HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-19 City Commission Packet Materials - C8. PSA with Allied Engineering for Design Services for Manley Road Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Kellen Gamradt, Engineer II Shawn Kohtz, City Engineer SUBJECT: Professional Services Agreement for the Manley Road Improvements Project MEETING DATE: September 9th, 2019 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement with Allied Engineering Services, Inc. to provide Engineering Design services for the Manley Road Improvements Project. BACKGROUND: On February 11, 2019, the City Commission adopted resolution 4955 officially creating a special improvement district to finance the cost of design and construction of improvements to Manley Road from Griffin Drive north to the city limits. City engineering staff advertised a request for proposals on February 24th, 2019 to provide professional design services for the proposed street improvements. Proposals were received from three firms. A selection committee of three city staff selected Allied Engineering Services, Inc. as the most qualified firm to perform the work. A detailed breakdown of the services provided under this agreement are included in the attached scope and fee proposal. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None ALTERNATIVES: Disapprove FISCAL EFFECTS: The cost of these services total $242,922.73 which is commensurate with the engineering costs estimated during creation of the Manley Road SID. This work will be paid for with approved funding from Special Improvement District #747. Attachments: Professional Services Agreement, Scope of Services Report compiled on: 08/12/19 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 August 12, 2019 Kellen Gamradt CoB Engineering Dept. 20 E. Olive Street Bozeman, MT 59715 e-mail: kgamradt@bozeman.net (Sent via e-mail only) Re: AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Dear Mr. Gamradt: This letter/attachments are provided as AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 (revised) for the comprehensive roadway design of the Manley Road improvements on the northeast side of Bozeman, MT. The project will involve re-constructing and upgrading an approximate 0.7-mile section of Manley to a City collector standard. The project site will begin on the north side of the Manley and Griffin Drive intersection and extend northward to the north property line of the Gallatin Park Subdivision. In all actuality, the project will extend a little further north until the new road width can be tapered back into the existing road. Version 2 Revisions Based on comments received from the City on August 2, we have revised our Scope and Fee document for the Manley Road Design project accordingly. Our current submittal is identified as Version 2 – Revised. The items that have been added to Version 2 include: • A detailed cost breakdown for AESI’s portion of the fee. This is provided as an attachment. • A scope item for public outreach, review, and comment at the 30% and 90% design levels. • A scope item for coordination with the Bozeman Rotary Club for a storm pond location. Project Team The AESI team will consist of two primary sub-consultants for road, street lighting, and utility design and wetland delineation/permitting. These include Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) and Sundog Ecological. AESI and RPA will each have other sub-contractors for geotechnical borehole drilling, traffic control, and utility line potholing. The structure of the team, along with general duties, is provided below: 245 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.02 August 12, 2019 Page 2 • Allied Engineering (Prime Consultant): PM, Oversight, Survey, Geotech, H&H, Storm Drainage  O’Keefe Drilling: Borehole Drilling for Ex. Road Geotechnical Investigation  Mountain West Holding Company: Traffic Control for Borehole Drilling Work o Robert Peccia & Associates: Road, Street Lighting, & Utility Design. Plans, Specs, & Est.  Rocky Mountain Contractors: Utility Potholing of Private Utilities o Sundog Ecological: Wetland Delineation and Permitting AESI Past Involvement In 2018 and early 2019, AESI was involved with the SID development and creation for the funding of the Manley Road project. We were retained by a private land developer, but worked closely with the City Engineering Dept. during the SID process. Our work on the project has included property and landowner research, a topographic survey of the project site, some geotechnical test pits along the edge of the road, a conceptual layout/design of the proposed improvements, preparation of a cost estimate, and SID exhibits. We estimated the total SID project cost at $4,200,919.37, which included $242,922.73 for the engineering design. A copy of the SID Cost Estimate is attached. Goals of Project Improvements There are several goals of the project improvements. First and foremost, it is to create a wider and safer road corridor for vehicular and pedestrian/bike traffic. This will include a wider road section for parking and turning movements, street lighting, pavement markings, signage, 11-foot wide shared use asphalt paths on each side of the road, and crosswalk facilities. In the south half of the site, on-street parking will be maximized in the area of the new Glen Lake Commerce Subdivision and Map Brewing. In the north half, the new street section will be designed with a center turn lane. With new curb/gutter and storm drainage facilities, the collection, routing, and treatment of street run-off will also be improved. Since this project will be funded by the neighboring property owners through an SID, coupled with the fact that there are a lot of users of the Glen Lake Rotary Park, we recognize there will be a lot of people with heavy interest in the final design of the project. To make sure that all voices are heard, we plan on having public meetings at the 30% and 90% design stages. This will give the public the opportunity to view the design concepts and provide thoughts or comments for final design consideration. Value Engineering There are a few items on this project that will look to be value engineered during the planning and design of the project. 246 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.02 August 12, 2019 Page 3 • First, we will attempt to layout/design the desired project improvements within the existing right-of-way and easement widths, some of which is less than the 90-foot width that is typically required for collector street projects. This will save costs on right-of-way acquisition. • Second, bike lanes will be eliminated from the street section and combined with the sidewalk in the form of 11-foot wide asphalt, shared use paths on each side of the road. This will save costs on gravel section materials and concrete. • Third, our plan is to widen the road as required and assuming enough road section exists, strengthen the existing roadbed with base course reinforcement and new sections of base gravel and asphalt. This will save costs by minimizing excavation and replacement of the existing road and allow the road to be re-built with less traffic control (and allow the road to be built under traffic conditions, which needs to happen due to limited access for businesses). • Fourth, we will use the existing storm water pond on the north side of Glen Lake Commerce Subdivision, which has been up-sized for some of the Manley runoff, and look to combine our efforts with the Bozeman Rotary Club during their stream restoration work in the southwest corner of the Bridger Vale Subdivision for a possible pond in this location. This will save costs on land negotiations and easements for storm drainage facilities on other neighboring properties. • Fifth, we will layout/design the