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Jackson - Domestic National Safety and Security AlertFrom:Andrew Jackson To:Agenda; alynes@dailychronicle.com; carol@dailychronicle.com; cfullem@dailychronicle.com; Downtown BusinessAssociation; City Desk; classifieds@dailychronicle.com; cpool@dailychronicle.com; csease@dailychronicle.com;edissinger@dailychronicle.com; Fmonares Daily Chronicle; ftownsend@dailychronicle.com;gails@dailychronicle.com; Katheryn Houghton; mfey@dailychronicle.com; mfey@dailychronicxle.com;mheinrich@dailychronicle.com; Mitchell Overton; mwright@dailychronicle.com; Chronicle News Alerts;pschwedelson@dailychronicle.com; pstein@dailychroicle.com; rhergett@dailychronicle.com;rleathe@dailychronicle.com; s.hill@dailychronicle.com; Ted Sullivan Subject:Domestic National Safety and Security Alert Date:Monday, September 02, 2019 10:20:14 AM Attachments:Domestic National Safety and Security Alert.docx First Muslim Woman Judge.pdf ATTENTION Loyal Daily Chronicle Journalist Patriots, In the interest of public safety and security, the two attached commentaries regarding Islamic terrorism are sent you in compliance with Homeland Security's terrorism prevention bomb detection slogan "if you see something say something" because we see something and are saying something. We are saying America is fed up with fanatically religious Muslims who are officially being labeled as "insane" individuals so as not to implicate their Islamic religion as being in any way responsible for their terrorist acts, LIKE: the "insane" Muslims who carried out the first World Trade Center bombing in NYC killing six and injuring hundreds more in 1993; the "insane" Muslims who carried out the second WTC/Pentagon MASSACRE that killed three thousand and injured thousands more in 2001; the "insane" Muslim who shot and killed over a dozen of his fellow soldiers and wounded thirty others at Fort Hood, Texas in 2009; the "insane" Muslim Boston Marathon bombers who killed three and injured several hundred more in 2013; the "insane" Muslims who shot and killed fourteen of their co-workers and wounded seventeen others at a holiday party in San Bernardino in 2015; the "insane" Muslim who shot and killed forty-nine "gay" people and wounded fifty-three others at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando in 2016; the "insane" Muslim who rented a truck in Manhattan then purposefully ran over and killed eight and lifetime maimed eleven others in 2017; the "insane" Muslims who did two hundred other terrorist acts in America, or who have been arrested before committing them, since 1993. All Muslim terrorists shouting "allahu ackba" which means "my god is greater than your god" while carrying out their "insane" terrorist acts. It only stands to reason that if so many Muslim terrorists are just "insane" it must be the religion of Islam they worship that drives them "insane." Let's never forget the hundreds of first responders who have since died from or are being treated for cancers related to their rescue efforts on 911. All these terrorist crimes got exactly no investigative journalistic coverage to explain why so many Muslims are "insane" enough to become terrorists. So far, the main-stream media, the federal and 50 state governments have been silent about the history and practice of Islam that, once understood, provides the answer to Muslim insanity. Is it stupidity, cowardice, disrespect for America and hatred of the dead victims of "insane" Muslims; or fear and/or love of Islam or what that keeps public officials and the main-stream media silent? For their own self-preservation Americans want, need, are entitled to, and deserve to know what their governments' explanations are about Muslim "insanity." Why no official public explanations??? Which, if you happen to not yet know why not, is the reason you are receiving the attached common-sense explanations about the history and practice of Islam to better see why it's only "insane" Muslims (not Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist or other religions) who are scot free running all around in America all the while continuously planning to commit "insane" acts of terror against us in the name of Allah their Islamic god. Always openly and publicly support your local police and all other law enforcement officers 100% against the charade of "islamophobia." To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Respectfully Yours, OMNI AMERICA ANNO DOMINI 21st Century Crusade In America Domestic National Safety and Security Alert Re Islamic “Fifth Column” and Terrorist Warfare Conducted Inside the United States The Symbol of Religious Freedom Pledge Allegiance to It or Get Out of America NOW ATTENTION AMERICA This alert is forwarded in compliance with Homeland Security’s terrorism prevention bomb detection slogan “if you see something say something” because we see something very bad about Islamic terrorism and we are saying something: [ Freedom of religion under the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights does not include any religious theology that by use of physical