HomeMy WebLinkAbout71- Montana Industrial Development, Inc. ~ , \ I , . . i ,- TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMA1'J , MONTANA: Gentlemen: Montana Industrial Development, Incorporated, called MIDI, is the owner of a tract of land, comprising eleven (11) acres, more or less, which is located North of the City of Bozeman and South of the Bridger Canyon Road and East of a point where North Rouse Avenue I if extended, intersects with Bridger Canyon Road; said tract is also adjacent to and West of Bridger View Mobile Park No, I, a subdivision. MIDI proposes to construct a mobile home park for rentals connecting with Bridger View MobilePark No. l, with a capacity for 52 additional mobile homes, and to provide a recreational center and play area for children; and the undersigned respectfully ask permission of the City of Bozeman to connect with the existing water and sewer lines of the City of Bozeman at such point to which said lines have been presently extended. The undersigned will agree to perform all work required for the extension of said lines to the City of Bozeman, and further agree to pay all fees and costs required by the City of Bozeman. In consideration of the granting of the right to extend said water and sewer lines and connect thereto, the undersigned agree that, upon request by the City of Bozeman, MIDI will permit annexation of the property herein described into the incorporated limits of the City of Boz eman . Dated this 7th day of July, 1971. MONTANA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, INCORPORATED, By_ ~ Atte~ atJ;; President. ... --- -.. ~. ~_fL.-n ~I-- ..~ Secr ary. . ,. ... "" l . . . . . , . I1\iTEH.-OFFICE HEMORANDUM: TO: Un ro Id l<'rys 1 ie, City Hanager ~ { JVU1 7( fROlv; : .taman C. Fargo, City Engineer SUnJECT: l~'lor~ tana Industrial Development Inc. - ,\pplication to connect to City Water and Seever System to serve an eleven (11) acre tract of land in the Southeast one- quarter of the Southeast one-quarter (SE~;, SKU Section 31, T28, i.l5E, be il12 Nob ile Home Park iFl o~ 4C tH'_i t S and t.iob::.le ~~ome :!,qrk 'If') of 58 u.'tits or a t:.') ~:' 1.- n !~., '-'n.. .'/ ~- ~.!,.r:,i t F; . The above request for water service would require tapping the 18 " Lyman Creek transmission line which traverses approximately djago~lally thr;i Seetio,1 32. As Q. matter of record t'le .l,yr'lA-n Creek Hater sou::cc ~s :;}:O! 1 sp:i:~:.~~s J_ocntec! :i"j the upper Lyman C::eek. The City acquired the rights to t:lf: LY8an Creek system in 1899. The City of Bozeman has first rights to 238 3/20 miners inches oE ('fa ter. 150 3/20 inches of 1364 rights and 88 inches of 1881 rights. 238 3/20 miners inches of water equals approximately 3.84 million gallons per day. Average flows from Lyman Creek approach l3!. miners . , or 2.16 lnC.le s million gallons per day during the summer and fifty miners ' , or 807,OeO lncaes gallons per day during the winter with fl low of approximately 70,000 gallo.:ls be i r\g rocorcled. Furthermore there is a difference of about 30 feet in elevntio'1 bet\-!er:..": t~-12 Lyman Creek reservoir and the Dozeman Creek rese'c:-voir. This di Ffercrlce :i..i cl"v,<'c- tion is compensated by a bonster pump station which ::s 1 oc"~ (';: j, .c; l)C:~ S 7 , ~\:~o~t~-~er:"( lJacific ..:,-\:"l:'litio;~,_. Any service or distribution system from the transmission mai~ above tilt"'. booster pwnp will result in a low pressure district and in tbe future Fill "Lesult in a~ditiol\al :)()ostcr s to'. t i01:S to equalize pressure oetw0en that il:::-ea alli f:"1:l i :""'~S extended frof1 t:1e prese.1t system on ~orth ~ouse. ...', S s UGli l";'~ t!.:e averr.;.L.c:, use ()"'. w,"tcr, tbe 92 uni ts,'/i ell a:1 <'l.ver8.Ge of three p ~=s~)';.s r:er .; L ~'f~~IU~:_ ,. ~-:' ',J ,::.:. =,_~) .:.y COi-:tSLUne app ''cOZiiT1H t e 1y 7J,SCiO [alions per day, tl',if: ::O-,-l~.C ..:~J \Ie (~ s er iL'. ~.~ ,S ~,~., r .z (' :.~ t ,',~! \ Lie 10\7 --1 C\,! per ic:.::. s '. I ":'icl,lld ~ecG;','I~i~':2~,ld .:lb'~~ ~:" ..s t any con~ection to L ~-i. C L Y ~:,V:. ~'_ .:: --.: c c. ~.:::. t,-o S;"\i,~3i.8~". ~ L< l.ll"~(~ an,d rCCO{:llnend that if rct'fucsts for City water are gr2~t2d oHtsj_t"~_e :'::i'<.8 "":i:~y 1 i~':!.i. t s that the perso~s making same he re~uired to ex"t e ~:':, d ::.1:=1 (-'~ :~, 't..l.,~-; -:= (: ~ ~:~ L.:':<. li .J.GS [roLl t:.:~c p-'" co. <;; ","'- ,~:istri"L'ut r""" ", s:y s t 0i.~l. .... \;:Lo'--"i~ - - c. n ~:".:. ;,-:' S :.:~ ~ :.. 0 '~. '" t',o "y :::::~~, ~- : ", ..: c' _>.:. :....~e '-0:,"2: .2.0 .C,.- , I :::": =-:::y SG\?0Y S\]? ':' ,:(1. - l ~ .Li........ ,:' r ,~? ? :LS o "'Ie -.;: ,'.:j ':.-..2 .~ lit~ 1 f ~.~.:.:;_::.. C ~YCiJ..~ tt,~c p-:esc,,:.;.t: city ='i ..li,~t::. ;.::j~ t e"~ s ~.:> ' .c C '""l. -, -" '-. "_" 1.~.,.4.,.~; .&-~. _~'~ S C ::......._.:::.':..:..: d'?': t'.c: P.".: -":::~. Jar !:~.'..2 i-~ :,,.1 Q-:,: :)' ~ :,'~ . ~ ,c.'f ,2,_-) .co. _ ~ ,~ ,..P [; .:-:: :i,. .'~; ,l~ -- c. C .~..:. L . 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