road improvements while leaving the existing power poles in place on the northwest side of the project site. This will save costs on coordination as well as construction time for utility relocation. • Sixth, we will look at the possibility of modifying the width and location of the shared use path on the east side of the road and to the north of Turtle Way. If a boulevard is designed as well as the full width, 11-foot path in this area, this will result in removal of the entire row of tall and mature, cottonwood trees that border the neighboring lot. Also, due to grade changes between new and existing elevations, some sort of a retaining wall would be required along the right-of- way line. Project costs could be reduced by asking for a design deviation and minimizing the width of the path in this area. A possible option is to place the path right behind the curb line along this stretch of roadway. Project Design Elements Our scope and fee is to provide the final design plans, specifications, and cost estimate for the City to review and approve. Our work does not include the bidding of the project nor construction services. Both of these aspects of the project will be handled with an addendum to the scope and fee. Provided below is a summary of the main project design elements. All elements involve management and review: 247 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.02 August 12, 2019 Page 4 • Coordination with Sanderson Stewart. They are designing the Griffin Drive intersection. • Coordination with Sanderson Stewart. They are designing the new south side access road to Glen Lake Rotary Park. • Coordination with C&H Engineering. They are designing the Bridger Vale Subdivision. • Coordination with Madison Engineering on their design and sizing for the Glen Lake Commerce Subdivision stormwater pond. This pond is on the north side of the development and was built in 2018. • Coordination with Bozeman Rotary Club. They are designing the new stream restoration improvements for the Glen Lake outfall. This is a possible storm pond location. As we under- stand it, the southwest side of the Bridger Vale Subdivision will become a City-owned park and will be part of the adjacent Glen Lake Rotary Park. • Conduct pick-up survey work, including Iron Horse Road intersections in the new Glen Lake Commerce Subdivision, wetland delineation limits, new underground utilities, and area north of Gallatin Park Subdivision in the roadway taper area. • Conduct borehole drilling in the existing roadbed. Prepare a final geotechnical report. • Conduct wetland delineation. Prepare 310 and 404 permitting documents for impacted areas. • Conduct potholing of private utilities. Prepare existing utility plans. • Preliminary roadway design. The design will be based on the 2018 concept plan by AESI. • Preliminary sanitary sewer design for replacement of the existing sewer main located between the two curves in Manley Road. One of the existing dual 20” mains will be upsized to 36 inches. • Preliminary re-design of the south access to Map Brewing. This access needs to align with the north side intersection of Iron Horse Road. • Hydrology, hydraulics, and preliminary storm drainage design. The storm drainage for the south half of the project will be routed to the new storm drain pond on the north end of the Glen Lake Commerce Subdivision. This pond was up-sized during the design of the recent Glen Lake project to take water from Manley Road. This will likely require an agreement with the Owners of the Glen Lake Commerce Subdivision. The final location for the stormwater in the north half of the project is yet to be determined. One option is using the southwest corner of the Bridger Vale Subdivision property, which is part of the proposed Bozeman Rotary stream restoration project for the Glen Lake outfall. Another option is a pond location further to the north. 248 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.02 August 12, 2019 Page 5 • Develop 30% plans, specifications, and estimate. Submit to City for review. • Hold, attend, and administer public involvement meeting at the 30% design stage. • Final roadway design. • Final storm drainage design. • Final electrical design for street lighting. • Final traffic design. This does not include a traffic study (see next page). • Final sanitary sewer design. This will be submitted to the City and MDEQ. • Develop 90% plans, specifications, and estimate. Submit to City for review. • Hold, attend, and administer public involvement meeting at the 90% design stage. • Final review, edits, and submittal of 100% plans, specifications, and estimate for City approval. Items Not Included in Scope Work Provided below are the items not included in the scope of work. • Griffin Drive Intersection Design: This project, along with the design of Griffin Drive from N. 7th Ave. to Rouse Ave., was recently awarded to Sanderson Stewart. We will be coordinating with them the lane configuration/design on the north side of the intersection. • Traffic Study: A traffic study has not been conducted for Manley Road. As part of the Griffin Drive intersection project, we are assuming one will be performed by Sanderson Stewart. If this is done in time, we will use the study data to aid in the design of the Manley Road pavement section. If not, we will design the road based on typical ESAL values for a collector street. We are not planning on conducting a traffic study as part of our work. • Right of Way Acquisition: There are four areas along the project corridor where we do not have a full 90-foot right-of-way. These include along the Mergenthaler property on the south end of the site, along the railroad property to the west of Map Brewing, along the State of Montana property (Glen Lake Rotary Park) north of Map Brewing, and along the parcel on the northeast end of the site (which is in the County). Along each of these properties there are lesser width easements that should still allow for the construction of the project improvements. In order to fit the proposed bike/pedestrian improvements, boulevard widths will need to deviate and some re-configuration of the asphalt shared-use paths may be required. We plan on designing 249 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.02 August 12, 2019 Page 6 the project to fit the existing right-of-way and easement widths. Our work does not include any right-of-way acquisition. • Irrigation System and Landscape Design: Our scope does not include any irrigation well, irrigation sprinkler design, or landscape design in the boulevard areas. We will design conduits under the asphalt paths such that the adjacent properties can install irrigation in the boulevards and connect to their existing systems (if they desire). The boulevard areas will be hydroseeded with drought-tolerant grass seed mixture that is conducive for boulevards that are not watered. • SWPPP: The preparation, inspection, and management of the SWPPP will be the responsibility of the Contractor at the time of construction. • Environmental Permitting: With the exception of the 310 and 404 permitting, which will be handled during the design, all other environmental-related permits are the responsibility of the Contractor as the time of construction. • NWE Power Pole Relocation: We are planning on designing the project with leaving the existing power poles in place along the northwest side of the project. Based on our 2018 concept plan, the existing poles will fall in the boulevard area a few feet behind the back of new curb line. We believe this will be a fine location for the poles. Depending on the height of the overhead lines, the new street lighting may need to be placed on the east side of the road in this area rather than a staggered, side-to-side arrangement of the lights. Other