force fully controls and regulates civil government and secular society. Islam is a religious ideology that uses physical force to fully control and regulate civil government affairs and secular/cultural society in any country where the Islamic Our’an and its offshoot Shariah law rule. There is no “separation of church and state” in political/religious Islam. In Islam, the mosque is the state and the state is the mosque where “multiculturalism,” “inclusiveness,” “diversity,” and public display of any other religion, including atheism, is strictly regulated, if not outright prohibited, according to Islamic law; and, every Muslim obediently prays in his mosque multiple times a day to Allah and Islam’s law maker/prophet Muhammad. Relativism notwithstanding, and contrary to deceptive claims that “Islam is a religion of peace,” the historic record tells a much different story as Muslims have been religiously warring against the West for 1400 years. Islamic ideology does not believe in the Christian inspired Declaration of Independence concept of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Today “peaceful” Muslims around the world are intent on seeing that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is politically changed to death, subjugation and the pursuit of drudgery like life is for unfortunate non-Muslims in Islamic caliphates. There is no prohibition in Islamic ideology that commands Muslims not to murderously attack, in the name of their god Allah, anyone at anytime, anywhere in the world whenever they feel it is their religious duty to make war upon and convert, subjugate or kill non-Muslims. Appallingly, there are commands in the Qur’an and Islamic law that specifically tell Muslims they must convert non-Muslims to Islam or kill and enslave those who won’t convert. Terror is the weapon Islam uses to advance its’ religion and the best of Muslims hold nothing but contempt for America’s virtuous human freedoms. Knowing mass murder against non-Muslims is being done in the name of Allah (by those who “peaceful” Muslims say are a relatively few apostates who have highjacked their religion who don’t represent true Islam) why aren’t “peaceful” Main Stream Muslims sincerely, publicly, relentlessly, purposefully and unanimously fighting back against them by mass Muslim community protest demonstrations; and, by willing cooperation with law enforcement authorities by turning in to the police known to them terrorist trained Muslims hiding out among them in their communities??? If it’s the case that “peaceful” Muslims know they cannot wrest Islam back from the terrorists in their midst, and they truly cared about the mass murder of non-Muslims, why don’t they disassociate themselves from Islam altogether and convert to Christianity’s New Testament Son of God whose teachings inspired the founding of America, Jesus Christ, the real and true PEACEFUL moral and spiritual savior of mankind? Isn’t that what you think “peaceful” Muslims could do? Instead “peaceful” Muslims cop an attitude, that they are victims of “Islamophobia” because it’s expected they conform to America’s legal standards and customs, insinuating America must change for them instead of them changing for America. Empirical observation indicates the more “peaceful” Muslims study the Qur’an and Shariah law the more apt they are to become fanatically bigoted, discriminatory, radicalized, intolerant, hateful and viciously murderous. Conversely, empirical data indicates that the more Christians and Jews study the Holy Bible the more civilized, tolerant, loving and kindhearted they are apt to become. To illustrate the case, Mother Teresa studied the Bible and the mastermind of the 911 attacks, Osama bin Laden, studied the Qur’an. VIA INTERNET PROPAGANDA MUSLIMS ARE RECRUITING CRAZIES TO BECOME COPYCAT TERRORISTS. In recent years dozens of crazies have been arrested for their connections with ISIS. Muslims loudly state and behave accordingly that Islamic law reigns supreme over earthly governments including America. Therefore, it is safe to conclude, Muslims have no intention of subordinating to our laws any of their religious actions that are deemed to be illegal. Why, then, have several millions (so far) of praying Muslims been allowed to settle in America and establish their religion that plainly violates the 1st and most likely all Ten Amendment of the Bill of Rights? What are the benefits to BY LAW civilized American society that Muslims bring with them to offset the lawless, contentious life threatening and legal strife that lies ahead as the Muslim population demographically grows and religiously votes in favor of Islamic law over the Bill of Rights? Empirical evidence of Islam’s enmity for America is available in plain sight. So, what motivates some people to help with the establishment of Islam in America? Whether their motives are altruistic naivety or obscure subversion, if Islamophilia is not publicly rejected the end results for America will soon be disastrous. For refusing to convert to Islam hundreds of millions of Christians, Jews, Hindus, and others have been