HomeMy WebLinkAbout05- Baxter Lane/Hampton Water Loop Payback Agreement for Water Improvements 111"" 1111111111 1111111 III 11111111111111111111 11111111 ~~}~~~~:~ ~p Sh.ll.y Vano.-Gallatin Co MT MISC 64,00 R\ XT ER 1,1'\.'\11:/11 \ VI PTOS \V,\rIII<L(H)P PAYBACK ACREEl\lENl' FOR 'VATER I\WIH)\ F\lEi"iTS / ,~ 1 0. r' i' '.. , ..-": '.j r~"".' " .."1 I" f'" '.. ,~.',; ,,\,' '_, : "1.~~ .,~ n .'\ ,.,' 'i;;,: ", ' J't., .'I."'~ '/ .IJ" ."\l,' I hIS ,-\\_.],.L,L\I LN ! .. In",!. .lJ,d t llC,'~I_, j"t<. dL.Jt.Li&_.'- ................._ ,.,t:2Si dlid bcw,e';J1 the eTIY 01: 1301':E\-I.\'\,,, mUllJ,1 C' () ."'I.'.t\ ,:' t '~.I \. J i .! f '1:, i. '..JII.xL !flf: iil"'\"; ,,,,( the Sate 0: \lon:Jna, iTlt,:''')' ,:11".1 l\~(ll;.I,\\HL') i .. (~'I .1 \.lo:d,'dL:, ,L,i!)li,cd i 1:\\ COTnpall y, ' D"':\l: lope,"\ \A'I !T,RI',\'" 1hc (';I,y 0",11'; ;trd.>peICllt'< ;,,' '.'..'\;,ll'"J:; It,-;, '~"i'>,~,'''r.JC>('d~':(> ;!lrtl,1'~~:. :;nd \\'HERE1\S., [leve-loper ha" ,'(lnslructtd\\.'i1kr 11l1pnhCIUUib tu the "ym:!)l nlOIC 1 l \ FhL\ :cr L:1I1\',il \V,.Itel' f ~ :~~ \. (l,L" \c r"j t}(: C ;t". llnpiDvemerl'S arc capable uf ',crvi!"t'. lhe i.rd:.'!,) (!;>,,(Ti';,XI,Wcl <II,W-;\ , , ;ync! entitled ":\rea Included III \V:ner NLm Payback" dltiH:'led herdo iHld HKorpuratcd h,'!cin by :11's relt,rt'nce, and \VHEREA,'\, th", c':t,,:nsiufl. (,1 :dld (\'S!.e:ll hil':, h,>-'!1 ::iLillv i)::CI:piCC ,; :,'.,if u\vncr:,hi!), nEl1ntcnance, ,.nd uper,!.\l<.:m:, i.HX! \\'IIERE'\S, Ihe pr.jj)crty located \l,llhllt [icc: P!lyback :\rcl ~L': eVH!ell,~ed in Exhibit ",-\" , iies,vithn the s~rviCt: are,); and \VllERb\S. lhe !HOjx:ny hX:J[\:" ", 11:11, iilt: 'it,r," \. re, .:'1. (((j () lTi\dxF' Area, arc ~;pcc:J'.,.:dLv b.:~rk!i(cd i'njITI "nd by The: \V;'1ki [rnprovr:'Tlcms: ;Hid WHF./{EAS, the [ruperty lO:;i\kd !tl;~ \.r<.':a a'~; ~~)\~'<jIt:d :..ind. bed Exhir>i1 ",;;,"" hcrclr'alfel refeLTd 1,1 L'cihc "t'{enC'l!tc:,J F"rc'PC::'h>~','HI(i WH!-':REAS, the COSl incurred In conrceu':>n'\"I!:'1 Ihe ClnSUlh.:Tlon . d:,,' YVaLer IInpro'.'\':I!K'I\l', art deiilK'atcc! II1 Exlllbil "C" 'm,-' tl)(~ ,L!;KI1Cd !\ki1'1)";md:i';1 daled O:I(.lwl \ ~j I tiJ99 IT;'.,,::} James "<!CKl:i'wn j 'to.leu 'T; I .-;':pCi', SI.",11 .\UI\lTlf \,hl:h ,W:;' alt;lched he:t:!!) :"nd 111Cllrpur:)!cd hc'rc~ill hI ii' rckrc:!iI'c: :,(ncJ \\;J lLR[AS. the Beneflcd cT: -i.1, I'l()t 'I P~l ,.', ' l, \T' l>:Jll:,LnIC:dO!\ '.lithe \\',ucr Impfl)\':':lne111s; ,ne \\!lFl\i-',AS. tne rle\elojx:r It?,; tL.;:n::J(:ll,~d I:. lh' ibY:. p'ln:o) of lh,~ \V"ter Jmpnyvcrn,:'ct.:; clml;:lIwd \virhjn Payback :\rC:.L ;lnd J'AY!\ACh\l;Il:H..MLYI'RE KITER 1\.IPIH}\,I\\IE'iT', 1 d :'JIlB'l>-E/..? F;C;R l..,jcl P' , ~ ". n;'::; /. C,1 ;~1l,: j 1> 1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I ~~t~~~~~ ~p Shelley Vance-Gallatin Cc MT MISC 64,00 \!