option is to go with shorter poles in this part of the project site to fit under the overhead lines. Scope Work – Allied Engineering For a more detailed scope of work and cost break down for Allied Engineering’s portion of the project, see a later section of this letter. In addition to Robert Peccia & Associates and Sundog Ecological, the two other subcontractors that will work under AESI will include O’Keefe Drilling (borehole drilling) and Mountain West Holding Company (traffic control during drilling). As the prime consultant, our duties will generally include project management, oversight, review, coordination, facilitating public involve- ment, working the RPA on design items/tasks, topographic survey of the additional areas, geotechnical investigation and preparation of the geotechnical report and pavement section recommendations, hydrology, hydraulics, and storm drainage design, and assistance with wetland permitting. Scope Work – Robert Peccia & Associates For a more detailed scope of work and cost break down for RPA’s portion of the project, see the attachments to this letter. RPA will have one subcontractor, Rocky Mountain Contractors. They will be doing the potholing of existing private utilities. RPA will be handling design of the road improvements, sanitary sewer main upgrades, and street lighting. They will be preparing the plan drawings, project manual and specifications, and the cost estimate for final approval by the City. 250 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.02 August 12, 2019 Page 7 Scope Work – Sundog Ecological For a more detailed scope of work and cost break down for Sundog Ecological’s portion of the project, see the attachments to this letter. Sundog Ecological will have no subcontractors. Sundog will be under taking the wetland delineation and 310 and 404 permitting for the project. AESI will provide assistance as necessary. The only wetland areas on the project appear to be north of Turtle Way on the east side of the road. Due to road widening and possible storm pond construction (in the southwest corner of the Bridger Vale property), these wetlands will be disturbed, filled, and impacted. Deliverables All plans, specifications, estimates, studies, and reports will be delivered in PDF format. Final plans will also be submitted in AutoCAD format. Printed copies will be provided as requested by the City. Time and Materials (Not to Exceed) As we discussed during an initial project meeting a few months ago, we are prepared to undertake the above scope of work on a time and materials (not to exceed) basis. We are proposing to do the work for the engineering design budget that was listed in the SID cost estimate (see attached). Our proposed not to exceed budget will be $242,922.73. A breakdown of this fee for AESI and the sub-consultants and subcontractors is provided below. For more details, refer to later sections/attachments to the report. • Allied Engineering (Prime Consultant): $70,349.73  O’Keefe Drilling: $3,000  Mountain West Holding Company: $4,000 o Robert Peccia & Associates: $152,533  Rocky Mountain Contractors: $5,000 o Sundog Ecological: $8,040 ESTIMATED TOTAL: $242,922.73 The terms and conditions under which our services are offered will be in accordance with the enclosed agreement for professional services. Those services not anticipated in our scope of work will be provided at the Client’s request on a time and materials basis, or under separate agreement or authorization, as the services are identified and requested by the Owner. At a minimum, we will bill the City on a monthly basis. If the City would like to be billed more frequently (say every two weeks) to keep a better track of time and materials costs, we can certainly do this as well. 251 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.02 August 12, 2019 Page 8 We will work with the City on the billing schedule and the date that invoices need to be submitted. In order to keep costs down and stay within the project budget, AESI will not mark up any sub- consultants or subcontractors. We will include and pass the all vendor’s costs straight through to the City on the AESI invoices. AESI Company Rates The AESI company rates are listed on the attached Agreement of Professional Services. The individuals from AESI who will be working mainly on this project will include: • Paul Sanford – Principal Engineer: $150/hr • Greg Finck – Principal Surveyor: $150/hr • Lee Evans – Project Manager: $130/hr • Josh Smith – Senior Engineer: $120/hr • Rory Romey – Senior Engineer: $120/hr • Ron Orton – Environmental Specialist: $95/hr • Ken Olsen – Sr. CAD Designer: $90/hr • Erik Schnaderbeck – Engineer Intern: $85/hr • Connor Switzer – Engineer Intern: $85/hr • Sarah Studt – Survey Intern: $70/hr • Matt Edel – Survey Intern: $70/hr Robert Peccia & Associates Company Rates Company rates for Robert Peccia & Associates are listed on their attached scope and fee. In general, RPA’s rates (including direct rate, overhead, and profit) range from about $90 to $160/hr depending on the classification of the personnel. Sundog Ecological Company Rates Company rates for Sundog Ecological are listed on their attached scope and fee. The rate for Briana Schultz, the owner and sole employee of Sundog, is $90/hr. Project Schedule Assuming we obtain authorization in the coming weeks, the intent of our team is to start on this project in the middle to latter part of August. RPA believes it will take about 6 months to prepare the final design plans, specifications, and estimate for submittal and final approval by the City. This includes review sets of these design items at the 30 and 90% levels. If we can maintain this schedule, the goal is to have an approved set of plans and specifications by the end of February 2020. This will allow bidding of the project to be done in March if the City’s desire is to construct the project in 2020. 252 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.02 August 12, 2019 Page 9 Detailed Scope and Cost For a detailed scope and cost for the work being undertaken by Robert Peccia & Associates and Sundog Ecological, please refer to the attachments to this letter. RPA’s estimated design cost is $152,533, which excludes the $5,000 they have estimated for their subcontractor (Rocky Mountain Contractors). Sundog has estimated $8,040 for their wetland delineation and permitting services. Allied’s role in the project will be project management, oversight, review, coordination, facilitating public involvement, topographic survey of additional items (most of the survey work was completed in 2018), geotechnical services, pavement section design, hydrology/hydraulics/storm drain design, and assistance with wetland permitting. We have estimated our fee at $70,349.73, which excludes the $3,000 and $4,000 for our borehole drilling (O’Keefe Drilling) and traffic control (Mountain West Holding Company) subcontractors. A breakdown of Allied’s costs is provided in the table below: Table 1. Allied’s Cost Share for Major Project Tasks MAJOR PROJECT TASKS ESTIMATED COST Project Management, Oversight, Review, Coordination: $30,349.73 Facilitating Public Involvement at 30% and 90% Design Levels: $5,000 Topographic Survey: $7,500 Geotechnical Investigation and Report: $10,000 Hydrology/Hydraulics/Storm Drain Design: $15,000 Wetland Permitting Assistance: $2,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $70,349.73 Notes: 1) The geotechnical investigation and report cost does not include the drilling and traffic control subcontractors. Provided below is a scope of work for the major project tasks given in the table above: • Project Management, Oversight, Review, and Coordination: As the prime consultant, we will be responsible for managing and overseeing the project, coordinating with the City and the design engineering firms for the adjacent projects (under design), lining out RPA and Sundog Ecological on the work and concept design we have already completed, making sure RPA and Sundog have what they need to perform the scoped work, design meetings with RPA and the City, addressing design issues, landowner meetings (as necessary), and review of the 30%, 90%, and 100% design documents (plans, specifications, and estimate). • Facilitating Public Involvement at 30% and 90% Design Levels: Public meetings will be planned and held at the City Engineering Office at the 30% and 90% design levels. We will assist the City as necessary with the public notification and prepare the presentation and exhibit materials. We will attend/facilitate the meeting, have forms available for public comment, and summarize the outcome of the meetings and the comments received. 