HomeMy WebLinkAbout85- US Dept. of the Interior Right-of-Way, Sect. 30, Township 3S . . . V"ITED SlATES FOR\l APPROVED DEF'.-\RT\lENT OF THE INTERIOR 0\18 ~O. 42-R1647 Be' FAl' OF LA:-;D MANAGEMENT Smal'lumber RELINQUISHMENT OF Type (Of Case APPLICATION, ENTRY, OR GRANT . '.:>;0 rel1ClqL:lsh:nen: :':".av be effected unless a cOr.1ple:ed appl1cation R 1 9 ht-of -Way forIT". h'" bee:"! reCeIVe(: 43 L'.S.C. 321 and 43 C S.C. 31 Srr.ll -.--.-...,. ..----- -..------------..--. -,..,.... ..,. -. ,~- _~~_"'._'_' . _...., ".__,_" .n__'.'. ..,""',' . ___.__..","._,. _~",. I HEREBY relinqUIsh to the Cnlted States any and all right, title, and interest that I may have ohtained by reason of the accepta.nce of the appllcatlon for filing ._ allowance of the entry A appraval of the Ic,rant by the Depart- ment of the Interior In the abo\'e-ldentifled case Insofar as all the lands described "ne concerned I only the iollow;ng-descrlhed lands are concerned =_~~~~TlO:\ -'-r-- T-Ci~'~"SH~._ I RANGE ___1 _u__-_-~-=.-==.~!!.~IVISIO:-; 30 3S 7E Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 The right-of-way involves a reservoir and dam authorized as a USDI easement under the authority of the Act of March 3, 1891 (43 U.S,C. 946-949) and May 11, 1898 (43 U.S.C. 951). .:i~i~:~iP~J,_,_MOn_~:~~-I:~oUn~Y Gall at in _ -J State Montana '_~cr~s~~:nrber) I CERTIFY That the state~ents made herein are true, complete. and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. -----. Sep t em.b.er.'L._ L2..as.~ ~ (Date) ...___ ._._ _m___.____..__... - "'.'... . . .~-~._._., ,.~ Title 18 U.S.C Sectlon 1001. ",akes 1t a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the U"lted States any false, fictitious C>r fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. ___..____.__.._n._ .,~._ ,"',. ____~""d.~_'_. ~ - -,- - -- ~,.. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Submit ane COP\' to the Bureau of Land Management (ik.!ahoma Ofilce having )urisdlCuon over the appl1cation, Bureau of Land Management entry, ar grant. For states in which na Bureau of Santa Fe, New Mexica 87501 Land Management office is lacated, submit as follows: Eas!ern States Bureau of Land Management 'InrI!' [)(/~(;!,;. SUU!/.' [lako!a 7981 Eastern Avenue Bureau of Land \Ianagement Silver Spring. Maryland 20910 Billings, \Iontana 59107 2. Identify, in upper right-hand carner, by giving serial \I ,is;';':i-:!'''' or other Identifying number. Give type of case Bureau of Land ~Ianagement involved such as exchange, homestead, right-of-wa}l, Portland. Oregon 97208 etc. i\.ansas. ,\eI1rask" 3. Relinquishment is to be signed by the applicant, Bureau of Land ~lanagement entryman, or grantee (lessee, licensee, permittee), Cheyenne. Wyaming 82001 or by the legal successor-in-interest. -. ._-~'.'."'..'.. ~ .~-~ . Form 1825-3 (September 1977) GPO Q"'z-"v.e. , ( '. . , UNITED ST ATES . FORM APPROVED . OMB NO. 42-Rl647 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Serial Number RELINQUISHMENT OF M 066153 Type of Case APPLICATION, ENTRY, OR GRANT (No relinquishment may be effected unless a completed application Right-of-Way form has been received (43 U.S.c. 321 and 43 U.S.C. 315m)) I HEREBY relinquish to the United States any and all right, title. and interest that I may have abtained by reason of the = acceptance of the application for filing == allowance of the entry [ZJ appraval of the grant by the Depart- ment of the Interior in the above-identified case insofar as \ ,--~.. all the lands described are concerned -"X' anI.,. the following-described lands are concerned SECTlO~ TOWNSHIP I RANGE ! SUBDIVISION 30 3S 7E Lots L 2, 3, and 4 The right-of-way involves a reservoir and dam authorized as a USDI easement under the authority of the Act of March 3, 1891 (43 UoS,C. 946-949) and May 11, 1898 (43 U.S.C. 951). Mendlan I County I State I Acres (number) Principal Montana Ga 11 at i n Montana 56.7 I CERTIFY That the statements made herein are true, complete. and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. BOZEMAN CREEK RESERVOIR COMPANY ~ C} I~?.J - .fJ.J/ ~ By (Date) (Signature) Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, makes it 0 crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department Or 51gency of the United SOltes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Submit one copy to the Bureau of Land Management Okl ahoma Office having jurisdiction over the applicatian, Bureau of Land Management entry, or grant. For states in which na Bureau of Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Land Management office is located, submit as fallows: Eastern States Bureau of Land Management North Dakota, South Dakota 7981 Eastern Avenue Bureau of Land Management Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Billings. Montana 59107 2. Identify, in upper right-hand corner. by giving serial "'ashingion or other identifying number. Give type of case Bureau of Land Management involved such as exchange, hamestead, right-of-way, Portland, Oregan 97208 etc. Kansas, Nebraska 3. Relinquishment is to be signed by the applicant, Bureau of Land Management entryman, or grantee (lessee, hcensef', permittee), " Cheyenne, Wyomine 82001 or by the legal successar-in-interesl. Form 1825-3 (September 1977) GPO ...2 - .00 .' J:"/ REPU' Rf:FER TO, United States D'epaitment of the Interior H 066153 (932.11) BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ~~\1L~ " ,/- ~ 222 Narth 32nd Street '..J f;. f.. P.O. Box 36800 tfJr 1,(.'1:/ Billings, Montana 59107 1. -i NOV 0 1 1Ie-l) ~ October 31, ~~ (/0';, /985 . '. , 0 ", ~, r-- ~ '<i: '~-"\' . '--'1 , : Sf, 1---: DECISION .. .// . . "e / Bozeman Creek Reservoir Company & : Right-of-Way '\ ~ ~c/js ()/ City of Bozeman : " . ~ ,~~/ c/o Forest Service USDA Hysti,c Lake ............ z-, ...F : Director of Recreation, : Reservoir & Dam 'H1derness, and Lands : Box 7669 : Missoula, Hontana 59807 : Relinquishment Accepted Right-of-Way Canceled The Bozeman Creek Reservoir Company's (Company) map for a reservoir right-of-way over lands in Sec. 25, T. 3 S., R. 6 E. and Sec. 30, T. 3 S., R. 7 E. was approved by the Secretary of Interior on December 17, 1901, under the authority of the Acts of March 3, 1891, and Ma y 11, 1898 (43 U.S.C. 946-949 and 951) subject to valid existing rights. By stipulations received on April 9, 1964, we were given notice of the City of Bozeman's (City) interest in the grant. The right-of-way which affects lands located within the boundaries of the Gallatin National Forest, was assigned serial number N 066153. The City and the Company, by resolutions approved and relinquishments executed on September 9, 1985, relinquished all their right and interest in and to the right-of-way. We received those documents on October 23, 1985, along with a memorandum from the Forest Service asking us to remove the right-of-way from the official records. Accordingly in the absence of any objection, the relinquishments are accepted and reservoir right-of-way N 066153 is canceled effective October 23, 1985. /;;{ /P/:?CL' ( . , '. '. . - ---/1"' ,,-,-~t" / t' ,.//~... ~:'J"/' "--" L .-' L - Edwaid H. Croteau cc: Forest Service, Missoula 1 Forest Service, Bozeman " , . _ .-J' " I