\7f."rL~,F~..1.,,\.S I', (L.r:"! it:~~, ((':.:;n.:>',,':' I ('I ~.;i. i \~' <,.n i:..-. ,; i. ,:'J . 'Ij'L.i 1"":'( '.1,,'1."..1 '" faii' ','I:' I,..L.:\ ~ ~1, : ,. ~..~ . '.lle COS,t:\ Incurl'i.:'~l iri \_"(YJrl;':"~'tl':,)l' ~~'l~,l" in:,:~ ~.:':,~"J',:::,;:'ru\..:l,.~i""n '\'i:,I1". " Impr:" ,:" ".:IIi', I'n,:n ,,';1\:") of th,: ikm:Jllcd PH)P":I! I',~j, ii'.', llH\,;': \':,()r:,ji(:\.,~ f 'if' "';( \....) \\,;J~::"',y\h'm i'q :lnn(~).. mto the ('!ty Th .'-. \harge \':11\ be kl10v'j ,I". ,I. !"i\b:lck ('j-(lfgcand \:'!nU be l:::.' ':Ie ~,)u:-:,c \,e fun,h \'.) 1< U,',(:,,! :'\ tile <: '11 : n ~';,-~i rnbur~:<'" Ith; (JL~t"r ;....~J '\-V_r.e!' Im;)!(:, :.:mcfits 1",,'1':<,'(; wlthl" till': P'l\+":C': Ar~'a: NC}W nn:J.(EFORE, In "-clIl'.id,:r:,!;',,l:< (he . (lib cd UK \V,,",,:I 'npH:\,,'IJi,'lll.<-:. .ud Ihe rnutuul covenu1h .'on(a1m~c herem 1) .': l.}~,t ,,",,'(~t:'l'; City dlld Lh:\.:tul/\::r ilS r,Ji!(lW~' 1. n:~>, rkvcJoper ;lI.!Jt't'~ ',IJ11[ LT'rli!t\~ l'lal' rJI!- \\;lit'r Lll':I':':-\',:'!i'!',:n:::~ h;I\..,: bf:::C' .( cons!!".!::,'';! dnc' J:htaIL:J in au:urd;,n.:c c_i'll the: l:~quin:mc)'ll~: ,I} H:e ( i'urthcr agJec~ '0 convey tu the (J1Y good lI1leTlcurnherc.j lirk tl,) lheWal::"r ,1'1d seeun- nr :,'1;;1,( an) tH,,(e~sitry c'dserIlcnts to the eil) 1(11 :,;nd \Valer IrnprO\cHtcnt'\ rllf (:itv ,);n:(':: 10 accept ':[,id \\i'Hcr 11.1;;,111_.', itnd ct',(:'.IT:crl';c, 1'1 ;r .\;.Hdf'\(,,'!,. 0,:,1" HI': \\der '<yHern LThc pa,lie~ udmit the costs (is dellllcalcd i', EXJI!hit "(''' :ne' dIe lOI~cJ I,(},IS 01 the \\/"!.h', In:::1j-\,\,cm::;nu; ~:ullicu 1/' the ::;t rc, ,J, i:~,S, \.>\: \i p:lr!J"'~" :'u-tiler [.d-rn:! !hl! the (ln~\ly\::i~:n the h'.::adIlIG "\\: LiI\1' .1'<1 Vbil'.J," is an accurate r(~nCCl!PI. t<! ItHe:: custs and r,a yh:K:k (j,'lermHi:llIOn The l:U;;t,.; alC re~1,'old)le_ , The: I).:'v,::loper has sLlbn1J[t~'~i ar: a~, I:'u,!l "el cf !'_'[X:hC'f waf' ill" ..~ enginecr~; ;\':':dli.;:\tlOn :h[:l the Droject III wh:clilh<:, \Vdkr Llnrl-"\-Cm;:lit~ \\"~n; ('Ol'!":tfUI:led ,t, comnletcd III accordance \\1th tile ;lppllCclhie LI\VS, ruk:,:Tnll (;1 \(qT.~. ,I \\'11I'lh.:\(:; d Fkne!'i led Properly Cd): nc:r.:, Ii.' Ih~ (: II,', ' \.',:U,-"i ,.t:\ ICt' :',' :In r1:;\'~" 10 th;:,Ccy, the City nwy,. mit:-; di'"l.Tctin:l, ;'I\';C',,: ;1 k 1(" ;he J';\l1y ;;;)phm2 to: \::.TTICI.\'l.'TJ OJ' ar~nexatiun or III the ()\\:T:::."i' ortn,: ;lffc,::'TI"~ pn~,r'CI\ '.':-h(' \ :r,li he;! tn' r,Ji,I.,dkX,' :ii 111'-" Improvernellt ('1):--.1:.,1:-:,::(i U'lC 1',:: :'1: if: -",,* (~:.Il~ ,~'~_:~ ()C!' ;tcn~_ :..:1l' 'I';\\:oa.-:). CI1.:lrgc" sh;!.! Iw I"f' prodlKL c.1 rn,:] j'), i.;,,';' :JA' ,~.\r(",,:J,:~>':, ::tc'n>~:! \villY~.n ;,h{~ ",0'("/1...",-' "u",',,:ntlillplt..:J l!l1lcs:-S4//1') 5;: T: K' '" un ():' j').';;> fl-_:r iil\l''. :1':1'e',ha'i be L:, Ill.' l'aj r p;,n r;-lL.l "~" :t~,:[,ii(':'" i~.,'~ :'::~ ., (', 'J i r! 7": Ft :',,', 't!