HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 - Design Report - Crestview Subdivision - Lift Station\vInnnnnn0n[I[I[I111. J?'uLLL^p^nrpi^(I r''| [:::.U.J-^Ll-;-i-l-;'lil;2055 ^1—-^lit:^K-^^.Design Report for Lift Station ImprovementsForCRESTVIEW SUBDIVISIONBOZEMAN, MONTANAPrepared For:Crestview Lake, LLCJuly 14,2006Prepared By:. I.T^Qm'da, S^vssi. &i Hf.^h^, Sn^iB^i,.^A... Great Falls • Bozeman • Kalispell • Helena, Montana^f^T^ Spokane, Washington • Lewiston, Idaho^sgl-Ksc-.^'f^ e^s'fwjts.tii^fsstssisy^fE--'^'?>«.,^i[^\Job No. B05-057/^.\/ y^^7 JASViES R^.y\IPIERCE534SI^id-0^.r.i<^Q0',-x-z&•0
nnnfi11n[111nrfIntroductionThe Crestview Subdivision is located in the city limits ofBozeman, Montana. The projectis bounded by Davis Lane on the west. Catamount Street on the south and a high pressuregas line on the north. The subdivision is zoned residential RS and R4, as found in theBozeman Zoning Ordinance.Sewer Lift StationThe proposed onsite sewer improvements include a new sanitary sewer lift station withemergency power generation, a new force main, and a new gravity sewer main. Wedesigned the new lift station to serve the Crestview Subdivision only, after concurrenceby City Engineering personnel. The force main will discharge to the City Of Bozemansewer system at the intersection of Catamount Street and Blackbird.Design flows for the new lift station were based on 38 single family and 300 multi-familyresidential dwelling units. We used 2.54 residents per dwelling unit and 72 gpcd from theCOB design manual. Infiltration of 150 gallons per acre per day was included. We alsoestimated flows from COB Table V-l using R-4 zoned lots at 12.19 people per acre andRS lots at 3.81 people per acre. This method resulted in an unrealistically low estimateand was not used in the final analysis. We also estimated peak flow from a fixture unittally which resulted in a somewhat lower peak flow than shown in Table 1 below so thattoo was not used in the analysis. A copy of the detailed calculations for all three methodsis provided in the appendix.Table 1 - Cresfrview Subdivision Design Flow Estimates[1u[juuuuuSingle Family Dwelling Units 38Multi Family Dwelling Units 300Residents per Dwelling Unit (both) 2.54Average Daily Wastewater Generation (gpcd) 72Infiltration (gpacd) 150Subdivision Area (acres) 42.21Average Daily Wastewater Flow (gpd) 68,145Average Daily Wastewater Flow (gpm) 47.3Subdivision Population 859Max Hour Peaking Factor 3.84Peak Hour Wastewater Flow 182 gpmA peak hour design flow of 225 gpm was chosen to allow selection of higher efficiencypumps for the station. A specification sheet for the Flygt pumps selected at the total
r~nf]nn[I[If1[ILIuuuuuuudynamic head requirement of 26 feet is included in the Appendix.The lift station is designed as a wet well type. In the vicinity of the lift station, the depthto groundwater was monitored weekly from July 2, 2004 through August 18, 2004.Additional information was gathered on October 1, 2004 and June 5, 2006. Theshallowest groundwater depth was recorded in the July 2 to August 18 period with adepth of 2.48 feet (MW5) below ground surface. However, this was not in the immediatevicinity of the proposed lift station. The shallowest groundwater depth in the nearestmonitoring well to the proposed lift station site was 6.0 feet below ground surface. Weassumed a 4.0 foot depth to be worst case scenario for the buoyancy check. Monitoringdata is included in the Appendix.The lift station is designed so that it will not float. A depth of 4.0 feet to groundwater isassumed to be the worst condition. The weight of the concrete structure itself withouttaking into account equipment, concrete fillets or wastewater inside the structure, not tomention soil above the outer edge of the base slab outside will offset the buoyant force ofthe groundwater. Waterstops will be installed at the joint between the walls and the baseslab to help minimize groundwater infiltration into the wet well.The pumps specified are submersible, vertical pedestal chopper style industrial grade.Two pumps are included and will be alternated by the controller. This will provide asecond pump as backup. Each pump will handle the design flow of 225 gpm at theestimated total dynamic head condition.A slide rail hoist system is proposed within the six foot diameter wet well for pumpremoval. Portable ventilation equipment is not proposed as the City of Bozemancurrently has adequate ventilators. Equipment removal from the wet well should be veryinfrequent.The force main proposed is 6-inch diameter C900 DR25 PVC. A Darcy Weischbachsteady state analysis was used to estimate friction loss in the force main and determinetotal dynamic head requirements for the lift station pumps. The results of this analysisare included in the Appendix. The pump design point is 225 gpm at 26 feet of totaldynamic head. At 225 gpm the velocity of the force main is 2.5 feet per second. The forcemain has the capacity to accommodate higher flow rates in the future if necessary.^.^ \fcThe control system will alternate pump starts automa;A diesel^'vo'^emergency^getieratori5^rovi4ed4o yower &e4i£LstarimunJhe^^^x^rimary power failure. The ^-r ^"ygenerator is sized to run a single pump andotlier-acCessories in the building. The pumpswill be "controtted based'urTetevation in the wet well. A wastewater grade pressuretransducer with backup is specified. A timer switch is also included to insure that thepumps cycle at least every thirty minutes during periods when flows are minimal toprevent septicity of the wastewater.A radio telemetry system with antennae and transmitter is proposed that will convey anyalann conditions at the station to City staff. Alann conditions include low building
