HomeMy WebLinkAbout88- Administrative Services Agreement, Public Housing Activities , . t . . r . CONTRACT NO. MT-99-0054-014 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREFlffiNT PUBLIC HOUSING ACTIVITIES IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by the City of Bozeman, Bozeman, Montana (herein after referred to as the "City") and the District IX, Human Resource Development Council, Inc., (Bozeman) (herein after referred to as the "Agency"). The City and the Agency mutually agree to the following: 1. Scope of Services - The City engages the Agency to perform Administrative and Field Services for the Operation of HUD New Construction Project, Greenwood Plaza, Contract No. MT-99-0054- 014 under the auspices of the Section 8 Housing Assistance Programs. The Agency is commissioned to conduct the following' activities: A. Abide by and enforce all provisions of the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) , the Agreement to enter into Housing Assistance Payments Contract (AHAP), the Housing Assistance Payments Contract (HAP), Code of Federal Regulations (TITLE 24, Parts 880 and 881), and Handbooks that are expressly made a part of the Federal Regulations by an act of Congress and designated by BUD. B. Conduct the required reviews and unit inspections to assure projects compliance with AHAP and HAP. Annual inspections will be made with evidence kept in file at the Agency, and copies of the results submitted to the City. 1 . I . . C. Review and process monthly vouchers, claims for damages and vacancy claims including Debt Services vacancy claims. The review of the monthly vouchers includes a review of the family contribution determination based on completed tenant applications for tenants in occupancy. One copy of the application will remain on file with the Agency and the other copy is sent by the Project owner to the Public Housing Division of HOD. D. Review and process all requests for annual rent increases. (Initiate through HOD Legal Division all HAP Contract amendments reflecting these adjustments). E. Review and make recommendations to HUD on all special rent increases. If the increases are approved by HUD, initiate through HUD Legal Division all HAP Contract amendments reflecting the adjustments. F. Assure that the owner follows Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan and regulations. G. Assure that owner is conducting all necessary reexaminations for families and that an approved lease is in use (per Handbook 4350.3). H. Establish and maintain required accounting records in accordance with Handbook 7420.6. I. Obtain biennial audits in accordance with Classifications 7476.1 and 7476.3. J. Submit annual estimates to HUD and the City of Required Annual Contributions. K. Submit quarterly requisitions to HUD and copies to the City. 2 . i L. Submit copies of all pertinent correspondence and required reports to the City of Bozeman. M. Establish and maintain cash disbursements and requisition systems. 2. COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT - The City will remit to the Agency the annual Administrative Fee authorized by HUD for Admin- istration of the Project. 3. AGREEMENT DURATION - This Agreement will be in effect from July .h 1988 through June 30, 1993. It will be renewed for ten years unless written cancellation by either party. 