<~l:t j,le ([ '1":\ 1 H!\( "J~ ".\~'~ H 1, .' \! F....."J" I~"': ''';',:\TE~t. r.\.1 t'J.'H JY Ef\f 1':f"d'1 '.\ '- c;' d i)I)Ht> - F i,,,~ C;l::::;R ('.f b' : ("' Li'?; i ~ l",1 I') k 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~t~~f:~ ~p Shelley Vance-Gallatin Cc MT MISC 54,00 ,::;: \\'IUllll thlny i",elj I,Ll (IJ'. ."c~c.qJr ("Jr' P;J_~,'I\I.i~.f' (".' tn'l c' j(";r' ,t j '''':,t~nd (i..," I rh: \c I , 'Il\~ I i.l l!IL' IUTllb colkcLcd nT:I1',.L, d. ',,:\;"1\ i1(~",:enj ! ,\ ';'}C,rrnr; ,~rrijf.1 \.'t'~ f::.;,.' fw !':\ d~E<.;(1 b\ \iw Ce.!) ill1d ',:.1' (\ "lrI'.:,TI "C,,:(llH1\!i\S ':-1 'u,:1i !UI1tL, "rL:d'II~' Ih,1 ;,dmJD; '.Ii',!"':!: 1,,'( :lrdldc'nlll)I':l,',' the j)C)i;I'.H1 (\11h,.' f]crd"Tited T'J'"j':,., ',,,,.',\" rl(~ 1\ "~ill ( ';'''} Jctnur,_~SlnJI.\'c. f'cc j,-hStlL)~~cd 1)(:1\.-\'"; ll'i ~t;id; i)(,..~ ':n :.J.c'i...i.lt )T~ t'; ~;.'(. i'1T"r.n.~"'\./,:,:';~:::"De.r;,j Cost~, 'T'L: hwds ,1I1d <1,>'('.1:1;1 n~ ;.h;ill 'lc' Stilll F' tl':, Lkl,ell,:p",!": b,:,](")\'.' . Iml(':','; nlh('f1.'.<;-;c~ i.;h;Hlj'l~d hy It-'e Dl'\eJopcr ll1 \\Tllil,? i he \it\,\'di not pClTl" Any ;:'~xten;'i,i("\n.-.. j":'-r ,:.~nrrl~>,,"l"'('rlS tc.' 'l:hf \'\,';.ilc'..r 1-li\ \.\.r1"!"ind! "'I 1.'\::' I Payb;k:k t"l::H~:e I)r \\'il:")C-:',! Jlt ttill kIH)\\'kcl?l~ :L\d apVI)\dl " 1,h(~: ("'1':' \ l ~:. t" < 0,,: r h;l((~VC: rl~aS(".in. t.f:C ~~ Lni, i(1 ,:ni.t::~L the Pavlxd., t!K Cii'. -,II;d1'11 ; "; ~':l :::~ ! ,[ , th(: IJe'H;(upcr tU! ,;uch LlIlJn: 6. L ic" ,tgret:u lint thlS aprecnl<.:nt :;i\:,!! ,:Cil\lll.HlC liCl'ii'(')r,"'C: ~t>,~ re(.('JI<..t\r{;:\~j ';C\t':Jily Ilve ,:md Illlil.: It'r:lh" fK:rl.;CT1! (75(F{) 1)1 tile Impi'o\'er'i~n' l~()~h or IIPO;I ~~XplratIIJr' uf t\\cn~y !20) years, \VhlChchT 1A':':UJe, LIS!.. ThiS c\_greerrh)lll: ,;hail b-: c~coneu tcnnl1;,'ltUJ {jlle: of no lurther f.'ree Ml(i :;c'lee! on th,- fHiKlet',i!!) !If': n 11.':,~r':a!'\ cJ Th i'; AgrcC[!)CnL Llli I,ll \' of tCli"' C'lIY lU rC\..U\~T the l'ayhJI,,:k ,,;iFI!:, nCI:I',n ,.t:.iJi(: I:ab: iY: rht: p;"" of th'e C'ity nor t;':,.knd 111(' Agreement be\ur:d :hc !:~:')('"( l,ficd lK~rcu: , Ti:r;, ParLe~, hereto fmtl)(., a,s]\;": :md ltckrov.. [i'Jllhli, .'\f!J~ie:nt'n1. '.h:.!ll he ,rdc'f,:cJ pmspi;(;l1\clv and nu al.kmp!.'it'i;ill b\" made- to -:nlnrcc ihl~;. a2Jt't'tflcrt em ,i)f('lk':'!IC,~ .."Inch h;lVt: tOlHICdcd tn Ih,' w:ller ]me pnor te:. the date ,11' lh;cz dc.n::ClnCIlt (. Th:"''\grCl:nlcl'a 'Lh no ::,'ffc'~'l un C'li) chilE;"~; :',)[ !:'()l~"H..';I,..t'e(lr;,.:,~ ~,:( I~Ji~~la\.~: !,." fees. [he (It} Ilia>, c:onne~"._ Iree oJl ch:ng(;, 10 It:.(' \:\' aiel' hnp:\)Vt'rn,:llls Si.ICtr '.;.mnt'.(,;tiom, slwil :.\.,,1 cun,;Uulc grounds for rei Il1h:~r',C:lllcnL ~) rh'2 1)(;\-(: lope [' 11cn:hv agrees w n:ka".', ,ndtlIH1J h ddC!,!