HomeMy WebLinkAbout89- Agreement to Amend the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Skyridge Estates RT: American Land Title p... i.:., :::~ ~r" -~~j 1/ C /\ , /. $45.00 -206625 fiLM 109PA'Gl: 727 , 'r~1't>> tate of MorL Cr'mtv I}~ Gi1!!8tin.ss Filed for record Decelllber 29th , 19~ at ~~!;-~ti i'k~~~;d~.O~~~~~P~~;y27- AGREEMENT TO AMEND THE DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS ~ - - - l FOR THE SKYRIDGE ESTATES ,.. -- 1ft ('II ..:i tf'l IJf day of December, ;.., Agreement made this 1989, between the 1J .J property owners of the Skyridge Estates and the City of Bozemanr 'St Montana, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Montana, to amend the Declaration of Protective Covenants according to the terms and conditions contained herein to allow the City of Bozeman to develop in the future Tract 6 for its municipal water system as herein described. RECITALS WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman, Montana, is desirous of acquiring land in the Skyridge Estates described as Tract 6 of Certificate of Survey No. 1103, hereinafter referred to as C.O.S. #1103, on file and of record in the Office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, Bozeman, Montana, for the purpose of future development of the property for use as a part of the City's municipal water system for a surge pond, including but not limited to the following design criteria: water storage pond of not more than forty (40) million gallons; construction and operation access from existing plant complex; maximum cut/fill slope: 3 horizontal to 1 vertical; fifty foot (50 · ) property line setback will be observed on north and east sides; pond liner to be covered with natural materials, e.g. 3" minus gravel; no separate outbuildings on Tract 6 for the pond without approval of Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association; no exterior lighting for pond operation; emergency, operator-activated lighting may be provided; pond to be wholly surrounded by six foot (6 · ) high chain link fence; said fence to be effectively screened from view from adjacent Skyridge Estates lots immediately following completion of construction by berming/trees/ 1 ~----- -~~ .~-- i . - 109 P4'GE 728 fiLM vegetation and/or painting of fence; saId screening may be placed within 513' setback referenced above; any trees used by City for screening purposes shall be of a minimum size, not to exceed six ( 6) feet, as approved by the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association; exterior pond slopes to be revegetated with native grasses, trees, bushes and other native vegetation to effectively blend the slopes in with the surrounding terrain; landscaping to be completed within ninety (90) days after construction of the pondr weather permitting; and WHEREAS, C.O.S. #1103 is subject to that certain Declaration of Protective Covenants, hereinafter referred to as covenants, which is on file and of record in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, Bozeman, Montana, at page 1629 of Film 75; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Amendment is to clarify that the proposed use is either not prohibited by these restrictive covenants or in the alternative amending the covenants to allow such proposed use by the City thereby preventing any disputes or questions which may arise concerning the restrictions found in said covenants as they may be construed or interpreted to apply to the City's proposed project; and WHEREAS, the Declaration of Protective Covenants makes provision for modification of said Covenants by approval of sixty-six and two-thirds per cent ( 66 and 2/3% ) of the owners of property subject to said Covenants. NOW, THEREFORE, we the undersigned being at least sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (66 and 2/3%) of the owners of the Skyridge Estates Subdivision described on Certificate of Survey No. 1103 on file and of record in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, Bozeman, Montanar hereinafter referred to as "owners" hereby agree that the City of Bozeman's proposed development and use of Tract 6 of said Certificate of Survey No. 11133 is not prohibited, or in the alternative, hereby amend the Declaration of Protective Covenants to specifically 2 --, , , , . filM 109PAGE 729 authorize such use. l. That the covenants and restrictions found in the Declaration of Protective Covenants for the Skyridge Estates described by Certificate of Survey No. 1103 on file and of record in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, Bozeman, Montana, do not prohibit the improvements to the City's water supply as described herein, or in the alternative, if a conflict is determined to exist between the Covenants and the City's proposed use of said property, then the cOvenants are hereby amended to allow the City to construct and install the aforementioned improvements to the City's water supply in said Tract 6 of Certificate of Survey No. 1103. 2. That at the time of development, a landscaping plan for the surge pond area as described in the design criteria set forth above, will be submittted by the City for approval by the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association, if in existence, or in the alternative to the property owners with the understanding that such approval will not be unreasonably nor untimely withheld. 3. That at the time of development, but prior to construction, a model of the proposed development of the surge pond area will be submitted to Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association, if in existence, or in the alternative to the property owners for their information. 4. By the specified design criteria set forth herein, the City will not use established roads in the Skyridge Estates development, but if the City uses said roads it agrees to pay its assessments as calculated and levied under Paragraph 3 of Section XXI of the Declaration of Protective Covenants on file and of record in the office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder on Film 75 at page 1629 to the Homeowners Association when it becomes established. The City agrees, at its own expense, to repair any road within the Skyridge Estates which may be damaged during the construction of the proposed municipal water facility specified herein. 3 , , . filM 109 PiGE 730 5. This Agreement is binding upon the heirs, personal representativesr successors in interest and assigns of the parties hereto. 6. This Agreement amends that certain document entitled Declaration of Protective Covenants which is on file and of record in the Office of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, Bozeman, Montana, as document at page 1629 of Film 75. IN WITNESS WHEREOFr PROPERTY OWNERS of Skyridge Estates as described by Certificate of Survey No. 1103 and the CITY OF BOZEMAN have executed this Agreement and Amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants in Bozeman, Montana, on the J~' day of December, 1989. CITY OF BOZEMAN -- ~I D I . -', .G I . JA ES E. ~;SOCK;~ Ci y Manager ATTEST: (?~ rfB~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ~-~ day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and~ the State of Montana, personally appeared James E. Wysocki and Robin L. Sullivan known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument .and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. , ,.t..iNl/""i,~,a:~~WHEREOF' _ I have hereunto set my hand and aff i xed n:~"'\~;~~.~i;)"1f~,~~: as of the day and r first above written. .:- ~ ,", _ - lrft ~' '.,/ $ ~ .~,~,. "-- .~. ~ :::," . ..,. "'~I ("..... : /". 0..\. ..... '.. ' ,. , '\ \ '" ~ . t<' i : 'I).. r ~- bl ic for the S ate of ~~;. 101..1 -(NOTAfI~L SEAL) Montana. Residing at Bozeman, '\"A'~. .c:.LlC...~/ Montana. ,My CJmmiSSion expires ~~I'f'>'"""",~~, .J-/~~ Cf, . " J,":" ~,,,..\A\-... PROPERTY OWNERS Lot 1 COS 1103 - G Tract A and Lot 6 COS 1103 ------ ------ Betty V. Johnston ~ y, (7dIuVJ"~ 4 , . FILM 109PAGE 731 ~ - ~ ~~ by '_~ -- ~,.. Dani 11 D. He~ son, a orney-in-fact .. Martin B. Johnston /J.1/17'1.-~ tJ cfk4Nt'-P14-- by ~d2~~<- Dan' 11 D. Hend rson, attorr\leY-in-fac "' ,- 0;,:-'.' --. George Sager ' Mae Sager Lot 1 COS --- Frank J. Lyons ,,,"'7. Barbara L. Lyons . 44l1')(/.401 '~~7___'<:~',;"':/'7-'7,....-"..~ ~ '",,'" liP"" ~:::':::~~ Lot 2 COS 1103 - E Tract 2A ----- - Russell J. King ~~ 2 L~ DIana D. King /k,u-; if ~~ , (7 l/ Lot 2 COS 1103 - F Tract 2B ----- - Russell J. Pool L. Carole Pool Lot 3 COS 1103 - Tract 3A ----- - Mark Lemoyne Stephens ~~~ Susan Honeychurch Stephens .4~ ~'f"ht'hl(.1 ~/4f"<2.' Lot 4 COS 1103 ---- Glen E. Sager /~ ~.;..