HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-09-23 THE CITY 0 F B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA September 23, 2002 1. Call to Order - 3:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - January 18, 2000, and May 13 and September 16, 2002 4. Consent Items - a. Authorize City Managerto sign - Annexation Agreement with George E. Westlake and Kay H. Martinen for annexation of 22.842-acre parcel located in the NE%, Section 1, T2S, R5E, and the NW%, Section 6, T2S, R6E, MPM (eastofWaIMart, between Oak Street and Interstate 90) b. Commission Resolution No. 3542 - annexing 22.842-acre parcel located in the NE%, Section 1, T2S, R5E, and the NW%, Section 6, T2S, R6E, MPM (east of WalMart, between Oak Street and Interstate 90) c. Ordinance No. 1577 - establishing an initial municipal zoning designation of "B-2" on 22.842-acre parcel located in the NE%, Section 1, T2S, R5E, and the NW%, Section 6, T2S, R6E, MPM (east of WalMart, between Oak Street and Interstate 90); provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for final adoption d. Ordinance No. 1578 - discontinuing and vacating those portions of North 5th Avenue and Baxter Lane located between the north right-of-way line of West Oak Street and the east right-of-way line of North 7th Avenue; provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for final adoption e. Authorize City Manager to sign - Agreement with Mountain Peaks, Inc., for Misdemeanor Supervision Services through June 30, 2003 f. Authorize City Manager to sign - Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc., for WWTP Struvite Investigation g. Claims Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions 5. Presentation of water conservation plan - Bill DeOreo 6. Work session with Bay Area Economics (BAE) re needs assessment for affordable housing 7. Discussion - FYI Items - Updates from Commissioners - Updates from City Manager and other staff members 8. Recess City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306 (TOO 582-2301). Page 1 of 3 9. Reconvene at 7:00 p.m. 10. Ordinance No. 1579 - revising Section 10.32.250 of the Bozeman Municipal Code, establishing requirements for compliance with posted time limits for parking Motion and vote (to or not to provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for final adoption) 11. Ordinance No. 1580 - revising Section 10.32.410 ofthe Bozeman Municipal Code, adjusting the fines for overtime parking Motion and vote (to or not to provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for final adoption) 12. Decision - Zone Map Amendment - establish initial zoning designation of "R-3" on 7 .836 acres described as Parcel B1, COS No. 1790B - C&H Engineering for Bill Phillips and Bart Manion (parcel lying between South Rouse A venue and South Church A venue at Accola Street extended) (Z-02135) (SK) (Previously Item 6 on September 3 agenda and Item 14 on September 16 agenda) Motion and vote 13. Public hearing - Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development - Springer Group for Dave MacDonald - allow construction offour 2-story apartment buildings with basements on 2.79 acres described as Lot 1 , Block 3, corrected plat of Kagy Crossroads Subdivision, with relaxation from Section, Bozeman Municipal Code, to reduce the 50-foot setback for on-site parking by 15 feet; from Section 18.50.060.D., to allow small sports court to be built within the 35-foot watercourse setback; and from Section 18.24.030, to increase residential net density by the allowable 30 percent - Kagy Crossroads Apartments (east of South 19th Avenue and north of Remington Way) (Z-02166) (KC) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 14. Public hearing - Variance from Section 18.50.060.A.2., Bozeman Municipal Code - to allow new carport installation in University Subdivision #2 to exceed maximum allowed adjusted side yard encroachment by an additional 30 inches -Impact Drafting and Design, Inc., for Green Tree Condo Association (1104 South Montana Avenue) (C-02005) (KC) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) Reminder: Four affirmative votes required for approval 15. Public hearing - Certificate of Appropriateness to allow construction of a new second dwelling unit and relocation of a garage, with deviations from Section 18.18.050, Bozeman Municipal Code, to allow proposed dwelling unit to encroach 15 feet into required 20-foot front yard setback and 3% feet into required 5-foot side yard setback, and from Section 18.50.050. F., to allow proposed garage to encroach 8% feet into required 1 O-foot rear yard setback on Lots 1-6, Block 16, Park Addition - Melissa and Dennis Steinhauer, 404 West Curtiss Street (Z-02182) (SK) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 16. Public hearing - Conditional Use Permit - allow conversion of 982 square feet in existing residence on Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 22, Northern Pacific Addition, into an accessory dwelling unit - Christopher Kaufmann, 20 South Cypress Street (Z-02193) (LW) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) Page 2 of 3 17. Continued public hearing - proposed Ordinance No. - extending urgency interim zoning ordinance to temporarily prohibit construction of wholesale or retail structures that are equal to or greater than 50,000 gross square feet (TC) (Previously Item 12 on September 3 agenda) Conduct continued public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to adopt Ordinance No. 1576) (NOTE: Requires four affirmative votes for adoption) 18. Continued public hearing - comprehensive revisions to the Subdivision Regulations to bring them into compliance with statutory revisions and the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan (P-02024) (JS) (Previously Item 15 on September 16 agenda) Conduct continued public hearing; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 19. Staff update re transfer station siting process - Karen Finke, Project Engineer Listen to presentation; discussion; selection of sites to be included in neighborhood meetings 20. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn Page 3 of 3