\,L, f,,:1 iHl.d tlic , j I I . " , '.,uic, C ,[""er i, ,I' <l'~ li':>I:, cia.: rn, ,:~; ;.lg"nh, or : Iccr~_. i-lnc em!) .oyccs~an:llc8s trum a~ld ,.tC!iJUH ,Hi (()',L cxpen';\,'5 ,)bligallO;), and!i,ji)ilit>, I);' ;lI1'v ih:-.r:Ktc:'. iicLldin;,' ,lll/;.n,:', 'k,.>. hH.:h rn;r':,,i be ! CC thir;! p;;ny ;li',::l.flS! the :,,~n:-:;ln,t: (,)IJj \..\r r~.:~L\,J.,:_',::.'1 i,I.) I. :me! coJkcllUn (>J 'h'~'. \'hack ("IEH,',C' i 1'1 aU.'()[cLmce ',\ idl n I, I >\ :.::,.::",~..',:~'::1'i~:~!'1t, IICluJill,:' hUr n'll lnnitn! 10 CLJlll1~ ,'c'ia'cd j,l an ('ere);, 111 caklll~1110" ,.{ :,'\)~,.( \)1' Payc\:',ck CharLi:c, dCt'L\~~:'f:,:: in 'I"[1C cnn'.~r.ru,cti<Yn (yfth(~ \\:afc::'j" ~~'),1r):\~,vC':rr1(\'!1ts; ~.ind(:'r'''c!''::::, on j'~ ;l n;JI.I,I,: lhm UC InupenY(>f P01UOrl thc['(,;-'[ assc:,::oc.d WI(" ~,. (i"::J:T hi.' F i.~::'\,t~{(";"":' b\/ ",.,nd \V:!leT Lllpny\,em'inL,. Pr;u! :.1.1' lilt, JJTlfx,,;itnll nf the !\:,,':i, -: ,i,ligah(lr::" III till, ,t:1t' (';ly shall p"oviJt" Dnelnfl(,r wIi: \',riltcn:wticc th,,' J th:nju:r\ Iu', nILldt":1 ;:lalll: ~Lf~,jn,.1 'he C,i.;, :\-'; ,Jg:~nts, of:';i:crs " : "': 'I,~: 1 ~. ( ,: lI.' i. ~ l,~ !:J \.:~ .~~ . fot ci r::ndel 'I'rJukll';~:: pUhu:m~ !.1':I', p:lragr:lp;1 Sl,.i~.,'j'\ 11<"'::i,"}(C p,\ \'"lL\CJ.:: ,\(a~FF:.\lI-':'" l' l~.tt.,; \\'..\. rF'.Jl l"\1PH.fl'\' E.'dF:t<TS ~. 9' ,.,;1 ~:l iJ H '" -- E L;? h(~n 1..,1 ("~ ~.-:, t,,,, : ~'.::; !~':,:;:; f''J >1 " >:1 ~.:! //1111/11/11/11/11/111/1/111/11111/111/11/11/111/11111/ ~J; ~~:~~ ~p Sh.ll.y Vano.-Gallatin Co MT MISC 54,00 Ti:'ln~~/' :t:;:\f,~l~ ., LL{ ;ZH()O Sprinq Meadovvs :)nv;:: f3ozernan, MT 597E; \\,'I.rn c:( copy Lt.'. LL~;';~ \10.:1',:;,;::1 he. r',~ K.Juflm,'HL 8 \J ;:;I;~~r. P r .'hi;, Suire Hil 130zCIDdlL Vrr~(j7 I 8 Hi DG\'~'lopcr shan not JSs:,:::" J.:IY llght III [,ldi,,~;ltI\HlliClClJJ;kl i:l wh'lle or in pan, \,r't1n:.lt prior ''vTit\cn COfIS,Clll ul the Cil.\' i! :\ny iH;xndrnenCi'; ill' nh'),:it'!(:;'!t 1,11\;, In H-,.", ;\Lreer'!)i::'ll' ()l' :.:I:;" hlun icc/fin sball he liU,l,: to c,l'I]IW,!,' dnd e:>.\~cuteri III the Saine rna:lIkT ct', the cmgi!lT' UOl'llml~n( I' '1'111'.. ;lgre.c"lenl shall be l'1Terprered JCC')lilln,,: I,.' !i,e, Li'-',.:: ''.'1 ;vlonliJfl;1, Ve;mc j[ ",II;, d: arhI11f;; 1. rom 1.;;1:. d.gret~mC111 :.;h,! j I)c ludlCU:d Lhstrict, Ga:ldllr, ('c.unty. !\,j,:-'I1Lin;1 i l, The \fll(:kT"Ji'?\l:d I,).-:tlt' Dcvd()pel acknow .md CC::tJII'::: th;jl Ine duthut'll\i :.' c\c;:ule. thl.<; i\i'reem(,1l1 ul.I!Yc'haf c~f :he !)e\'c!<lpcr. EN \-V 1'11\ ESS \VI [[REOF' the l\lrlle:, hereto h;l \e ('W(,U1l~j ihis i-I :lrIJlll;-,U the del\ cUHJ ',,',:ar lirsl above \\1'11\('11 I)EVELOPER: 'j'..i\(iE F\\1TI, ,. .. ......--] Py (\..._-(' /'-'--"J "\:-''''- '.. - ..-"=-'-- . ..nmJ~___'-\ , (',[('1'1'(11"" I' P"""ld',' "'~ '". ., ",.1 '. <;; ,:.. ~,.' ,~ ",. ~,,,., '" "l.. PAYII,\-"" .\i"l-lE],\u..'n'I:,', \\.