slaughtered or enslaved throughout the Middle East, Asia Minor, Eastern and Southern Europe, Spain, Portugal, Italy, North and Central Africa and India by unprovoked Islamic holy war invasions and conquests of their homelands between the 7th and 21st Centuries. Just since 1968, upwards of 48,000 unprovoked Islamic jihadi terror attacks have happened worldwide. In addition to terrorism Islam (through its’ legal muscle extortion agents the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other anti/un-American Islamist lobbyist groups) will threaten to or will file frivolous costly to defend lawsuits (LAWFARE) against any private or local government entity that Muslims want to intimidate into capitulation for legally and justifiably opposing any Islamic law or custom, illegal by American law, they want to practice because it’s allowed by their religion. Lawfare is the Fifth Column warfare based on veiled threats that terrorist retribution could happen if Muslims get upset by losing any kind of argument. In any event, when or where Islam’s extortionists use lawfare against you call them out for it and countersue for punitive and compensatory damages. NEVER FORGET the religiously “insane” Muslim terrorists who carried out the first world trade center bombing in 1993; who carried out the massacre of three thousand Americans on 911; who shot and killed over a dozen of his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas in 2009; who carried out the Boston marathon bombing in 2013; who shot and killed 14 of their co-workers at a holiday party in San Bernardino in 2015; who shot and killed forty-nine “gays” at the Pulse night club in Orlando in 2016; who rented a truck in Manhattan and ran over and killed eight Americans in 2017. All of them screaming “allahu ackba” which in English means “my god is greater than your god.” And two hundred other Muslims who, since 1993, have committed murderously fatal acts of terror in the USA or were arrested before they could commit their terrorist act. PAGE 2 – Domestic National Safety and Security Alert. Muslims believe their Qur’an and Shariah law divinely supersede the Constitution and Bill of Rights and by every day rational observation it appears they are not going to submit to American law any longer than they politically have too. As the Bill of Rights and Constitution are not a suicide pack subject to hostile, semantic review and revision, in-order to comply with Islamic religious criminality, how are non-Muslim America’s political and social relations with Islam going to play out in the future as, by their explosive population growth, Muslims force their ways upon America at the ballot box? Do you still think Muslims came here to adopt, support, protect, and defend American law or are they here to try to politically convert our laws and subjugate America to Islam? If you love America’s freedoms for yourself, family, friends and neighbors, take the time to figure it out. Voters, elected politicians and hired government workers must learn, understand, and admit that it is Islamic ideology, in and of itself, that is the mortal enemy of their United States Constitution. Therefore, because it is impossible to separate Muslims from their ideology, existing law must be enforced to outlaw Islam in America and too deport all Muslims who refuse to publicly swear on The HOLY Bible, subject to annual review, that they totally give up their allegiance to Islam - before all hell of a religious war breaks out throughout America. Enforcement of The Internal Security Act of 1950 and The Communist Control Act of 1954 is a good place to start to neutralize Islamic ideology until such deportations can take place. America, then, must remove from the bench for non, mis, or malfeasance any judge who rules otherwise as it goes without saying, the rights, safety and security of 320 million non-Muslim Americans must have priority over bigoted religious criminality and supremacy goals of, unassimilable into American society, Islam. All of Islam is not worth the life of one single American. If America does not act, as the Muslim population grows exponentially over time, thousands more citizens will be attacked and killed in the streets (like now in Europe) of their hometowns in random, unpredictable pre-planned attacks by Muslims acting under their imams’ theological orders to kill as many “great Satan infidels” as they can get away with in their Muhammad taught efforts to help the conquest of America along by creating a public mindset of sheer terror? Will you be pro-active in this do or die fight to preserve, protect and defend America against the insidious, persistent and deadly Islamic jihad war against Constitutional freedom? Or must we the people, like President George W. Bush said we should do right after 911 “just go about our daily lives because Muslims are a peaceful people?” Right, “W,” just like sitting ducks we should wait around for more attacks to happen - odds hoping the victims will always be someone else? “Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog.” Sir Winston Churchill Now we know