253 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Project: 18-024.02 August 12, 2019 Page 10 • Topographic Survey: We surveyed the road corridor of the project site as part of the SID work in 2018. As the design continues, there will be a need for pick-up survey of other project items and areas. This will include more survey on the northern end of the site (depending on the final taper length of the new road), wetland boundary points based on delineation, survey of power pole and overhead line heights, and survey of proposed stormwater pond locations, etc. • Geotechnical Investigation and Report: As part of the 2018 work, we dug a few shallow test pits on the edge of the existing road to get an idea of the soils in the road widening areas and also to see what the existing road section is comprised of. As stated earlier, one value engineering item of this project is to hopefully use most of the existing roadbed without having to mass excavate and replace large and deep sections of the road with new sub-base gravel. Provided enough gravel exists, our plan is to re-construct the upper part of the road with a new reinforced section of base course gravel and new asphalt surfacing. To investigate the existing road conditions, we will drill the road in 4 to 6 locations (depending on locations of utilities and traffic control constraints). The drilling will be completed with a truck-mounted rig provided by O’Keefe Drilling under the supervision of AESI. The depth of the borings will be on the order of five feet. To drill in the road, we will sub-contract to Mountain West Holding Company for the traffic control, including preparation of the traffic control plan. Based on the test pit and borehole observations, a geotechnical report will be prepared that summarizes the conditions and that provides the design and construction recommendations for road re-construction. • Hydrology/Hydraulics/Storm Drain Design: We will model the existing site conditions and new project improvements for storm water hydrology. We will prepare the storm drain design for the capture, routing, treatment, and discharge of storm water. We will work closely with RPA and provide the design line work, features, elevations, and reports. Our intent will be to use the Glen Lake Commerce Subdivision storm water pond on the south end of the project. During the design of this project, we worked with Madison Engineering and they up-sized the pond to take additional water from Manley. To use the pond, an agreement will likely need to be reached between the City and the Owners of the Glen Lake Commerce Subdivision. The biggest challenge for storm drainage will be on the north end of the site. One option is to work out an arrangement with the Bozeman Rotary Club such that a new pond could be constructed in the southwest corner of the Bridger Vale property and could be integrated into their stream restoration design in this area. Other options either include a pond location on the far north end of the site (which would require an easement from a neighboring property owner) or the installation of proprietary treatment systems and direct discharge in the roadside ditch on the north end of the site. AESI is the Engineer for the Bozeman Rotary Club stream restoration design for the new Glen Lake outfall project. As a result, coordination of a possible stormwater pond in the southwest 254 255 August 12, 2019 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Page 1 of 3 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (for time and materials contracts) The Agreement This agreement is made by and between Allied Engineering Services, Inc. of 32 Discovery Drive, Bozeman, Montana, 59718, hereinafter referred to as AESI, and City of Bozeman, hereinafter referred to as CLIENT. This agreement between the parties consists of these terms and the attached proposal and any exhibits or attachments noted in the proposal. Together, these elements will constitute the entire agreement, superseding any and all prior negotiations, correspondence, or agreements either written or oral. Any changes to this agreement must be mutually agreed to in writing. If this proposal is not accepted within one month of the proposal date, AESI reserves the right to amend or withdraw the proposal as appropriate. Standard of Care Services provided by AESI under this agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the engineering profession practicing contemporaneously under similar conditions in the locality of the project. CLIENT shall examine and respond to AESI's submissions; and give prompt written notice to AESI whenever CLIENT observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the work. Site Access and Site Conditions CLIENT shall grant or obtain free access to the site for all equipment and personnel necessary for AESI to perform the work set forth in this agreement. AESI will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the site, but it is recognized by CLIENT that, in the normal course of work some damage may occur (such as may result from gaining access with vehicles, or by subsurface explorations) and the correction of such damage is not part of this agreement unless so specified in the proposal. CLIENT shall furnish all available records (as-built drawings, construction records, etc.) indicating the existing site conditions including locations of all underground structures and utilities. AESI will take reasonable precautions to avoid known underground structures or utilities, but CLIENT agrees to hold AESI harmless from any damages that may result due to underground structures or utilities that were not identified or accurately located. Basis of Fees for Professional Services CLIENT agrees to pay AESI for all labor and reimbursable expenses directed to this project in accordance with the attached proposal. Labor rates are listed below for all services rendered by principals and employees engaged directly on the Project except for specific tasks or work items with agreed unit costs (i.e. materials testing, etc). For reimbursable expenses and services provided by independent 256 August 12, 2019 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Page 2 of 3 professional associates, consultants or subcontractors employed by AESI, CLIENT agrees to pay the amount billed to the AESI times a factor of 1.10. Billable hourly rates for the various categories of employees are summarized as follows: Employee Category Billable Hourly Rate President/Principal $190/hour Principal Engineer $150/hour Project Manager $130/hour Project Surveyor $120/hour Land Surveyor $100/hour Senior Engineer $120/hour Project Engineer $110/hour Design Engineer $100/hour Engineer Intern $85/hour Survey Intern $70/hour Sr. CAD Designer $90/hour CAD Drafter $70/hour Environmental Specialist $95/hour Project Representative $75/hour Intern $60/hour Administration $60/hour GPS Use $25/hour Total Station