HomeMy WebLinkAbout84- Mystic Lake Dam Repair Project Grant Agreement i , , . \ No CS L Q8p. Olr. ON. Adm" GRAN'l' AGH.EEIIEN'l' PAR'I'IES: ~ater Resources Division Department ot Natural Resources ana Conservation AND City oi Bozelilun PROJ EC"!' rr I'I'L E : Mystic Loke Dam Repu.l.t Project:.. DA'l' E : January 11, 1984 INDEX: Section 1 . fill l\.POS E Section 2. SCOPE OF HOHK Section 3 . PROFESS rONI'I.I. SERV ICES Pl<OaJREhBN'l' Section 4 . INDE PENDEN'l' l'ROF'ESS TONAL H LV I E,'\v Section 5 . F'U~DS DISBURSEMEN~ Section 6. rrEHM Sect i 0n 7 . SOU HCE OF' PU NDS Section 8. SU P POR'l' I NG lXJ CU I.) LN '1' S/ A'1"1' ^ Oll,n~; N'I'S SEction 9. F E:,s POtIS IB II. 1'1'1 ES Secr.loll 10. PUBLl C ACCESS Section 11. I. EGAL REQU IHBhEN'l'S Secti0n 12. FUBLIC INF'ORfiiA'l'ION AND <JniNERSHIP OF PHODUC'l'S Section 13. 'l'ANG 18 LE PROPERrl'Y Section 14. RE POR'l' lNG, RECORD KEEPING AND AUDI'l'S section 15. LIA ISON Section 16. AGENCY ASSIS'l'ANCE Section 17. DIS CRIHINA'l' ION Section 18. EHPLOYNEN'l' srJ'A'I'U S Section 19. A[;S IGNI']J,;Wl:S Section 20. 1.101H 1"1 CNl'IONS Se ction 21. INDEHNlrI'Y AIm LIABIJ,I'l'Y Section 22. SE\! BRAB II. I'l'Y SL'ction 23. '1' ERN INA'f ION Section 24. F'A II.. U HE '1'0 CD 11 PI, Y Se c-cion 25. IJON'l'ANA LAVI AND VENUE Section 26. AU 'I'H On. IZ Nl'ION . ~ > , GRANT AGREEHEN'l' WATER RESOURCES DIVISION DEPAR'l\~mN'l' OF NA'l'URAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION AGREEHENT 'rHIS AGREENEN'l', HADE AND EN'l'ERED IN'l'O AS OF 'l'HE _~ DAY OF ~1AY , 19~, BY AND BE'IWEEN 'l'BE HON'l'ANA DEPAR'l'I'jEN'l' OF NA'l'URAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVA'I'ION (DNRC), HEREINAFTER CALLED 'EHE "DEPAR'I'f;JEN'I''', AND THE CITY OF BOZEHAN , HEREINAF'l'ER CALLED 'l'Hb "PROJEcr SPONSOR". The parties to this Agreement in consideration of the rnutual covenants and stipulations set out herein agree as follows: GENERAL AGREE~~NT PROVISIONS SECTION 1. PURPOSE: The purpose of this project or activity is: to continue feasibility analysis and cOI:lplete preliminary aesign of the repair of Hystic Lake Dam wllich is jointly owneo by the proj ect sponsor s and the Boz eman Cr eek Reservoi r Association and is located 12 miles southeast ot Bozeman on lands administered by the USDA, Forest Service. rl'his work will inclUde stuay of seismic etfects, geotechnical cnaractcru"tl.cs and hydrologic consiaerations which are intendea to be useo in the preliminary design for the repair of this structure. SECTION 2. SCOPE OF WORK: Work to be performeo unaer this agr eeme nt, incl uding all spe elf i c aspe et s ot the pr oJ e ct or activity, aescription of tinal proauct, ana revenue ana expense projections tor the project cr activity shall be as oescribea her Ei n : SCOPE OF WORK The City of Bozeman will contract this work to be oone by Cnristian, Spring, Sielbaeh ana Assoel.ates who will subcontract the geotechnical work to Northern Testing Laboratories, Inc. It is mutually unaerstood and agreea that the Engineers shall perform: P HAS E I (1) Seismic investigation ana related geotechnical aesign r eq ui r eme nt s, (2) Ceotechnical investigation of ancient lanasliaemass of 1 ef t abutment, PHASE II (3) Geotechnical investigation of right abutment subsurface conai tions for spillway loca tion, (4) Borrow source investigation to prov ioe a basis tor determination or Qam reconstructabilit:y, PHASE III (5) A feasibility stuay review, (6) Reservoir/Dam hyarology review. 'l'(r(,) aLove outlineo ~ngineering services arE:: rt:\.1uirt::u to uetermine final teasibl.lity ana preliminary uesl.yn (1.