nnnnnfl[1n[1ki^^'t^117^temperature, unauthorized building access, generator failure to start, and high level in thewet wall. The lift station control system will be as designed, supplied and specified byIAC of Three Forks, IVtontana. A copy of their proposed control system is included in theAppendix.Additional specifics, requested by City staff which will be included in the design are:Sloping roof on the control buildingNo windows in the control buildingSteel doorsDoor locks provided by Bozeman Safe and LockInclusion of a bypass pump pipeLocation of all check and control valves above grade in the buildingInclusion of the Flygt safe hatch on the wet wellLow maintenance building wallsNo grass in the vicinity of the building to reduce maintenanceLocation of the bypass in an all weather locationUse ofMueller resilient seat gate valvesUse of swing check valvesPrimary heat source for the building powered by natural gasForce main to be located at least 2' off of the face of curb and gutterAvoidance of air release valves on the force mainNo trash baskets included in the wet wellInclusion of an anchor for the winch stand to expedite pump removal11uuLIuuuu
nnnnn[1rt_J[jII^i.t~-iII5t.IIIi3oB^IIisSURVEY PURPOSE: TO CREATE: ^FOR CRESTVIEW LAKE. LLCTHE COMMISSIONER OF THIS SURVEY IS CRESWIEW LAKE, LLCVIw;iCATAMOUNT STPRELIMINARY PLAT OF CRESTVIEW SUBDIVISIONAN AMENDED PLAT OF LOT 3, MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 221LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4, SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M.CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNP]', MONTANATOTAL ARM: 42.21 ACRESCOMPUTED PWSE AREAS Err BLOCK"'"" ...-.^I I I ^/-'-[•luLlI:DIJCT:::iTi^T''''''i:;lc"m:a=L::^'^ [ICURVE TABLECURVEC1C3RADIUST^.ooDELTA ANGLE120,00W37'42"S-50'02"CHORD BEARINGNB2"38'32"WS20-22'24'EC5C6C7C8C9C10C11C1ZcnC1+C15CISC17C18C19C2.iC24C25C26C27csaCZ9 IBO.t24-3S'00~24-0 )'T 7"2-4-36'QO'S7B-30-35-*N7a-13'13-E.S7fl-30'35"W10-25-17"10-25-17-2r42'24'21.U125.021404-2^'04'Ws52-ia'4g'E130.00120.0026-36-07-W1fl'50'4T52'44"S76-2a'Q5'E32.21.324-23'07'WN65'23'59T(130.001BO.OO48-18'30'4T52'44"21*42'24"S24-23'07-*fN65-23-59-WS5718'49'E26-36'07-24-01'17'120.00120,006-50'02"50,3121.47S76-28'OS'EN78'13'1.S"E320'22'24'E5-5.1'33't4-3g'(M"4-03'23"12.34363-09'21'llfS7T25'Wilsae-4c'&3*wg'04'57'1-20'20'2ri4'34-18"38'09'33.03S03-43-54-ESOffSS-32-EN74-43'0+'WN50-46'4Z-»CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATIONI (we), the undersi9ned property owner(s), do hereby certify that )caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, parcels, blocks.and alleys, and other divisions and and dedications, os shown by this plathereunto included, the the following described tract of land, to—wit:DESCRIPTIONA Iroct of land being Lot 3, Minor Subdivision No. 221, said tract being located in thefest Quarter of Section 26, Township 1 South. Range 5la. City of Bozemon, Gallotin County, Montana.Th< above described tract of land is to be known and designated as thePRELIMINARY PIAT OF CRESTWEW SUBDMSION, AN AMENDED PLAT OF LOT 3.MINOR SUBDMSION NO. 221, Gallatin County, Montana and the lands included inoil roads, avenues, alleys, and parks or public squares shown on soid plat orehereby granted and donated to the use of the public forever. The roadwaysdedicated to the public are accepted for public use, but the County accepts nonsponsibllity for maintaining the same. The owner(s) agree(s) that the Countyids hereby dedicated to publichas no obligation to maintain theDated thisOwnerday of., 200_CRESTVIEW. U.CBy:Name A titleliignatureDated thi:Owners:day of-. 200_^ypa name)^type nomejCERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTSand I. _ _ __, a registered professionalised to practice in the State of Montana, do hereby certify that thiprovements, required to meet the requirements of this title or os aI. —engineer li<following improvements, requiredcondition(s) of approval of the PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CRESWIEW SUBDIVISION, ANAMENDED' PLAT OF LOT 3, MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 221. hove bun instolled inconformance with the approved plans and specificQtions:The subdivider hereby warrants against defects in these improvements for a periodof one year from this date. The subdivider grants possession of ol) publicinfrastructure jmRrovemcnts to the City of Bozemon, and the City hereby acceptspossession of all public infrastructure improvements, subject to the above indicatedVf"""^: _, SubdMder Dole;By:By:Montana Lie. No.Dole:Director of Public Service Date:MONTANAGallatinthis _ _ day of . __. 200_. before me the undersignediry Pubik~for the State of Montana. personally appeor<dwithin instrumentknown to me to be theandacknowledged tothe person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument andlowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and on behalf ofito set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal theIN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heiday and year first above written.NOTESits desci,0' Ingress-egress and utility easemwt granteddescriplion. The local;on ofDoc. 2190841 is ambiguousof the eoament is unclear.(SEAl)Notary Public for the State of MONTANANameUy Commission ExpiresOPENSPACETOTAL(SQ. FT.)DESCFilPTIONPWSE 11ESENDSYMBOL DESCRIPTION719,9563LOCK719.356^_1s^.g^t79.336BLOCK .3134.27060' COUMTYSOAD EASEMENTrW GAS LINE^. / EASEMENT^-^ SEE NOTE f2191,8773LOCK -<191.87730.00'; M.OO'l~t54.9373LOCK 53.00057,937Dated thisSUBTOTAL\^u1.104.041/-w-_----1STREETSU2.M1SECTION CORNERTOTAL,246,882450' SETBACK FROM WATERCOUR3E/VWETLAND BOUNDARYPHASE BOUNDARY LINEPHtSE 2dSTATE OFCounty of200,115BLOCK 63.000Z03,115•*SUBTOTALEXISTING D^SEMENTZO.i.115iOn thisUNE TABLEMl "STREETS39,295UTILITY EASEMENTEXCEPT AS NOTEDLINEBEARINGTOTAL242.^1018VVt-^-^l?^1135.07N8S-52'22"EvL7PEDESTRIAN ACCESS CASEMENTM.69S54-ig'4S-Es•^82,&<SSB-28ocsCENTERLINEm214.0.1seo-05R-RADIUSDISTANC85.