HomeMy WebLinkAbout93- Montana Conservation Corps. Agreement , " ( AGREEMENT ']11 'Iv D tJ Em rJt:'7L, ifq 1/7 THIS AGREEMENT, made on this /5 day of 199-L.' by and between the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the state of Montana{ with offices at 411 East Main street, Bozeman, Montana 59771-0640, hereinafter referred M c:>...,:tf"A,,-rA .c.....c, to as "City" and Co V'\ S p/"' U ,~'\ " ~ r;"f S , a \1n\""'.., f rc-t' ,'i co" f"-' V fA '\ 110 vr.. 0 f ~{3 () z. e, "" C<- "" ,/ ['-/7 I , hereinafter referred to as "contractor. " WIT N E S SET H: IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Work to be Performed. This contract shall constitute the basic agreement between the parties for removal of snow and ice from public sidewalks located within the City of Bozeman at various times. The conditions set forth herein shall apply to all work performed by the Contractor on behalf of City. Contractor will perform all work in a good and workmanlike manner, using that degree of skill and care ordinarily exercised in and consistent with standards for such work. 2. Specifications. The contractor shall use equipment no wider than the sidewalk which is being cleaned. Equipment shall be of a weight that will not damage the sidewalk or adjacent property. The contractor shall maintain his operation within the public right of way. Snow and ice must be completely removed from the sidewalks before payment will be made to the contractor. If salt or other chemicals are used to loosen ice, only the minimum amount of salt or other chemicals will be used to ddequately perform this function and the contractor shall , refrain from depositing any resulting salt/ice mixture onto private property, grassed, O~ landscaped area. . i . 3 . Time. The Contractor shall commence snow removal operations within four hours after notice by the city is given to the contractor and shall complete the work within 24 hours. The contractor may be required to work on any day of the week, including holidays. 4 . Materials, Equipment and Labor. The Contractor undertakes and agrees to furnish and pay for all work equipment, tools, materials, labor, trans- portation and supervision necessary to perform the work herein described. 5. Independent Contractor. It is agreed that in the performance of the work herein specified, the Contractor is an independent contractor, responsible to the City only as to the results to be obtained in the work herein specified, and to thE extent that the work shall be done in accordance with the terms, plans and specifications furnished by the City. 6 . Liability. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and save harmless the city, its officers, agents and employees against and from any and all actions, suits, claims, demands or liability of any character whatsoever, brought or asserted for injuries to or death of any person or persons, 01- damages to property arising out of, resulting from or occurring in connection with the work herein specified. The Contractor assumes all responsibility and agrees to reimburse the City for any damage to property of the city, including the sidewalk, caused by or occurring in connection with doing any work hereunder. The Contractor shall take all necessary prec311tions in performing the work hereunder to prevent injury to persons or damage to property. 2 .. , . , . . . 7. Insurance. The Contractor will provide and maintain, whenever the work is being performed, insurance coverage naming the City as an additional insured under this contract. Prior to beginning work, the Contractor shall furnish to the city a certificate of liability insurance from an A-rated insurance company in an amount no less than $200,000.00 per person, $500,000.00 per occurrence dnd $100,000.00 property damage. In addition, the Contractor shall furnish evidence of workers' compensation coverage or proof that it is not required to carry such coverage. 8, Termination. This agreement will terminate one year after the date of execution unless both parties agree in writing to extend the term of the agreement. The City reserves the right to terminate this agreement upon written notice to the contractor at any time. 9. Payments. payments shall be made by the City upon the Contractor furnishing satisfactory evidence of the work performed. Payment shall be made at the rate of a Ufu1;y per square foot for sidewalks cleaned of snow and ice. The contractor shall keep written records necessary to justify claims for payment. Such records shall include the address at which the work was performed, and the date and time the work was done. The city shall make payment for work performed within thirty days after receipt of a written claim in City accepted format for payment. 10. Governing Law. This agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the state of Montana. 11. No Assignment. It is expressly agreed that the Contractor shall not assign thisaqreement in whole or in part without prior written consent of the City, 3 to .. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed in duplicate the day and year first above written. CITY OF BOZEMAN CONTRACTOR B~l~;e. ~J)~ . ~.-.