( requireo) tor the Hystic Lake Sl.L(:. A project history ano events leaoir.Sj 1.:0 the n(:(;o lor t.rH:se services are outll.l.t:O in a l'rol,osal tor Frellllll.nary Ell<jl.nt:;i2ring Design and Hystic Lake Dam }{ec0nstructl.on ror Bozt:;:man Creek. Reservoir Assoclation ana City 01 Bozeman, hOnLiJ.nil, Qat.eo January 1983, by QlCistian, spring, Sielbach, illll:.1 Associiltes l.n association witt! Nortnern 'l'esting LaLoraLories, Inc. Sill.U proposal l.S maue u t)art of this aocunlent, moair ieu by tile revisea scope 01. w0rk ana tce e:o:tlHla'leS (Ab-penuix A) l.ncluuo.;;u' herein. It is unoe r stooa that the En'0i r.eer i ntenus to s ubcont[ act w 1. tn ~ Northern Engineering ana rfesting, Inc. (NErf) 01 Gred.L F'al.lti, Nontana to perform the geotecnnic<41 [)ortioH of t.hi:..; contract.. It is unaerstooa that the Engineer will l"resent progress 1 report s to tile Q\-lller at Ule enu or each pnase ana inter iIn phase f reports, as necessary, to aocument Lbe rl.noinl:Jti wiLnin each ;' phase. A complete ref..'ort. litlea prell.H\ir!ury Enginl::erinl",j Het~ort will be proauceQ ana presentea (10 C01)il::s) t.o Lile CiLY or E 02 ema n . . At the cor:ll.let.ion of Phase 1(2) "Geotecnnl.c<ll InvestisuLioI! or Ancient Lanaslioe Hass on Lett. Abutme.nt", NorUr(;:rn 'l'e:;;;tl.!ll",j Wl.ll reduce all aata ana prepare a complet.e ref..'ort or uCt.l.Vltle:;;; t.o aate, inclUding: geolo.gic IlldL's or Lhe lanusliue mass, logs or two new test Lorings, result.s 01 suLJsurrace ana SUrlace moni toring activ i ties, conclulo.ions ana reCommenua tions regarc.ing dre Ieasibilit.y or leconstructing the eartnfill oall. at this site. vlhen pnase 1(2) l!a::> been cunl[.11etea, it Wlll Le al--f..'rot-,rl.aLE.: LO' hola a meeting ot all concerneu parties to ul.SCLWS tne rl.naings of Phase 1. At that time (approximdlely June 1984), ueCl.::>l.ons wl.ll be made to eiLll(;r proce0u witt! 1urtnt;r st.UOl.€S una aeSl.l",jn, 0r to abanoon t.he sit.e. II a oecision is lIlaoe to lJ[oceea \VH:.n Puase II dnu III, "Lire scope of work ana aetalls 01 tinal reports ror Phase II ana Phase I I I w ill be amendeo to r et 1 t;c\: ua La obt.aiI.eu in Pllc1se 1. In no case Wl.ll work. 1I! Pnase II 0r Pl"ldSt.: III p.oceeu Ld!t.il written authorizaL.ion is LJroviaeu 01' t.he O'JlIler ur IdL represenLative. It i;.., L(l.\...';,......L.UOU Uwt. SUCl! autHOfl.:i:;d.t.i0l! wlll. De issuea only alter tne 5co1)e 01 worK ana aet.ails or tHe rinal rel.Jort tnat r011ecLs Lne work in Ptiase.s I, II, ano III hdve been agrt::eu upon by tne EI"Cjineers, tire Owm:r 0r las repre se nta t iv e, unu LL1E: St.a te 01 f.lOlltana Del...ar L,,"L; I!\:' or: Nu t ur <.,1 Resources ana Conservtion. It is also LlnaerstooQ that (:acn l,nase shown in tne ScoL,e UI ~vork shall bE: initiaLea by the Ln<jinet::r Ul,on wri1::tE:1l notil:ication by the OWller or bis rt::t--,rest::nLativt::. During, .:u,u arLer E-acn phase, the OWner Ill.:lY elect 1::0 terminate or alter' the provisions of tnis Contract anu/or the Sco~e of Work. Organization Chart: 'l'he proJect iJ.aministraLor WIll De )Jick HOlmes, Direc\:.or ot pulilic \'J0rks, Cl ty 01 D0zelilOn. : Buaqet: B UOG L'l' ES'l'IlViA'l'E PHASE I ( 1) Seismic EV<.iluaLl.on ot Site (COH\i;l ('.;t.:ea) $ 9,987.00 ( 2) Adaitional Stuuics ot Sl ide l-ia 55 Let l Abutm ent : , Ci. Install 2 b.lCll slope inclirlOmet€:rs <.inu moni tor UHoug11 Hay 1984 . 31,000.00 f b. Instilll 19 (:<.;.<..:11 surtcicL monit:.orintj s"Lations on fi1 ioe mass ana moni tor 3 times (Nov. 19 83 , Dec. 19 83 , Af.'ril 1984). 24,500.00 } c. GeoloCjic reconnaissance dl':U Hl<.itJping ! of slioe area ana heaascarp. 1,600.00 " j' d. En<jineering Analysis, Repor ts, ana Mee ting. 6,900.00 t \ 1 '1'0 TAL PHA.S E I $73,987.00 I. f I PHASE II . f ( 3) Detdilea Investigacion ot Right AbutmE:nt I:or Si_i:l1way Si ting, incluaes Geo'logi\.. Reconnaissance ana Excavation or 'l'E: st Pi t5 1,HOO.00 1 ~~ ( 4 ) Bo r r ow S0urce Inv (:st i sa ti on: a. Geologic reconnai~sullce anti maV1)iny, excdVution 01 0<1 C kll 01::; Lt; st pits. 1,~00.OO ~, b. Laborat0ry test:.in~. 