+7172.877BLOCK 2172^77^L626.2N82'l6'52'EARCLENCTHL-47.31BLOCK 347.318L761.105a6-ia'-45'E>60' ACCESS EASEMENTFOR RAE PRE OEPARTWENTDEDICATED ON MINORSU9. 221SUBTOTALL85S-2Na6-43'49"E220,195^v"^40SW05'12'E%.STREETS129,383Ni..16.93Nflr44'59"ETOTAL349^78^.9.15mswst^21.5sari^«<I 1.83fl,870SOO-WTOTAL1,-saAPPROX. PCraMETEROF PONO PERUORStSON-MAIERLE36.67SOT36'42'EiL1727.19S09-3C'42'E^ua10.17SOOT4a'35"W\LI 934.63NOffOO'OOT:T^^WfSPNEK PW:inC PROPERTIES, LLC?««S?'S^£'mum'1.65S41'27'3B'E«REA T*Bl£UINOR SUB.,LOT "•-S.Wfr'-10'DE5TRW100'300'200'Sll0ai-ocKj\\(W)EASEMENI20'ALLEY719.9M°1^\C A L Ei.srSllX.Y\cl~;BEARING BASIS: PUT OF CkTTAILSUBDIVISION. PHASE 3rife^IPHASES1^r3.000^f'J\^F—c33.000II3,000hoBLOCK3172,877•as!\\aI<,395s:04..aLOTs2,92;y\^t;-s..2,93i—DCIOTHG 20'unurr EASEMENT5.000East. Principal Meridian^.s.745^&.3,000&iBLOCK13,000s;^^-T^6.SO'.000STREET^\gDEDtGkTION\.000^'3.000Uia3,000s\3,0001250'WATCRBSE2\SETBtCKWETUWD\sPER MMORRISON<1PUSUC^,UAJERIE\PUBLIC PARK79.336PHASE 2ARK-^\10'yntjpr«lJA-5h<^EASEMENT C^P)\»\20' ALlFfBLOCK 6-J1'•';191.a77^:4FEMAN ELEMENTAKY ABOZEMAN. MT S9715Ci\s•I^<^Sc'az"7.501'•<'*sDated this1\S\'5,0004i^•^\y^S-3<^5,000§^LOT 12'I?5.000y-Sr5,000sClJ
Ct>427.»-5,000-s10' PEDESTRIAN-^KsssrwogtEASEMENT (TYP)=====^=[^5,000!1ft)m!5.000 mhiiNOB^LOT "^FPHASE 124.45'43,21'lpi•r°-§"I.7,435>3,000—I I—EXISTING 10'UTILITY EASEMENT<^TQTflt57,937fi^BLOCK 4c<LOG3^',^the•£!LOCK 1'I3,623^.11IILOT 1Ste:i Inusl ?03,000sls;^-_'v'._-_ _ __ _a10' PEDESTRIAN^EASEMENT CTYP)t0' UTIUTTEASEMENT (TTP)sLOT 1-4aII•a3.000a4.000•!:•!3a.50' KISTINGSTREET3.000OPEN SPACEB'S•I10' UTIU7Y/4.000Pl^^s.3,000lrtax'l§?L——m'-ALLEYq-•"v\ siStffl3.000^^^lr^^l^:-^—. ^ _ __3.000-sinr-4,50035Z:S%lKsa§i:I • i' I162.S93f50' PUftJCTING 20- DTTCH-EASEMENT ; ; \ \".r-'-'^JaS-iasBEE - A-L -.ACCESS U5EUENTgWfL203,115. Isj1<120' STREET DEDICATIONSEE NOTE /I10sLOT T&A1i5§aI722.059^7W392^-c^3^-^£sT4a-aw-l-SCTr--as-sss.20_OPEN^SPACEBLOCK IUTAL6,000sc-wsc_-a.n-mi1.37ya.w1—11.527^511372.78S89-45'15"WSTREET WH.,CATAMOUNT,STREET311,519l2^.?....................................SBr45'15*#PHASE -3PAREL TOTAL.839.870SUBDIVISION.SiOF CATTAILPLAT'g3cKI"2°7'1.0' ' mNlNGI"-' ^'6 |l*NEi(>>8LOCK :"BLOC]SLOT1 ^a^HELENA MT 5S1601LOTI '""s^WINDSOR coumELJ11.;g:C?,E,".""[R-3-s"""".BILLMGS. M7 591s^ss,'HE LEW. MT 59;ONl F 0 BM' 1C053BLOCK.INGS. MT'•xs,"x",,s,15LOTL012. The +0' gas eosemenl created on Minw Subdivision No. 221 is assumed lo includeth- gos easement 'as now sun-ey'ed" yntcd ;n Ssok 100, "sg; 105,3. The easements recorded in Film 53. Pap 527 and Rm 101, Page 1530 for a gaspipeline cothoodic protection unit ore otoig "along and next to county road, Dov;sLone'. No evidence of these easemerite were found.4. The dimensions shown along the center of the creek differ samwhol (rom record,resulting in about 0.04 acres more than the record orco. The direction of the mostnorthwesterly course along the cenler dl the creek(where a culvert has been instolled)determined from record based on wtness comers on each end of Ihe creeksection of the boundary.CONSENT OF MORTOIGEFfSll(we), the undersigned mortgogee(s) or encumbroncer, do hereby Join in andconsent to the described plot. releasing my (our) respective liens, claims orencumbrances os to any portion of soB lands now being platted into streets,avenues, parks, or other public areas rfiich ore dedicated to the City ofBozeman lor Ihc public use and enjoyment.day of-. 200_Htleday ofSignature., 200_, before me the undersignedNotary Public for the State ofknown to me to be theand the person whiacknowledged to me thatpcreonally appearedofname is subsciteed to the within instiexecuted tte within instrument for and on behalf of'nt andIN WfTNESS WHEREOF. 1 have hereunto »t my hand and affixed my Nolarial Seal theday and year first above wriUen.(SEAL)Notoy Public for the State ofPriced NameRestfng atMy Commission expire?.CERTIFICATE OF SURVETOR1, the undersigned, Sleven C. Anderson, Professional Land Surveyor, dohereby certify that on or between _ __^^^_^_^_. Isurveyed PRELIMINARY PLAT OF CRESTflW SUBDIVISION. AN AMENDED PLATOF LOT 3. MINOR SUBDMSION NO. 221. and platled the same as isdescribed and shown on the accompanying plat or certificate of survey in:ordance with the provisions of the Uontano Subdivision and PlattingAct, §76-3-101 through 76-3-625. M.CA. and the Bozeman UnifiedDevelopment Ordinance.Dated this _ day ofaxi_Steven C. AndiMontana LiceiCERTtRCATE OF COUNPr TREASURERNo. 12251 LSt, Kimberly Buchanon, Treasurer of Gallatin County, Mantana, do herebycertify that the occompanymg plat has been duly examined and that allreal property taxes and special assessments assessed and levied on theland to be subdivided have been paid.Dated this _ day of _ , 200^_Deputy TreasurerCERTIFICATE OF FXCI LISION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENTOF ENWRONMENTU QUALITY SMEWThe PRELIMINART PLAT OF CRESTVIDt SUBOMSION. AN AUENOED PLAT OF LOT 3.MINOR SUBDIVISION NO. 221, Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City ofBozeman, Monlana. o first-class municipality, and within the planning area ofthe Bozcman growth policy which was adopted pursuant to §76-1-601 st seq..MCA, ond can be provided with adequate storm water drainage and adequatemunicipal facilities. Therefore, under the provisions of §76-4-125(2)(d) MCA,this subdivision is excluded from the requirement for Montana Department ofEnvironmental Quality review.day of-, 20Q_.Director of Public ServiceCity of Bozemon, MontanaCERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBUC_SEBVIC£I, Director of Public Service, City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certifythat th< accompanying plot has bean duly examined and have found thesame to conform to the law, approve it, and hereby accept the dedicationto the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown onthe plat as being dedicated to such use.Doted this _ day of-. 