HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-16 THE CITY OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA September 16, 2002 1. Call to Order - 3:00 p.m. 2. Signing of Notice of Special Meeting 3. Executive Session for personnel - evaluations of Clerk of the Commission and City Manager 4. Recess 5. Reconvene at 7:00 p.m. 6. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 7. Minutes - January 18, 2000, and May 13, AygUsf19 and September9, 2002 8. Consent Items - /511 Y Commission Resolution No. 3540 - revising the structure and purpose of the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board b. Authorize Mayor to sign - Modification to the CTEP General Project Development and Construction Agreement for STPE 1299(18) Milwaukee Road RailTrail - Bozeman project c. Authorize City Manager to sign - Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement for Expedited Land Development Review Services - Morrison-Maierle, Inc. d. Authorize City Manager to sign - Agreement with WalMart approving efforts required by Condition No. 44 to mitigate adverse impacts of project e. Amended conditions of approval for CDBG economic development loan for MicroLab, Inc., to allow personal guarantee to be provided by five shareholders rather than a single principal shareholder, per CDBG Economic Development Loan Review Committee recommendations f. Claims Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions 9. Public hearing - intent to annex 1.75 acres described as Tracts 1A and 2A, COS E-9-C, Longacres Subdivision (southeast corner of intersection of Kagy Boulevard and Sourdough Road) - Norman Benjamin (A-02008) (SK) Open and continue to October 21 per applicant's request City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306 (TOO 582-2301). Page 1 of 2 10. Public hearing - Zone Map Amendment - establish initial zoning designation of IIR-2" on 1.75 acres described as Tracts 1A and 2A, COS E-9-C, Longacres Subdivision (southeast corner of intersection of Kagy Boulevard and Sourdough Road) - ThinkTank Design for Norman Benjamin (Z-02150) (SK) Open and continue to October 21 per applicant's request 11. Public hearing - Major Site Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness to allow construction of 48- room hotel with conference center on Lot 1 ,Amended Subdivision Plat of McChesney Industrial Park, with deviations from Section 18.43.060 and 18.50.120, Bozeman Municipal Code, to allow building and parking to encroach up to 10 feet into required 50-foot Class I Entryway Corridor setback and to allow smaller loading berth - Apogee Architects for John and Diana Hultman (620 Nikles Street) (Z-02184) (JM) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 12. Continued public hearing - Major Site Plan - TriStar Communications for Barry Brown and Jerry Locati - allow development of 180-foot-tall telecommunications tower with associated support equipment on portion of Block 49, Northern Pacific Addition (Jayhawk Tower, 528 North - Broadway Avenue) (Z-02144) (CS) (Previously Item 20 on August 12 agenda and Item 7 on August 19 agenda and Item 10 on September 3 agenda) Conduct continued public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 13. Continued public hearing - request for annexation of 7.836 acres described as Parcel B 1, COS No. 1790B - C&H Engineering for Bill Phillips and Bart Manion (parcel lying between South Rouse Avenue and South Church Avenue at Accola Street extended) (A-02006) (SK) (Previously Item 5 on September 3 agenda) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 14. Continued public hearing - Zone Map Amendment - establish initial zoning designation of IR-3" on 7.836 acres described as Parcel B 1, COS No. 1790B - C&H Engineering for Bill Phillips and Bart Manion (parcel lying between South Rouse Avenue and South Church Avenue at Accola Street extended) (Z-02135) (SK) (Previously Item 6 on September 3 agenda) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 15. Public hearing - comprehensive revisions to the Subdivision Regulations to bring them into compliance with statutory revisions and the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan (P-02024) (JS) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 16. Appointments to boards: (A) Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board; and (B) Historic Preservation Advisory Board Motion and vote to appoint 17. Discussion - FYI Items - Updates from Commissioners - Updates from City Manager and other staff members 18. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn Page 2 of 2