2,500.00 i , c. Engineering Analysis, Repor ts, " Mee tings ana Cons ul ta tion. 2,200.00 - t 'l'O'l'AL PH AS r:; I I $ B,OOO.OO \ ; PHASE III ( 5) F'easibil ity Stuoy Rev i ew -- ( 6) Reservoi r/Dam Hyarology I\.E.:V l.€W a. Watershec. hydrology. -- b. 'l'opographic mapping. 4,200.00 c. He Le rvoi rOper a tio fl. -- d. Evaluation ot Dam Hyur aul ieL (Spillwi.lY, o u tl E: th'o r k s, Emban kIne 1l1:.) 800.00 '1'0 rl'AL PH 11S E I I I S 5,000.00 .. . 'l\O'1'A1, PR OJ EeT COS'l' - PH.I,S E I, I I, III $86,987.00 'l'he proJ ect Scope ot lvork aescr ibeu _Iuove is in i1ccoraance w idl s tanaaro engi nee ring, planning ana e cOflomi c pr in c11.,le 5 aHTO [,rl.a t.l.2 to the impl(:rnentation of a project of this t.ype. 'line l-ruJect::. Sponsor agrees to l_crtorrn any auoi l.:.ionul 'Las Ks n()'c SlJe c It 1. cally aescribeo in l.:.his Scope or Iv 0 r k i 1 sucn t.:asl~s arc shown Lo be necessary to the successful coroFle lion ot 1:.t11. s l,roJect. S u CII aOditional tasks may be ioentitl.ea by r.:.tle proJect S[;onsor, t.he Department, or purHuant to the sect:.ion entitleo "Inoepenae I<L Proressional RE;V iew" . The Department fllay withbolo _~ },iercent ot the total DNRC portion of project funoing t.o be aisburscu only upon acceptance ana appr oval of the corn~leteu prujE;ct. SEC'l'ION 3. PROFBSSIONAL SERVICES PROCUKEMBNT: All leasibil icy studies, pr ell.Hl i ria ry oe b i ljIl S , anu 1: inul oe s i SJI1 L ot proJects resul ting in eventual const.ruction or civil works shall ue pr er...u reO kJy a qualitieo pr0tessional acc(;:iAab10 to Lhe Pro j e c t .s 1'O!l :..; (; ran 0 the Department. -3- , 'l'he proJ(;ct Sponsor is reslJonsilJlE; tor l/rO(;urill<j i'rore~;siOllal sE;rvices accoraing to all alJ~rovriate ieueral, stat.t ana 10c"l rules, regulations, ana statuLory rEquirement~. '!tIE: UE;tJdrt.llIt.-I1t.' s requirements tor 1-'rocl1rement or h'rotessiol:al servic(:s HI nu WilY remove such legal responsibilitiE:s trolll the proJect S~OIIGUr. 'l'he Project. Sponsor's methoo ot procureml;;l.t ot lJroteSbl.Ollal services is subje(;t co Deportment d1-'provdl ",no may be f.louitil;;u by the Depar tment.. Tne Der:.;al: tw:; n L hWY IJilr ci (;i pa. te in Uw l~roc ur eme n L procebs in conj unction with tile proj ect Sponsor by uevt:lolJing or al!proving selection criteria, uy evaluatins, qualui(;utl.uns ana experience, by evaluating profJosals, dno uy /l(;go'Ciatioll or scolJes of work ana tee scncoules. 'rhe Department shall have rinal ':l'jLllority to ill,prove tlle selection of a professional services (;ontractor Lasco on 'Che following criteria: A) AppropriatE ~uolitications of the <.:ontractor. B) Al!propriatE relateo experH:nce lncluoin':J r(~r(;rcnces UJ.- successtul projects anu satiSll.ea clh;nLs. C) He ri t s of prol:.JO sea pr oj ect mana9(;:IiI~ nt anU. te cllnH.:al approactl to t.he I?roble:m. . D) Reasonable pricE. tur tile i.-Jl.ole~~ional Gervices. 'l'lle Project Sponsor may not be rL'4uireo to ULe i:i Devart.hl(;nt. ai.-Jproveo l-'rocurement i.-Jrocess it 1:.11e atJove CllLell.a art:: met anu Olle of the tollowing conoitions 1.5 sa-cibI ieu: A) The Project S[icJ!1sor is contracting wi r..n tHe hontana University System. B) The Project Sponsor has selecteo t.he same contractor ~ireu tor earli<.:r IJhases of Ule same project. C) 'l'ile Project Sponsor has selecteu a contractor baseu on u. long-time professional contract.or/clH:l.t relationSI!l.h- with the Project Sponsor. D) rl'he Project Sr-,onsor is cl State Agency. A guioe tor r_rocurenient of l;rotl:ssl.unal services entit.lea liY9gestea Gu l.uel in(;:G Lor Prote&s l.onal Se tV ices P rUCU:[Ullt:nt. will lJe ITiaoe availaul(; to the Project Sponsor oy ttle Department u!?on r f.."'q ue st. SEC'I:l..Q1LL_IVDEPENDI:;N'l' Pl\S,JF'ESSIONi\L REVJJili: 'I'LH.: I:Jel...artment. snaIl rnonitor -cne Project SVOliSu[' s aorwrenCE: tu Sectioll 2, scoL-e 01 vlork. '1'ne Departm(;:nt snaIl presen\.: spec~t lC areas u1 concern to the Project Sponsor willi the oVl!ortunity to prepare sr-ecltic corrective actionb acceptable tu t.ne 1Jet;ortmem:.. In o.uu.ition, tile Department IndY rc:qUlre the ProJect. Spon::.or t.o ellll.t.t. l;rolessional assistance, accer...table to the DeVarlul:llt ant! tile proJl::ct S},Jonsor, for any actl.Vilies unoertaken uuring the course 01 LIllS l~ljr(;eM~r:t. Failure to prepare ana execute svecltic corLectl.ve actions or to €liminate Departrnelll:' concerns in some otber lasluon IHilY ):.e~L.1L in the Department's request lor an Inoepenoent ProtE:ssional EeviE:W. 'l'he ProJect. Sponsor aSrees to subrnit -co an Inoepenc.ent Pro!(;ssional Revl.ew ir requestea by t.he Department. ana to IJay all costs associateo with such rCVlt;;W. 'l'ne Department shall ueternnne the scope of an IrWel-.oenaent proressional ReVlew dHO shall select an Inoel-..enoent ProteGsional Review teilm witti (:xIJert <jualllicatiu!'ls HI the areas in qu(;stl.on. 'l'ne proJecL Sporlsur clyre(;:s 1:.0 uC(;(:Ut Ln(;: Iinaings ot the Inuevenoent Proressional Revl.ew anu (,0 prel-ure U.no execute specitic corrective actiuns rE:questeo by the Departrl\ent. Fallure to comply \-litb Review Iinoings shall constitute 'jrounus .1:0):. the termination of this AgreaDent. SEC'1'ION 5. FUNDS DISbURSEHEN'l': 'I'ile Del~a r tment shall ai sbur segr ant tunas to Lhe proJect Sponsor in accoraanc(; WiUl tbe terms anu conoitions set torth within 1:.he Scope ot Viurk anu as turtne:r aescribea witf1in this Agreemer,t. 'I'otal gront tunas maae ctVdilaLle to tne ProjE::ct. SlJonsor L:-i 1:.ne Depar tment unOE:r tni s l'~gr c:emellt Gllall nuL. exceeu $.Ji1..,Jl~. The ProJect Sponsor acknowleuges that ~tant rUllOS arE: subject to aVail<..tu:dit~1 (occE:rminea bj;' ,-:!uartE::rl.y col1ectiolJ or severance tax revenues) anCi stlall be rE::1E:dsea LO thE:: t;},t.ent available cunsisL(;:llt wi'LU project or- aCLlvi ty f.ro<jfI.;Sb a~ aescribea l.n Sections 2 tilI:uuSt1 4. '1'1i(;:8e tunas wlll Le -4- , , disbursed as available ana in th~ oraer of the priority listiD0 of projects ana activitie[.i approved by the Legislature. Unl ess otherw ise (J(;! scr ibed in this A<Jr eement, gr ant t unus will be disbursed by Llle tollowing proceaure: The Project Sponsor will Submit a re<.:oro ot 011 expenait.ures within ten (10) oays of the €IW 01. eact-I calendar quarter (September 30, December 31, Harch 31, ana June 30), montllly, or every t.wo weeks, as rt:questeu. '1'he DepartmE:nt shall review <.<11 work proou<.:ts for which the sponsor is billeu ana relt:::ase tunus if these work proaucts arE: completeo as oescribea loll the Scope of Work. Disbursements of grant funds shall not be maae tor any expenses not clearly and accurately supported by the project Sponsor's recoras. Receipts ror the expenses, when approprl.aLe, must be attachea to the Project Sponsor's invoice to support Lhe necessary expendi tur es. pr oj ect Sponsor's travt:l and per oi em expen5es charged shall not exceeo the rates paid by the State ot Nontana to its employees. '1'he6e rates will be l.Jrovioea to the project Sponsor when appropriate. r'inal aisburEement will be mace t.o the Project Sponsor ut.,on completion of the project and/or receipt and al.Jproval 01 t.h(;: final progress report. Deviations trom this proceoure will Le as aescribed within t.nis Agreemellt. S EC'l'ION 6. 'I'ERH: 'l'he terfilof this Agr eemt;.nt shall be 1: rom ~Y-l. 1983 to June 30, 19~ as it applies to the oisbursement of grant fundS, ~nle~~ otherwise terminatea pursuant to the section of this Agreement entitled I.rrerm ina ti on" . SECTION 1. SOURCE OF FUNDS: Grant tunas tor this proJect are being maaE: available by the State Ulrougtl t.he Department's Water DevelopIM::nt program as provl.aea unaer 'l'it.ie _8..5.