HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-19 City Commission Packet Materials - C12. Amend 1 to PSA with HDR Eng for Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Bob Murray, Project Engineer Shawn Kohtz, City Engineer SUBJECT: Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Project - Amendment No. 1. MEETING DATE: September 9th, 2019 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 with HDR Engineering. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the partially executed Amendment No. 1 with HDR Engineering for the Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Project. The document is in the City’s standard format. During the course of the design completed to date, there have been a number of items that came up that were not included in the original scope. Additional geotech work and cathodic protection for the bore casing had to be added to satisfy the requirements of the MRL permit. Some additional wetland delineation needed to be completed after the alignment of the main was altered. Design of a water main crossing the interstate and railroad was added so it could be completed under the same permits as the sewer crossing, and an architectural design review application has been added to meet the city site plan requirements. This amendment covers the compensation for these additional items. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission FISCAL EFFECTS: $39,834.00 from the Wastewater Impact Fee Fund. Attachments: Amendment No.1 Report compiled on: 8/29/19 379 ayydX*v<:^8^<rtftw.«*FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTTHIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FORDavis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Project dated Febmary 25, 2019 (the "Agreement")is made and entered into this _ day of_, 2019, by and between the CITY OFBOZEMAN, MONTANA, a self governing municipal corporation organized and existing underits Charter and the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, witha mailing address ofPO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as "City," HDREngineering, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Contractor.""In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt andsufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree to amend the Agreementas follows:1. Scope of Services. Section 2 of the Agreement is revised to include the attached ExhibitA.2. Payment. Section 4 of the Agreement is revised to include the amount specified in theattached Exhibit B.Original Fee: $841,714.00Amendment 01: $ 39,834.00Total: $881,548.003. Agreement still valid. All remaining tenns and provisions of the Agreement remain valid.****END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES****First Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer ProjectFY 2018-FY 2019Page 1 of 2380 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument the day andyear first above written.CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANAHDR ENGINEERING, INC.By_Andrea Surratt, City Managerf2^By_Print^ame: Jared R. HarrisTitle: Vice PresidentAPPROVED AS TO FORMBy_Greg Sullivan, Bozeman City AttorneyFu-st Amendment to Professional Services Agreement for Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer ProjectFY 2018-FY 2019Page 2 of 2381 Exhibit AScope of Services1. Geotechnical Services.a. Additional services per the attached proposal from Terracon. Includes two additionalrailroad borings beyond those originally proposed to a depth of approximately 25 feetor practical auger refusal, additional laboratory testing, and reporting time, andmobilization costs.2. Water Main Design-a. Preliminary and final design of 2,100 lineal feet of 12-inch water main extension in DavisLane from East Valley Center Drive to the existing water main located 520 feet north ofTrout Meadows Road. Coordinate water main design with new sewer main design inDavis Lane and the Billings Clinic utility extensions.3. Additional Wetland Delineation-a. Additional trip for wetland delineation of modified alignment.4. Cathodic Protection Design-Documentation and task management, laboratory analysis, calculations and design ofcathodic protection, and preparation of drawings and specs.5. Architectural Design Review Application-a. Coordination and submittal of the design review application to the City planning board382 LYes Optional tasks?YesJ•gss^sw^^si^.if^i^eF ^'i^<S^y;!^^.?s:??y-Siy-'..:f33S'i81|SNN*%^^s Ix'Ht^ I"if-j3I.^.hiIIsCMu.IIW Ufc '°s^coItlit^!1Qs^0 i53ll.ilSill5P:110(5LUII §1:1 II IS S CT^|u£tOI.,,lr:lilIr^IIsuilli!i!°°£HDROther Direct CostsTotal BudgetTaskTask DescriptionStatusPJM32PLE02ESA10CC103ES020ES020-1CST01ARC20TOTALHOURSLABOR COSTSSUBCONTRACTOREXPENSESTOTAL COSTTask 100Amendment No. 1101Geotech Services44$600 | $14,625 ] $$15,225102Water Main Design11T150 | $10,206 | $$10,356103Wetland Delineation12425$3,277 ] $$500 | $3,777104Cathodic Protection Design8184636$6,903 | $$200 | $7,103105Architectural Design Review4182416164418464428941_$3,373 | $14,303 | $$24,831 | $$700 | $3,37339,834383 SANDERSONtfSTEWART'Enduring Community DesignAMENDMENT NO. ONE TO SANDERSON STEWART-CLIENT AGREEMENT1.2.3.4.Background Data:a. Effective Date of Sanderson Stewart-Client Agreement: 03/29/2019b. Client: HDR Ensineerine. Inc.c. Project No.: 19012 (Sanderson Stewart). 