- / Sandra L. Sager ~.tJ4t,;( ~19//,7../ Lot 5 COS 1103 ---- Francis J. Nash 5 . , , . - 109"ASE 732 nu~ Jayne M. Nash Lot 7 COS 1103 - B Tract 7A ------ Daniel Klein, M.D. ~1~ ~J It /__~/-11 /1J. Heidi H. Klein dLv~' $ /~ -eGG ~, / , Lot 7 COS 1103 - 0 Tract 7B ------ P. ~ fJ~. Gregory J(. Kasper /( . (). ,,;n;(4~~ Connie J. Kasper ( 17trk~~ I L' Lot 8 COS 1103 AL.!'~ For;' Lor, - A' .0 .-~ ---- George R. Nixon Suzy Nixon STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ~ day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montanar personally appeared Daniell D. Henderson known to me or proved to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the attorney-in- fact of Martin B. Johnston and Betty V. Johnston acknowledged to me that he sucsribed the names of Martin B. Johnston and Betty v. Johnston thereto as principal and his own name as attorney-in- fact. .!; ,\,\.~\l~[lWI"lf'~:r,~;~::~i~!WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed I'9.9~'''Qr.t~g.ia.l;+'~eal'(\s of the day and year, a ove written. ~.;~~ .111.~' ~, _ ;f)~ r' ','., ~'~;.. /' Ill, If"""~ '".1\ 2 1", ," ",i" , ... "":. ;/ E-~ i .::-- -'I. 1, a llC for the State of ; :. c,: ~-I .IN.o.T~L SEAL) Residing at Bozeman, -::"f/\. '" ......-' l'~,,:', -., :', ~ ~ Montana. My Commission expires ~...~ ~ 1.. ." ./......... "..:: ~~.., .~... .~.. /,... '. / '. 3-7-9/ '~,;~ -."'.....,... ",'" .,'" . ,. r.t~,.".~~~~:'\C.'tJ;: t ~ f', ",,:..,\ '.';-..'.""1 STATE OF MONTANA ) . S5. . County of Gallatin ) On this <lii- day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared George Sager and Mae Sager known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed 6 , . , , . . fiLM 109 PAGE 733 my official seal as of the day and year fir,st aive ~ritten. " ,f\lff#~IP.#",.,~ . ''''1,.:1 ./~/" <- ~ I ." -.JI . 11 'J't ~... ~, ; . r ~, ''''--11"" L) ...... '1>..", .,/~~.., tary Pu ic for the State of .. ' .- ",{jJQTA~IAL ~ SEAL) Montana. ' Residing at Bozeman, .. (, f . \ .,.., 7:- Montana. My Commission expires "",J ' ~" : <.::: v ,( .: z.; ~ ~7- 7- 9/ . : ~.s .... .." ~ ... .. ..' . . . . . . . I~ ,..' STATE OF MONTANA ) . ss. . County of Gallatin ) On this d1~day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Frank J. Lyons and Barbara L. Lyons known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my of.~/Mria,l:seal as of the day and year irst written. ~!;'. ~ ""'1. '",(,~,:,. . \' - 1.\ ~"" ").''''",' ,"'... .\.. ":' .,",of....:...' '~. ..... " fJ\ ~ ";:;,. .', "k.. . t." .'11.. ......', ., Publ the State of ~~ f,,# ....~ .,,' tf4t, or - ~. .,.' ..- f '";':/ ,.' (N9'],\~lAL SEAL) Montana. Residing at Bozeman, -. ., "t. _ Montana. My Commission expires \t;.~... ..'<:.7/ J-7-9/ . "i~,.<'" r,"..."'.iII...... ""~\ '",.: ,". ,,, r~ \ ,,\ ,rI ~"i d \ \~. STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On 1ft- before me Notary this ~ day of December, 1989, a Public in and or the State of Montana, personally appeared Russell J. King and Diana D. King known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. . IN WITN)f$.;s WHEREOF, I have hereunto, set my hand ,and affixed ~~~~,~~:!:~';,jit as of the day and Y~/irst abov:ritt~n. ........ '.- :/'if.i..,\I, ~'\ f~ #6' t"', ~.0i' ,., " ;' (' , , ,. ::1 2' ,~.;.. .. ,...~~' " ~ "'If ~~.. '. ',: _.,J-. ~. ~:.:" '~I:" : ~, \ "': ' ,'No ary Pu lei or the State of ~ [, (N~irl1e,J:~L' SEAL) M ntana. Res'iding at Bozeman, ~(/'l~.; .,,~;.-r:~ Montana. My Commission expires .- ~ I ,,~ ... ~', .' ~~.~ 3-----(;/ ... "'"...' .. .~.. ~ ' /. .,.. , . '~~...' J..f'. .."....\1'....11I.. ~/." ',.......' ., '''.41'.1 t:: r r'".. .. '" ",. '. ,\\' "I./i'......:.... " 'f ",,\\,1 STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this c./{it1. day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Russell J. Pool and L. Carole Pool known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. / / / 7 , . . , I , . ' . , ' ' 0 , - . - 109 PAGE 734 filM IN",WITNESS WHEREOF r I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my 0 :..~'~ q.i.al",~ea 1 as of the day and yeqr first abov~.written. (" ,",/ I , (/, ,:,,' ..../ .. '0'. >:/--, ~..~" 1 ....,.... .(,t. (" ,. ~ ,~" l..,.ol.";.. ~. , NQ ary Public f the State of ~/ ,.:,~~ OT A RIAL SEAL) Montana. Residing at Bozeman, ~ ."