-, Chapter ----1-, Section ~Q2_, FleA. If the Department is not l.",roviuing 100 percent or the funding for this project, the Project Sponsur abLert.s tuat lull fundi ng has been se cur eo ana w ill be !:,r ov l.ded by: None. . SECTION 8. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS/ATTACHMENTS: Supporting documents/attachments to this Agreement are as tollows: "Preliminary Engineering Design; Hystic Luke Dam Reconstruction" by Christian, Spring, Sielbadl ana Assoc. and Northern Testing Laboratories. SEe'I'ION 9. RESPONSIBILI'l'll:.!.5.i. 'I't1e Project Sponsor has the primary responsibility for oirecting and supervising the perrorman<.:e of all services renaereo under this Agreement. 'I'tle Project Sponsor will also proviae tor the maintenance ana security of the l.Jroject properties ouring the term of this Agreement. 'l'he Department or its agents may monitor ana in::>pect all phases of the Project Sponsor's [Jerformance in oruer to cetermine compliance with technical and aaministrative requirement.s or: this Agreelllent. 'l'he projec:t- SbJonsor 5[10.11 at. all reasonabl e Limes gr ant acce ss to the Del.Ja r tInent or 1. t.s agents for this purpose. SEC'l'ION 10. PlJBLIC ACCESS.i. ProJccts sponsored. by u l-,ublic boay sh all be ava Habl e i ur publ i c access to Lhe pr oJ ect si te 0 r system whilE: ensuring pUblic sal't:ty as allowed by state law. -5- . . . . . , . . SEC'llION 11. LEGAL REOUIl<.EHEN'llS: 'l'he pr 0) eec Sl?oIH~or ~tiall pertorm tile serviel;s r~juirea ill aecoroance witil all leUE:rcil, state ana local laws anu statutes aIla all al->bJlicable rults, regulations ano stunoo.rus ebtaLllsneo uy the Boaru cinu Lilt:: Department, including, but not limiteu to tIle apl)licaull; provisions ot the Watl2r Develorult:lH. cillU Henewable Resource Development programs, rl'itle 85, Cnaptvr 1, Part 6 ilno rritlE: 90, Chapter 2, Part 1, HCA, anu tne auminJ..Ltratlve rules ..H.lOVLeO therE:to. SEC'l'ION l2...... PUBLIC INFORl,jA'l'ION AND OWNEl\f.ilil.P Of' PRUDUCfS: All int0rmation or- tinoings resultins :Lrom LrH~ proJect or activity lunoeu under this AgrE.:l:lllent (eJ(clu(.!in9 versonal financial and production intormation) sha~l be made aVd11able to the publ ic at the rt..'quest of the DepartmE::nt. Upon completion ot chis Agreement, <.111 inturmatiorl, reForts, aata, recordS, oocuments, ana ii1i;tterialE Cj~ner'cit.l:u or ke!:-,t ty the Department pE:rtaining to Lhis A<;;il:t:ement, can be maae aVclllablt: to the public by the Department, ana the ProJect S}!onsor nereby agrees to inuemnity ilnu 1101d harnd.esL LUE: D~partmerll tromLI1l: release of any intormation, ref-orts, aata, recoras, uocuments, ana materials proviuco Ly t.he Project SVOIU,Cr. 'l'11E: DepHtml::llt will, within the scol;e ot Lilt lClW, lllaintiJ.ln the conlluentiallty ot personal tinancial intorwution LUPl'liea by privdte bl:-,onsors. For proJects tunaea only lJy grants, all inrormiltion, \ refJorts, reeoros, u.1Lu, aocumellCb, HlCiterlals, ana enu i)roauct;-.; ot th i s Aejr eement (a s 1 t a}?pl ies LO Llle use ot Sr ant r unos) shall be public property ano avallable to the VULlic. SEC'l'ION 13. 'llANGIBLI:: PROPERTY: All e.quif..'iTlent, supplles, ano maLerials purchasea or rerlteO rur use in cOflll,letin,=, tnis i,roJect shall be describea in this Agreement in SE:ction 2, SC01Je ot Work. At the conclusion or this Agreement, all l)urulUseu equipment, sUI?plies, anu mat.erials shall be assi,=,lleo as tollows: 'l'bere will be none. SECTION 14. REPORTING. RECORD KEEPING A~D AUDITS: Durin~ pr oject impl ementa tion W0r k [Jroouct s r r om the contractor swiLL be eel ivereo to the DE:ljartment lor rev iE::W as receiveu by the project sponsor. In aUdition, status ref,ort:., arE: [(:qulreo quarterly ano will incluue a listiw;J aBu short u~bcriVLic..n or t.he completeo purtions 01: the project., dlcir toto.J.. cost, ana dll accountins oi which portions ot the costs will be