\':'FR IMPIl.O\-T\IEI'T<; 4 r; ,::; B :~ d +- t. ("'. l JlJ. ,n ;.1.\(.3 /, ,. d ') n R to -- [ t., ;< . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~;~,~1~~ ~ Sh.ll.y Vano.-Gallatin Co MT MISC 64,00 ' (Try OF BCY/,F:\;f,\ N 8,~A~ C'lri:, r\. [.,: uI\,\ 1:,1; 1 (:t'. \htlW~\'i ,\,!"ILST: ~~ Ruhi I', J... :)llJ! I 'ill', Ciers. of Cc'nlllll:::"lil,1 "'T i 'IF '-H' MG.A:~ (~l (t'./'rl'r,,' 1(,- ."l i. {, \., .:. \_....' ' ,"~". ,_.. .. ',~.. , (\) urn y (I, _<2__{,:~t:~q_3.~ ; "" .--1 //?.. ....' - (h This ___i__....______ day 01 /1, 1~1!.0~ 20_~:'tK;f(;n' me tht' lIo(Jersi,gned, :1 :-";oi:uy Public iurih,; St,lteof\'!nnT;ma. pen:olm:ly (:aJ'lian~~'e~ Jr. kJ*"""'-~ I,) t'G Predden!. (If Tangl: f';'.mily,LJ..C, ,cl \'J,:,nl,FidLnnltcd 1.12:hi;iry Curnp.,IJY ,Hii) :h(: (<:r,dn 'Vhl:'l;C: name 15 :,ubscntx'd LoihL wi IhInlnstnlmenL dCKll(:'W It:'dpi~d!o jne Hut he t,;l_C(ll>:C\i the w:rhrn ;'lstrurncnl tor find on behail ,y' lhe s(jm(~. IN \\-TIr\F':SS \Vl U"IUC)!: HI;!\,_; hen::!Lltn :'1'1.:1)\ handind ,1111\('d rnv >.CJl the d.nJ yeClT firs' :iI)Cive \I.'rirt~n iSEALI l-', I., /. -:'-'( "/.'" , '//1 I.A ,II ! r\ . (.__. ,,'Y-x EVA DE LA TORRE F~i~~-=\I N .l!li~'~~'~"~'~:2~;;;~:--';72_llJ.LL~__~L:--i~:,_ __ . ~''''', Comm;";oo # 1514523 ;,~7.;r.c ....,,\ Notary Public - California ~ Sotarv P.1blI;,; Jor the Slate of \4ml!"n,r [i i I f. i \,{ ,~ I ~ :---" J ,~.." c,'.\ .("'" ,.. ; . ... ~;c, " H,(:~'.lcJ'Ji)g i.~~ "..,i...:~,~,~~, ,.~ " ":[1,,,' \'.ii.1!J Orange County - "';;;,I-~-)A ~!j' My Comm. Expires Oct14, 2008 IvI> Cll111JllSSIOI\ b.pm:;', ------',\LL5/ k',~yaA('l<.: .\GHEf:\lF\.iT ~H:- l\'.'r"TFH 1\'IPH{)\ r:~lF"-'I:~ :J Fl'd ~.~D8,ty ,:!, ;,~-- E':;\l ~.; t"l' 'f}' . ~..:; c; ;,~} D ' ;"j HI".: . ~ . <;;T\l1. OI\l('lt\'T',\Ni\ /111/1111/1111111/1111/1111/11/11111111/111111111/11111 ~:t~~~:~ ~p Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co MT MISC 54,00 i ~:; C')I,lI'i'.\ (,[I:a\l:lti" J ]' , . ,',\. .'... . OnJu;,ijL__ day O!L-PV'1 L.:._ n.___._~~_.._ '. 21() 51>\.'1,\;"\' iIli'., !lCi'hlcr:,!;;ncd, ,1 i\iotary PH!JIIC:OI thl' State nf MOllLma, person'l' 1\ dPPC<lly>::I ('I-IJUS '\.. I(LJ\.LI..S Ki and I{OB1~ t... SULL1\A:\. klFlV,n Ii) Ill\.: I,) he lilt: {n ~J..:,~,lj i \. ~ n'; rcspccl!\.'clv (if the Cir\' .-:1' Bc:/elIliUJ ,:lld de ]1t"'SO[l-: \':h,,'-c: -'I.rmc';,l'\",ul'\,.:ubr:d ::"Lj~,," v.lttJi n Irl-ln.1 rrenl... and ackno\,I, icd/:"cJ (;'.1 nK' I hat lh,~} e,'(c,,-lH(~d tll\:' samc clr :l'nd un behaif elT rhe ('it\' 1-': Fhyc'n;,n IN WJTf\T,:SS \\/1 U'JU~CII', i I);)\{' hereunt) seT mv ]aliU ilnd ;'lii YTi\/ Sell the d;:y clnd ye."T lirst dhu\'c vvnUcn i. SEAL I \L\L_LL~t.~~_&-{~.i::_I { (~:i/L-~- Pnnll:d \;Uf'C: -1-1LJltLL,,~>i!.t Ii /&:V J\utary PubIc for the Stilt' ur:Vlunt;1La Rcsichng ,1\ BOZl?nHiI iVIy C'olTllnisslOr' E\]Jlrc", 3li.L:.i- ., ",--;Il , ,J, { PH1HCl( HdlEl,~H:.