HomeMy WebLinkAbout42- Northern Pacific Railway Co. -..-:"'" ,. . ',.::" ~::. ',1// '... . ~ 'c..",-,..... ", . i ~ .. .. . ,AUDIDI,. THIS AGREEMEN'l'. aade and entered into this lOth day ot April, 1942, 'bT B.nd 'bf>>'..en THB: CITY or BOZE. .AN, MONTANA, "1""""" 1:;. mun~olpal oorporation ot the state ot Montana, Party 01' ." "',~_'..' _'r , .... the First Pal"1i, and NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILVi'I~Y COMPANY, a W1soonsin oorporatioR, with 1tl prlnolpal ottloe at st. Paul, Kinnesota, Party of the Seoond Part, WITNESSETH; IN CONSIDERATION ot the mutual oovenants herein oontained, sa1d parties agree as tollows: 1. The party of the first part hereby oonsents to the olos1ng ot what is known as the Slaughterhouse Road, where sa14 road oroases \he tracks of ihe ra1lroad operated by second party at the ea,et end of 1 ts yard 1ft The 01 ty of Bozeman, Aiiontsna a.nd commonly known as the M81e.ug.hterhouse Crossing, If upon the term. and oondltlofta herein set forth. 2. The party ot the seoond pe.rt w111, at 1ts own expense, grade and surfaoe with six inches ot pit~pun gravel to a width of not less than 20 teet, to the eatletact18n of first part" that portion ot Cedar Street in '.Ch. 01t1 ot Bozeman, Montana trom the po1nt where said street interseots the hlghwar leadlng t6 the so-oalled81aughterhouse Crossing westward a. d18t8l108 of approslJ18.te1, twenty-five hundl'ed :teet (2500') to the po1nt whepe aa14 a.dal- Street intersects the hlghwa,J lend... 1ns to tht lo..r ra111 ta.t or ltL" at,.eet 1n said olt,.. an4 said Slaughterhouse Crossing shall not be closed unt1l Cedar Street 1. so graded"su:!taoe4and-:ready tor t:t"a.,ttl. 3. Th, part1 ot the tirst part wl11, upon request or .eoond party, locate the oenter line ot that portion ot Cedar Street to be graded and,lurtsoed and turn1sh a protile show1ng the grade to whiGh the roadwQ' shall b. built.. ;, -~- -- -- - .. - .. .. - . . " " . .. . 4. uteI' Oecl8.1" "".e' 1s grad.land aurtaoect. pursuant to 'h. proTl.1onsot the preoed1ng paragra.ph, the party ot the first par' w111 thereatter, at 1 te own expense, maintain said roadwa7 over OedarStreet. ._-....... -- .....~:~- 5. The P~7 ot the seoond part assum.. the rllk and 'XJ)en.. of an7 action or litigat10n to wh10h 1t or t1rs", partY' mal be made It party by reason of the oldslng of laid Slaughterhouse Croaslng, but first party w111 assist and Join in the defense ot any sueh aotion or litigation upon the request ot seoond party. II WITIIES8 WHEREOF, the parties hereto have oaused th1s aareement to b. exeouted, by the1}' proper offioers on that ~ behalt duly authorized, th1s It) d.a1 of April, 1942. .. ,.... THE OITY or B01.IDAN, uoNTABA-' By ~~ ,Mayor Par '1 e .lr8t.Part ATTES'l : THE CITY 0 r BO ZEJiitA.N 814J~~~1so1on NORTHERN PACIFIC HAIDWAY OOMPANY B11tf~iX~~~~... Party or the leoond Part . .