or tlave o(;'en paid by other tiJldllcial sponsors it tocal project tunains 15 not provideu by the State of Nontana through t.he Department. A final report incluainc; project st.atub, rE:sults, ana Llnancial status will be submittea ror DeparuuE:nc al--'proval u[Jon the project's com~letion. The project Sponsor agrees that the DepartmE:nt or thE: Oiri.cc: of the Legislative Auait0r rn&y, at any reasorlable tUlle, auoit. all recoros, reports, ana other aocurnents which tile project Sponsor maintains unaer or in tne course ot ChlS Agreement LO ensure compliance with UllS Agrel:.:ment. In aouition, trle Department ffiiJ.y rt'ClulrE:, with reasonable notlce, tHe prOject Sponsor to s ubmi t to an a uai t by a Ce r tit leo Publ ic Acco untallt or other person acceptable to tne Department, paio tor by the proj eet Sponsor. Pursuant "co the secti.on entitled 'l'ermination, the Depart.ment may t€; rmina te thi s Agr eement upon any r er usal ot Lne pr 0J e ct Sponsor to allow access to recordS necessary lor the LE:<;;iislative Auaitor ana Legislatlve Fiscal l\.nalyst LO carry OUt tne Legislative auait ano analys1s tunctiuns bet rorth in 'L'ltle 5, Chapters 12 and 13, HeA, or tor tbe Departmerlt to conoucr. its own audit. In the E.ovent this AgreE:rr,(:nt is terminateu tor such tail ure, the Project Sl:-,onsor, a t. th~ opt.ion or tne Department, shall return to the Department all iuriUS prev iously a.waroeu tnf: Project SuonsGr ana <...J1 re~;L<lt~. or Ute t,ro]ect to uate. It the proJect i.s duoitea by anoLher rEaeral or st~te agency, this auait way HlCc:t tilL conaitiuns or Lhis p.Sr€;erncnt. -" i. \ ... , . . . . . . I' . SEC'l'ION 15. LIAISON: 'l'ile LL.uson relJresentatives Lor the respective par 'Lie s, to whom all communi C<1 tiOll COllCl:.r l,inS ..nis Agr eement sh all be oirectea, are: CaralcE.:: CllLne~..L buu;uu Cill.l::!, Wa ter Development Bureau, via tE:;r Reso ur ces Div i sion, Depur Lnle nL of Natural RE:sources ana Conservation; Ca lJi tol Station, HelE.na, HT 59620, fa prE: sen tins U1e De pa.! Line Ill.., ana DH..:k 11 () 1 IIll: S.,L i Director ot Public \'<jorks. Clt)' 01 buzeman , rq>resent.ing the , project Sponsor. A ch ange . of the liaison representative(s) tor ei Lller i:-1arty , will require a writ.ten notltication of the dw n <j e t 0 the oLher i pa r ty within 15 Gays ot the etrect.ivt: aaLe ot the cil ange. . . SEC'I'ION 16. AGENCY ASSISTANCE: 'l'lle DelJartlhent aSrees to prov 1ue t t the ProJect Sponsor reasonable access curing normal busi ne ss I hours to 1:.he Department's r ecoros, aa ta , and properties tor tne i puqJose ot re sear ell, s<lmpl ins, ana making ne CE:: ssa ry o bse rv a ti ons, and to other inlOrInation nut l.Jriviltseu or confidential wnich is necessary tor tne llroJec1:. Sponsor Lo I. I accornpl ish the services aescribed in Section 2. Sco pe ot Work. f SECTION 17. DISCRHHNA'l'ION: AllY nirins 01 employees un oe r 1:.11 i ~ Agr E:ernent by trle Project Sl'onsor sh all i:.;e on Ule l.lasis ot merit. and qualitication, anu there shall be no oiscrimilldtion ill sucn hi ring on the basis ot race, color, religious erceo, l'U1 i ti Col l.aeas, sex, age, Il.a r i tal S1:.a tus, phy si cal or mental 11anuicap, na Lional origin ur ancestry. As lisen n er E:i n, "q ual ir i Cd tions" means qualitications ~hat are generally relatea to compe tent perrormance or tnE:pur tl.C ular occ upa tional tas k. SEC'l'ION 18. EMPLOYMENT STATUS: It i s Ia U t. ua 11 y agreeu -chat t.he Pr oject Sponsor is an In ae pc n ac.n t. Contractor ana iSliOt. an employee of the St.a t.e of Hontana nor ot the Department dllO is not covered by tn e H 0 r k e r 5 ' Compensation laws apbJlicable co the Def-'artrnent as an ernljloyer. It is agre€u t.hat the proJE::cc Sponsor must acquirE: vJurkerr:.' Compensa tion coveraSE: or che appropriate exemption. 