why the first thing the Obamas’ did upon moving into the White House was to remove the marble bust of Churchill from the Oval Office. Now we know that Obama’s “hope and change” and “fundamentally transform America” statements also meant he would give Muslims mass unrestricted immigration into our highly civilized, charitable and deeply Christian land. And for what benefit to the USA? What historical religious, cultural, political, civic or other socially redeeming values has Islam ever before or ever will in the future bring to America? Go ahead, search all you want. You won’t find anything Islamic worth giving up our Christian inspired American way of life for. Unless you are satisfied with Obama’s “hope and change” now is the time for every citizen to put on the stout armor of Judeo/Christian patriotism and call out the shameful “politically correct” democrat leftist/RINO/Islamic cabal to destroy America for the treasonous collusion it is. Americans must unite and fight like hell politically to win against the Clinton/Bush/Obama instigated, promoted and thinly religiously disguised, Islamic political and cultural jihad invasion to conquer America. Yes, George W Bush too. Try to imagine where our country would be today if, a couple of days after its’ December 7, 1941 sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt told our parents and grandparents that Japan was a peaceful country and the Japs were a peaceful people? The 911 Islamic terror attack killed 700 more Americans than died at Pearl Harbor; and, since 911, hundreds of first responders have died from 911 related cancers and there are thousands of others who have since been diagnosed with and are being treated for cancers related to the 911 Islamic holy war attack. Islamic ideology being the driving force behind terrorism, and while a terrorist cannot be identified by the uniform he wears, and while we cannot read the hearts of men, for national safety and security sake we must presume all Muslims are of the same mind set about Islam’s religious supremacy beliefs; and, that today’s “peaceful” Muslim friend, neighbor or co-worker might very well end up being our tomorrow’s worst terrorist nightmare. Fellow citizens, our country is in serious trouble. Never has America been invaded by a religion that has the evil cunning to try and corrupt the constitution and subvert our laws and system of government to use them against us. Islam is, in-essence, a tyrannical Middle Eastern sub-civilized religion stuck in the barbarism of the 7th Century. It will never change because main-stream Muslims believe in Islamic world supremacy. By Its’ lack of efforts to fight against Muslim terrorists the Muslim community demonstrates it has no intention of being assimilated into our Christian inspired America. Why not? Because the GOLDEN RULE values of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "love thy neighbor as thyself” is not how Islam’s warlord founder Muhammad’s Qur’an teaches Muslims to treat “unbelievers.” Islamic teaching instructs Muslims to wage jihad by religious deceit and political deception and both lessons are being applied against us by Muslims right now in America. Therefore, don’t take a Muslim’s political or personal avowals for granted. Demand proof. If you do not yet believe the dire threat to Domestic National Safety and Security Muslims bring to America learn that over past centuries the most revered Islamic theologians openly professed that Islam’s main reason for existence has always been to carry out unprovoked holy warfare to convert the world to Allah. Today’s Muslim theologians say they have no intention of stopping holy war even if it takes up the whole 200 years of Islam’s plan to conquer America. Holy war down through ages past has been conducted sporadically and generationally. That is, whenever its’ legions had been defeated in battle Islam would pull back to regroup until it was able again to fanaticize enough of its’ youth to want fight and die for Allah in holy war; and, when Islam again had enough money to wage holy war; and, when Muslims maybe had the help of some “useful Idiot” non-Muslim collaborators. Win or lose holy war has never stopped and is now on America’s doorstep. Today, the Islamic population in America is growing by leaps and bounds; tons of money for holy war is being supplied by oil rich Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, et.al; and, a faithless cabal of traitorous leftist/globalist democrat and RINO politicians, whose hidden agenda is submission of our National Sovereignty to a borderless “new world order,” offer the “useful idiot” collaboration. Globalist politicians in congress who believe collaborating with Islam is a way to help bring about the demise of American Sovereignty obviously do not yet realize that history shows treating with Islam for turncoat political gain has always in the end game had fatal consequences for Islam’s “useful idiots:” lots of them lost their heads. Read this very recent and monumental book “The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS” – find by Google or Amazon.