Use $15/hour ATV Use $25/hour Mileage/Truck Rental $0.70/mile or minimum $35/day Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable Expenses mean the actual expenses incurred by AESI in connection with the Project, such as expenses for: transportation; subsistence; toll telephone calls; reproduction of reports, Drawings, Specifications, Bidding Documents and similar Project-related items; computer time; equipment rental; and if authorized in advance by CLIENT, overtime work requiring higher than regular rates. Billing and Payment AESI shall submit invoices monthly and/or at project milestones for services rendered and for reimbursable expenses incurred. AESI also reserves the right to require full payment of any outstanding invoices and/or full payment of said contract prior to submittal of deliverables to the CLIENT. If CLIENT disputes the amount of a billing, CLIENT will notify AESI in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of bill of the dispute. Payment is due thirty (30) calendar days from the date of bill. CLIENT agrees that interest at the maximum rate allowed by law will accrue on all amounts past due, and that failure to pay AESI within sixty (60) days may be considered a breach of this agreement. CLIENT also agrees to pay all collection fees if collection services become necessary. 257 August 12, 2019 AESI Scope and Fee – Version 2 – Revised Manley Road Design – Bozeman, MT Page 3 of 3 Termination CLIENT shall have the right to terminate this agreement at any time by giving written notice to AESI. This agreement may be terminated by AESI in the event of substantial failure of performance by CLIENT, or if CLIENT suspends the work for more than three (3) months. In the event of termination, AESI will be paid for services performed prior to the date of termination. If the agreement is terminated by CLIENT, AESI shall also be entitled to reasonable termination expenses, including, but not limited to the cost of completing records, and reports necessary to document job status at the time of termination. Legal Relations AESI shall comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws and ordinances applicable to the work to be done. AESI hereby agrees to indemnify and hold CLIENT harmless from all claims and liability due to the activities of AESI, their agents, employees, or both in performing the work required. Any and all employees of AESI engaged in the performance of work or services required by this agreement shall be considered employees of AESI only and not of the CLIENT. The CLIENT hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the AESI harmless from all claims and liability due to the activities of CLIENT, their agents, employees, or both, in performing the work required. AESI is and shall perform this agreement as an independent contractor, and as such, is responsible to the CLIENT only as to the results to be obtained in the work herein specified, and to the extent that the work shall be done in accordance with the terms of this agreement. AESI shall have and maintain complete control over all of its employees, subcontractors, agents and operations, being responsible for any required payroll deductions and providing required benefits, such as, but not limited to, worker's compensation with statutory limits, and unemployment insurance. This Agreement applies to and shall be binding on the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assignees of the respective parties. The CLIENT hereby guarantees the performance of the terms and conditions contained and set forth in this contract to be kept and performed on the part of the Owner, including but not limited to, the promise to pay for services and materials rendered. In this regard should the owner company not pay its invoices when due, Allied may proceed directly against the undersigned personally and individually, jointly or severally without exhausting its remedies as to the owner company. This provision shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Montana. Limitations AESI takes no responsibility for hazardous materials or similar unknown site/building conditions that may exist at the project. While AESI is responsible for its own employees, AESI takes no responsibility for jobsite and worker safety and for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of other companies. Lastly, CLIENT agrees to limit AESI’s liability for all causes, including errors, omissions, and negligence, to an amount not to exceed two times the sum total of AESI invoices to the CLIENT for the project in question. 258 EXHIBIT C 10/16/2018 ENGINEER'S PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST MANLEY ROAD SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE 0001 Mobilization/Demobilization, Bonding, & Submittals (May not exceed 5%) 1 LS $175,000.00 $175,000 0002 Preparation, Implementation, & Administration of SWPPP 1 LS $25,000.00 $25,000 0003 Traffic Control 1 LS $200,000.00 $200,000 0004 Exploratory Excavation 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 0005 Miscellaneous Work 50,000 EA $1.00 $50,000 SUBTOTAL $460,000.00 1101 Existing Road Sign Salvage 19 EA $200.00 $3,800.00 1102 Existing Tree Relocation 10 EA $450.00 $4,500.00 1103 Existing Tree Removal 10 EA $600.00 $6,000.00 1104 Fence Removal 1100 LF $5.00 $5,500.00 1105 Topsoil Salvage & Re-Use (6" Assumed Thickness) 3,903 CY $22.33 $87,177.61 1106 Pavement Sawcut 506.3 LF $4.00 $2,025.04 1107 Asphalt Pulverization & In-Place Mixing w/Base Course 13,252.4 SY $5.00 $66,261.961108 Existing Curb & Gutter Removal & Disposal 392 LF $5.50 $2,156.00 1109 Existing Sidewalk Removal & Disposal 144 SY $18.00 $2,588.01 1110 Existing Asphalt Trail Removal & Disposal 575 SY $18.00 $10,352.03 1111 Excavation Above Subgrade - Native Soils 2,619 CY $15.00 $39,288.30 1112 Excavation Above Subgrade - Asphalt & Gravel 2,497 CY $15.00 $37,447.851113 Subexcavation/Replacement Below Subgrade 500 CY $53.00 $26,500.00 SUBTOTAL $293,596.80 1201 Asphalt (4" thick) 13,383 SY $18.00 $240,886.82 1202 Asphalt (3" thick)1,333 SY $20.00 $26,664.461203 Base Course Gravel (1-1/2" Minus, 6" Thick) 2,966 CY $25.00 $74,151.40 1204.a Sub-Base (Salvaged Asphalt Millings & Gravel Mix) 2,470 CY $17.00 $41,990.00 1204.b Sub-Base Gravel (6" Minus) - Import 3,826 CY $20.00 $76,512.49 1205.a Embankment Placed from Onsite Material 6,523 CY $7.85 $51,203.16 1205.b Imported Non-structural Embankment 4,926 CY $7.85 $38,671.491206 Geosynthetic Fabric 17,796 SY $6.00 $106,778.02 1207 Curb & Gutter 7,276 LF $18.00 $130,974.58 1208 Median Concrete Curb Pin-Down 876 LF $20.00 $17,514.99 1209 Raised Median Concrete Cap (4" Thick) & Base 94 SY $47.00 $4,428.66 1210.a Mixed-Use Trail Asphalt (3" thick, 11' wide) 7,302 SY $15.00 $109,527.091210.b Mixed-Use Trail Base Course Gravel (1-1/2" Minus, 12" thick, 13' wide) 2,918 CY $25.00 $72,948.56 1211.a Pedestrian Ramp-COB Standard One Way 32 EA $800.00 $25,600.00 1211.b Pedestrian Ramp-COB Standard Two Way 2 EA $3,000.00 $6,000.00 1212 Valley Gutter 5,115 SF $13.00 $66,495.86 1213 Concrete Sidewalk Relacement 200 SF $6.00 $1,200.001214 Reinforced Concrete Drive Apron 5,261 SF $10.00 $52,609.62 1215 Topsoil Import 0 CY $25.00 $0.00 1216.a Road Sign - R1-1 7 EA $200.00 $1,400.00 1216.b Road Sign - R2-1 6 EA $200.00 $1,200.00 1216.c Road Sign - R3-8b 1 EA $200.00 $200.001216.d Road Sign - R3-17 10 EA $200.00 $2,000.00 1216.e Road Sign - R4-7 2 EA $200.00 $400.00 1216.f5 Road Sign - R6-1 2 EA $200.00 $400.00 1216.g Road Sign - R7-1 6 EA $200.00 $1,200.00 1216.h Road Sign - D3-1 14 EA $200.00 $2,800.001217 Road Sign Post & Base 48 EA $200.00 $9,600.00 1218 Yellow Flex Delineator 9 EA $100.00 $900.00 1219.a Pavement Marking-Lane Symbol (White Thermoplastic) 20 EA $500.00 $10,000.00 1219.b Pavement Marking-Lane Word (White