'l'ne Pr oJ ect Sponsor "5 tail ur e or die failure of its contractor s to cOlltinu(; Wur~.ers' Compensation coverage or an appr ov eo (j }:er.lftion th roughout the tE.:rln ot tnis Contract sh all automat.ically voiQ this Agreement. The Project Sponsor will r~ot untie r ta ke ~o pr ov ioe a.ny of the s e rv i ce 5 oefineo ill Section 2, S co pe or W0rk, untll such t im e that proof ot \'J 0 r ke r s ' Compensa ti on l;UV er age or or all i;l.l;l'r ov eo exemption has been submitteo to Ule Del;ar tmerlt ano li..J.S beeu a ttacnea to this Contract. Beca use time is or the essence tlle project. Sponsor agrees to ail i ge fl tly pursue acquisition U1: Workers' Compensa tion coverage or at an approvea exeml'tion. The terIn "Project. Sponsor" ar. useo in trlis section incluQes "" the project Sponsor, its employees and its contractors. SLC'l'ION 19. ASSIGmmN'l'S: The parties mutually alJrt;e Ulut t!lc;re will be no assignment, t.ranster, or- subconLracting or Lins l\gr eement, nor any interE:bt in this Agreement, unlE:ss prIor agreement has been stipulat:ea elst.;whert: ill this l'~sreelHerlt. SECTION 20. MODIFICATIONS: No letter, tt:lesram, or other communication passing be twee n UIE:: parLies to the Agreement concerning any r"atter auring this co nt r act 1;e r i 0 ash all be ueemea a part Ot tni s Agr eeml2nt. unle ss it is ai stinctly s ta teu ins u ctl letter, tE.;l eg r am or communicat10ns 1.:nat 11:. is to co n s c it u t. e par t or UllS Agreemellt, anu such ~~t.ter, tE:1L:':Jri..i.i, 0r communication ib attacneo as an l\l/t,enuix to Uns Agrct.:..ll,l....llL 0.1,0 is signed liy the auth0rizecj repreSl:::l.Li:ltivt uL l2a C!l or L1'I e l'arti€.:s to this Agrel2mtnt. -7- . . i . ' , ' " . SEC'I'ION 21. ll:Jl)t;r.ir:I'l'Y l\Hj LIAl;;ILI'l'Y: 'l'ne Pro) ect Sl'onsor slla.ll inaemnity ano nolo narn,.1eSE; tHe Del)ar i'm(;rlt anu t.iH" St..i.llC: OI.: r.1ontana ana its ugents l: rom anCi again~t allY 4l.nu all <..;lain,s, oemanCis, or actions trom Oi.l.llliJges to l;rof:,t;;rt..y or illJury t.o persons or oth(;r Qamctge~ to I.Jersons or E.:ntltit::s ari-sillg out U1 or resulting.rrom LOE pert0tIaanCe 01 tilis i\grC(;I,H.'::llt, Uf UIE: results of this Agreemt::nt, l,JrOV10eo sU<..;1l U':;dHa<:!e t..o t!rolJerty or injury to persons lS oue, In whole 0):: 1n part., t.o tile OHllssioll, ana negl igent act of tIle Pro] t::<..;t Sponsor pr .;.llY or: le8 employees. SECTION 22. SEVBRABILI'l'Y: It is unuerstoou ana aSreu.l lJy tile parties hereto Lrlat.. it any term or provisiun 01 Unb Agreement. is by t.he courts nelo to be illegal or in contlict witn aliY Nor,tana law, 1::.ne vali.cli ty ot the remaininc; ternls and proviSlon:.;; shall not be affectea, anCi the rights anCi obllCjutions of the parties shall be construea ano enlurcea as 11.: ttlis Agreement 010 not contain the l--articular term or l--rovision nelu to be illvaliu. SECTION 23. TERMINATION: (1) Excel--t as otherwise 1,rovioeu in this section, either party may tE:rminate ,utis ACjreemE:nt tor rallure ot Clle otlH::r party to pertorm any ot the serv ices, outlE:S, or conui Lions contained in this Agrt::ement Htter glving Lhirt} (30) UdYS w ri tten noti ce by regi ster eo mail or per bonal oellvery to the other party. 'I'he writ.ten notice must oemano pertorrnancE: 01: Ult.: statea tailur{:; withiIl il specitieo time perioo ot not less Ulan tnirty (30) (jays. 11 the C1<':Inanoed 1-J(ortonnance is 110t (;UUll,dcteo within the specitieo t.ime perioo, the cermination is crrective at the end ot that specitieo time periou. (2) Excel--t as provideo in -the sections entil...leu "Rel-,on:ing, Record Keeping ano lluoits" ano "F'allure to Coml-'ly", in the L'vent ot termination, the ProJect Sponsor snaIl be. t-laio tor tile \vorK performed ano expenses incurreo pursuant. to this A~re(;Hlent through the oate ot Lerrninution, unu all results ot the l,JroJect l:0 the oate ot termination