\T ftJ, '''--ITER {'.IP"O\LMy.vt;' ,:1 Fe:' d ;'JU!l-b-El,ccm r;c;Fl l.,j' ,-4 'tr- '1;" : f:;~ '-',I'.II')? /., (-,\ ;~.1 f,:J \.-j 8~)~! i'I]- 48Ub F' .1. U :'1 H I';: (',1 ') ~? ~J L,; 1.~:., ~~:J:. .It~, F) 11IIII I . ..l~_1I! ---~---"--~.. ..' , ., - 11 I ~ ; f' ) ______n/ \ I I , , -..... --.. ",. ..' '--. ~ Cl ----- \ ..-...-......-.- I \ I i c's I i en I !".~,~. f(':,> ~ i I i i .-....---.,.. I I 1-" j (1<"l r~: I 1-- -; r- . ,- j >, I ,l I ", "I I I I... I \ '--"- ~_. .'u,_, -" r. 'i] -., , I. i -:,j:)j\j\j_L I ,.-.. c' '--<i" () I f-j ~ I I 6~ , ,- .._~.., rt_c_~~ .-~ii! c I ~,~ i "( I)" -r- f. j ~. tI~ o - - r-- .... ,~_. - - ';.',:::.k'- .- '\.. ~...~;, I ~ 7" ,.'" j " .. ,.,. ~;:::',~ I \, '''. ~;~ I /J-'''-~-r~--.LJ.IJ.~--__n_---. .-- I '\. Vi I ~:'" ;} , - \ \' ! \ '~: ~ \~: ! ., ~,.,. I ~ .~ (,':. '-' ! '.. _L~ , .... t-; ~- , _' f ",--\ 1,:_' ", I:] " -". ,/.1,'/": I \.: J 't j "'- I (..) 9 , I ~ '1 ~"J', ! '(~~~ /J:. ( :j' I \.Z ~- ~ .- ~~. '_1 ; (. /\ .. , f I', " 1 "." , ':.1] ~~l.) 1.1'-1 ~:~r: <] " L) ,-I 1 ..1_1 I .(,... i/) (~ (t..-. C.J :;"',~ , dJ> r...",r.... ;L ~~;.r i.' ~I ~~. .. j I .( r--- ;'"-'\ ;'\ ~::.;~ 1: L__L__ i() I, I- 1",,/ ~.... ,') 1~;30 r---'.. I -() " ";;.. ~ 'f ," .Y , ~~': ~',:~,: ~,~.; j . ...i j'" m I Ct.:: Il.~' 1 ,<, !I\ ! 'Il:( ".t: ; 0". c; *',~': >:~ ~:)~~ . l ~ !,j ~l 1 -I '~i ~ ~ G /' ' .... I.",., --"~. --';{ ..::( ~tJ ! ; i\1 ! lYl .;, 1 !:' if .-:: In 1 ." il1- ..9_; t- I ,,,;. i.Y ~> ,.'( !.,"oJ u. < ,,, ! eei '.1. ...-. - -- '. i ill ..", r' ~, --'-- ...:< i .- .:,i i '! i~:' !--,. H \~ .~ 3::: n' u.:,j .( I I (, r ;. ".jw. - .':l ':.c '-( i N'''' -<, 'r'." 'j j! C:, I ~ ' , , [' ,.II . ..' t." <:S ..{ ~: t::r. '.' ! -, ili ) .-j ~'" '. t I, ."'iJ.. ,_!,,:: (." ::1 ' h: i c.- -- ..' Itki;' , .W~ .,"..". . -..- -..... ~'-~. I ~:~~. 1; ) !ib .'.J If" I ,--. n.. ,.' -t i' i ilk, ~ ,., 1_ \t1 ,j ...~ . ~.l III ,-- r~:) ~, :~ ,~~ i'~ I ... :' ~" r" I .~~- ,..j ~~ (r..:. ('") CJ ~ k<J 11-...'<1, . .s 5i ,i ' "I i:/) .>,. l~-' I" _-.~: .;: ~ ~ .~~ ! ~...1Ji_ _'~ n"'It..... '""" .'11"' . --- ._"~ ",,~ ~". <J' ~~~ f-~ ..--- i I ,r. ,---- ~ "? .", ' ~.. t f."j'\rV', ;: i: . "" <',j.) k:t, ii' , ' t.> ", ~,J ...:'. j t.:~ c'"' ":>"-' I :.:':,1 ""'''') '; 'C> . ~~) '~j1~ (~) ~:,:) 1':: ",""-1~ I .....__......_""-~~ ._--,.. ~ ~"'. I i-, .... -- .,~ ':C ~~~ i -", "--iJ ~ . ": ~ (\.l "", f:" I t:J -'.... 4 i~' f,) ;:'.~ (/~ f":J -~') .: ;J (/) I J~'; 7," J: ~ 1 r. 'I () , ~ ~~ ' i ~ ' C.~ i ;:::_,~ lit. 'IIJ(~ \ ~". i ~ , .L - ' JJI... 1"- .,~~ 00'175 ~SIW lW o~ uTl'TT'~-.OU,^ ^.rT.~S '; ~~~~ 1i~ /1111111/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 . " L'5-r....,'J.:,;:I:~::~.::.:~, '{,f BO.;d.:'. . . _ V~'A. ~.~'\' THE CI ry OF nOZEM,IIl"N tl'.- ~.." yA f:J ..,' . ,', -ill 20 E OUVl':' PO BOX 640 ~ /.~.