Thermoplastic) 4 EA $600.00 $2,400.00 1219.c Pavement Marking-Bicycle Symbol (White Thermoplastic) 30 EA $600.00 $18,000.001219.a Road Striping - 4" Wide Solid Yellow Epoxy Paint 3,825 LF $1.50 $5,737.50 1219.b Road Striping - 4" Wide Striped Yellow Epoxy Paint (9' Stripe/15' Space) 4,425 LF $1.50 $6,637.50 1219.c Road Striping - 4" Wide Solid White Epoxy Paint 500 LF $1.50 $750.00 1219.d Road Striping - 4" Wide Solid White Epoxy Paint (9' Stripe/15' Space) 1,985 LF $1.50 $2,977.50 1219.e Road Striping - 8" Wide Solid White Inlaid Thermoplastic 582 LF $12.00 $6,984.001219.f Road Striping - 24" Wide Solid White Inlaid Thermoplastic 80 LF $36.00 $2,880.00 1219.g Median Bullnose Curb Paint - 24" Wide Solid Yellow Epoxy Paint 18 LF $10.00 $180.00 SUBTOTAL $1,220,803.70 SCHEDULE II - ROAD IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE 0 - MISCELLANEOUS SCHEDULE I - ROAD DEMOLITION & EXCAVATION TO SUBGRADE 259 EXHIBIT C 10/16/2018 ENGINEER'S PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST MANLEY ROAD SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE 1301 Valve Box Adjustment 10 EA $400.00 $4,000.00 1302 Fire Hydrant Adjustment - Horizontal 7 EA $2,800.00 $19,600.00 1303 Fire Hydrant Adjustment - Vertical 7 VF $1,100.00 $7,700.00 1308 Rigid Board Insulation, 4" Thick 400 LF $22.00 $8,800.00SUBTOTAL $40,100.00 1401 SS Manhole Rim & Cover Adjustment 4 EA $500.00 $2,000.00 1402 Main - 36" dia. SDR35 PVC Pipe 950 LF $310.00 $294,500.00 1403 Manhole - 60" (Standard 5' Barrel Section) 4 EA $8,000.00 $32,000.00 1404 Manhole - Extra Vertical Feet 28 VF $600.00 $16,800.00 SUBTOTAL $345,300.00 1501 Storm Sewer Pipe - 12" PVC A-2000 250 LF $61.25 $15,312.50 1502 Storm Sewer Pipe - 15" PVC A-2000 200 LF $64.50 $12,900.00 1503 Storm Sewer Pipe - 18" PVC A-2000 1000 LF $68.00 $68,000.00 1504 Storm Sewer Pipe - 24" PVC A-2000 100 LF $70.00 $7,000.00 1505 Pipe Existing Ditch ~48" Class 5 RCP 950 LF $250.00 $237,500.00 1506 48" Storm Drain Manhole w/ Solid Storm Drain Manhole Cover 4 EA $4,333.33 $17,333.33 1507 48" Storm Drain Manhole and Combination Inlet 12 EA $4,500.00 $54,000.00 1508 Detention Pond Outlet Structure 1 EA $7,000.00 $7,000.00 1509 Detention Pond 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 SUBTOTAL $454,045.83 1601 Utility Culvert Crossing 12 EA $7,000.00 $84,000.00 1602 Reserved SUBTOTAL $84,000.00 1701 4" SCH40 Irrigation Sleeve 32 EA $400.00 $12,800.00 1702 Mulching/Composting & Hydroseeding 12,181 SY $5.00 $60,907.32 1703 Reserved SUBTOTAL $73,707.32 1801 Wetland Mitigation 1 LS $150,000.00 $150,000.00 1802 Reserved SUBTOTAL $150,000.00 1901 Structural Pole Foundations 19.7 CY $1,200.00 $23,640.00 1902 Conduit, 2.0" PVC Trench 4,630.0 LF $12.00 $55,560.00 1903 Conduit, 4.0" PVC, Sleeve 50.0 LF $15.00 $750.00 1904 Conduit, 2.0" PVC, Push 600.0 LF $25.00 $15,000.00 1905 Pull Box, Composite Type 1 15.0 EA $515.00 $7,725.001906 Conductor, Copper, #8 AWG 11,120.0 LF $1.00 $11,120.00 1907 Conductor, Copper, #10 AWG, Lighting & Ground 8,700.0 LF $0.75 $6,525.00 1908 Light Std. 30' Mount (Type 10-A) 28.0 EA $2,800.00 $78,400.00 1909 Luminaire, (type 3S 72w LED) 28.0 EA $1,400.00 $39,200.00 1910 Single Type C - Power Supply 1.0 EA $3,500.00 $3,500.00SUBTOTAL $241,420.00 Estimated Construction Total (Schedule 0 - III & V - IX ) $3,017,673.65 15% Contingency (Schedule 0 - III & V - IX ) $452,651.05 Construction Total + 15% Contingency (Schedule 0 - III & V - IX ) $3,470,324.70 2101 Engineering Design (7% of Construction + Contingency) 1 LS $242,922.73 $242,922.73 2102 Construction Staking, Testing, & Inspection (7% of Construction + Contingency) 1 LS $242,922.73 $242,922.73 2103 Bond Council & Administrative Fees (1% of Construction + Contingency) 1 LS $34,703.25 $34,703.25 2104 Contribution to State Revolving Fund (5% of SID Total) 1 LS $210,045.97 $210,045.97SUBTOTAL $730,594.67 SID TOTAL = $4,200,919.37 SCHEDULE VII - LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE VIII - ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION * Schedule IV - Sanitary Sewer Improvements have not been included in the total construction costs as part of this SID. Funding for Schedule IV will come from source other than SID. SCHEDULE IX - LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE X - ENGINEERING & ADMINISTRATIVE FEES SCHEDULE III - WATER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE IV - SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS* SCHEDULE V - STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE VI - DRY UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS 260 TASK NO.Principal EngineerPrincipal SurveyorProject ManagerSenior EngineerEnvironmental SpecialistSenior CAD DesignerEngineer InternSurvey InternTOTAL HOURSTOTAL FEESTOTAL COSTTravel Other 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT, OVERSIGHT, REVIEW, COORDINATION Task 1a - Project Management Scoping and Contract Negotiations 20 20 $2,600 $2,600 Project Invoicing 16 16 $2,080 $2,080 General Project Management 7 30 37 $4,950 $4,950 Task 1b - Oversight Oversight of Project Team 7 25 24 56 $7,180 $7,180 Task 1c - Review Review of 30% Design Drawings, Specificiations, and Estimate 8 8 16 $2,000 $2,000 Review of 90% Design Drawings, Specificiations, and Estimate 8 8 16 $2,000 $2,000 Review of Final Design Drawings, Specificiations, and Estimate 8 8 16 $2,000 $2,000 0 Task 1d - Coordination 0 Coordination of Project Design Elements 30 30 60 $7,500 $7,500 Subtotal Hours 14 0 145 78 0 0 0 0 237 Subtotal Costs $30,310 $0 $0 $30,310 2 FACILITATING PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AT 30% AND 90% DESIGN LEVELS Task 2a - Public Meeting at 30% Design Level Notifications, Exhibits, Presentation, Attend/Facilitate Meeting, Summarize Comments 10 10 20 $2,500 $2,500 Task 2b - Public Meeting at 90% Design Level Notifications, Exhibits, Presentation, Attend/Facilitate Meeting, Summarize Comments 10 10 20 $2,500 $2,500 Subtotal Hours 0 0 20 20 0 0 0 0 40 Subtotal Costs $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000 3 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY Task 3a - Conduct Pickup Surveys of Necessary Items Field Time 8 40 48 $4,000 $4,000 Task 3b - Updates to Topographic Drawing Office Time 8 8 8 8 32 $3,440 $3,440 Subtotal Hours 0 16 0 8 0 8 0 48 80 Subtotal Costs $7,440 $0 $0 $7,440 $0 $0 $2,400 $0 $2,600$0 $18,850 $0 $70 $0 TASK DESCRIPTION INDIRECT COSTS$0 $85 $2,100 $0 HOURS AND FEES $0 $0 $3,360 MANLEY ROAD DESIGN - FROM GRIFFIN DRIVE NORTH FOR APPROXIMATELY 0.7-MILE $150 AESI ITEMIZED BUDGET (INCL. SUBCONTRACTOR COSTS) August 12, 2019 $130$150 $120 $95 $90 $9,360 $0 $0 $2,400 $0 $0 $960 $0 $720 261 TASK NO.Principal EngineerPrincipal SurveyorProject ManagerSenior EngineerEnvironmental SpecialistSenior CAD DesignerEngineer InternSurvey InternTOTAL HOURSTOTAL FEESTOTAL COSTTravel Other$70 TASK DESCRIPTION INDIRECT COSTS$85 HOURS AND FEES MANLEY ROAD DESIGN - FROM GRIFFIN DRIVE NORTH FOR APPROXIMATELY 0.7-MILE $150 AESI ITEMIZED BUDGET (INCL. SUBCONTRACTOR COSTS) August 12, 2019 $130$150 $120 $95 $90 4 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND REPORT Task 4a - Geotechnical Fieldwork Coordinate with Sub-Consultants 7 7 $910 $910 AESI Field Time 12 12 24 $2,580 $2,580 Subcontractor - Borehole Drilling (O'Keefe Drilling)$3,000 $3,000 Subcontractor - Traffic Control (Mountain West Holding Company)$4,000 $4,000 Task 4b - Geotechnical Report Prepare Geotechnical Report 50 50 $6,500 $6,500 Subtotal Hours 69 12 81 Subtotal Costs $9,990 $0 $7,000 $16,990 5 HYDROLOGY/HYDRAULICS/STORM DRAIN DESIGN Task 5a - Hydrology and Hydraulics Preliminary Storm Drainage Design (Includes Coordination with Bozeman Rotary Club)8 40 20 68 $7,540 $7,540 Task 5b - Storm Drainage Design Final Storm Drainage Design (Includes Coordination with