200_.Director of Public ServiceCity of Bozemon, MontanaCERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDERShelley Vance, Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County. Montana, do•reby certify that the foregoing instrument was filed in my office at.^__ o'clock, _.M., this ___ day of . _, 200__,and recorded in Book _^_ of Plats, on Page ____, asDocument No. __^ __________, Records of the Clerk andRecorder, Gollotin County. Montana.Tiepuly Clerk and Recorder/5057PlAT.dwgTD&I^DRAWN BY: JLN I DATE: 3.14.06 lOUALITl' CHECK:SURVEYED BY: I JOB NO. B05-057 I FIELDBOOK 136/42I THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS, INC.ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS)EATSPOKANE)EAT FALLS-BOZEMAN-KALISPELLILEWISTONMONTANA IWASHINGTON]IDAHO I
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if 'r '^t\ Crestview at Cattail Lake-^^^.-^^^-^1 "=60'6-20-06r-s^0100's^.^~.^•^s^ADEVELOPABLEAREA^ 728,058 SF 16.7 ACMULTI FAMILY APARTMENTS' 570,681 SF 13.1 ACAFTACHED SINGLE FAMILY = 99,440 SF 2.28 ACDETACHED SINGLE FAMILY = 57,937 SF 1.3 AC%^^^"^-^Ts^-<.;"^\vTOTAL DWELLING UNITS 338 UNITSMULTI FAMILY APARTMENTS = 300 UNITSAHACHED SINGLE FAMILY = 28 UNITSDETACHED SINGLE FAMILY = 10 UNITS^.'s•s^"0^^s^•ss"^\'s'•<.^^^"^'?^^"<^-^PHASE1"^\OCATION FOR FIRE DEPARTMENTiOAT BUILDING S,(KING AREALO•^^CJRErs^^^\E::^s'•.II!\"IPHASE^^•s.\\LCATTAIL LAKE PARK17.9 ACRES[i•^^II\A1>?\\s'a\\»^^\a\\\'\I•f.v^^0JJ1\\\1 3\\\\a\Ds.\^"\^e a\F^\\-K;^£3\^•\\^\\ H/,\/\Ir^//•PICN^^/IKsi^/I S/^VfiT?"hr-l^K¥1Essva"; \sH.-e-iI!iICAT^TAIL;LAK$P/rigft,^ rsa"n»AQiiaa;3 fci(CIE aE Snr;H1arEA^ m ±-p ^sD£!~t^J;gpj-iw nfum'm^m-ri'mTfL;FiriR^nia—iLiV'FrVl-IrV'fr:n'IllLIllI^^m&11«.|il!Ill[^RSLJ1—-1-—1—-1-- I II Ic^^^.^..^^^^^^-^t^..^....^..,^....^.^^-^yi1nIjUs^icR-1R-1R-3DETENTIONPONDSs'scouCRESTVIEW AT CATTAIL LAKEBOZEMAN, MT^
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n,. Iuuu[JFixture Unit Count Per Building Type (Drainage)Building'A'-8 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR0413.0013.000522/1 BR2/2 BR Flat4013.0019.005202/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0019.0019.00003/2 Up-Down019.000ITotal Fixture Units1044" sewer service per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5Building 'B' - 8 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR0413.0013.00052|2/1 BR|2/2 BR Flat4013.0019.00520|2/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0019.0019.00003/2 Up-Down019.000ITotal Fixture Units1044" sewer se/v/ce per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5Building 'C' -12 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR4413.0013.0052522/1 BR2/2 BR Flat4013.0019.005202/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0019.0019.00003/2 Up-Down019.00ITotal Fixture Units01564" sewer se/v/ce per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5Building 'D' - 8 Units#Total Fixture UnitsIStudio1 BR0013.0013.000012/1 BR12/2 BR Flat4013.0019.00520|2/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0419.0019.000763/2 Up-Down019.000ITotal Fixture Units1284" sewer service per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5
r-LIu[Iu'JBuilding'E'-12 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR8013.0013.001040|2/1 BR2/2 BR Flat0413.0019.000762/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0019.0019.00003/2 Up-Down019.000ITotal Fixture Units1804" sewer se/v/ce per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5Building T'-8 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR4013.0013.005202/1 BR|2/2 BR Flat4013.0019.00520|2/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0019.0019.0000|3/2 Up-Down019.000iTotal Fixture Units1044" sewer service per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5Building'G'-16 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR01013.0013.0001302/1 BR|2/2 BR Flat4013.0019.005202/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0219.0019.00038|3/2 Up-Down019.000Total Fixture Units2206"sewe/'sen//'ce per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5Building 'H' - 64 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR161613.0013.002082082/1 BR2/2 BR Flat8813.0019.001041522/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat01619.0019.0003043/2 Up-Down019.000[Total Fixture Units9766"seiverserv/ce per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5
nnnnnuuuBuilding'I'-35 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR01613.0013.0002082/1 BRi2/2 BR Flat17013.0019.002210|2/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0219.0019.000383/2 Up-Down019.000Total Fixture Units4676" sewer service per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5Building'J'-24 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR01213.0013.0001562/1 BR2/2 BR Flat6013.0019.007802/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0619.0019.0001143/2 Up-Down019.000Total Fixture Units3486"sewerserv/ce per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5Building'K'-12 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR4013.0013.005202/1 BR2/2 BR Flat4413.0019.005276i2/2 Up-Down|3/2 Flat0019.0019.0000|3/2 Up-Down019.000Total Fixture Units1804" sewer service per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5Building "L" - 36 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio013.0001 BR2/1 BR21613.0013.00273782/2 BR Flat2/2 Up-Down0019.0019.00003/2 Flat3/2 Up-Down9019.0019.001710[Total Fixture Units5226"seiverserr/ce per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5
nr.nnn(InBuilding'M'-16 Units#Total Fixture UnitsStudio1 BR01013.0013.0001302/1 BR2/2 BR Flat4013.0019.005202/2 Up-Down3/2 Flat0219.0019.000383/2 Up-Down019.000[Total Fixture Units2206"sewersemce per Uniform Plumbing Code 2003, Table 7-5[I[Juuuuuu