~ro~~... "'"1- ' ,) \' -" Its city Manager ....) ~ \t-~ N ~ L. '-I t tJ ATTEST: ~;/h~ Clerk of the city Commission 4 EM PLOYEE NOTICE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE I I "ONTANA CONSERVATION CORPS % KINDRED BOOKER E; CO PC Date: 06/04/93 PO BOX 245 HELENA 'H 59624-024-5 POlicy No.: 03-1131-65-9 L ~ The above-named employer's workers' compensation insurance coverage is active and in good standing for the period of 07/01/93 to 06/30/94 I provided the employer meets all premium and reporting requirements. Should the insurer cause a cancellation during the above policy period, the employer will be furnished an "EMPLOYEE WARNING" sign that must be placed over this sign twenty days prior to final cancellation action. If the employer goes out of business or transfers ownership or insurance carriers, the coverage may cease automatically. All employees other than those who fall in the exempted categories listed below are fully covered for medical and wage-loss benefits that may be required as a result of an injury or occupational disease incurred during this period and in the course of employment of the above.named insured: . 1) household and domestic employees; 11) volunteer workers including volunteer firefighters in rural or unlncor- 2) casual employees performing duties not in the usual course of porated areas (coverage is mandatory for air search and rescue vol- trade, business, prOfession or occupation of the employer; unteers employed by the Montana Department of Transponation, 3) dependent members of an employer's family who may be claimed volunteer reserve or auxiliary officers providing services to a local as an exemption on the employer's federal income tax (applies to law enforcement agency. and volunteer firefighters providing service sole proprietorship and partnership entities only - family members to an incorporated city or town); working for corporate entities are Included as employees - spouses 12) officers of private corporations who have filed approved rejections are employees, not dependents); not to be bound by the workers' compensation act; 4) sole proprietors or working partners, including those obtaining Stan- 13) newspaper carriers who deliver newspapers singly or in bundles as dards Bureau approved exemptions as independent contractors; their main duty and who, or their parents if minors, have acknowl- 5) licensed real estate brokers or salespersons; edged non-coverage in writing; 6) direct home sellers of consumer products; 14) free-lance correspondents who submit articles or photos for publica- 7) employees covered by federal workers' compensation laws; tion, are paid per item and who, or their parents if minors, have ac- 8) persons performing services in return for aid or sustenance only; knowledged non-coverage in writing; or 9) railroad employees engaged in interstate commerce, except railroad 15) licensed barbers or cosmetologists who contract with barbershops construction; or cosmetology establishments and have acknowledged non-cover- 10) school amateur athletic officials, except those otherwise employed age in writing, by a SChool district; Certain employments listed above as exempted may be covered if specifically elected. Check with your employer or the insurance carrier indicated below for policy specifics. FAILURE TO POST THIS SIGN OR POSTING AN ALTERED SIGN IN THE WORKPLACE WILL RESULT IN A $50.00 FINE AGAINST THE EMPLOYER! For general information about For specific information about this policy, workers' compensation, call or write: call or write the insurance carrier: STANDARDS BUREAU STATE COMPENSATION Employment Relations Division MUTUAL INSURANCE FUND Montana Department of Labor and Industry P. O. Box 4759 p, O. Box 8011 Helena, Montana 59604-4759 Helena, Montana 59604-8011 Phone - (405) 444.6530 Phone - (406) 444-6440 SF.MIS CF 800 (Rev. 10191) GS' SENT BY: . 11-23-93; 1:33PM :W.A.U.NG CO 227-,5027- 4065872606;,# 2/ 2 , ." ." ., . ( .l.. ... CE.Arl~'IC.^'TL; OF'INe'IE]^NCE ';.':: ..'.. CSAoJ IMll!PA"'I4olMIC~'" ft<<.' Itlt. ,.," f.,. ~;..~ ,..",,:::0;,'" ,~... " "', ',,", ".~. 111'22/93 ..,.." , "... ''''''',,,,','.,,,'.,' ,,,' Ii"~"~ .. 'wI",......,'....", MOIl't' Ol. 'AOOOCEJll -n't~ 4,W1On Ilr~ II; .~ ._UI:.IloO "'.. ... ......rn::;" 01" '"l"lltn"""'TlCt'4 Ct........ ....04.. , A. I.4M Co. .. 3.1l\~ hill CONFERS NO AIGHTS UPOH THI! C::!RTlIllCATI HOLDI!JIL THIS C&RTlFICATI! 75 J.a<:K.on SUaat;, Su.11:_ '00 OOI!S NOT AMiNO, E!X'T!:ND OR ALTVUHI! COVERAGE AfPOAC!D 5VTHE . O. lJCIX S421~ POUCIES BEl.OW. Ull~ uu1 MIl !I~164~021!1 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE 1.2..2:Z7~88!l1 :"':W"'A'''''s'~'~~~~'';~~~''~~lll~''~~~'~o' .., """.............. ., ,.., "... ~ ............,...................IH.'...... ........................,..... ......n ..,...."". - ....' ,....,..,........,.. .' ,." ....., ,....... ~.~~m'" ",......... ..",,, .., ...."""'...,."'......"'"...'''''''...'''''....''''''....L~~...~"..""..,,''' ............"",..,......,,,...,, "..... "..", ....",,,.,..u...,,.......,,' ;~C ; t'.~,..D""""..""."......."".......,................. ....,.."..."",' u" ........ """........... "... w."..... uuu.... 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