4. RECORDS - The Agency will maintain reasonable records of all its Section 8 New Construction Greenwood Plaza Project activities, including financial data relating to the Project, and permit reasonable access, after reasonable advanced written notice to these records by the City or its designated representative; the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and where by required by law, the Legislative Auditor and Legislative Fiscal Analyst. The Agency assures the confidentiality of Program Files and may release information concerning the files only when authorized by the City. The Agency will furnish copies to the City of all information and reports required by HUD on the Greenwood Plaza Project. 5. GENERAL ASSURANCES - The Agency, in carrying out its activities under this Agreement will comply with the following guidelines and requirements: A. Federally issued Section 8 (New Construction) regulations and program procedures. 3 B. Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended; Executive Order 11063 prohibits discrimination against program participants on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin. C. The Agency will , as a matter of course, have adequate trained, designated staff to perform the fiscal, administra- tive and field services operations of this Agreement. 6. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES - All hiring by the Agency shall be on the basis of merit and qualifications and job applicants shall not be discriminated against because of race, color, religion, political affiliation, age, sex, physical/mental handicap, marital status, or national origin. 7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST - No officer or employee of the Agency may, during this tenure or for one year thereafter, have any interest directly or indirectly in this Agreement or any process or benefits arising here from. 8. MODIFICATION AND ASSIGNABILITY - This Agreement nay not be modified, or altered, except upon written agreement signed by both parties hereto. The Agency may not assign its rights or duties arising hereunder without the prior written consent of the City. No statements, promises, or inducement made by either party, or agent of either party, are valid or binding if not contained in this Agreement. 9. TERMINATION - Either the City or the Agency may terminate this Agreement by giving ninety (90) days prior written notice to the other party. The City is not subject to liability for any loss, damage, or expense caused by the termination of the Agreement. 4 ", lD. VENUE - In the event of litigation concerning this Agreement, venue will be the 18th Judicial District in and for the County of Gallatin, Montana, and this Agreement shall be interpreted according to the laws of Montana. II. AUTHORITY - The Agency warrants that it is empowered and authorized to enter into this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers and agents. .'7 " /,i'" DISTRICTt'X, BY -- TITLE DATE L),~ 5 "., ..\;" PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND EXTEN.o OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POWClES aELOW. ' Racky it:n:mt1:dn Gener31- .1~enc:y COMP ANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE 12' .0.. 1:)0% 3('J]6 Great Falla. i'-brtaoa S~C3 COMPANY A LETTER ~.::::o,:tn~ !nsnr=nce .~~pnn'1' COMPANY B INSURED LETTER ' COMPANY C .. Hm:u: ~e ~. Cocnd1 LETTER 321 ~ ;>1.lrlia.. ,;:;u:t~ 2tC COMPANY D ~. tiT 59715 LETTER COMPANY E LETTER ,. .. ., ~ - . - - .,... .,' - , ~ , :. . .. