HomeMy WebLinkAbout00- Gallatin County/City Voice and Data Line to Fire Station No. 2 . GALLATIN COUNTY/CITY OF BOZEMAN VOICE AND DATA LINE TO FIRE STATION #2 TIlTS AGREEMENT is made and cntcrcd into by Gallatin County, Montana ("County") and The City of Bozcman, Montana ("City"). WHEREAS, the City leascs cCltain real property owned by County at the Law and Justicc Ccn tcr; and WHEREAS, the City has installed and is in thc process elf installing conduit, voice and data lines ("lines") from the Law and Justice Center to Bozeman Fire Station #2; and WHEREAS, the PLll1)OSC of such lines is effective communications from Station #2 to City facilitics; and WHEREAS, City has proceeded on its own with thc project at the most reasonable cost. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of thc mutual covenants and agreements between the parties, it is agrced: I. Thc County will not require removal of thc lines as long as the lines meet all appropriate building and other codes for tbeir intcnded use. City will provide County a site plan showing thc location of the lines. 2. City waivcs any and all claims and recourse against County its officers, agents or employees, including thc right of contribution for loss or damagc to person or property arising from, growing out of or in any way connected with damages resulting from the installation and use of the lines or from any damagcs to the lines by County in tbe operation, maintcnance and construction activities at thc Law and Justice Center. 3. City will indemnify, hold lumnless, and defend the County and its agcnts, principals, imd employees from and against any and all clai ms, dcmands, damages, costs, expenses, losses, liability, judgcments, defense expenscs, and attorncy's fees rising out of or resulting from City's wrongful acts, errors, omissions, or negligcncc, as a result of the installation, use and any other rcason associated with the lines including the City's failure to comply with all federal, state, local law and building codes in the installation or use of the lines. In the event of an action is filed against COUNTY resulting from City's installation and use of the lines, County may clcct to rcprcscnt itself and incur all costs and cxpenses of suit. 4. This Agrecmcnt is not intended to modify the current lease between the City and County at the I.aw ancl.Justice Center. 1 SIGNATURE PAGE GALLA TIN COUNTY, MONT ANA ! The undersigned is authorized to execute this GALLATIN COUNfY/CITY OF BOZEMAN, VOICE I I AND DATA LINE TO FIRE STATION #2 Agreement, and bind Gallatin County, Montana as a I I party. DATED: tf; ~ Yl3iJ ~ 7}/(dcd (!!~ Phil Olson, Chair ATTEST: C(4/! (1~~.~ &vrl; O&r'c f /ffo{JflIfYf2y 2 . . SIGNATURE PAGE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA The undersigncd is authorized to execute this GALLA TIN COUNTY/CITY OF BOZEMAN, VOICE AND DATA LTNE TO FIRE STATION #2 Agreement, and bind The City of Bozeman, Montana as a party. DATED:~J 27 t.?~<:) ~~--- --;...:.-- .." ,.~.. ,. ~~ -~' ~ -- Clark Johnson, City Manager ~d~ Titl e : (7ey [ aJ; -fi-eC O'11/h j ~ S /~'- 3