Bozeman Rotary Club)8 40 20 68 $7,540 $7,540 Subtotal Hours 0 0 16 80 0 0 40 0 136 Subtotal Costs $15,080 $0 $0 $15,080 6 WETLAND PERMITTING ASSISTANCE Task 6a - Wetland Assistance Preparation of Exhibits for Permit Applications 10 14 24 $2,530 $2,530 Subtotal Hours 0 0 0 10 14 0 0 0 24 Subtotal Costs $2,530 $0 $0 $2,530 TOTAL HOURS 598 TOTAL COSTS $70,350 $0 $7,000 $77,350 $0 $23,520 $1,330 $720 $4,420 250 $32,500 $3,360$2,100 $2,400 14 16 $0 $0 4852 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $8,970 $1,020 $0 $0 $0 $2,080 $9,600 $0 $0 $3,400 $0 $1,200 $1,330 $0 196 14 8 262 Manley Road Project Scope of Services, July 2019 Robert Peccia and Associates Page 1 of 3 Exhibit C EXHIBIT C MANLEY ROAD IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Scope of Services – Design Phase INTRODUCTION Robert Peccia and Associates (RPA) as a sub-consultant to Allied Engineering Services Inc. (AESI) agree to furnish professional engineering services for the Manley Road Improvements project for the city of Bozeman. The project limits on Manley Road are from Griffin Drive to north of Gallatin Park Drive. This scope of services is for the design phase only. Phases for bid to award and construction management will be added by amendment. The intersection of Manley Road and Griffin Drive will be designed through a separate City of Bozeman project. This scope of services includes coordination with that project. RPA will design the Manley Road leg of the intersection based on the preferred intersection configuration determined in the Griffin Drive project. ACTIVITY LIST AND DESCRIPTION The activities anticipated to complete the design phase are discussed in the following sections. A project scoping meeting was held April 29, 2019 at the City Professional building in Bozeman with Shawn Kohtz, Kellen Gamradt, Lee Evans, and Staci Venner. This scope of services was developed based on information provided by the city of Bozeman at the scoping meeting. Task 1.1: Project Evaluation and Management This activity includes general project start-up activities including attending the scoping meeting, and preparation of the scope of services, fee estimate, and contracts. Also included in this activity are general management tasks throughout the duration of the design phase including invoicing, budgeting and coordination with the City and the prime consultant, assuming a 6-month schedule. Task 1.2: Preliminary Roadway Design This task is revising the original layout prepared by AESI during the SID Phase. RPA will revise the geometric layout for City of Bozeman collector standards based on a 45-mph design speed, develop turning templates for the various design vehicles at major intersections, and incorporate adjacent development plans. RPA will develop the preferred road alignment and profile with cross sections and construction limits. The design will minimize impacts to right-of-way and existing private utilities. This task also includes coordination with the City for preliminary design issues. Task 1.3: Preliminary Sanitary Sewer Design This task is the preliminary design of the 1,300-feet upgrade of one of the existing dual 20-inch sewer mains to a new 36-inch main and upsizing four existing manholes. This section of sewer crosses Manley Road from Mergenthaler property on the east to Montana Rail Link property on the west. The estimated construction cost from the City of Bozeman Capital Improvement Program is $504,000. Task 1.4: Develop 30% PS&E This task is the development of the 30% Plan, Specification and Estimate (PS&E) package for a review by the City. This task includes development of the plan sheets, details, and summaries for roadway, storm 263 Manley Road Project Scope of Services, July 2019 Robert Peccia and Associates Page 2 of 3 Exhibit C drain, sanitary sewer, geotechnical, and public utilities. This task also includes RPA’s internal review and revisions. The 30% submittal does not include electrical, signing, or pavement marking plans. Task 1.5: Final Roadway Design This task is finalizing the preferred alignment and profile after the 30% City review and City approval of the layout. Final design items include detailed intersection design, A.D.A. compliant sidewalks and ramps, driveway design, sanitary sewer, and incorporation of final storm drain features. RPA will prepare the final 3D model, cross sections, and curb profiles. This task also includes coordination with the City for any final design issues. Task 1.6: Final Electrical Design Once the final roadway alignment is set, this task provides final design of the street lighting system. The street light system will be designed to meet City of Bozeman LED street lighting collector standards by using the AGI street lighting software for analysis and simulation. The design will minimize impacts to existing utilities and coordinate with adjacent lighting systems. This task also includes calculations for voltage drop, conduit sizing, and luminaire spacing. RPA will coordinate with Northwestern Energy for the locations of the electrical services. Task 1.7: Final Traffic Design This task includes inventory of existing signs and pavement markings. Once the final roadway alignment is set, this task will provide final design and layout of the signing and pavement markings. This task also includes sign design calculation sheets for street name signs and any specialty signs. Task 1.8: Final Sanitary Sewer Design This task is the final design of the 1,300-feet upgrade and includes the design report and submitting the DEQ certified checklist. A DEQ deviation is not expected and not included in this scope of work. The DEQ fee is also not included in the scope and will be paid directly by the City. Task 1.9: Private Utility Conflict Plans This task includes performing utility potholing at conflict locations by subcontracting to Rocky Mountain Contractors. RPA will prepare a staking file and AESI will stake the pothole locations. The pothole locations and depths will be added to the plan set. This task also includes preparation of colored exhibits detailing private utility impacts and the relocations required as part of the project. Anticipated impacted utilities may include electric, gas, fiber optic, and telephone. RPA will attend the utility coordination meeting with the City and utility companies, and review relocation plans prepared by the utility companies. At the request of the utility companies, RPA will meet on-site to coordinate relocations. Task 1.10: Develop 90% PS&E This task is the development of the 90% Plan, Specification and Estimate (PS&E) package for a review by the City. This task includes finalizing the plan sheets, details, and summaries for roadway, storm drain, geotechnical, sanitary sewer, and public utilities. This task also includes development of the final plans for street lighting, signing, pavement markings, A.D.A. compliant sidewalk and curb ramps, intersection layout details, and driveway layout details. This task also includes RPA’s internal review and revisions. 