HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarranty Deed 58- Weaver, Alexander & Allegra Deed r ~ ~' .. ..' ... anOK l;~B PAGF21.8 I'll). S-"\VARllANTY JH~J",j) ST....r~' Fll: RlI',:!f-ll NG co., H~LENA. MO~r. .... - - - This Indenture, Made the___._m2J.r.d......__mmmm...nmhmda}} ofn....Hc.t.p..'.)ler." ~. ~& ~~. ~ ~ ~. - ~ '. A. D. one thousand nine hundred and_++h._Eifty.:....e.ig1"l.Lm___m_______....h+__.__.____m_un___.m....um..n.n..___ BET rv EEN _ ....,(,..LE.:X:.l'.J1.DEJ:.nD..L:V-LD..l"l.--::C.t..3i :;::::1... ,J.-l.),cL "eJo'J",.D.GEi/,._:~:LQRrNZ. :W__[~.:'..Y.I-:';R , hllsband and \vHe, whose postoi-Lice addressee; are ._ OZelYlan, Gitllatin nnmmoo ~x ~ '". "'. _" _. .. ,. _ ...... _ _. _ ". _.. _ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _.__ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~ _~~.._~_~.. ~ ~_~______ ~_"' ~__ .r_~ r.... ..... ~~_. _ r". ,. _ y __ _. ______~ _ 7___r.. _.'. ___a. rn___ ___ _r. _. _..__ _.<;:;.9"W'=ty,_.M.(;n:lt~.1]-_Si:'....mm.m_._.___._...._.._.m_.....m__m_.___ ___. ....nm...nnparLj_Q.~._.of the FIRST PART and ~r :'::J~_.c.rJ: y ..D.E. ..:~:J)Zj~M.t\.-_N'..~uM.\-mi~:i.p.-~ J. _!::: _QX_P. QJ: .i:!-.t.i_QJ),. _elf. .~h.~.. 2_t ;1J..~~_.oJ..NLQ.nian(l)t ..in _ .C-;':)-.l L~Jin. ..c;.uunty::... _._ ..n._n... ..... _.. ..n......_n ....._.. u.._...... .._u........ _ 00...00 u.... _.............. n. _ _ _.....' n' _.. a..._ ..-....&..~ - ~"' -. ~ - _ ,._~ ~~... __. ,_. ~___.......~_ ___~ "~~__n _. ~ __. ___ _____..... __.._______ ~ ___________ __ __ _............ ~_..... __.... ___.. __ ___... ~_ __ ~. __.... ~. __.. __......... _______.. __ ___.._ I m...._mm........_..mummmd..........mmmmmuumnummu... .u...mthe part....:Y..mof the SECOND PAR T; I I WITNESSETH. that the said partj.~.,jnof the FIRST PART. for and in consideration of the - .~-"-~- I sum of ....",..,..""ON:~u,t~1':Jl}J)ljJJ.1QQ_":_':".:-.._....m_m..m....._.... ......._ m _.. _On.....m ._..._Dollars ($..L..UQ...._-=-mm._..J latvful mone)} of the United States of America tOm_th.enL.....oom....in hand paid bJ/ said parbfmnof the SECDN D PAl? T. the receipt whereof is hereby acl~nowledged; dO.......oom......b}} these presents grant. baraain. sell. conveJ}. warrant and confirm unto the said parL.ynn...... of the SECOND PART. and to successor[J __~~Xm__mm~ and assigns forever. the hereinafter described real estate situated in the ~)(K~lIl>>KJOf:- W.._.Un.....____._..___......mnm_muu_....u._.... Count)) o/..._.....Gu_llaUn.....m..mmmm........m.. and State of M ontana. to~ wi t: .u_........ ... ..+.._n_uu..nn_u.............._.._u n",_ n. _ _... n..... ..h. ..h _.....hn _ ".n.' ......_....... _....a... ....n.... Lo.ts.. (1. .and .:z..i1J.....E,lD.c.kh4.D.L1~:.e..s_tc..l.TL_IlubdLvi h ion ,_n.:/.hich. i B-a..pal:. tio.n. -o.Lth e..hJ.oJ::th... east -'uarter of Section 11, Township 2 South ofr:Zi'l.nge=2~.;t,M.':'.;\/I., according -to' - fE'e-' pi a I 'o.t' . s -a rd" ~:~u.1j a: i"-ili'S'1 oii.