEL NUMBERS FOR BUILDERS HARDWARE ARE BASED ON "SIMPSON" HARDWARE. 6. EXHAUST VENTILATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE TO OUTSIDE AIR AND HAVE BACKDRAFT DAMPERS. 7. ALL ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE CONTINUOUS EAVE AND RIDGE VENTS. 8. ALL CRAWL SPACES SHALL HAVE OPERABLE FOUNDATION VENTS WITH A NET AREA OF 1 SF PER 150 SF OF FLOOR AREA. 9. ALL WOOD WITHIN 8" OF EARTH SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED. 10. ALL TUB AND SHOWER ENCLOSURES SHALL BE WR GWB PER IBC. 11. PROVIDE 1-HOUR FIRE SEPARATION BETWEEN GARAGE AND LIVING UNIT. 12. CRIPPLE WALLS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 14" HIGH OR OF SOLID BLOCKING. 13. ALL EXTERIOR DOORS AND WINDOWS SHALL HAVE WEATHER STRIPPING 14. OUTLETS LOCATED IN GARAGE SHALL BE A MINIUMUM OF 42" ABOVE FLOOR AND GFCI PROTECTED. 15. ALL BEARING HEADERS SHALL BE BUILT UP 4" X 12" (UNLESS SPECIFIED) 16.ALL POSTS SHALL BE 6" X 6" WITH POST BASE AND COLUMN CAPS. 17. FRAMING PLANS ARE PARTIALLY SCHEMATIC. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EXTRA JOISTS UNDER ALL PARTITIONS RUNNING PARALLEL WITH THE JOISTS AND EXTRA BLOCKING UNDER ALL PARTITIONS RUNNING TRANSVERSE TO JOISTS. As indicated9/17/2019 10:09:50 AMA00Cover SheetHobson RemodelEdward & Dawn Hobson1310 S. 3rd Ave. Bozeman, MTDrawing IndexARCHITECTURALA00 Cover SheetA1.0 Site Plan/StormwaterA2.0 Overall Floor PlanA2.1 BasementA3.0 Elevations - Existing +DemoA3.1 Elevations - Existing +DemoA3.2 Elevations - CompleteA3.3 Elevations - CompleteProject Image604 S 3rd AveDrive AccessAlleyProperty LineSide Setback76' - 0"163' - 9 11/32"7' - 4 9/16"5' - 0"20' - 9 1/4"Existing treesExisting treeExisting tree12' - 4 9/16"26' - 5 7/16"15' - 0"Existing tree24' - 0"7' - 0"Existing treesExisting trees6' - 0"Rear Setback11' - 5 7/16"Front SetbackSide SetbackRequired Parking24' - 0"7' - 0"Parking24' - 0"7' - 0"Parking5' - 0"Property LinePrivacy fence / wallenclosing outdoorroom to satisfy deviation requirementsGarage Extension -DeviationSec.38.350.070.C-28' - 4 7/16"Proposed newfront entrance to satisfydeviation requirements11' - 0"22' - 0"Required Parking9' - 0"20' - 0"Required ParkingGraveledSCALE:DRAWN:PROJECT NO:Contractor Note: All site conditions and dimensions to be varified on-site. Inform Architect of design discrepancies.DATE: 1/16" = 1'-0"9/17/2019 10:09:50 AMA1.0Site Plan/StormwaterHobson RemodelEdward & Dawn Hobson1310 S. 3rd Ave. Bozeman, MTAuthorn 1/16" = 1'-0"10 Site PlanLot Area: .267 Acres or 11,630.5 sfLot Coverage: 20%Floor area ratio: .2:1Existing Livable: 2,150 sfProposed Livable: 2, 313 sf605 DNDNDN4' - 11 1/2"8' - 3 1/4"10' - 6 1/2"11' - 8 9/16"4' - 9"2' - 10"13' - 10 3/4"3' - 6 1/2"5' - 1"2' - 0"10' - 9 3/4"1' - 5"14' - 1 3/4"3' - 0 9/16"6' - 1 3/8"7' - 9"9' - 11 1/2"1' - 11 1/2"9' - 7"1' - 11 1/2"26' - 6 3/8"14' - 9 1/4"3' - 4 1/4"13' - 6"22' - 0"8' - 8 9/16"11' - 0 3/8"9' - 10 7/8"25' - 0 3/16"22' - 10 1/4"11' - 0 1/2"3' - 0"12' - 6 1/2"14' - 4 5/8"14' - 1 3/4"8' - 5"7' - 4 1/4"8' - 3 1/4"10' - 8 9/16"3' - 0"6' - 0"8' - 5"3' - 0"14' - 0 3/4"6' - 0"7' - 0"15' - 10"11' - 9 7/8"7' - 8 3/4"15' - 6"18' - 3 5/8"7' - 0"Existing Garage Wall2' - 0"-0' - 11"-0' - 11"-0' - 11"Bench4' - 3 3/8"REFRoof overhang3' - 0"7' - 9"304 SFGarage147 SFMaster Bed Room118 SFBed room61 SFBathroom579 SFLiving / Kitchen137 SFMudroomPrivacy fence / wallenclosing outdoorroom to satisfy deviation requirementsGarage Extension -DeviationSec.38.350.070.C-2Proposed newfront entrance to satisfydeviation requirementsSCALE:DRAWN:PROJECT NO:Contractor Note: All site conditions and dimensions to be varified on-site. Inform Architect of design discrepancies.DATE: 