HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrections LetterPage 1 of 2 May 16, 2019 Lotus Grenier Love Schack Architecture 619 N. Church Bozeman, MT 59715 RE: 415 S. 3rd Ave. Bozeman – Application 19-375 Dear Lotus Grenier, The Department of Community Development received the above-referenced Historic Neighborhood Certificate of Appropriateness (NCOA) application on April 10, 2019. Staff reviewed the application in accordance with the submittal checklist and Chapter 38.340 of the Unified Development Code (UDC) and the supplemental guideline document entitled Bozeman Design Guidelines for Historic Preservation & the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District. Please address the following questions & corrections: 1. As per Sec.38310.210.B-2, all new dwellings must provide a covered pedestrian entry with minimum weather protection of three feet by three feet. Please specify on plans dimensions of front entrance awning for apartment. 2. As per Sec.38.360.210.E Minimum Useable Open Space is required for alley loaded lots, within the side or rear yard with a minimum of 15 feet on all sides, equivalent to 10% minimum of the lot size, please provide the Open Space area on site plan. 3. Please note: the rear apartment is larger than 600 sqft. and would not meet the standard for an ADU, as ADU’s are required not to exceed 600 sqft Sec. 38.360.040. The rear apartment is considered a second dwelling unit (duplex) based on the Unified Development Code. As a result of the change in use of the apartment, interior connectivity from the main house to the apartment must be severed. 4. Parking requirements for 4 bedrooms on the lot require 4 distinct parking spaces (Table 38.540.050-1). With two households on the lot, the applicant can deduct two on-street spaces. Each space is required to ne 24 uninterrupted linear feet. Please update site plan to show on-street parking is 24 feet. If the applicant is to deduct two parking space from the street, the existing curb-cut must be filled in or required parking must count the existing on-site parking space. 5. Site plan shows two required parking spaces off the rear of the alley, stacked with an existing garage. As per 38.360.010.I, in order for a garage with stacked parking off an alley, the garage setback is calculated by the Alley-right of way width. In order to count the required rear parking. Please provide alley width and existing garage setback on site plan. Page 2 of 2 The additional information we require, specified above, and must be submitted to the Planning Division for review prior to being considered for NCOA approval. Revisions must be accompanied by a Revisions & Corrections (RC) form which can be found on the City of Bozeman website, on the Planning webpage under “applications” and “development applications” in the panel on the left-hand side of the screen. Please bring one digital (CD or USB) and one paper copy of the written response to the questions above. If you have any questions please contact me at 406-582-2940 or pgonzalez@bozeman.net. Sincerely, Phil Gonzalez Phillipe Gonzalez | Historic Preservation Specialist City of Bozeman | 20 East Olive St. | P.O. Box 1230 | Bozeman, MT 59771 P: 406.582.2940 | E: pgonzalez@bozeman.net | W: www.bozeman.net