264 Manley Road Project Scope of Services, July 2019 Robert Peccia and Associates Page 3 of 3 Exhibit C Task 1.11: Final Review & Submittal RPA will revise the PS&E package based on the City’s 90% review comments and submit the 100% PS&E electronically. Printed copies for advertising and bidding will be performed under an amendment and are not part of this scope of services. DELIVERABLES All deliverables will be provided to the City of Bozeman in electronic PDFs for 30% and 90% submittals. Electronic AutoCAD drawings will also be submitted. Printed copies will be provided as requested by the City. ITEMS NOT INCLUDED RPA’s scope of work does not include traffic data collection, intersection analysis of the Griffin/Manley intersection, surveying or staking, geotechnical investigations or recommendations, wetland or stream delineations, environmental impact analysis, environmental permitting, coordination with irrigation companies, design of water distribution systems, hydrology or hydraulics analysis, storm drain system design, erosion control, DEQ deviation submittal, DEQ application fees, right-of-way acquisition or landowner coordination, landscaping design, and sprinkler system or irrigation design. SCHEDULE The design phase is estimated to begin in August 2019 after approval of the scope of services and fee proposal by the City Engineering Department and subsequent City Commission approval. RPA will complete the design phase in six months after contract approval for advertising and bidding in February 2020. This project schedule is dependent on right of way acquisition and the timing of the preferred configuration at the Manley/Griffin intersection by the City’s consultants. 265 ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES Manley Road, Griffin to Gallatin Park ENGINEERING SERVICES CONTRACT Bozeman, MT SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED COSTS Attachment D-1DESIGN PHASE Principal QAQC Project Design Staff CADD Account-Total Work Item Reviewer Manager Engineer Engineer Drafter ing Person $60.14 $52.69 $47.16 $39.80 $33.00 $29.01 $38.51 Hours 1.1 Project Evaluation and Management Develop scope of services, cost proposal, site visit 2 16 18 Subconsultant services agreement 1 1 2 Invoicing & budgets (assume 6 months)8 8 16 1.2 Preliminary Roadway Design Preliminary road layout with tapers & transitions (45 mph design speed)16 16 Iterations for road centerline alignment & profiles for cut/fill impacts with preliminary cross sections, city coordination for design options 8 40 8 56 Turning templates at 16 intersections for various design vehicles and preliminary layout of 16 intersections, based on mainline striping 4 24 28 Develop preferred road alignment & profile with preliminary cross sections 4 16 8 28 Merge Allied's preliminary drainage design into plan, cut profiles and cross sections 8 8 16 Meet with city for preferred design, prepare exhibits & meeting materials, resolve design issues 8 4 12 1.3 Preliminary Sanitary Sewer Design Obtain & incorporate sanitary as-builts 8 8 Preliminary layout of one 36" replacement line & 4 manholes 2 16 8 26 1.4 Develop 30% PS&E Road plans - title sheet, notes, table of contents, control diagram 2 8 10 Road plans - Typical Sections & Geotech details from AESI 4 16 20 Road plans - Incorporate Pond & Storm Drain Details from AESI 2 8 10 Road plans - Road Plan/Profile Sheets (6 sheets)4 16 20 Sanitary plans - Plan/Profile Sheets and details (3 sheets)2 8 10 Preliminary Specification Book with project special provisions 12 12 Preliminary quantities & Cost Estimate 2 8 40 50 Internal QA/QC Review and subsequent plan/spec revisions 8 2 4 4 18 Create PDF of 30% PS&E, submittal to City for review 1 1 4 6 1.5 Final Roadway Design Design revisions after city review, revise road alignment & profile, re-run cross sections 2 24 26 ADA sidewalk & intersection layouts at 16 intersections (4 hours ea.)4 32 32 68 Finalize cross sections with utilities, storm drain, ADA features 1 24 25 Develop 3D model for construction limits 1 8 9 Develop alignments & profiles for curb lines 2 40 16 58 Exhibits and resolve remaining issues with City 4 4 1.6 Final Electrical Design Incorporate lighting as-builts & adjacent subdivision lighting 8 8 Corridor lighting layout with staggered layout, AGI lighting software & calculations for voltage drop, and conduit fill 4 60 16 80 NW Energy service coordination 2 2 1.7 Final Traffic Design Signing & pavement marking inventory 12 12 Pavement marking layout 1 8 9 Signing layout including sign calc sheets for street name signs & specialty signs 3 24 27 1.8 Final Sanitary Sewer Design Revise and finalize design 1 16 4 21 Design Report with exhibits & City coordination 1 24 8 33 MDEQ Permitting application with exhibits (3 sets of plans & specs)4 4 8 16 1.9 Private Utility Conflict Plans Determine private utility impacts/conflicts & prepare colored plans (12 plan sheets at 1"=25' for utility relocations/adjustments)8 32 40 Determine pothole locations, staking files to AESI, prepare pothole exhibits for RMC, incorporate results on the plans 4 12 16 Utility coordination meeting, follow-up on-site meetings with individual companies 8 8 1.10 Develop 90% PS&E Finalize Road plans - notes, table of contents 1 4 5 Finalize Road plans - Typical Sections & Geotech details from AESI 1 4 5 Finalize Road plans - Geometric & Staking Details (16 intersections)16 60 76 Finalize Road plans - Incorporate final Pond & Storm Drain Details 2 16 18 Finalize Road plans - Road and Curb Plan/Profile Sheets (6 sheets)8 24 32 Finalize Sanitary plans - Plan/Profile Sheets and details (3 sheets)2 16 18 Electrical - Lighting plan & details 8 24 32 Signing - Plans & details (6 sheets)8 24 32 Pavement Marking - Plans & details (6 sheets)2 16 18 Final Specification Book & finalize special provisions 16 16 Finalize quantities & Cost Estimate 8 40 48 Internal QAQC Review and subsequent plan/spec revisions 2 24 4 8 8 16 62 Create PDF of 90% PS&E, submittal to City for review 2 8 10 1.11 Final Review & Submittal Revisions after City's 90% review comments 8 8 8 24 48 Final 100% electronic submittal 2 2 8 12 TOTAL PERSON-HOURS:8 32 154 398 224 452 8 1276 LABOR COST PER EMPLOYEE:$481.12 $1,686.08 $7,262.64 $15,840.40 $7,392.00 $13,112.52 $308.08 $46,082.84 DIRECT EXPENSES Exclusions: Vendor - Rocky Mountain Contractors for utility potholes (~$450/hole plus disposal fees)$5,000.00 Equipment (Computers at $2.50/hour)$505.00 Equipment (CADD software at $7.00/hour)$7,518.00 Printing (report & 3 sets of bound plans/spec books for DEQ application)$400.00 Mileage (2WD at $0.58/mile, 5 site visits & 10 city trips)$217.50 Total:$13,640.50 SUMMARY OF ENGINEERING SERVICES Direct Labor $46,082.84 Overhead (Current OH Rate X Direct Labor) (1.7152)$79,041.29 Subtotal Labor Cost:$125,124.13 Direct Expenses $13,640.50 Subtotal Project Costs:$138,764.63 Profit (15% of Loaded Labor):$18,768.62 Total Engineering Fee (Rounded):$157,533 To be completed by AESI: geotechnical, wetland delineation and mitigation, permitting, water system design, hydrology and hydraulics, storm drain system design, surveying and staking, irrigation company coordination. This scope does not include erosion control, landscaping, irrigation or sprinkler system design, right of way acquisition, or landowner coordination. F:\Highways\19503_000_Manley Rd\ADMIN\PROPOSAL\ORIGINAL - DESIGN\MANLEY DESIGN COST PROPOSAL.xlsx 266 TASK NUMBERWork Tasks (Description)Wetland Specialist Briana SchultzDIRECT COSTSTOTAL COSTSHourly Rate:$90.00 A Project Management A1 General (client relations, meetings, etc.)6 90.00$ A2 Expenses -$ Task sub total:6 -$ 90.00$ B Wetland Delineation B1 Wetland Field Assessment 8 -$ 720.00$ B2 Data Entry and Analysis 4 -$ 360.00$ B3 Wetland Boundary Mapping 2 -$ 180.00$ B4 Wetland Delineation Report Compilation 8 -$ 720.00$ B5 Project Review Response 6 -$ 540.00$ B6 Expenses (per diem, auto, printing,etc.)200.00$ -$ Task sub total:28 200.00$ 2,720.00$ C Permitting C1 Montana Joint Permit Application 12 -$ 1,080.00$ C2 Conservation Distrtict Sumbittal and Correspondance 10 -$ 900.00$ C3 ACOE Sumbittal and Correspondance 10 -$ 900.00$ C4 Floodplain Sumbittal and Correspondance 6 -$ 540.00$ C5 DEQ Sumbittal and Correspondance 4 -$ 360.00$ C6 Expenses (printing,etc.)1,000.00$ -$ Task sub total:42 1,000.00$ 2,520.00$ TOTAL BY CLASSIFICATION (Hours)76 COST BY CLASSIFICATION (Dollars)6,840.00$ 1,200.00$ TOTAL DIRECT COSTS 1,200.00$ PROJECT COSTS 8,040.00$ Allied Engineering Manley Road Wetland Delineation Time and Materials Estimate 7/11/2019 267