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nnf1nnn[1(1n[j[I[1LIuuIIuiI00V-ILL:FLY.pTPERFORMANCE CURVEPRODUCTCP3085.290TYPEMTlDATE2006-07-19PROJECT1/1-LOAD 3/4-LOADPOWER FACTOREFFICIENCYMOTOR DATA0.8378.0 %0.7779.0 %1/2-LOAD0.6677.0 %COMMENTSNEVACLOGINLET/OUTLET- / 3.0 inchIMP.THROUGHLET2.9 inchCURVE NO63-434-00-5330RATEDPOWERSTARTINGCURRENT ...RATEDCURRENT„.RATEDSPEEDTOT.MOM.OFINERTIA...NO. OFBLADES3224.3hpAA1700 rpm1ISSUE2IMPELLER DIAMETER165mmMOTOR #15-10-4AASTATOR REV12YSER| 13FREQ.60 HzPHASES3VOLTAGE460VPOLES4GEARTYPERATIO£B:[hp]^s££3.5-\Ls^^3.0M1or0LU2.5^0u;2.0[tia.it^1.5UJa.^^£0DUTC-POINT1B.E.P.FLOW[USgpm]223281HEAD[ft]25.822.1POWER [hp]3.05 ( 2.39)3.22 ( 2.52)EFF. [%] NPSHre[ft]47.8 (61.0) 22.349.0 (62.4) 22.80 «NPSHreQI3:^[ft]g[ft]iUJ40 +te40^r3535EFF.[%]3030r^2525150\202040^1515307~7/no1020//55z0-+0+ 100050100150 200250300 350 400 450 [USgpm]FLOWNPSHre = NPSH3% + min. operational marginPerformance with clear water and ambient temp 40 °CFl.XCTHI B Curve
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nn[]nnnf]II[][J(1uuuuuuINDUSTRIALAUTDMATIQNCDNSULTINC3, INC.7/13/20063:45:47PMTO: | Jim Price - Thomas Dean and HoskinsFROM: | Industrial Automation Consulting, Inc.Mark JenkoPhone:406-285-4627x103Fax: 406-285-4628SUBJECT: | Crestview Subdivision Lift StationIACJOB#:|BPW06053REMARKSThis is a Proposal for portions of Division <##>, Section <#####> in the Specifications for the LoyalGarden Subdivision Lift Station project in Bozeman, Montana. This project is identified in theSpecifications as Thomas, Dean, and Hoskins project number <#####>.•IAC has received and acknowledges Addenda <#, #, and #> where it pertains to thisProposal.The Total Price shown in Proposal Part B, Section B1 , shall be included as part of yourprice for Bid Form Item <Bid Item Number and Name>.<1:0ther Comments>123 Main St. - Suite 3 • P.O. Box 870 • Three Forks, MT 59752 * Tel: 406.285.4627 • Fax; 406-285-4628www.iacQn!Jne._comBPW06059-p1.docPage 1 of 18
PART A - SCOPE OF WORKIAC shall supply the deliverables defined in Part A, Sections A1 and A2, with the exception to the itemslisted in Section A3.nn11(]1111u(JuuuIISECTION A1 -TECHNICAL SERVICES DELIVERABLESIAC shall supply the following engineering and programming services:1. Control Engineerinfl and Programminflc^! i^IAC shall supply PLC programming forth^Loyal Garden Subelivisitfh Lift Stationremote terminal unit (RTU). The PLC l^pgranishalLeperafe the lift station pumps inalternating lag-lead fashion based on theTeviTmeasured by a submersible pressuretransmitter. A backup high level float switch shall control pump operations in the eventof a pressure transmitter failure.The lift station level reading, equipment status information, and all alarm conditionsshall be reported to the SCADA Master computer (CTU) at the City Shop.Alarm conditions monitored by the RTU shall include high-high level, high level, pyjnp^run failure, building low temperature, intmsion, and power failure. -•IAC shall modify the PLC program at the HilltoqJaplpffTCTtb rel^y data exchangesbetween the CTU at the City Shop and the ^at^en Subdivisipffl-ift Station RTU.• Hardwired Hand-Off-Auto switches on the dbp^pf the3%Tshall provide the means forlocally operating the lift station pumps.2. Operator interface ProgramminQ••3.IAC shall modify the existing Wonderware Intouch appljcatiQO-cuoning on th^SCADAMaster computer at the City Shop to include the Loyal Garden Subdlvisio^tfift Station.A new graphical screen shall be created to (tovide the funcibns-oeectgcl to remotelymonitor and control the lift station. The new screen shall be consistent with thosepreviously developed by IAC for the existing lift stations.Lift station level shall be displayed on real-time and historical trends.Selected data values shall be logged to a database using the existing InSQL softwarerunning on the SCADA Master computer.Designated personnel shall be automatically contacted by telephone or pager whenalarms occur, using the existing SCADAIarm software running on the SCADA Mastercomputer.At the RTU, lift station level shall be displayed on a door-mounted panel meterStartup and Commissioning - IAC shall supply personnel on-site for a total of three man-days to put the lift station control system into sen/ice. Work performed during this timeshall include I/O and instrument testing, radio telemetry testing, and software adjustments.4. Training - After startup and commissioning are complete, IAC shall supply 4 hours ofOwner/Operator training.BPW06059-p1.docPage 3 of 18
nnnnn11nD[Innuuu[J2 each Allen-Bradley Bulletin 513 15 hp/460VAC combination motor starters. Each unitshall have a NEMA 1 enclosure, a lockable disconnect switch, an instantaneous trip circuitbreaker, and thermal overload relays.2 each N-K Technologies current transmitters. The devices shall be supplied as looseitems, to be field installed and wired inside the motor starter enclosures by others.SECTION A3 - SPECIFIC EXCEPTIONS1. Any equipment or devices required to provide an interface for monitoring pump seal failureand/or over-temperature shall be supplied by others. IAC will install the devices in the RTUenclosure if space permits.2. Any fixtures, brackets, or assemblies required to anchor, restrain, suspend, or mount thesubmersible pressure transmitter and float switch shall be supplied and installed by others.3. No antenna poles, towers, or other simitar structures are included in the proposal.4. No radio repeater equipment of any kind is included in the proposal.5. A radio path study is not included in the proposal.SECTION A4- GENERAL CONDITIONS AND EXCEPTIONS1. IAC excludes all other equipment, materials, and labor specified in all other Divisions andSections of the Specifications.2. Only the equipment and materials specifically identified in Sections A1 and A2 above areincluded in this Proposal.3. All equipment and materials supplied by IAC shall be installed and field wired by others.4. All wiring and final termination to any equipment supplied by IAC is by others.5. All demolition work, mechanical and electrical, is by others.6. All modifications to existing electrical and mechanical systems are by others.7. Prior to IAC'S arrival on-site for startup, all equipment and materials supplied by IAC shallbe fully installed and ready for service.8. Prior to IAC'S arrival on-site, all equipment and materials supplied by others but required forIAC'S startup shall be fully installed and ready for service.9. The Contractor shall provide the services of a qualified electrician as required to assist IACduring its startup activities.'JJjBPW06059-p1.docPage 5 of 18