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POWCIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HA VE BEE~ ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POWCY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONT . ACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES lllESCl'lIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI. TIONS OF SUCH POWCIES. TYPE OF INSURANce POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POliCY EXPIRA TlON LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS OA TE IMMlOOlVY) OATE (MMlOOlYYl EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE GENERAL UABlWTY BOOll Y COMPREHENSIVE FORM INJURY $ $ ! PREMISEs/OPERATIONS L C7T14 7/1./"J1 1/1/'J8 UNOERGROUNO EXPLOSION & COLLAPSE HAZARD ,I PROOUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS CONTRACTUAl INOEPENDENT CONTRACTORS BROAD FORM PROPERlY OAMAGE PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY - -.. AUTOMOBILE UABIWTY 800IL Y I/wAY $ ANY AUTO (Pal PrnSONl ALL OWNED AUTOS (PAIV. PASS.) BOOlL v ALL OWNED AUTOS (OTHER THAN) I~AY $ PRIV PASS. (PEA ACCIOOII1 HIREO AUTOS PROPERTY ! NON-&JNED AUTOS Smm 1/1/37 71./~ OAMAGE $ ,:to .,....) GARAGE LIABILITY BI & PO COMBINED $ sea EXCESS LlABIUTY UMBRELLA FORM ~6t~~EO $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM STATUTORY WORKERS' COMPENSATION $ (EACH ACCIDENT) .. AND $ (DISEASE.POLlCY L1MITI EMPLOYERS' WABILlTY $ (DISEASE.EACH EMPLOYEE). " OTHER , . DESCRIPTION OF OPERA TIONSlLOCA TIONSNEHICLESlSPECIAL ITEMS J,tlm1Cl3 ~ ?epl:Jc:es .Xm'd a...~:1f:!C:Jte :!:mued 1/10/$. . Lisits vert! ~1'i to ~l.:;CO'~,ro. z:f.f~....i?l! IV"/~7 ; \.; j '., . ,.,.- , --' ;.. ~ .. ,,' , - , . '- '-' _ ".r,_ "'" .;. :tty '3i Eo:nan SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE. DESCRIBED POWCIES BE CANCELlED BEFORE THE EX. Eaa3:1:l~ .!c:t1"1itiel:! PIRAT'fd DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL. ENDEAVOR TO MAIL i DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE ~4t~rr LEFT. BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBUGATlON OR UABIUTY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY. ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHOR~ AEPRESEN;jTlVE ), {J l.LI.f1.,j ,,' . : ~.. r ... -,.. ~, THE CITY OF BOZEMAN 411 E MAIN ST, PO BOX 640 PHONE (406) 586-3321 i'~'\ ".- -~.~ - b BOZEMAN. MONT ANA 59771..Q640 ~"'~;; <'( ,-"''' "1>, ,..0+""'''' May 24, 1988 . /Ii Co- i' .' ~-z.P Mr. Leon Mayberry Loan Management Division Department of Housing & Urban Development 1405 Curtis Denver, CO 80202 Dear Mr. Mayberry: Enclosed please find a copy of the new Administrative Services Agreement between the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) , District IX, and the City of Bozeman. This Agreement authorizes the HRDC to assume all administrative responsibilities for the Greenwood Plaza Project (Contract # MT 99 0054 014) including accounting and cash disbursements. This agreement will commence July 1, 1988, the beginning of Greenwood Plaza's fiscal year. Since the Housing Assistance Payments will now be paid out of the HRDC Fiscal Office, I would appreciate your aid in expediting the transfer so that HUD funds are deposited into the correct account. If you should have any questions regarding the new Agreement and subsequent transfer of administrative duties, please contact Jeff Rupp, Executive Director of the HRDC. Jeff Rupp will be the authorized signature on all required reports and requisitions. Sincerely, .~ ! ) '.......... '. 