-;:.' "--o;.;..U "f."HeMAN. MONT."NA ">'9T/1 L.>640 - ~r-;Jntl nD~ ~ '~;~~-,--~:=?"}I . '~lLJ,U.uiLl,n 1 ~.>~ o/;l FNG'N"'''NGC'FPA"'MEN; ~~. r: "~"'~~ ("'0 ~ (~.1 , """ ' "~'.'" ~ "':-1,it:',l,~~~~::.~~;I,;~:~" PHONF:,: (...1:r).()} =-:"():?,.2:]f7~.., i" !fl.,}':::. ~,<:t()r::'J tr;~B2..2',)6~',-t I't...... ()L r .J. 19!1l .t.... 'j . <).,;lobn I:",:')')'} !l~.',\" .,..... ....' .,;..AJ) 0... 1.... Ul.~j .~.... ...,,,,...,,1. ,~,-" ~ "---Jl.~.... I" ~ \.j t::iv1(\1-< ,\ NIJtJ 1\,1 ~_.,_.."----_."._,, ---"-------,_ CO ~ NOlt;l It) '0 g T(}: r;PI (.(loper, Staff ,,),!lonK,' ,<I d/' _m N . , .'. .. ..: { ~/' ~/ "'"' .. N [-rom. Jarncs i'm:kc!o;oll. l'nJltC11:!IglOeer /' 1,. " · N n '1" c, .1 'u .1-" l." . I N:::;;: h.\:". ;mg',: .)'~W{r ailU 'l','ltcr aYO;lC;-( Ln\tne!"; D.t;l ~ ,:~,.._....- -....:....--. :-=~.^"--~'".~'..'" m.. . ._.,. ... ~~.~:~':'::.=.:;;:;_;;:;;:;:~=::::=:':::':~-:::-'''~-~ -. r'. -:-:=--==.:;::-..,:;::;::':,,,: ',' - ...... .:-:':'-,.-::-:~7"'::7~,-;;:-.~;:;;:;;:;;~~;':=.-::::=::-.:-,::".:.~~'':;':':':::;;::;,:~':_;;"',,", "N"" ... .... r have rcr:cived ~"\ayba'.:'k f,lap::; and SOIne addilion,d cUi:,l lIdcnn,nif'll fc'~ the J'iC'posl:d ;,\':wn drlCI W:ll;'[ pa.yback dlstnct:; J<)J the alienee n:kilcIH'uj !)I\JWU v..hH:hi'.' lie II:msmiUed H:, Ji}tl Wlf.1l thiS ~ tel.leT ;t'; fi:lllnw:;' - l!: IE . Sew.:,\' F~n'ha('k o =u _I: ~ :::; A p..:woack '1:';'') nlJ" wa<; ekw'le"xd by C&H r:'ll.'iiWt'fII;l; which ?j".)i.;irs 11) :.ilt:rtcl-r Id'tC:I{j;(' . " 1" ,t _ ",." ',_ " - ::: ti<;TVI\:C Mea Iilr Ihe '.icwcr main fXh"l1)iofl ! 1]( Ii)!;'! I ;"C[I,'ICt' ;m':1 (':')1];:'.:)', id'] 03. r; nn;'~, fhe total ! (i),;;I, of t1-l:.: prll)':" I::hendd 1:.,-; ,Ji ,>i(~':d c',':'liiy .,Ii I<Jn:,} Ii.. ;:::1,.11:.:1).'.': fl('l,::;li;i! t ,) ': '-'( the _0 ._c.,c.".".....,_.,. "'II"II'-"I.-,...t'j'"i"-'~'r'--'- '0 ...,_"..{".., ......__,,,., c:: ..,t.f ~ h..,f., .':.l.l ,~. d ill (. OPdH...C /\ lL .,} ~/p 1 (,i.:O 1 -I) ~\, l II en d j-,ur\ 1., n1 l,~.'; '\C ~ \ I,' ~,! U r Lue ~:.'~..~\\ f i .11 ~dH;, -" -> '" ~ \V:ill'r P:r\'bacJ,; -- '" -- _-I: -'" ,'rea [nap. ;k,\:lo;);'d b:, (.'&JI EI1i?lIlcc!ili;".: 1.'"::jH:I(ht:,j !i,,', :,,;,'1) :;:,,1\,,--,.' ;nc:: .1', iH) dcre>,\'hd,' nk dJfiUUnl ,,( I'rorc'TV ('u1 ,: I, it OllllC,.IPP! ;\.',.1111.''. l)\\r1tT';['li p I';\!)':". 11 ihi'::','ak\c (H ,:1 S-':O -'KiCe', ,-"",I ':" !l';lrllCI iUH Ci)';[~, :tti; lhila!;k' 1(; I h:: 'Iakr rflilm ~ubi n"!. to I he compuKd 1n iil:' ~A5,SO> CS:f! hi:c'li-"':'''II:''.! ill.: !)'I:(." ;i"::'illlw'nd:'!L;' !"(' i-1e(hKkd 1,IhTI '> 1 1:'c1.j and 1--8 en ih,,~ ;:n"Kh.,.d C:311IHdU:) "jI:LI:: Hi':, l\:r:,crv:c,-. hI'.:' :,.11:.<::1\(; lh,' d.ppflCIl1IS pIoperiy -rhcrcfore 111'.' [(11:11 a! I 1)\\.,1 hie' ,..rlil.'tn.:':: 110.1': I. :.: :,t ""~::;) .,5 7(). Er:f',intcr:n:' COS!'; prol3leJ \0 thIS portion of :h.:' \\iltu ;:nd 'jeWCl prOiCl"1 :If{' Ctl(u!;Il!"li h. in' $"/6:;, B~b(:d em lhese r!j,~tnc':.; f..f1t" t.nl,;;t,! t.d!O\.'