nnnnnnnf][ISECTION B4 - AUTHORIZATIONSignature by an authorized representative of the Client and IAC are required for Work tocommence on the Deliverables as set forth in Parts A and B of the Proposal. Signed authorizationconstitutes formal notice to proceed and is subject to IAC'S standard Terms and Conditions ofAgreement.CLIENT<CLIENT Name>CONSULTANTIAC, Inc.CLIENT Representative (Printed)CLIENT Representative (Signed)Date: / /_IAC President: C.T. WambekeDate: / /[]D(Iuuu[jfLuBPW06059-p1.docPage 7 of 18
r1 '~tnnnn[I11i,IIli?Lut'.-°'..."•IIa:.r^IIIsIIIII«!siIIIyt^n l ir\Ll- >-^r<r-cSURVCY PURPOSE: TO CRE»TE 42 LOTS FOR CRESIVIEW IAKE, LLCTHE COMMISSIONER OF T ^VEV IS CRESTVIEW LAKE. LLCPRELIMINARY PU\T OF ^f^^tEW SUBDIVISIONNOTESon Doc, 2190fl^1 is ambiguous inK<cor;ss-egrcss and utili
lv eoscmnt aronteh* IOTOI;of lh-M'nw Subdiviiion No. 221 is assumed to include^ed' ipntcd in Book 100, Page -<08.Fhe eosemenls recorded in Fifm 53, Pap 527 and Film 101, Pogt 1330 foe o gospipeline cathoodic proteclion unit ore (*nq "(riong and next to county rood, DovisLone , No evidence cf these sosemerih ^erc found.TOTAL ARU: 42.21 ACRESFhe dimensions shown olona the cenl<r of the creek differ samwhot from record,illing in about O.OA acres mofe than the rtcord oreo. Th< direction of th< mostnorthweslerly course along the center dl th« cfeek(whcrc o culvert has been installed)was detsrmined from record based on *ilness corners on wch <nd of Ihe creeksection o( (he boundary.-I.COMPUTED PHUF AREAS BY BIOCKpLOTSOP£H I PAfi<SPACETOTiU.ESQ. FT.lilDESCRIPTION>-I^CONSENT OF MORTCMGFFCS^PWSC 1l(we), the undersigned morlgagee(s) or encumbroncar, do hereby join in andisenl to the described plat, releasing my (our) respective liens, cfolms oros to any portion of sait lands now being plolted into streets,or other public areas Aich ore dedicated lo the City ofBozeman for lh< public use and enjoyment.^1E£ENDSSSBQL DESCRIPTION713.356-4.BLOCK I719,356>;r^-T^TT^iencumbronc5-t.S^60' COUNTYROAD ySEMEHT1LXK j79..1J6l.S-1.270^ /-W GAS LINE/ USEMEHTs/ SEE NOTE flCATAMOUNTST65"M^J'IM.OO-IiLXK ^191.B77191.B77t^50J73.00057,937Doted this _ day of200_^"i11SU511,1(M.O<1•t.-----I••K"^STREETS142.84f41pl&T"(+'ese'*" Wi^L C>i^^OMi-^L..._SECTION CORNER^5T^TOTAl.2^6.882Name & fitleSigrtalure<;<50' SCTBA.CK FROM WATERCOURSE/VtWETLAND BOUNDARYPWSE eOUNDART LINEEXISTING EASEMENT2^•iljpwal(STATC OfWia^SCounty of200,1153,000EtOCKZO.1,115stSUBTOTALi20.1.115On thisday of, 200_, bviwe: me the undersignedCURVE TABLEUNE TABLEKINO" S""'LOT VSTREETSWISUTILin GkSEMENTEXCEPT AS NOTEDNotary Pufatc for the Stole ofknown to rm to be theyoius(DELTA WGL£ARC LENGTHWWO BEARINGWORD L£HGTti
peraonoHr oppwrcdis subscAed to tht withircuwrtLINEl£HCTMBEARINGFOTAt.242.410C1*vsr42'T36'S2ll35.07HW52'22T'm\^uun^and the wrson whose namC3ff50'02'520^22'24 "E
instrum<nl and38.63S54-19'4S'Ejoa'PEOC5TRIW ACCESS EA.SEUENTDESIGN CENTERLINE0acknowledged to me thai he ex<cirtcd Uw wVrm instrumtnt for ond on behalf ofcs24-se'ooS78-30'^S'»^.64S5«-;a'23*Em»st3BELCfUOC. MT W;C62-<-01'17*H7n3'l3tJ".-_.i.03SGO-OS'-ll'EC72^-36'OQ'S78-.X3'J5'WS6i-29'31-ER-fWXUS DISTANCEWC LENGTHIN WfTMESS WHEREOF, I have hereuntoday and year first above written.my hand ond affutcd my Notorial Seat the1-10.00") 72,877BLOCK;172^77C80-25-irSO^-2^'(M'E26.2KanfS2t21.83C30-25'I 7-WM-2-4'(M"^61.fOSBE-ia'15-En.s\&GCK 347,31>60' ACCESS EASO^EWTFOR RA£ PRE DD'ARTUEMTOeuCWED OH hHHORSUB. 221^^124.27C10IVAl'lAssns'^g'ESfi.2H8C-4.I'49'E220.135^/.^76.4J7-(.6SCll26-.t6'07-S76-2a-05-EW.WwwntNo y Hublic ror the btalc otPrided Nom<<rt^SWEETS1M.3B3c^CI2130.00109.6S2<-I3'07V)06,.HN(SIM.)48-18-3036.3.iHe9-44'59-E&^Readinq oMy CommiTOTW.cu110.00W6S'23'5B'»fM9^7Brs2'+<-9.15N7J'02'37t?-ion expires
v\1W.OO4a-ia'.xrico.ioS2<-2J'071f21.51sani'is'E^CIS47-52'44'150.^2HW2J'M'#usi^aSOO-WJS'W\APPROX. PEfUMETEftOf POtffl PERUOflRtSON-WyCRLEI iflujaC16270.0021-42'Z-4*s5rr'4a"ELISS09-3<'42*E:^TP-iCERTIF-tCATE OF SURVEYOR.1C17520.00zescrwS7B-ZB'05t:27.1SOTJ<'.(2-EIcia24-0t'17*H7ff13'UT:10.17SO<r-W'35-W0stha undersigned, Sltven C. A^deraon. Profflssiomit Land Surwyor,that on or b<lw<scn\^,BO.OO21.471\MCISt-SO'02'S20T23-M-E.M.89WTW'WV.rcby certify that on or b<t,-»sunrcyed PRELIM<HAffY PIAT OF CRES7V1EW SU&OMS10N. W AMENDED PIATr^13.WC25S-53'.U-SW09-31^r1.65S4t-27'3a'£,SH^KSU"U'C^\120.00y)yris'Ww30.60C2439'WOF LOT 3. MINOR SUBOMSION MO. 22] »nd plaUcd thl;_samc at isdescribed and shown on the accomparyng phrt w ccrtificaie of survey inoccorcfanct with Ihe provisions of the Utmtono Subdivision and PlottingAct. §76-3-101 through 76-3-625, M.CA, <md lh< Bozeman UnifiedDwntopmenl Ordinancfl.C3Ssa«-4<'sj*w4-03'23-^22'EABU na£C26SOJ4J'S4T:SUB.\UIHOPC27180.001-20-20'SOB-56'32*EL01(.\CIV2rt4'34*M74'<3'04*«^.1•~«j7WJw paEsmwGCEMENT pW)s) 00'200"0300'C29VM'WN50--<6'42-W\\^§uW MLEYpuucnix^-^nrscE\A L011^!,r1J~.^^f.vDa(«f this _ day ofci3. 