0. I ". " .. . . _.' I l I . /., -. ,: ~- -1': Lv ......:._ '---' ~' ('~ '" r' '<J - . I , Ja es E. Wysocki ' - City Manager cc: Vic Placencio, HUD Field Supervisor Jeff Pupp, HRDC Dick Campbell, HUD Regional Acctg. Director JEW/mcl HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVEASITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK H R D C HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. INC. BOZEMAN HOTEL. SUITE 300 . 321 EAST MAIN · BOZEMAN. MT 59715 BOZEMAN (4061 587-4486 . LIVINGSTON (4061 222-0896 GALLATIN, PARK. MADISON Al'l'D MEAGHER COUNTIES May 24, 1988 Mr. Dick Campbell Regional Accounting Division Department of Housing and Urban Development Executive Tower 1405 Curtis Denver, Colorado 80202 Dear Mr. Campbell, Enclosed please find an SF 1199A, Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form for the Greenwood Plaza Project (Contract No. MT-99-Q054-014), mm Section 8 New Construction. As the enclosed letter from James Wysocki states, the District IX, Human Resource Development Council, Inc., (H.R.D.C.) will now be handling the accounting and cash disbursements for Greenwood Plaza on behalf of the City of Bozeman. Starting July 1, 1988, the beginning of the Fiscal Year for Greenwood Plaza, funding should be deposited into the H.R.D.C.'s account and correspondence should be sent to the H.R.D.C. If you should have any questions regarding the transfer of payments, please contact either Vic Placencio or Leon Mayberry in the Loan Management Division. for your assistance in this matter. JEF Executive Director CEC:lmt Enclosure Copy to: Jim wysocki DlSTlllC"T IX l:!l AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOV'F." HR D C 'HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. INC. BOZEMAN HOTEL, SUITE 300 . 321 EAST MAIN' BOZEMAN. MT 59715 BOZEMAN (406) 587-4486 . LIVINGSTON (406) 222-0896 , GALLATIN. PARK. MADISON AND MEAGHER COUNTIES May 24, 1988 Mr. Leon Mayberry Loan Management Division Department of Housing and Urban Developme~t Executive Tower ~ 1405 Curtis Denver, Colorado 80202 Dear Leon, Enclosed ple~se find an original of the Administrative Services Agreement between the City of Bozeman and this Agency authorizing the District XX, Human Resource Development Council, Inc., to act I as Contract Administrator for the Greenwood Plaza Project (MT-99- 0054-014). Also, please find SF 1199A, Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form to transfer cash disbursements to an account that H.R.D.C. has established for Greenwood Plaza; BUD Forms 52672 and 52673, Annual Contribution Estimates; and the first quarter Cash Requisition for FY "88". As you directed in our phone conversation, I have sent the original of the SF 1199A (Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form) to Dick Campbell in RAD with a letter asking him to consult you if he has any questions regarding the change in banking accounts. Would you or Vic Placencia please confirm that the transfer is made and that the first Housing Assistance payment for this Fiscal Year, starting July 1, 1988 is made into our account as soon as this takes place. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Your efforts on our behalf are greatly appreciated. Should you have any questio lease contact Caren Couch of my staff. CEC:lmt Attachment Copy to: Vic Placencia Jim Wysocki DU!ilTRI(''''T rx Iii AN EQUAL OPPORTUN1'TY EMPI..oVER . . H R D C HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, INC. ' BOZEMAN HOTEL, SUITE 300 . 