10156423-025 (HDR Agreement No,^d. Project: Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton SewerNature of AmendmentModifications to services of Sanderson StewartModificadons to responsibilities of ClientModifications to payment to Saaderson Stewart^ Modifications to tiraes(s) for rendering servicesDescription of ModificationsPreliminary and final design of 2,100 Uneal feet of 12-inch water main extension in DavisLane from East VaUey Center Drive to the existing water main located 520 feet north ofTrout Meadows Road. Coordinate water main design with new sewer main design in DavisLane and the BiUings Clinic utility extensions.Original contract fee: $426.750.00Previous Amendments: NAContract fee prior to this Amendment: $426.750.00Fee modification due to this Amendment: $9.720.00Contract fee with aU Amendments: $436.470.00Client and Sanderson Stewart hereby agree to modify the above-referenced Agteement as set forthin this Amendment. AU provisions of the Agreement not modified by this or previous Amendtnentsremain in effect. The effective date of this Amendment is:CLIENTSANDERSON STEWARTBy:By:Printed:Tide:Printed:Tide:Date Signed:Date Signed:P:19012_Amd_No_l1(06/19/19)JDH384 llerraconJuly 24, 2019HDR, Inc.700 SW Higgins Avenue, Suite 200Missouta, Montana 59803Attn: Ms. Coralynn Revis - Project ManagerP: 406-532-2219Email: coralvnn.revis(a)hdrinc.comRe: Supplemental Proposal for Geotechnical ServicesDavis Lift Station and Norton SewerNelson Road & North Frontage RoadBozeman, MontanaTerracon Project No. 26185044Dear Ms. Revis:Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) appreciates the opportunity to submit this supplementalchange order to provide additional geotechnical engineering sen/ices for the project referencedabove. The purpose of the additional proposed engineering services is to complete two boringsthat could not be advanced during the initial mobilization and provide estimated fees for twoadditional borings proposed within the railroad right of way associated with the proposedhorizontal bore crossing.A. PROJECT INFORMATIONSite LocationITEMDESCRIPTIONLocationThe proposed lift station is located east of the intersection ofNelson Road & North Frontage Road in Bozeman, Montana. Theproject includes utility installation to the south and east of theproposed lift station.Latitude/Longitude N 45.725745°, W 111.078953° (approximate)Existing ConditionsInterstate 90 and existing railroad tracks are located to the south ofthe proposed lift station. Developed residential and commercialstructures are located near the areas of proposed utility installation.Terracon Consultants, Inc. 2110 Overland Avenue, Ste. 124 Billings, Montana 59102P [406] 656 3072 F [406] 656 3578 terracon.comGeotechn icalEnvironmentalConstruction MaterialsFacilities385 Supplemental Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering ServicesDavis Lift Station » Bozeman, MontanaJuly 24, 2019 • Terracon Project No. 26185044IIerraconB. ADDITIONAL SERVICESDuring the initial mobilization, two proposed borings, B-5 and B-6, were unable to be performed.The location of B-5 had not yet been confirmed and the soil conditions encountered at B-6 weretoo wet and soft to access with the drill rig. After a brief discussion with Mr. Jeff Heidner withSanderson Stewart, he indicated that both borings could be drilled at a later date when the locationof B-5 was finalized. We discussed with him an additional mobilization would be required toproceed.A second mobilization was made the week of June 17, 2019 to attempt to drill boring B-6 (boringB-5, B-7 and B-8 had not yet been authorized by MDT). During the mobilization, the drill rig couldnot access the location of boring B-6 as the boring location was surrounded by a raised earthenberm the rig could not navigate.A third mobilization was made the week of July 15, 2019 to complete the remaining borings (B-5through B-8). The cost for two (2)additional borings (within the railroad right-of-way) beyond thoseoriginally proposed is also being requested as a separate line item. Two additional borings locatedwithin the MRL right-of-way, advanced to a depth of approximately 25 feet or practical augerrefusal, additional laboratory testing, MRL permitting requirements, and reporting time areincluded in the breakdown of the additional two railroad borings. As requested by SandersonStewart, COP Construction made a site visit with a CAT 335F excavator to excavate an entry pathto boring B-6 for the drill rig and excavate test pits near borings B-5, B-6, and B-8 so we couldobserve and document cobble and/or boulder sizes within the gravel stratum. One day of trafficcontrol, provided by Mountain West, has also been included for the work along MontanaDepartment of Transportation right-of-way.C. COMPENSATIONBased on information outlined above, we propose to complete the work on a time and materialsbasis under the current project contract terms between HDR, Inc and Terracon. An estimate ofadditional fees requested is provided below. The below estimate anticipates all borings can bedrilled out of traffic and as such, the fees below do not include time associated with traffic control.The below costs also do not include any costs associated with acquiring permits to perform workwithin the railroad or City right-of-way.Item 1 - Additional mobilization to complete boring B-6 (June 17)EstimatedFeeMobilization for Terracon and Drill subcontractor to drill boring B-6. Drillrig could not access the boring over the berm.$2,580Total - Item 1$2,580Responsive • Resourceful • Reliable2386 Supplemental Proposal for Geotechnical Engineering ServicesDavis Lift Station r Bozeman, MontanaJuly 24, 2019 • Terracon Project No. 26185044llerraconItem 2 - Additional mobilization for B-5 and B-6; additional time todrill 2 new borings (B-7 and B-8) within railroad right-of-way andtemporary occupancy permit for railroad right-of-way(Completed July 16 and 17)EstimatedFeeMobilization (Terracon and HazTech), additional drilling time for railroadborings$5,540Mountain West, traffic control + 15% Markup$862.50COP Construction, 4.5 hours test pit excavation + 15% Markup$1,424Additional Terracon time for test pit observations and sampling$400Additional laboratory testing for railroad borings$860Additional reporting time$1,400MRL Temporary Occupancy Permit + 15% Markup$862.50Total - Item 2$11,349Grand Total$13,929D. AUTHORIZATIONWe appreciate the opportunity to provide this revised proposal and look forward to the opportunityof working with you. If this supplemental proposal is acceptable, we anticipate HDR will amendthe contract to reflect this additional scope.Sincerely,Terracon Consultants, Inc.TisGsnior(racke, P.E.eotechnical Engineeru^-Gary W. Rome, P.E.Senior Project ManagerResponsive • Resourceful • Reliable3387