2]B_\BEARING BASIS: PUS OF OCTTAILSUBDMSION, PHASE 3*t0^ass•y^3,000PHASE 3*^rSlevm C. Andwsbn"<onlona License Ho. 12251 LSSJW^CFRT(FK>TE OF DEDICATIONE'J-TP-^o^I^\f-^-tuI.3.000mi-^3^00(we), the undcrsigrwd property own<r(s). do h<r<by certify that I (*<) havecaused to b« suneyed. avbdivided and ptatted into lots, parcels. bl&cka, roadsand alleys, and athw dwisions ond anci dcdi<Mtions os sh<wn t^ this plothereunto included, the the foltowing dwcribed tract o< farKl, tQ-w;LBLOCK2§172.877CERTIF1CATF OF COUNTY TREASUREB\\SSW Sy1. Kimbtrty 9uchanan, Treasurer <rf Galfolin County, Montana, do herebycertify that the accomponying plat has been duty «xamin«J and thai all?,^^4JS5DESCKIPTKW^LOTasg^2^20\ipcrty taxes and spadal assessfnents onessed ami k-vicd on thesubtVw:—DCTSTOG 20'idividcd have been paid.Doted this _ day ofA tract of tand bctftq Lot 3. Minor Subdwswi No. 221. said tract being located in theSouthwest Ouorter of Section 26. Township 1 South, Range 5 Eosl. Prindpol MwdianMontana, CTly of 6oz<man, Gallqtin County. Montana.\r,LfTIUTC EASEMEWa.ooo^SCIUPl.DW FJUIMS. Lt.Cs200_^4,745Tff^SzEtAW M?W?\&.OL-Vf-\\w3jMOBLOCK 1(Y\'\3j000S;!U^^.Th« above described tract of tond is to b< known and designated as thePfiELIMINARY PIAT OF CRES1VIEW SUBOMSION. AN AMENDED PIAT OF LOT 3.MINOR SUBOtVtSION NO, 221. Goftatin County. Montana and the tends included inall roods, ov<nu«s, alteys, and parid or public squarw shown on soid plat archereby granted ond donated to ih< u»< of the public forever. Th< roodwaysdedicaled to the public ore occepted for public usa, but the County accepts nomsponslbility for molntaining the sofrw. Th< own<ir<t) o^rw(s) that lh< Countyhas no obligotkin to matntein th< roods htreby dedicated to pubfic use.W^O' SIREHKEKUTIONAflWwm.^0°°'LKpuiy ireasurer\^\<jOOUllsiil!uoa(0CERTfUCATE OF EXC1.USION JTWW MWttyA_D£PARTU£yiOF ENVIRONMENTAI OUAIFY REVIEWy»o0 US\1-Ln»l!l^sjmug50' WTCRCOURSCtIUNOSEniCKPCR MOIWSOII-MWERtE.M^PHAfifrg,\4JM\;l°l III!io- imurr-EWtnr)TsM.9MThe PREUMINARY PLAT OF CRESTVtEW SUeOMSfON. W AMENOEO PLAT OF LOT .3.MINOR SUaOMSION NO. 221. GoHatin County. Wontona, is within the City ofBozemon. Montana, a first-class municipolfty. ond within Ihe ptonn*ng oreo (rfthe Boicman growth poTrty which was adopted purauant to }76-1-601 «t s*q.,MCA, ond con b< provkJcd with adequate storm wat<r drainage and odequatePUBUCFAEK\7<J36PUBUC PARK\TOTA.%10'WSEUE\Oalffd thi^_ day ofOwner. CRESmEW. LLC, 2og_20' MWT\"|!-^d'4J-J1'';<-'.Awjsn\^municilMl fadlil.es. Thwefon, under th. prowsKins of t76-4-]25<2)(d) MCA,this subdivision ia excluded from3LO12ElfUEWWf Ascwoot cist;A^"!;.LOCKTUt'th< nquirwnent for Montana Department of\C5•s^Environmtntal Quality review.Dltoi) Ihis _ <»y of^^>%—''p^ieyicfc 5By:NomeSignalur'e7.50ts^,200_.C7MAC•5,000^fe;^i^,<^Sll^SjOOOOattd th;Owners:doy of. 200_!k«*'I?5.0UO-(-=&ssm'Ifcr4ISjKihraclor or ru&lic liervicaGty of Bozeman, Montana-;*'sjmt as6Ifl' PEOESIRIAN1E-^yBISEUEKT (IW) | ;s»ya5.000221?1>SUB.^S,MO^^MINORWp« nomejWpe name;PHASE 1f^f-^WCK^.^-..--^ 7M'7P.S.OOOgCERTIFICATE OF DIRECTOR OF PUBIIC SERVICE"!•-ST^2;7.435<-d<3M»|CCTTIF1CATE OF COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS!1—1 r—EXtSTIHG 10'UTILITT EASEUEMTi.»mOPEN SPACCVOtXI1, Director of Public $<n/ice, C'tiy of Sozenwn. Monlana, do hweby certifyIhgt thfl accompanying plat has b«n duly exomined and hove found Ihflsame to conform to the law, approve it, and hereby occtpt the d«ficoUonto the City of Bozemon for the public ua< of ony arxl ati kinds shown onthe p)ot as being dedicatfld to such use.sI ISTOM.STARI Iregistered professionalII., and I.^0^engineer licensed to practice in the State of Montona, do hereby certify that thefollowing improvements, required to meet the requirements of Ihis title or os acondition(s) of opproval of thfl PRELIMfhtARY PIAT OF CRESTVIEW SUBDMSION, ANAMENDED PLAT OF LOT 3. MINOR SUBDMSION NO. 221, have bwn instolled inconformonc* with the opprovad ptans and specificatlc^'•^!1^SKs.ma:LOT 1T-P-,<(^<v°tn°-io7t^gII3,000•s ;/.^sjaaoJ-I LS£j10' PtuesWUNOcrtcd this _ day of20<_.3ABOEASEMENT QYP]/LOT 14EASEUEMT f )•ug^-s.onThe 3ubdivKie7~hereby warrants against defects Tn these improvefncnts for o periodof one year from this date. Tht subdivider grants possession of all publicinfra structure Improvem<nt3 to the City of Bozeman, and th< City hereby acceptspossession of all public infrastructure improvements, subject to the obov< indicatediy"W: . , SuMMil., Dates/IIIg4M9)inirector 01 fuuic b'eMceof Bozeman, Montana3.000-OPSN VS.TBEEt11io' unLnY/wct:^p-<(MOMiWPUBUIMS•l-20' AUH-ARKsjooa:^"Jr_NKffCERTIFICATE OF CIFRK AND RECOROFR^w^asIMSMontana Lie. No.Date:°^MSiBy:4^001, Shelley Vonce, Ckrk ond Recorder of Calfatin County, Montana, dohereby certify that the for<goin9 instrument wos filed in my office at. o'ctock, _.M,, (hisav-tTav"irLic<"s•~wW1-S1?@Is^a»' puauc-•CCtSS EfSEMEKTDirector of Public SeniccDoteI)By:E^^6i<j1.1TOTAL21U.1^il;kick, _.M,, this _ day of _, 20and recorded in Book . . _ of Plots, on Pog<Document Ho. _—^ _____„__ , Records of th< Cterk200-s20' SIREET D£DKATSEE NOTEr.1020' WT01—1I^sms»LOT TffT^.USEMEtfT;^---'^S_ S __1].fRecorder, Gallatin County, Montana.STATE OF MOWIWWCounty of Gadolinthisolory P*iiF~for (he Stole of Montana,known to me to bv the•^Tv.mBtRtt TOWLfe.-n.m—-_as^^a«)«f3WaacW.O»-1-!BM-BE'-»•=(--wn;WEN SPACE•Stiiffl .W200_, before mfl lh< undersignedBLOCK 10TAL..CATAMOUOT.STREET...(^27^51S8r45'15"W1ucputy UICFK ana Kecoraepersona1372.78'1_.^STREET •••OTAl.311J1Sthe Mraon whose nom is subscribtd to Ihe »ithin in?trum<nl andto me thot he executed the^0."-——"•••^—^^sar45-i5Mfond on behdlf ofPARCEL TOWA3U70s^"^~'.<7y^I Ptft£cni« cw>n*L*i.;^.sl""..IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunlo se( my hand ond affixed my Nolorial Sco) Iheday and year first above written.(>>5057PtAT.dwgItOCK "21L01BL6CK! ", LOT^^-1LOCKLOT 'K;1 AS" ZOK fl->LOT^^("Sf,.DRAWN BY:SURVEYED BY:JLN3.14.06 IQUALITY CHECK:B05-057 IFIELDBOOK 136/42DATE:JOB NO.PARKNotary PuUic for th< Slote of MONTiWAPrinted Nom<ssWnjLLER HOUC!HEI.CW. MI S96D)=!""'WtSTWSKS GUI(SEAL)UUOt.E:M*N. UT[OflCt L. *t£Sllu<CS.^'s''BLOCK 'WNOSOflmt»»cs.ui-saioi1 ISih,,, \"«i'3T.,THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS, INC.ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS!SLS~BOZ£MAN-KU'SPELL WASMH?;E!1'asion txpinsI LOI -5LOT 2LOT 'SLOT