321 EAST MAIN' BOZEMAN, MT 59715 BOZEMAN (406) 587-4486 . LIVINGSTON (406) 222-0896 GALLATIN. PARK. MADISON AND MEAGHER COUNTIES May 24 , 1988 Mr Leon Mayberry, Section Chief Loan Management Division Department of Housing '" and Urban Development I Executive Tower 1405 Curtis Denver, CO 80202 Dear Leon: We havJ completed the annual inspection of the Greenwood Plaza Project (MT 99 0054 014) HUD Section 8 New Construction, and are pleased to report that no deficiencies were found. i Please contact Caren Couch, of my staff, if you should have any questions regarding the Housing Quality Standards Inspection. Sincerely, ~~~k- f "Rupp Executive Director cc: Jim Wysocki, City Manager Vic Placencio, Field Supervisor Todd & Associates DI9TR1C'l' IX lS AN EQUAL OPPOR'f'UstTY EMPLOYKR ,) . . . Supporting Data for u.s. Oepartment of Housing ~ Annual Contributions and Urban Oevelopment Section a 1r Estimates HouSing ASSistance PaymentS Program Note: See instructions in appropriate program handbooks. OMS No 2502-0348Ie>p 10/31'86) t. P"blic I"ba..... AIIjfeRC'f' t"."'. .nCl Aadrn.) City of Bozeman T c/o' HRDC 13. s........**"" 321 -- ~ Original C ReviSion No. I I East Main Suite 300 Bozeman, MT 59715 I' - of D;~q Unn_ IS. ~.~~" Mem"_ Part I Estimate of Annual Housing BMloom Sile Nu",o_ 13' ! Mot"nt" Gro.. I Amount ~'"" i LJnt~=:h. Ann",._ Hou.,nQ Assistance Payments Required o. Ow....,. o..../Iq R_PoV_ i Pa..ote by i He.....n' ......'.ne. P.y........ I Unl'. U"at. S.on_d (".""." Ta.......: A..i.'.nc. L.... " Gro.. Rent Payment. I_I till Ie, I ld' l.. III (" 6. o SR 1. l_B -"--" - 8. 2 SA : 9. 3 SA ~ " 10. 4 SA I 11.1 12. i 13. i 14. ,I 1S. Total 311,695 Pen If Calculation at Estimated A.d"nn...,..i... 1=_ t~ Ongoing Administrative F_ 1-' '" I.. 16.1 11. 600 7 857 Part III Calculation at Esllmatad Hard-ta- To... H.'d-U:~''''OUM House Fee (Existing Housing F_ . ltll => Ie, ; Canificates and Housing Vouchers Only) 19. Part IV Calculation of Estimated R"U..'H Amour... Preliminary Expense Pt1A e.uftHI'" HUD r40U,.flc.ttans (01 (~I Administrative Expenses 20. Administrative Salaries 21. Employee Benefit Contrrbutions 22. legal Expense 23. Travel Expense 24. Sundry 25. Office Rent 26. Accounting and Auditing Fees I 27. Total Admtnlstrative Expenses I I Non.Expendable 28. Office Equipment I Equipment Expenses 29. Office Furnishings 30. Automotive 31. Other 32. Total Non.Expendable EqUipment Expenses I General Expenses 33. MaIntenance and Ooerallon INon.b:>en<l- Eou" On,.. i I 34. Insurance I i 35. Sunary I I 36. Total General Expense I I Total Preliminary 31. Sum of lines 21, 32. ana 36 Expenses Previous Editions .'\re Obsolete HUo.S2612 (2085) HB 7420.7 ~i~deof Total . - u.s. Oepartment of Housing ~ and Urban 'Oeveloplnent Requ . ed Annual Section 8 ,r Contri but ions Housing Assistance Payments Program Note: See instructions in appropriate program handbooks. OMB No. 2502-0348 tel<p- 10/31 ;86; 1. Public Mou.'"9 Ao.nc:y <<Ham. ."d Addf...1 Z. Praj"'" No. City of Bozeman MT99, 0,0, 5 4 c/o HRDC 3. Sutunt..kln 32\ Eas t Main Suite .300 ~ Original 0 Revision No.: I ! Rozeman. MT- 59715 4. Annual Con'"bu1iona Contract Mo. ~. I'iUO FI.td OttiC. I. IlUO ReQ''''''' Ollteo ,. No. Dw~Il", Unit a. No. Unit. Mon.nl ~ DEN 2307 Denver CO 50 600 -. - t. ........."9 PrOQ"m Typ. IMor~ Ono. ~ (.. N.. Con..rUC1Ion o (b~ Sub,..ntl.. A.n:.tuIU.flOft :l [) Id) Ed Olin, Hou.tn, contnut.. o (0' _lln, Voue..... '-- lei Mod".t. A...."lIIt.t...n 10. PHA Ft.c.' Y.., End,no 0... (Metli on. .ruS l;On'pl". ,,"'1 o 1'1 M.,c" 31. IKJ Ibl Jono 30. o (CI S...._b.. 30. o 1"1 Poc__ 31. 