HomeMy WebLinkAbout59- Bozeman Development Co. Option for the Purchase of Real Estate "',j . " ''''J . , 0 . . . - . "- .;. ". "- " 0''1';0. ftltD. Puac~ Q~ JqAL '"'l'~ 'tHIS AG.....ft t Ma4euA ......dllato tlUa lat day of Kay A. I). 1959, 'by a.mt>>et:ween 'the 11ft 01' BO....., a au1c.t.pal corporation 1n Gallat.t..n County, JlOntua, pat'ty of the first part, hereinafter called.,lrat:pu\y, 04 BOUMAlf D8~JIIft CQlCfAlft', .- a .Montana eorporat1onhav1ng- 1t8 pS'tnc.1pal place of busineaeat ~ ~. Bozeman, Gallatin county t MOnt_, J>U'Y of ,be 8800114 part, her.1nafter c:allacl,. .ecoa4 ,arty, .%IIfIl"8~~JI. '!hat fOr .aD4 in oon.1cl._t1oD of tbe .. of ODe Jl\.Ui4re4 Dollars (f100.00) 1n han4 paid :br a-4 'aI'tI', the reaelpt of Which 18 hereby aolmowled9e4, eu.dI'1nt.any her.by 91v..and tranta unta Iecoad. 'U'Y .. .*1_ topu.,chUe, Bad, upoIl the eaerai.e of aa1d opt1u br ..0a4 ....w, a,r.. to ..11 to sec:ond Party, aubject to ancS PUZ'8UUt to tlut ,... ... _...itlon.hel"e.u- . '., \, .i.;~;' ,'~.,.< ,'" ," "~""';;".. ',:, ' " -, ,"".- after set forth In..thi..opt:1.oif,' all." at - .ny--tr.. thai: ..c:0a4 ,u_ may demand 111 wr1tav 1M'wen. .May' 1, 1959 .... .GY.'-" 1, 19., the fol1ow1ft9 ca...cr1M4 prllllllt ..., altua<te 1Il . Clty-of Denman, CO\Ulty of Gallatin, "ate of JIoD.taa, aNI 4eMl'DecI .a. $ou~ l1&lf (1JIt) ofLOte F1ft_ (15), I~." (16) uas.vent_.. (11) 1a Block 1', _"'_'a Add1 t.i.on to tbe cu.ty of ..a._, Mont..., aceord1q to the off101al plat oa ':U.e." . of~.ao..4 1a tbeol'loe. of the COUIltl' Clel'k and ...,ora... of <Ia11aUa eo-ty, ......, for the .. of !'hr.. tfb....... .~ B.\m.cbed Fl'" Dol1...8 ('3,2&0.00), payable .a fo110W'8, to-wit I The sa of'thl'.. lhou.udTwo H\m4I'ea Fifty .DcallU. c',JtUO.fOJ--,......ll, ......-..........01 ...14op\1_, .", "'. 1 t 'betn9 \ll\4eratooc1 that \M$J,.QO. OO,op1t1.__ey M'I'etofor8 l:.o.1pt84 forahal1 1. the ...t 8aL4 optio. 18 ...raised. apply OD 'thepurchas. prLaa, aaJc11l9 thttaet pu:rahde priG. $3,150.00. xa tbe event the optl.. lwI'.U .......t.. 18 _.-.teed 'by I.cond 'arty, any tax.. Which.hall .ecru. thel'e.fter:: 0.8..14 pn>p.rty' 8hallM paJ.d. ~ .ecoad ,..ty. ..~ . _ .....~ II. { I . . . ,I. ~ ... .. '",' -' Ia the eVffAt the op1:101a. 1ld.ta ,1:...t.d1. ....o1aed _ aeoad party, 1'11'1' P....t}' .,..... tllat w1th1rl '..U.O) days fr-oa the .....ei.. .:f .a14 opt101l by ....4 PU'tl', 8&14 F1:r:at .arty rill produce.. abstraa1: of ti'll.to the 1_4 1tereJ.11 opt1oae4 and. .hal.l del1v81' the ... tol8coad '.IIRY, or ita attGrue." for PUX'i*-.' -_I.aU-. Sa t_.vat .. examina1d.oZl should disclose clef.c::ta :1n the t.itle to said premia.., F1r.t party .hall heV8 a.....oaabl. t1ae 1a wb1Cb to pel'feot the .... at 11:8 .01e expea... III tb. .....t the optLoa her.La 9....t.. is aot aca1M4. a. b_..... pa:ov14ed, tlw QOD8J.4e...at1oa 10. lbe ~.t..oa ill 'he ... of on. Bua4red DOll..... ('108.00)Ua11M fo..fe1"" ... 1'1...t ,u_ ahall beeat1<<le. to rata1a the ..... X1fwrlD88 WBJIlUIOJ', the 01_ ofao_ baa bel'eunw ..t ita hud by it. "YOI.' aRcS Clerk of theCLty <:-..1..1., each ~r8UDto duly autlUn:'izd, ..d 1au ca\Ul"i_'~",ua1,"'_....""", ,...'..~ .~...,.- .._'". ~,.~,""'_.'~"""""""'~~.. .,- ._~. - and the said Bozeman Developaeat CCapaay haaeaused ita corporate .... 'to _be aubaariN4 aDd ita CQrpo,.,. 8ft&). to lie. aff1xH by 1'. proper offtoerIJ thezo.._ duly aut1loi:l..d, .th .. of the 4a:rnd yeu :f:f.r.~ aen:.n.Mforewi:1'tte'a. ~ ~~ ~~ -- C:1Uk ~~-Z ,~. -. ,(-... / ~-rrll'r' ,'I: .. ~ 04- I: ... Q ,- .'...b1 uta~i' . 1/..1. . ili.'.:f... / , .. y ....-. ij Secrre_;z / H____ \ -= - - .--- -- -^, . -- - --=-"........... "' '.~~~~ DAeded by Robert A Baxter Se!)t. 17, 1923 f" <I' 7 r -City CJ-n'8[W Lot ~;. I ,")0. 00 . County Scales. . ,.-.... -'-- .. . '1 . (ORIGINAL) . , . 3481- Office of Director of Finance .' . ~c ~ / c. Boz~, Montana ,u nn__ n_n'nLnnuu_~ $/-I?r:?.._n__~,__ , RECEIVED o~~u _ __unnn u ~~uuu:=nnuunuun_n The sum of -e.......... .......-...... .' . -.-... . ...m.......~...~_____..______..m___......._.._n DULLARS on account of ......... _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _._ _ _.. ._............. ............ ............. _. _ _. _ _. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___.. .._ ___n _...... __ _... __.... ._____ ___. mh.m_.__n_n......... __nuuuunnnnnununnuuun~n_u_nnnnunu_~nnuunununnuunnnnnnnuunnn ~-" -<-~ . , .. To be passed to the credit of the ________._...._m......................................._ .~_____nm Fund ....._______m.....................~. ...... m ...... .................... ~ TRIBUNE Director of Finonce