., \ Montana. My Commission expires j"') J.) I". 'co-, , / / 'It -' . / / STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ..:/ti day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montanar personally appeared Mark Lemoyne Stephens and Susan Honeychurch Stephens known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. ." 'm."WI,'f~ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ,:,m~\'~ff.fi.~'f~\.'i,seal as of the day and year first above written. "'- ,"'. .,...;y.\:::I' . _, - //;,/ ,- / . . a '. --1- ~.' ,," ~, j(..,- t:..Y/'I y"> (..'-L/-I..- ,J, ".oj< ,r ,'-n-c :: ;~~~. 'j No ary public,. . ~J:j/ he State of _ ~/:{,iiI(',NPTlflHAL SEAL) Montana. Resldlng at Bozeman, <f\, - .... / Moo1tana. My Commission expires /0 " ., 'I' .' oil L'e ;:J/ /97' ,..",. ", lo.- ...~, ~, " / /, ' r- L'" . <. ,~> 0"(:: "~';:~'.~~\ \'~~,'1\I\~" .. .. I "'t. ';f.! :l;i.:.~'I\<",~ip,L\ STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ~tL day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Glen E. Sager and Sandra L. Sager known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed tne same. , . IN.WITNE$$~WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my o,t.13Iil~!ia.+.sea\l.'>as 'of the day and year first above written. ,,' .!\ . t" '" " ., ,.,. 'I' (1 r..I' ',' /) , .; \. , / I / ' ,- '. ,.',., 7'--' '-',.,- // -.- A ' . '0 _ ,.~ to . .I ") ---- tc1:., ~-' '\ ... ~ a ' II' _ . " , _\ ,()\t., '/ ';, Nary Publ ic.~ r the State of . ~'I"""C ~O-T~~I~L SEAL) Montana. Residing at Bozeman, \ J,,:: ~/,.\J..A./. / M&na. My 7~~mission expires . ',. , /, . ,-:2/, I i /C . ~. ;. , STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Francis J. Nash and Jayne M. Nash known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed / / / 8 ------ -- ------ , , , " . , , . . . I . . I ' ,. .. . . .. -- - 109 PAGE 735 f1tM my official seal as of the day and year first above written. Notary Public for the State of (NOTARIAL SEAL) Montana. Residing at Bozeman, Montana. My Commission expires . STATE OF MONTANA ) . ss. . County of Gallatin ) On this I~~l~ day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Daniel Klein, M.D. and Heidi H. Klein known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITN&SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official 's?~al as of the day and year first above written. ~~ ( i. "'...... t ~ ~:_' N~~)lput~r ~~'~?ate of "'" ~ '. "'. ..... ~ r-, t -;l.~ ,",' ,. -r, f'1'1" :'" (Nbtr liRI AL SEAL) Montana. Residing at Bozeman, ;;>q;;n ......: Montana. My Commission expires ... r ..... ,,,.~"':tt.. /! ..... ' , - /tJ;(77( ? ", ",C:' ~---j . --- I;~ ~.."",,,, to'" ~ " ( V \:I',) , STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this I <I ft, day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared Gregory P. Kasper and Connie J. Kasper known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. ..~'~;~ '~,~,'1'.N'ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto. set my hand ~nd aff ixed .- lll~;"~ft~.ch'a~{~'~eal as of the day and year fIr~t above wrItten. " "(.' - ... ':. 1 (' 'I .- '" ..;..~;. or,. i'l'\ ~ l , J "..... :1 ~' :" ",. '"" ~ ~ -: \..,;i ~ i..)l1AUf,(';', 1t t.:;' (;-<. I", . i If> \I- ~ :. . :; :t'" t .;!] .:.... I Notar. PublIC for teState of >,~ \ r ~NQ."~"RIAL SEAL) Montana. Residing at Bozeman, ~"'" ",' '/ Montana. My Commission expires . ~, "''i.... r ':" ~ .". -1 .\' 'J <J' ' '-1/l.(L.',y /0 / c; 91 . () STATE OF MONTANA ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this /5/ day of December, 1989, before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared George R. Nixon and Suzy Nixon known to me or proved to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal as of the day and year f}rst above/Written. ""ilt''''''""" . .. .,' .. / ",,\, ~ '1' ["1.. ~/ . ,/ . "" .fII\ \.. r.1 ..1' . ~JI', :,::'~ -, '".'", , ,0'.~",,? ",' :,' ,'",/) ...,'!\. ,,' .1t.....f1......'I]....1Il if:".' -,~ '~9la~}/~~1fli/ ~~;. )t~~~ State of ~ t" ~ .., ""t~ -'"~)>~ t~.,/,.,Oi ,',;~V~o'T~AL SEAL) Montana. Residing at Bozemanr :;: ;.' '''- ,( :': Montana. My Commission expires ~ ~ 0 - .'. ; i :;..tfl \ .....cl < , / ~ ,~~ "3. '7 - 9/ . ~'" \. .' "'".....~ ,':" ~~r'\., . c,. ,/ \~..... ~ ..,,-~.~_.... .,"- .........." r ... . 9 'fl/,;;, A