- -f -C;-D-e- - n rea"" C 0 Ylt e rnp'o"i:~; ii.'e 'Cl us ry' 'wI iL'" 1:E }'f" 7j ,) (;"r}: - ...{ Ii" ... .th -e. 0 f1'i-e e.. "nf"the. -(;,\,)-u n t-y. G tef'k- - &-. fl,-e-eo~-el-e-3'" 'of - Ga H a..t i 1"1: '''~;\'Wn tj;' - N' On-I ana- ; ^. m_.. -. - - -.... -~~ ~ - -.. ~ ~ ~~. ~ ft~ ~~ .~_~" _ _.. ~.. _ ~_ "~m .~..____.___ _,.,._~__. __~_ ____ _.. _ ~_'.__.,___ ft______.__~_ ___ _____... ~ _ ____ _. ~."n _ r _._.. w___ _ _______ __ .........._+__& _..._____~.._..___._ ~_______ ~_~. ~... __ ~ - _n __ ".r ~.' .".' '.0.0 r ~_,~__ ..... .._..,.. _ ....._~ _ ______ _________~.. _. __... _ ,.___~ ~. __. __ ..__.... _y~..... . _._ ~.' _ . _ ... _ _. _ _..... _____.... ___ ....... ...__..... _. __ __ ___ _. r _ _ ___ __. _. _ ,_ _...__ ____ .". ,. r . ___ An ..a_.. _m ..._,.-.' ,. ___&_______~~~...~~. ~.._ __ _~_ _____,._______.~_~_._,~~........_...__~ ~ _ ~Vft_~ _..~. ~~."'.... _.~~~ ~~~______.._____ __ __ ___ _ __ _ ___ __ ____ _ _... ___....__.. _ ___ ___Oo -- -- v ~ - -- ... ~ ~ - - - -... _.. 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TOGETHER with all and singular the hereinbefore described premises together with all tene~ menls. hereditaments. and appurtenances thereto belonging or in an}}wise appertaining. and the reversion and reversions. remainder and remainders. rents. issues. and profits thereof; and also all the estate. right. title. interest. right of dower and right of homestead. possession. claim and demand whatsoever. as tvell in lau) as in cquit}}. of the said parU&f!.of the FIRS T PAR T. of. in or to the said premises. and eVery part and parcel thereof. with the appurtenances thereto belonging. TO H AVE AND TO HOLD. all and singular the above mentioned and described premises unto the said part}} of the SECOND PAR T. and to.mmH~n~~~.<;S_~~_F}_Q,r..~mh...h_.m..._m_m+...m_:hein and assiRns forever. And the said parL.if:ILof the FIRST PART. andmnhhnth..e.ir.._.heirs. dOumm_mhereb}} cove~ nant thaL_______n111ey___m.tvill fore'Ver WARRANT and DEFEND all riRht.title and interest in and to the said premises and t!r~ ~~ W6j Bea.ceable possession thereof, unto the s(!i~ parL..{_m_...m_of the SECON D PAR TiLs..um~~.e an asszgns. against all acts and deeds of the said part .J..r;.'?:._m....of the FIRST PART. and all and ever}} pcrson and persons whomsoever lawfull.lJ claiming or to claim the same. ........... ~~,~ ~ _ -...... w ~.. ~..... _.. -~..~.. ...'~......"'.... ..................... __....___........... ......._~... ~ ____....._.._______..___ _. _ _.. _ _ _ _.' __ ..,~~...,._ ~ ~ ~ ~..,.. ~....._ __..~... ~~ _ ~ _.... _....... ~ .,.., ~.. __ ~.. .,.___ _,..,...... _m._ ....,. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ w n _.. n,," __,~ _ ~ n__ __ '. _. __ ___ m~ _.. ~ ~ m_ ___._ ___ _.. ~____.. ___________ ..........___..___.....___..__...................., ~ _ _ __"" ..... ~...... _.....~.. ......~ _ .......... .............w ~~... ~ ~..._ ~_" r.. ~ _.. ____ _m _ _ _______ _ _ _ w _ ~___ ____. _ ,."__ ~ _ __ _. _ __ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ __n ___~_a _n _ __u___ __ ~_M _ ___ _____ u _ _ _ ............__ .............._...__ _ _ w _ ~ ___ ~ _ ~ ~ ~.. __ _ _ ~.. _ _ _ _ _ _...~... ........... ~........_ __ _ _ _ _ n _ ~__ _ _ _ __ __ _ m_~____..___ __ ______ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said parU-\~JLnm...of the FIRST PART ha.Y;~_m..h.here- unlo seL..~lJ.c.irm..m_...hand_s.mm_and seaL_';3m.mthe day and 'year first hereinbefore written. 5;gn,d, 5,aled and Dd;vercd m "? ,,' " , (5 ) the pr""nce of m~....'......~......~...."""n...." FAL ),....____._ u _ u~.. ...~u(SEAL) ...."..... ..................."".. ................................ ~ ,."" '.'., ,... .... ..............'.. ... ... ........... ....... .."......... : ::~; I 30DK 129 PAGf220 I STATE OF MONTANA. 1 I . (55. C ountj) of m_mmmm mGJJJ.0,t~.1}___ - _u... -. - _m.."_' J II On this..ump_.2J;x:dm..._._mnmnnda)) ofm0.c.tJ)J).f.;c...n_m...._._in the 'year nineteen hundred and I .. m.Eift:.y_-.:_e ighL_. m..._nmm nbef ore mCmm. ___J3,:Q~nM.....__Kj:;i~_te.r... nm.mm.m_......_"' a ,No tar.v Public for the State of M onlana. personall:v appeared.mT:,1~:Ka.nggxnDH_YJ,dn:~~L,;xh:yg.:r..jc:!-.:1J.~t_6.Ug.,~r..~nm_____ m~~~.2r~}:~~._:y_t;_~.Y ~ X..___!.I,\l_;?_~:~!:.1. .~.l].~. _,;-!_U..~.t...m_... __n __u_ "____u_" .__...._m _nom _n__.___.. ..._ _._u _'00..' um.nnn. ~.~ __.. __r ~,_'.._ ~__.._...+__ _~_.., ~ ~&~...& ,__~ ft& ~~~+_ __ +_ ..& _ _ ..& ~.... _ ___ ~. .~__ __~_.... ~ ~ _"~w_n__ __ _ .__~_+__~..._...... ----- ----------~---- -- -. ------+~& -- ----- ~ ~_. --+--------- ---~ i I knolVn to men_ _uu. ....n_ ._.._.n.__._u.... ._n.nn ___._.__... ......_.._ .n._..... _. .n..n. ._. .._hnu.._nn.....___.....u__nn_______n_.._._. no. I (or pro'Ved to me on oath ofmmmm'.m.mmn__.._m_umm.m_m.mm.mn......~__mnm..) i are ! to be lhe perso'L~'-.uumwllOse name.~m_,nmsubscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me I thaLmnmm_the_Y_m.m....__executed the same. ! IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I hwe hereunto set m}} hand and affixed my Notarial , Seal the da}} and )lear first abo'Ve written._'___ \ ,"~ .-:- i \ ;"' . ,. __ __~n~nr~__~_u,,;.,_;~-._~.A~~'~.~~':~.,=..;ll~~::.:';.;,..;..-,-~~;;..,;;.-~'.__"'_...............:;..,:;;....~__....._.__...~........... . N otar)l Public for the State of Montana. l"'~ ~'.,. .,"'" (',., ~ I , , Re$iding aL_mn..n]~~Qz,.e..nJ..atl....M.Qntana~m.m_.. . . Ml) Commiuion expires.1..:;.ep.L.l:l.th........ 19.ttfL_ ! i! 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