1/8" = 1'-0"9/17/2019 10:09:51 AMA2.0Overall Floor PlanHobson RemodelEdward & Dawn Hobson1310 S. 3rd Ave. Bozeman, MTAuthorn 1/8" = 1'-0"12 First Floor - Existing 1/8" = 1'-0"22 First Floor - Complete606 3' - 2 1/2"1' - 1"3' - 0"11' - 10"5' - 5"5' - 5"14' - 2"9' - 2"6' - 3 3/4"10' - 6 1/2"7' - 6"4' - 10 7/8"10' - 0"13' - 11"2' - 11 3/8"6' - 11"1' - 10"1' - 6"8' - 1"10' - 7 5/8"13' - 2 3/4"12' - 10 1/2"9' - 2"6' - 1"7' - 4 1/2"5' - 8 1/2"1' - 9 1/4"3' - 8 1/2"2' - 10"Existing egress windowExisting egress windowExisting egress window10' - 6 1/2"16' - 3 3/4"4' - 10 7/8"10' - 0"16' - 3 3/4"10' - 7 5/8"6' - 4 1/4"10' - 7 5/8"8' - 2 1/4"8' - 9 1/4"11' - 4 3/4"25' - 1 1/4"4' - 10 7/8"14' - 10 3/4"3' - 2 1/2"Existing egress windowExisting egress window10' - 7 5/8"173 SFRoom49 SFBathroom164 SFBedroom379 SFLiving Room68 SFMech. Room72 SFLaundrySCALE:DRAWN:PROJECT NO:Contractor Note: All site conditions and dimensions to be varified on-site. Inform Architect of design discrepancies.DATE: 1/8" = 1'-0"9/17/2019 10:09:51 AMA2.1BasementHobson RemodelEdward & Dawn Hobson1310 S. 3rd Ave. Bozeman, MTAuthor 1/8" = 1'-0"11 Basement - Existing 1/8" = 1'-0"21 Basement - Completen607 FFE0' - 0"T.O. Ridge10' - 4 23/32"FFE0' - 0"T.O. Ridge10' - 4 23/32"SCALE:DRAWN:PROJECT NO:Contractor Note: All site conditions and dimensions to be varified on-site. Inform Architect of design discrepancies.DATE: 1/8" = 1'-0"9/17/2019 10:09:52 AMA3.0Elevations - Existing+ DemoHobson RemodelEdward & Dawn Hobson1310 S. 3rd Ave. Bozeman, MTAuthor 1/8" = 1'-0"1North Elevation - Existing + Demo 1/8" = 1'-0"2West Elevation - Existing + Demo608 FFE0' - 0"T.O. Ridge10' - 4 23/32"FFE0' - 0"T.O. Ridge10' - 4 23/32"SCALE:DRAWN:PROJECT NO:Contractor Note: All site conditions and dimensions to be varified on-site. Inform Architect of design discrepancies.DATE: 1/8" = 1'-0"9/17/2019 10:09:53 AMA3.1Elevations - Existing+ DemoHobson RemodelEdward & Dawn Hobson1310 S. 3rd Ave. Bozeman, MTAuthor 1/8" = 1'-0"1South Elevation - Existing + Demo 1/8" = 1'-0"2East Elevation - Existing + Demo609 FFE0' - 0"T.O. Ridge10' - 4 23/32"3' - 0 1/4"3' - 5 1/2"14' - 6 3/4"3' - 7 11/16"3' - 0 3/4"3' - 7 11/16"7' - 2 3/4"9' - 10 1/2"8' - 7 1/2"3' - 7 11/16"Existing roof with darkened fasciaCedar beveled sidingpainted dark gray/charcoalExisting brick, painted to match sidingPrivacy fence / wallenclosing outdoorroom to satisfy deviation requirementsGarage Extension - DeviationSec.38.350.070.C-2Proposed newfront entrance to satisfydeviation requirementsFFE0' - 0"T.O. Ridge10' - 4 23/32"4' - 10 1/2"6' - 5 1/8"4' - 2 13/32"2' - 10"1' - 11 15/32"5' - 11 1/4"1' - 10 1/2"4' - 2 13/32"2' - 10"1' - 11 15/32"Existing roof with darkened fasciaCedar beveled sidingpainted dark gray/charcoalExisting brick, painted to match sidingExisting roof with darkened fasciaCedar beveled sidingpainted dark gray/charcoalExisting brick, painted to match sidingPrivacy fence / wallenclosing outdoorroom to satisfy deviation requirementsGarage Extension - DeviationSec.38.350.070.C-2SCALE:DRAWN:PROJECT NO:Contractor Note: All site conditions and dimensions to be varified on-site. Inform Architect of design discrepancies.DATE: 1/8" = 1'-0"9/17/2019 10:09:55 AMA3.2Elevations -CompleteHobson RemodelEdward & Dawn Hobson1310 S. 3rd Ave. Bozeman, MTAuthor 1/8" = 1'-0"1West Elevation - Complete 1/8" = 1'-0"3North Elevation - Complete610 FFE0' - 0"T.O. Ridge10' - 4 23/32"4' - 0 5/8"4' - 0 5/8"4' - 1 5/8"6' - 5 7/8"4' - 3 29/32"2' - 0 31/32"Existing roof with darkened fasciaCedar beveled sidingpainted dark gray/charcoalPrivacy fence / wallenclosing outdoorroom to satisfy deviation requirementsGarage Extension - DeviationSec.38.350.070.C-2FFE0' - 0"T.O. Ridge10' - 4 23/32"3' - 7 27/32"3' - 7 27/32"3' - 7 27/32"6' - 5 7/8"4' - 3 21/32"4' - 0 5/8"4' - 0 5/8"4' - 0 5/8"4' - 0 5/8"6' - 5 7/8"4' - 3 29/32"2' - 1 31/32"2' - 1 31/32"4' - 0 5/8"4' - 0 5/8"7' - 2 3/4"Existing roof with darkened fasciaCedar beveled sidingpainted dark gray/charcoalExisting brick, painted to match sidingPrivacy fence / wallenclosing outdoorroom to satisfy deviation requirementsSCALE:DRAWN:PROJECT NO:Contractor Note: All site conditions and dimensions to be varified on-site. Inform Architect of design discrepancies.DATE: 1/8" = 1'-0"9/17/2019 10:09:56 AMA3.3Elevations -CompleteHobson RemodelEdward & Dawn Hobson1310 S. 3rd Ave. Bozeman, MTAuthor 1/8" = 1'-0"1South Elevation - Complete 1/8" = 1'-0"2East Elevation - Complete611 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | A-Series Picture Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/a-series-picture-window/?widIn=55.25&hgtIn=75.25&frameColor=Interior%3b+col…1/2 A-Series Picture Window Interior Exterior SUMMARY To purchase this product or customize it further, take this summary to your Andersen dealer. Product Name A-Series Picture Window Product ID#APW4864 Unit Width 55 1/4" Unit Height 75 1/4" Interior Color Black Glass Low-E4® Glass with HeatLock® Coating − Feedback612 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | A-Series Picture Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/a-series-picture-window/?widIn=55.25&hgtIn=75.25&frameColor=Interior%3b+col…2/2 Grille Pattern None Exterior Color Black Exterior Trim Profile 3.5" Flat Exterior Trim Color Black * Actual wood is sapele, a non-endangered species of mahogany, grown in Africa, with color and characteristics similar to American mahoganies. * Options shown are not available for all products within the series. Computer monitor limitations prevent exact color duplication. For an accurate representation of color options please view actual color samples available at your Andersen window & patio door supplier. Feedback613 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | A-Series Picture Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/a-series-picture-window/?widIn=33.25&hgtIn=51.25&frameColor=Interior%3b+col…1/2 A-Series Picture Window Interior Exterior SUMMARY To purchase this product or customize it further, take this summary to your Andersen dealer. Product Name A-Series Picture Window Product ID#APW21044 Unit Width 33 1/4" Unit Height 51 1/4" Interior Color BlackFeedback 614 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | A-Series Picture Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/a-series-picture-window/?widIn=33.25&hgtIn=51.25&frameColor=Interior%3b+col…2/2 Glass Low-E4® Glass with HeatLock® Coating Grille Pattern None Exterior Color Black Exterior Trim Profile 3.5" Flat Exterior Trim Color Black * Actual wood is sapele, a non-endangered species of mahogany, grown in Africa, with color and characteristics similar to American mahoganies. * Options shown are not available for all products within the series. Computer monitor limitations prevent exact color duplication. For an accurate representation of color options please view actual color samples available at your Andersen window & patio door supplier.Feedback615 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | A-Series Picture Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/a-series-picture-window/?widIn=35.25&hgtIn=35.25&frameColor=Interior%3b+col…1/2 A-Series Picture Window Interior Exterior SUMMARY To purchase this product or customize it further, take this summary to your Andersen dealer. Product Name A-Series Picture Window