HomeMy WebLinkAbout59- Alpha Delta Alumni Association Lease - \ , . . l. ~ . , , k!.!.~~ v-"/ THIS IHDBBTURllC, Made ana enteJ:ed into this ~? /1/ .::lC -- day of - ~..... septembor, A.D. 1959, by and between SIGMA BETA CHAPTER OF CHI . OMIOA SORORITr, a corporation, of Bozeman, Montana, the party of t.he first part, and ALPHA DELTA ALUMB'I ASSOCIA'1'I014, a cor- poration of BozelNln, Montana, the party of the second part, W t T N ~ SSE T H = That.'tb. party of the f1r81;.part, for and in considerat.ion of the renta, covenants and agreements bereinafter mentioned to be paid, kept and performed by the party of the second part, has DEMISBD, LEASSD and LIT, anel by the.. presents does hereby DEMISE, LEASB and LET unw the party of the sec:::ondfi>&rt, the following described premises $ituate 1n the City of BOlleman, county of Gallatin. State of Montana, to-wit: ~. East Half (E~) of 1.,Ot8 Seven (7), Bight (8), Nine (9), Ten (10), Sleven (11), and TWelve (12) of Capitol Hill Addition to Boaeman, Montana, subject to a right-of-way easement for a sewer line .i.ll i'.....T .4owan. An. Mary B.. cowan.. TO HAVE AND '1'0 HOLD the above rented. premises from the first day of Janua~, 1960, unt11 the f1r.~ day of January. 1963, on which last ment1oneddat.e tbia lea.8 shall be fully terminated and ended w1t.hout the nec...lty of notice of any kind. In CORa1dez:oation whereof, the party of the .econd part hereby _,ree. to pay to the part.y of the first part as rental for the above described premis.. the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per year durin, the term hereol. said payment of rental to be paid annually 1n advance on or before the aecond day of January of each and every year. 1'1' II BXPUSSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGRBED BB'l"WEZN THE PARTIES sauro AS FOLLOWS I 1. '!"hat the party of the first part shall pay all taxes and .ss.....nt. levied and a...ased against said premis.. I . . . , . durin, the tel1Q Qf thiS leas.. ~. 'l'hat the party of the ..cond part shall only use $laid prem.e. for thepark,1ng of IIlOtor vehicle. owned by lIlemDera . of the Alpha GIUIIIIWl Rho Fraternity and the Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity. 3. 'l'ha t the party of the second part shall make no improve- MDta on .aid preal... without the con.ent of the party of the f'i...t.PiU:t. . ''<0 ,. ,...~",~_,_ ",~., .. 4. 'the party of the aecond part shall not commi t. or suffer to be comm1 tted, any wa.ata or damage to the premises and avreesto deliver poaaeasion of the SAme at the expiration of this lea.. to the party of the first part in AS good a condition asa&idpreliU.aes now are in, normal wear, tea r , and da.mage by the ele_nt. alone excepted. 5. That the party of the second part 1$ lea$ln9 said ?remiaes for off-street parking of m~tor vebioles owned by members of the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity 11\ order to comply with re9Ulations of the C1 ty of Boz~n, l.loni...alw., ..,;...1..I.....vu '-v UlW construction of a new fraternity house by the pArty of the .econdpart for the l\\8II\bera of the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternl ty, and in the event the party of the second part is unable to construct .aid new fraternit.y houa8, this leaae may be ter- ainatad by .econd ~rty ,iving to first party thirty (30) days notice in writing and upon said termination as aforesaid, the party of the second part shall be relievea from the payment of all future rental a provided. for in this lea... 6.. That. the party of the .eaondpart ahAll keep said praai... fr.. and clear of any and all refuse and debris and that it will likewise keep and observe all rule. and requlation. and ordinances of the City of Bozeman, Montana, in any way relating to the maintenance and U.& of said d..iaed premiaes. 7. That if the Hid annual rental paytaeftts or any of them -2- . , ~ . . , . , . a,re not paid when due, or if the part.y of the ..oond part fails to perform any of ~. coyenanta of this Alreement, the . part;y of the firatpart ahall bave the right to re-enter . did pr..u.... a.nd take full po.....10b thereof upon (jiving t.o the par1;y of the aeeondpart t:hi rty ( 30 ) days notice in wri ~1J\9 and thislea.e shall be thereupon forfeited. 8. That ~. party of the first part hereby covenants and agr... that the party of the .econd part upon payIngtbe'" ~'.:J> ",~", < .. rental and perforainq ~e covenants and a9reem4nts herein oontalned t.o 'be kept and performed by the party of the second pIlzot. , ahall and ma.y peac..ble and quiet-Iy have, bold and enjoy .aid demis.d premia.s for the ter.M aforesaid. 9. That the party of the second part shall not assign this lea.. or sublet. any portion of said pre.i..., other than for off-.tre.t parking' for the Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity, except. by and with the writ.ten consent of the party of the first part. 10. That subject to the prov1ao that the party of the ..cond parteal\ftoi: ...191' it. aterest in this leas. without the written consent of the party ~f the first. part, all of the covenants and agr....ntaher.1n contained ahall bind the SUOC...OX"$ and a.819ft. of the respeotive partie. to the same extent as 1f they bad been specifically mentioned in each and every one of the covenanta. O~IQN '1'0 'tJ1tCJlASE 1'1' IS HBl\EBY UNDBRSTOOD AND AGREBD between the parties hereto that the party of the fiX"st part reaerve. the right to sell said lea..a preau..e. and aa part of the c:ona1de.rat1on for the fOX'8901n9 lease, the party of the firat part agrees that in the event the party of the f1rat part. shall desire to .ell said leased @remises, they will 9ive the party of the second part the first opportunity to purchase said leased prem.iaes upon the same term. and for the same price for wb1ch the party of ~. first part would be willing to sell ...)- " ,-- .4 ~ .. . , , . . , .. sa1d leased premia.. to any other party. III WI'fIOISS WUaBOJ', 'tlMtparty of the first part bas caused . ita corporat.e name to be aubscribed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its proper officers thereunto duly authoriaed. and the paX'ty of the second part haa caused it. corpora te na.. to be aub- 8cr1becl and ita corporate ...1 to be affixed by its proper officers 'thereunto duly authorized the dAy ana year first above written. '.'.".."";",1. ':,., !, ,",',"'. ,...... ';"., . .',..", ._...!..,~.............. . ,~ -'~ '.Ir"'" SIGMA BETA CHAPTER OF CHI OMEGA soaoaITY, a corporation i\TTE.ST: " "-'~ . )" ( / jJL' ' ;.I -". v,' f," " \ ~ '/' I BY ,<;-:-J--CL'C(L. ""{.t,i ,....2:,,.1"" Ij.'~~~, .t*,~(. .vi',~,'"k,:' ~J -';--Pi8.1d,.n~- ( ,f' ~, 'J ' s.~.ta).y 1 [! , : / ;f I' 'arty of the First Part ALPHA DEI..TA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, a corporation A'l"l'EST: . ~ .".~_) . ,. \ ' ,-'. . . ',: i, r~.,.....,".' . ." rr.' /'" . /" BY_~,,~~.~('j ".~ .vtk.~<71:.~~:!::L-.;h~ ~~~~. t/. /, secX'ftta...y 1/ P.~ty of the Second part -4-