\';:~hh~ cos~ (~f Ih\.'.', \\:;,:;,t<.,~ l!;;'fj'n ""'!i,"j';.>.ti~~rl J;.,i'f ,.~ !..,(' ~:<:':' ~~~~";l ~:,UE~ wnlHn d:e ;".:fYICC illc:-l.fhcrek,w :iF: 1',ill!Jrnounl ,)t Ih', p;:ryh;,ck ',vtndd $1 ,167E 'f!d,C1ICd !.'jl;:\, jilusly, 'he cost;; for the ',\ ,11('r m:.Jln o:tcnS/lm apl~::drc' !t, be [cOlson:,;;>!:" ;md cOlnpari.iI'l if- 1(> OIIler hI I,,; I II ',I:JJled in the cnrnn1llnily. if :;iOU ",-cd i-,ddillOlli.,lillfiwrIl,lllOn '11 <H\J\;r 1.(1 'illah/~ !be lS,>L"; I.;!:l\cd in I.h." flaybaCk. p.!'~J';e ".,)\'11:-1([ ill:_: ,.J! \OUT cnnvenH'nC'c (( f-RI I'! (};':c I. File f .::1<1.' 10";1.1 It:', EXHIB 1("11" HOMt:_ OF MON rl\N^ ~::;TtI,TE: IJN1VL.l<;'d TY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE P/U'!K 1 T .' ct. ~~.1 iJ B -b .,.. r.: ,'(:,: r:; i::;' B I"i, d c:j? ~,~~, r:::, 1,11 J 1:: \~"f H t.,J . > . 111111111111 111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111 1111 g~~:2:~~, EXHIBIT C Shelley Vanoe-Gallatin Co MT MISe 54,00 PROPORTIONATE COST OF WATER MAIN EXTENSION FOR HAMPTON INN MOTEL SITE BLOCK 3, TANGE'S SUBDIVISION, BOZEMAN,MT (PORTION Of WAfER MAIN INSTALL.EO WITHIN fURllJlU NORHj lllll AVf,NlH' R/W) WATER MAIN EXTENSION HEM HEM Ul:SCRlf'1 ION . .".."-,~._.'"----,._..,,-,.,~,.... . _ (S1 < QlY ~NI1 UNIT PR.lCE AMOUNT ..--..--.---.--.--.-.....--.....---.-. ,..,~~._-~---,.__.".. ' -.--------...---...-------....----...------.....----..-- -,,- 1"1 W D,U'.. (.IN,~>--,l WAILIl f O;~'.i [ r '~:i'-1..UO '1)4,600 ()lI onu MAIN WITH "\.IStl ON )OfNl~. 't "-,,. 'r- (;,1>, TE VAlVL WI' Ii VALVE ~ f ,!l\ '~, >~ ~',~ ')'., (I t .~, "f)' . ~,~ ('I :',~ ,,(::0 II;> 1.1 E I',DX ANn r:'IRIYo i HLOCK i....] b" '"Tl\NIJ!\RD IIYDRfd'-/T ll'.';sr 1'1i\1 y j [A_ t/,leIO.un <,;> ,1{){) .[\0 tUJ lH ,V./THRUST Pion:., VJUVf ArJO \I;\LV[ c-O) , MHl ilXkXt:; if! )1 (()NN(CI ION 10 tXIST.ING fl" CU,'. I fA '>tAC.I)(1 i.<;;.;U.OO O)?lE 'N..AHR MAIN 5JtJB I.,..'; ,,;'" D..! Y ';rue: AND tAP 'NITII ~ '..A ';"'10,(:0 :~~,40,n::'1 0271\' 1JIHlh 1 lJl OU; !.{, r' COPPf'K "XP,V1CE PW[, W/CtHH-'. li t i '~J5,00 .~ Z,695.DO 1)2} 1 j :',[()P',;. U.iKI.\ V,'\lVF~; & CURb BOX (,' 101;\1 I .' ,./" I) :..1'. ,-lKL ~;UNJU SIUB WIIH / } f' "\ '1,"tn r.:fI 'j.IO,;'f.lJ).cli) 0<':/1.1 UlfW \/A'_;"If., ANfl LU',.5 BOX (2 TurAL) 1. '.'f) InL;)":,lH Wl,l. f"RUST BlOCK " f:l, pU:.JO\! $,?6(j..C~) (l:!il. )-'1 UXUXI': F[ WITH TI\I<\J(>) HI nCK .l 1:1' '~,.:H)D.Oi.) 'f.'100 00 02ft .I 1.\0 fI". iiI, DU"P'U.. .llLNCoWllli 1 LA :;.J?,.OC $3/~"O() OJ/I.J i HRU', j FliJ.'l(K I 11 PfU,'c ').IH[reJ II fiG, CLEANl tlG to, u:' l,i\ 'I ,'Ot').i.'(: :J,!SlJ 00 OU1 \ DI';~ ',rH : IOeJ n;- WAif R "1;"i rl " 'JAI.V! S TOTAL _c:=c~~~~~=l,~?= 21 . d mmt> -- 1':/.2- 5S8 Nc1>;to : c; SIJ1l2 /,0 ;-n-H.J