Product ID#APW3030 Unit Width 35 1/4" Unit Height 35 1/4" Interior Color Black Glass Low-E4® Glass with HeatLock® Coating Grille Pattern None Exterior Color Black Exterior Trim Profile 3.5" Flat Exterior Trim Color Black Feedback616 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | A-Series Picture Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/a-series-picture-window/?widIn=35.25&hgtIn=35.25&frameColor=Interior%3b+col…2/2 * Actual wood is sapele, a non-endangered species of mahogany, grown in Africa, with color and characteristics similar to American mahoganies. * Options shown are not available for all products within the series. Computer monitor limitations prevent exact color duplication. For an accurate representation of color options please view actual color samples available at your Andersen window & patio door supplier. Feedback617 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | E-Series Awning Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/e-series-awning-window/?widIn=32&hgtIn=24&frameColor=Interior%3b+color%3…1/2 E-Series Awning Window Interior Exterior SUMMARY To purchase this product or customize it further, take this summary to your Andersen dealer. Product Name E-Series Awning Window Product ID#AWN2820 Unit Width 32" Unit Height 24" Interior Color Black Glass Low-E4® Glass with HeatLock® Coating Hardware Crank Handle and Operator Cover, Black Grille Pattern None Exterior Frame Color Black Exterior Sash Color Black Exterior Trim Profile 3.5" Flat Casing Exterior Trim Color Black Feedback618 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | E-Series Awning Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/e-series-awning-window/?widIn=32&hgtIn=24&frameColor=Interior%3b+color%3…2/2 * Distressed bronze and oil rubbed bronze are 'living' finishes that will change with time and use. * Actual wood is sapele, a non-endangered species of mahogany, grown in Africa, with color and characteristics similar to American mahoganies. * Options shown are not available for all products within the series. Computer monitor limitations prevent exact color duplication. For an accurate representation of color options please view actual color samples available at your Andersen window & patio door supplier. Feedback619 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | E-Series Awning Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/e-series-awning-window/?widIn=40&hgtIn=36&frameColor=Interior%3b+color%3…1/2 E-Series Awning Window Interior Exterior SUMMARY To purchase this product or customize it further, take this summary to your Andersen dealer. Product Name E-Series Awning Window Product ID#AWN3430 Unit Width 40" Unit Height 36" Interior Color Black Glass Low-E4® Glass Hardware Crank Handle and Operator Cover, Black Grille Pattern None Exterior Frame Color Black Exterior Sash Color Black Exterior Trim Profile 3.5" Flat Casing Feedback620 6/19/2019 Window & Door Design Tool | E-Series Awning Window https://www.andersenwindows.com/ideas-and-inspiration/design-tool/e-series-awning-window/?widIn=40&hgtIn=36&frameColor=Interior%3b+color%3…2/2 Exterior Trim Color Black * Distressed bronze and oil rubbed bronze are 'living' finishes that will change with time and use. * Actual wood is sapele, a non-endangered species of mahogany, grown in Africa, with color and characteristics similar to American mahoganies. * Options shown are not available for all products within the series. Computer monitor limitations prevent exact color duplication. For an accurate representation of color options please view actual color samples available at your Andersen window & patio door supplier. Feedback621