19:~ I ~...... e ,'Imat. fHOI,I*I"9 \louCh.,. Only. i PIlA estlmoto HUP APII'a.." (HouSlna y....ch..s Only. HUD APll'''o-" I. Muimum Annual Contributions HotI..;n9 P..,mems . PIlA F_ Talol ~""G P.ymiMt. PHA F_ TeIt" 10. (Ill (el ("I (-, In 11_ Mal<imum Annual ContributionS Commitment 309,084 12. Prorata Maximum Annual Contributions Applicable to a Period in Excess of 12 Months oj 1 13. Mal<lmum Annual Contributions lor Fiscal Year I Line 11 plus Line 12) 309.084 14. Project Account-Estimated or Actual Balance arBeQinning of I Requested Fiscal Year \85 000 15. Total Annual Contributions Available - ~liI!lill~ or Actual (Line 13 plus Line 14) 494.084 ., " :~ :"~ ~.:l I " Pr€'y",uS Editions Are Obsolete ,::a\...:":"' 1 .:;t :. "'"'- HUO-52673 (2-85) HB 7420.7 -. .,. . . ,. . . . ,- .>. II. Estiml\t~ol Required ~~!ln'I.t. 11'10~.t" Voucn.... Onl,. PH" Esu"",t. HUO "'DDniY~",:~~~ ~l?~_C:~. ani) Hull Atlprao-" I Hou.mo p..,m.tt'. PHA F.. TolO' HouSIAO Paym.",' Pt-4A F.. TO'.I A"nual ontnbutlons 1'1 Ibl Icl Idl 101 (I) 16. Estimated Annual Housing Assistance Payments (Form 3 I 1 ,695 HUD.52672, line 15\ 17. Estimated Ongoing Administrative 7 857 Fee (Form HUD.52672. Line 18) 18. Estimated Hard.to.House Fee (Form HUD.52672. Line 19) - 19. Estimated Independent Public Accountant Audit Costs Estimated Preliminary Admlnls. 20. tratlve and General Expense (Form HUD.52672, Lines 27 and 36) Carryover of Preliminary Admin. 21. istrative and General Expense ;.~ not Expended in the Previous FY Ending: ( I I 22. Estimated Non.El<pendable Equipment Expense (Form I HUO-52672. Line 32) I Carryover of Non.Expendable I 23. Equipment Expense not I ExpeMed in th~ Prev,ous FY 2p(ji,lg. ( I 24. Total Annual Ccntributlons ., I i Required - ReQuesteo Fiscal Year (Lines 16 througn 23) 319,552 25. Deficit at End of Current I Fiscal Year - Estimated or Actual - 26. Total Annual Contributions Required (Line 24 plus Line 25) 319,552 Estimated Project Account 27. Balance at End of Requested Fiscal Year (Line 15 minuS 174,532 li ne 26) Provision for Project Account - 28. Requested Fiscal Year Increase (decreaseHline 27 minus ( 10 line 14) 468 Ill. A"nual Contributions Approved Total Annual Contributions 29. Approved - Requested Fiscal Year (line 26 plus increase. if any, on line 28) 319,552 Source of Total Contributions 30. Approved - ReQuested Fiscal Year. (a) ReQuested Fiscal Year Maximum Annual Cpntributions Commitment (Line 13 or Line 309,084 29. whichever IS smaller (b) ProJect Account (Une 29 minus Line 30(a)) ~ 10,468 I Si,........, Nomo/,JiIl. elt PHA It,p:-nv O"'eIoIIOnel'~/l Sltnoturo. Nomo ond Tltlo elf A__nv ttUO FI~" O"a 0"1C1o' lond <lot., .-'~_.. L--tfL /7- / /} '/' ... J e f / 've /-f Agent for the City of Bozeman Page 2 of 2 J Requisition for Partial Payment u.s. Department ot I'1gusrnq ~ -.. . and UrDan Oe"e,ooment of Annual Contributions . , ' . , Section 8 and SectIon 23 ,r Housrng AssIstance Paymel'l:S Program . ? Not.: See msuuctlo.,s in aporopriate program handtlooKs OMS No. 2502-0348 tel<c. 10.'31/86) I. ~_ T,.. ,..... _ /Zo Oot. ell ..-....- /3. For Q...n.. "n..."" II. _ aj _n. .n ,.. FY 15. P-rD,ocI _ C Sec:ron 23 Sf Section a . 5 - I 7 - 8 8 I . ' 9-30-88 I " I MT99 I 0054 , 014 " L ~ullllC _..", _. ,..._ ..... A__ 11. 0-_, ..... 1"'_ ..... A__ I i l I City of Bozeman I G/o Human Resource Development Council i , 321 East Main Suite 300 , B.ozeman. MT 59715 ; ~ L PItA _: e-,......... e-_ - ",o-~"___ . I DEN 2307 I . -. ( , 10. _... ~... Type...... _ -- C '''' 500_....... A_Dl_ iT - r"'" ~ ..I _ c-..nm_ ...-J ~c......... "-MiIt'''_'I_ _ '''' e........ __ C...,_ :-... ... ,....."0 "-.ue..... n. PItA F...... T_ e-... 