HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 58- Cook, Turner, Bell Deed \4_ . ,< ". -"' C 1 T Y o F 13 0 Z E M A N Project No. -.t1NJ_!~t ------ Parcel No. 9 ...--- County of _,G:1:,tJJ_<lJ,_UL_ . _~_______ --,.--. Des i g n a t i 0 n_'p1:1 lL--,-l_t Ll:2_l2.L_-:-__li_ ,__ }_L1LA-_"L~~-,___ t 9___1\u u '5_(~__S t r~gD t --..---- ,..------.... .------- .----.-.... W A _ .!L_R_JLJiJ _ _1..__ JLE__ E D TlITS INDENTUHE, made Lhis 3rd day of ----.-..--- )jpyjl _ ____ . ---.... ________ ,.LUB.l: _" n. ... _._____. ". n._ IN CONSIDEHA'l'ION OF TilE SUM OF_ ._$J(),_QQ.__9r _~DVCL__ - --.-----.--.. .-..---... -.----..-...-.. ..---.---...... - lawful lI\(lney of Lhn UniLed SLates 1.0 Lhelll ....._.,on. in 11 a ml paid by the CITY OF BOZEMAN, the receipL wbereof IS hen;lly a('].;IlOVv I cd<l:d , WITNESSETH THAT, (leone E. Cook Donald A. Turner FI-cd Be II Bozeman, HonLana. BO/'.eman, !>lontani.l Bo/.cman, !>lonLana doe~___ hereby GHANT. BARGAI N. SEl.I.. CONVEY. WAHHANT AND CONFTHM unto the CITY OF BOZEMAN for the benefit and usc of i I. s I':ng ineer ing DeparLment the f 0 I low i llg described real properLy, to-wit: I' arc u 1 No. ~-) OIl C i L y of Bozemall PI-OJC(-~ L No. HNI #4, Oak SLrccL-N.7th Lo ]"{O\.lse, <lS shown on L he' Hi ,gh t or Way I' I all I' () I' ~:; il i d PI'o.j(,ct on f i 1 c in the of rice of Lhe COllnty C I (~r k &. Ih: c 0 c' d t-' r in (; a 1 I a tin County, Montana, Said parcel i 1'-; also doser i lled as a tract of land III Block 4 of lmes Addition to Bozeman. HOlt Lana, celll La ill i n.~ an area of o . 02.1 acres, more or less; AS S 1l00v N I,y the shaded are (1 on tile' p I at, cUllsisLing of Ulle sIwcL, atLadwd hereLo and made a parI, 11F;rt~r) r . r EXCEJyrTNG AND RESEHVING, how eve I' , all ~ns ilIld (I ii, hCllcat II the SUI' face uf the: hbuvu-dcbcribcd aIle! C CJ II V l: Y (~d Iii' t~lll I S (: S , L () ,Ii Co t h c: I- ~v i L h the: i-i~h,t to extract the salIllc: , p I' () v ide d thaI. i n the exere I st.: or SUI)h I'j g-h I. the surface L1H'r'cor sha 1 I !lot be disLurbed, in Il'I' re'l-cd IV i III , or i II any~vay damaged. FUHTIIEH EXCEPTING AND HESEHVTNG unto Llle ~; I' a J \ I I) I' S , their s II C' C C S S 0 r' s and ass 1';-lIs a II water, wa tel' righLs, di lchcs, c ana 1 :" , i ,'I' i(aL i 01\ systems, exist in;'; ur as I'e I oea Lcd, i r a_IIY , i IIC Iud i n~; buL II () L I i miL ed Lu. ~vatcl' stock or shal'l's, bonds, certificates. con t )' a c L s and a.ny and a 11 o th(-:'I' "indicia, of h'ater, wa, I t~ r righL and d i tcll Oh'ncrsl1 i p, 01' a.ny intel'cst therein, ilppurtAl\anL to tIlt>, land described herein. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the ab(lve e!escr i lH~d and con\-'F'ycd pl'Clll i scs, wi L h a] I the revers -j ons, I' e III a i n d e r' s , t cnCIlH.'1l L s , 11 (~ I' c'd i L it In en L s al)l[ 1:1 p P lll' t e nal \(. c s thereLo. unLo the CITY OF BOZEMAN, and Lu its S 1.1 C C (' S ~:; 0 r s H,lle! assigns forever' . i I ~,'~ ..-. -I "~ ;-1 'oatH ::It! "' x " ,. : '" ... ,- " .... I 1..- I i ........... . &t;~Px,.~,~/.tll:..lT-- --n/ 35/-00 el:.(,IN ACULJI_JI IUN t" J '10 ~ ') ) "' @ : ;u; @ ....-- m I U' i Vl(fl:LI --l r- 0 l>"1) <3 - , I '" - I ~~~~~~:~ I - ~ ~ r~ . -: N o '" 0: ~ '" /!:~ :;' (,1,,'____ l:),it~ I '10 I ~o 8 '10 0 "00 I i , ---...<11 sIft >1 "$ffi( i '" . '~ .--,.....-.-.--,-.,. .--.,----- .....-. 8 . ..-.. ,- j .......:}... .........~!:r."7' .......~..f.? 15"00 [: ~ ~ $HE[T llTlt PROJ(CT TITLE "" R[\II'SJO~ BY" Nl'PR. OATE III~;"!\'~ ,~l:it'1 ~rr/ :. I' 1111'ill~I<T' 1',I~)i HIGHT OF WAY OAK STREET 0fSiGN'E01i7-............ ~__'.m,'~ trj EXHIBIT (NO. 7TH TO ROUSE !! I! ~I i, I. , "'.::,} ,,1;,11 DRAWN 8'( PROJ(CT~~ <:.0 PARCEL NO.9 C.o.B. PROJ. MNI #4 ,".~).<1 )()" I, ~Ii '.1 I"; I' 1 ~ CHEC'K~ ~-