n-nnr[I(]n[I(1fI J11liI!uuuu[j'uns^s'-n001Rocky Mountain Timberlands Groundwater Monitoring WellsssT=•B18^affi^mi^I^m»w&K»»i8i•9S•s.-2.554.5307/02/04Dry>8.66-5.488.867.68-7.72-4.716.08-2.4807/09/044;469.41-8.42-5.268.587.46-7.44-4.646.01-2.6707/16/044.65Dry-5.48>8.669.007.68-7.86-4.876.24-2.6507/23/044.63Dry>8.66-5.539.107.73-7.96-5.006.37-2.5307/30/044.51Dry>8.66-5.487.689.26-8.12-5.126.49-2.5808/06/044.56Dry-5.51>8.669.537.71-8.39-5.146.51-2.8408/13/044.82Dr/-5.70>8.66Dry7.90>8.5-5.506.87-2.8508/19/044.83Dry-5.70>8.66Dry7.90>8.5-5.637.00-2.9210/01/044.909.30-8.31-5.718.607.91-7.46-4.585.95^t\../:I'm i L UK?f7.A< - A '"^ . /V-- /i)^s ^ - u .^ i - L/ U/ issa0.9911.1421.3732.2041.985
nnnnnnnfl0Excavated by:Logged by:Depth USC Soil(feet) ClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-101Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.01.0-2.52.5-7.57.5OLCLGPTOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered @ 5.0 feet - Standpipe left in excavation and backfilledP.I. = 11 (1.5 to 2.5' - Lean Silty Clay)Natural Moisture Content = 23.4 %1.1[J[Juuuuu
nnnn[1[1n11[][IIIu[J[)uul.1unExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-102Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.51.5-3.03.0-8.38.3OLCLGPTOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (% 6.0 feet - Standpipe left in excavation and backfilled
nnnnn[I11(1nnExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-103Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.5 OL1.5-4.0 CL4.0-9.5 GP9.5TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (% 8.5 feet[j(111[J[Juu'J
nnf]nn1][I11[][]u[)11u[JuuuuExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationQCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-104Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-2.0 OL2.0-4.0 CL4.0 - 9.5 GP9.5TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (% 8.5 feet
nnnnnn(I[In[j[j[)[i11DunExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-105Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.01.0-2.82.8-10.010.0OLCLGPTOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGR4VEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (a), 10.0 feet88.6 % Passing 200 Sieve (1.0 to 2.5' - Lean Silty Clay)Natural Moisture Content = 18.6 %Jj
nnnnn11[]f]['0Excavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-106Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.51.5-3.03.0-9.09.0OLCLGPTOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (a), 8.5 feet - Standpipe left in excavation and backfilledI](]IIuuuuu[i
rnnnnnn{][1(IExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-107Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.0 OL1.0-2.5 CL2.5-7.5 GP7.5TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (a), 6.0 feet[]Duuu[juu
nnnnnfl11[10DnExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-108Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.0 OL1.0-2.0 CL2.0-8.5 GP8.5Groundwater encountere;TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test Pit(%7.5feet[]u[I[J[J'JJ
nnnnnn(in[I[IuuuuuuuuunExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-109Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.8 OL1.8-4.0 CL4.0-6.5 GP6.5TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tajnGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered @ 4.0 feet
nnnn[1[InII[I11[jnExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-110Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.0 OL1.0-4.5 CL4.5-7.5 GP7.5TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroimdwater encountered (% 7.0 feet80 % Passing 200 Sieve (2.0 to 3.0' - Lean Silty Clay)Natural Moisture Content = 28.9 %uuuuuuu
nnnn[]nnnrExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-111Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.51.5-4.54.5-8.08.0OLCLGPTOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitlAGroundwater encountered ^% 5.5 feet - -^Standpipe left in excavation and backfilled[Iuuuuuuu
nnnnnn[]II[1[)[J0[juuuuuuExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-112Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.5 OL1.5-3.5 CL3.5-9.0 GP9.0TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (%^7jQ_feet
f1n)1nnnflflflnnuu[Iuuuuu^Excavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassification^CATTAIL LAKE SUBDIVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-113Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.5 OL1.5-4.0 CL4.0-9.0 GP9.0TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (a), 8.0 feet
r~r":)nnnnn11IIn[IExcavated by:Logged by:Depth(feet)USC SoilClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDFVISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-114Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-1.3 OL1.3-4.0 CL4.0-7.0 GP7.0TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (% 4.2 feet[I[Juuuuuu
r-iInnnnnflfl[Inu[juuuuuuuExcavated by:Logged by:Depth USC Soil(feet) ClassificationCATTAIL LAKE SUBDF/ISIONLOG OF TEST PIT TP-115Joe Homer - Cat Rubber-Tired 430 BackhoeJay Crawford, P.E. with TD&H (06/05/06)Soil Description0.0-2.0 OL2.0-3.5 CL3.5-6.0 GP6.0TOPSOIL, sli. moist, dark grayish brownLEAN CLAY, silty, medium consistency, moist,tanGRAVEL, sandy, w/silt and cobbles, dense, moistto saturated, medium grayish brownBottom of Test PitGroundwater encountered (a), 3.5 feetP.I. = 11 (2.5 to 3.0 - Lean Silty Clay)Natural Moisture Content =37.2 %