0...._ - - .noI -- -, o ,., alItcft 31. ~ (bl Ju... JG. o lelSeel_ 30. r""'l lt: '8 8 ! W UIl 0-__ 31. 12.""v"'lMf' 0' Un.... urteMr "'__ 10 11~ .""0- ....,..ruw ,.......'" I'''' ....-.. ....m_ G' un... I. /15. unn .......n. u_ ..- /" "-'eI' _...n,. _..", i!lll"_ Fomfl_ .. 01 Dna I -...... 1'.- - u.. M U.... ........t i... ot 't...... ~ .....y~ PO."...... ~ IJnft of Fl_t_ .. aI Dote elf ........- ~ Quonor . 'f., 10 Oat. , 50 516 I ~ - - -0- : ~~f%~ lota. CD.. ItNiOU"'_ .I;.aI'~.-.d AaOlttGlUI1 , ""mull..'" ,..,,"a .tIKI ~_. s",.,.. C-. .I'MI F... =a,.... R.....,.. y-...-- . e.... o' Mi_...... '11I ,.. Quo- ~//~%%/. .' - DO ",. leI , I I , / /. "/ . f i 17. Prelimmary Aoministratiy'.! and General Expense I I , I I _ _.............-- _.' r~ i 18. :.3r1"\o Over of Preliminary AOr:'!lnrStratlve and General I I I I i Expense Approved In PrevIous Fiscal Year I 19. Preliminary Non-Expendable EQuloment Expense I i I I I 2C. Carry Over at Preliminary Non-Cxpencaple EClulomentl I I I !:xpense Approved in PrevIous Fisc:!1 Tear I i ! i 21. estimated Housmg ASSIStance Payments I i (Account 4715) 311,695 -0- 78,000 78,000 2.2.. Estlmated Ongoing AdminiStrative Fee I ! 7 .857 -0- - 1 .965 I ,965 Z1. E!ltlmateo Harc-to-HOL:se Fee (Existll'lg I H.:.usm; Ce~itlcates and Housm; VoJucners Only) 24. Total Inaeoencent PuOlic Accountant Audit CostS I (Sec;;on B Only\ 25. 7ot31 Allowance Aoproved tor Secunty anI'! Utility I OeQosits (Section Z:l Only) A_10m ::1 ReQUIsition ~ 26. Totz~ CostS 'ncurrecJ to Cate (Sum of Wnes 11 :l':rou;;n 25) ':.7. iotal FundS Re::Ulred to Eno of ReaueSted Quarter ~ (St;;'l'l oi Lines ~: tnrou,n 25) 28. Pa~'mentS Aecelved to Date ~ 29. P"vments PrevIously Appro'/ee: ~or Fiscal Year ~ t:. uate -0- 3D. Over or U!?::lercavment to ;:)ate (Ditf;;rence of l.ine .za ~ ~~ and Line "S. Do C1lrt use orl!ClI:ets! ; -0- 31. ?':I!''J1 Payment R"OUlrement DUring ReQuesled ~~~ C lill!'!r (l.;ne 27 minus Lme 29) ::% . '0 /1 79 965 -~ P'"-,VIOUS :QlllOnS ':'re ObSOlete Page 1 of 2 HU[>52&1l3 (2~5l ._~-_.. HB 7420.7 .. . . - .. . . . , . . - , ' . . Metnod of Paym.nt F.. m..'H'nMIf. ~.~tt~ ,-.- 1 ,- :02... Total Estimated Additional Funds Reouired to End "I '"' Ie, UI) o~ ReQuested Quaner oy Installment (Line 31 plUS any overpayment or minus any underpayment on 2 6 . B--~~~- . c 1"9 . 9 6 5 Line 30 olvloed into three Installments) 26 555 26 655 ~ UlSS Any Overpayment or Plus Any Unoerpayment I I I . ----...--T- f.~~ Trom Line 30. -0- -0- o -", - 0 ' - - -- - - ;J>;. ::jeouested Installment Payments (Sum of LIMes 32 I I I and 33) 26,655 26,655 26,655 79,965 I CM'tlfy that (1) housing assistance oaymentS have been or will De rnade only in accordance with 'HousinQ Assistance Payments Co!"=l:racts or HOUSing voucner Contracts In tne form prescriDed Dy HUe an.\1JrI accoroance with Hue re9ulallons and reoUlrements; C: ;,rnitS nave been Inspected Dy~he PHA in accoroance witn HUD reQJ.J.}Sti'ons)aM reQuirements: and (3) thiS reouISl1l0n for annual comriDutions nas been examined Dy me and to tne Dest of my knoWfeoge a"/ Delief IS nue, correc: aM comolete. I / _ ell ~..... -.0111II .~onq< "J--1771 City of Bozeman '--- vtt . c/o Human Resource Dev. Council #1/ ~ Jeff. l' J ecutiveDi io9_ur. ..,,, Ttll. 01 .III~ HUD ~IIII 011_' II"" DaoJ '" i -- .-- Regional Ac:countino DI'li5ion Uaa Only I-'~."'I .......M hWS I ._"' 010_ I 0.'. C<<tl"'" I c...'''''' oy: tor ~,......t ,_....1 ~_ eI' p__ _"_1111II I'l_,oII_ ..n<lIloO..) I I I I - - --- - I - - I I I I I I Total ~ ~ga I I '- I I --- . . - Page 2 of 2 r