inclUding, but. not. lllillteu t.o, tne or igi nal copi es ot all torms, notl:::<;, n,i;;.lls, s1--lec1lliens, 1-'hotographs, and ua,ta prepareG l:Jy tHe PrOject Sl)O!lsor foor tL termination shall become the pro~)erty 01: l:he Department ano shall be oel ivereo to tHe Departmerlt. (3) 'I'he Pr-oj ect Sponsor unuerstarlUs LhaL t.ne Del-Jartment r el ie s on r even ues Se nE:ra teu L1lrougb the coal seVLran ce tax funds tor its funoing ana that a oecline in SUCH unticipateu rt.:venues may preclUde funaing this Aljret::ll1ent coml,letely thrOU~l1 the termination cate stat.eo in the section E.:ntitlec "'l'erm". Should such a contingency occur, the part1es agreE: that tHe Department may set a new termination oatt:: or terminate this ASjreernent, ana that the ProJect Spon~or will be compensa-cea tor services renaereu ano actual allO necessary (;:},.penses incurreo to 5: 00 p. fil. ot the rev i sea termina tion ua te. SEC'l'ION 2A...... FII.ILUHE '1'0 COHPI"Y: Ir: the Pro] ect Sr;onsor tall b to coml~ly with the terms ana conaitioBs or: tilis ^Srct.;Iltent, ur reasonable airectives or oruers issueo Py the the De},;artment, the Depar tmell t muy tt.:' rn,ina te cni s Agr terne nt f.'urs uallt to tne section entitlco "'l'ermination", SUDseccion 1, or t.he grant unu loans describco tlE:rE:in, anu the Project Sponsor, at the 0[.:-t1on of the Department, slluLL return to tne Department. all ljrant tunas previously uwarueu tU tilE: Projc<..;t Sk-on::;ur, a1.l 1. Oi.i rl r:unGS oisbursed to datE: l--lus interest accruea on tile lOun dt Ule rdLe oescribeu hE:rein. In aCldition, t.t1e Department hldY brlll'j sucrl legal action as rnay be nece~~ary to U1l.;orce thi:., Agreerht.:'nt. III extraoruinary cases, suctl as 111ness or acts 01 GOd, t.ne Del--artment lIlay \vaive com1-,l iance 'vI iUl specir lC tenus 01 this Agr E:E:men tin ttl e intere st. s or cOlHr}letln~ tile IJr 0J ect t unueu her e un <Ie r . -b- , . '. . . . ., . . .. . S E C'1' ION 2 5 . HON'l'ANl\ LAh Al.jD vm;UE: The !:.arti€s ciSt"t:(: tHat any action at law, s ui tin c'<.:.i ui t Y , or" J uc.i CHtl tirOCLL:UllHJ tor the enlorcement ot this ]\.ljre(~ruent or any ~rovlLion thereor stl all De instituted oi'lly in tf1e co uL" t S ot Lbl: SL.lLe or hUllLana, ana it is III u t ua 11 y aSreea that this Asr (;E.:llient. 811 ull Le ,:;oyt:rrlcu Ly Ul (: 1 aw s ot the Sta t~ 01: Hontana, bOtll ,1S co inU..rpL"L"CdLion unu pe r tor man ce . In tl1 e evellt ot litigation 'concerr.irlg tl.e terrr.s 01 thi s Agr eeme nt, yen ue Sfi all be in Un: First. Juolcial DlbtrlcL 111 ano for the Co unty ot Lewis allO Clark, Hontana. ~ i SEC'l'ION 26. AU'l'IJOlU..~M~i : '1'111 L Ag r eem ("lit conSIsts ot _L pages. 'I'n e original is to bE: rttctirle<..l by Uie De fjU r tmt::; 11 t.. A copy ot the original has tne bame lor ce anu er1: t(;t 1: or all purposes as t.ne original. 'l'his agr eement sh all be corn e et teet i v E: u~on SIgnature ut tbe Project Sponsor inaicaLing acceptance ano a~r~u"enc tu Ul(: agr eement s, terms ana conoitions. 1 (We) aeclare chat 1 nJe) are 1e<:)ally ca Va bl e ot and autnorized to enter . into this binoing contract ual asreement :Lor the purpo se ot obtaining a grant r rom the Del-'artlilcnt. or: hatL:ral Resources anCl Cons~rvat.ion to be aUI\lirii:..;tereo dccorains LC Ult: terms ano coned ti011S ot th i s agr CE;H1t:nL dllO 0 UH;r a~5ocidLeo oocuments. I (vJe) also oeclurE: that Lile int ormcttion ana 5ta tE:Hlc:nts us E: u to obtain a~vroval 01.: ttle:::'e r:un05 Wi::re dccurate anu c 011\ 1>1 t; L e to the be s t of my (0 ur ) Know ledge. CITY OF BOZEMAN Mayor ;/-I..-J1/ , Signature of project: 'l'i tIe wtl: ~. ~.'~ ~.,4~/ ft1tj By: J('~zcu n(:.. Depar lhlenc '1'1 tl E; of Na tur 01 Be i;.0 ur CI2 S d no Conserva tion Ca 1Ji tol Statiun H E: 1 e fl a , r':'l' 59620 APPl(n\f[~ AS TW fORM '~.......~ ;)- I ~ -") r.i " !\ttorne -~-