HomeMy WebLinkAbout22- Lewis Agreement ./ '. '4 . , . ':"'~,"'~, (,.:j..;,..., _" '/'0 :~;":.' ~~~;~f."I",,:,,~(:: "~;:o:.'l'"~~ r'-;" ":"~'/I':j'Ii~.,.~;<:,""':;~' ;', '~"";~~';'-/ ,~>\-..:Ill""';"::':""(II~',,' ":",'., "':'. " AGR ~-S:IENT.. TIT! p, .~GRTI:IT:',H;NT 1 Mad3 and en t 13r3d int 0 this 15 2':"~ay ofF 3bruary 1 1922, by and odtwdan lUl ~aP. L 31.,-i8 and JJola :'.L L d1...is, (his 'vif13) of Ge.llatin COuntYI Montane., hereinafter dO;}3igna,ted. as thd parties of tha first part; andth;) Ci ty of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of r..fontana, in Gallatin County, by its mayor and city cl~rk th~r Gun to duly authoriz 3d an~ empc'i;Hd(l, '.7i tn.3s8 ~th: Thatthepftrtiesof thJ fi-rst part are the Q\Vndrs of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty (NEl-SdC.30) , TO''lns1:.ip T':;o (2) Sou tb, Range Six (6 ) 1~p-4.s t, in l1allatin County, :Ilontanc... That tha party of the s~cond part, aB a part of its equipment for eupplyin~; water to the oi t1zens of said Ci ty of Bozeman for fire protdotion ani. general uomestio purposes, o':m3 and maintains a )' wat~r rdservoir locatdd. in 'the North'vdst Quarter of thJ Southwest Q,uarter of Section i~"venty-Ninel Township Two t'o\.i.th, Range Six Eastl Gallatin CountYJ Montana. 'That the supply of W~l't;jr for said rdser- voir is sOlrtetirrJds excessive and therd is Vis-sta watdr on account tr'~r.}of, un:l therc::from, "ibich ha.s h.3t',jtcfox>J and. no': J.CJS, run to and over and upon the land of th~ :f'irat pEtrtids as her0ino'.doxe ,d'3- 8cri bedl daJrag;ing said land, and said first partids have sued the party of th3 s3cond part in the Distri::t Court of th\~ !!inth Judicial District of the State of rn:ontana in and for the Coun.ty of G~.llatin, where said action is now pendingJ being Action No.7116 in the Regis- ter of Actions in said Court; that the pa.rtids to said. action, being the parties to this agre3IDent, have reached a. s,'}ttlem:mt of said action and th'3 aar'1e is about to Od dismiGGei as sjttl~d upon the, merits, such aetth::m~nt and dismissal 'b~ing.a. a part of the consid- eration for this ai;;re!:3mant. , . ., " That in Qonsid.erationof the sun1 of Fiv:'J Hundrr:ld Dollars, cash in hand paid to saii parties of the first part, the rec~ipt of which ,. th~ said first parti dB h3r aby acknoRl>jdg~ 16 herd1,y acknowledged, full satisfaction and s:3ttlem',;mt of a111 claims for danll.1{::es aga.inst . e AI tit .1 -4 ....2- ..,0:\:" ",1,'.''- ~ 7-'.~ , ,. \ . said s'~oond. party on account of said wasta water, past and pr,~sdnt, and in consideration of th-3 furthJr sum of T'70 Thousand DOllars, to them in hand paid by said second party, thd rdc{~ipt of 'vhich is h-3raby ac... kno'Nl adg ed by sa.id first parties, full satt'faction and sattlement f.or . all damages which may result from said waste ,"later in the future, and agree that said waste watar may continua to run as it now runs, and to anl across the land of the partiea of the f.irst part as lurJinbefor,;, d3scrioed, and. the same shall 'coriatitut~ aservi tuda upon said land, without any lia~ility on the part of said second party to 6~id first :f..art 1 ea, th~ir heirs, executors, administrators fmJ. assigns j r.;X'ovidjd, that the parties of th.3 :first part have the riGht to make such dispos- ition of said waste water, after it reaches their said land, and so long as the Baffle shall continue to flow, as they may Sae fit to make of itl but Buoh ohanged disposition of said watarl if any, shall not impose any liability whatever on the party of tb:3 second i.Jart, but shall be 'I\'holly at the risk and dxpense of saiJ. first parti as; and it is agreed ths.t th\'3 flow of waste we,tar Sfllll1 not at any tim,J :3xce4d 150 inohes, min:.::rs' measurement, or a flow ~~uivhlant to three and .:..,. ,. ,:',." '",; " ,,' , '-"',' ,"". '"..., '.' , three-fourths oubio'feet per second of time, without tte speoia1 pdr... mission of said first parties, or of either of them. In 'v1 tnJsa ':':he1'30f the parties to this agreew.,mt have her.3unto Sdt their hands and ~eals this /,!Jttlday of February, 1932, tlJ.>:} sJoonc11;;arty by its Hayor and City Clerk, d.u1y authorized, a.s n.forcB3.id, b3 resolu- tion of the Commissioners of sail City of Bozeman enter,-"d upon the min- utes of their meeting of February 10th, 1922. \ .'. By, !iIayor TE'i: ~ITY by' City Clerk S'rA TF.: OFMQNTAN.A<#.,i.SS.., County of Ga~15t1tfl On this I ' .~ day of February, 1923, ~dforJ m~, th.:.:: unJ~r;:,i'-.;!'110d, a notary :;;)u':)lio in ::;"ll.tfor th<JStat 3 of Montana, p 0TGonnlly apl-; .;al' 3d :,tild6 P. Le',vis and Lola H. Ld'vis, Chis "[ifJ) kno''Vn to lnd to oe the persons v:hosen2umes are 3u'Jscrib~J. to thiJ abov.J and fordgoing instrument and acknowL;dg,~d to me that they oXd:lUt<~d th,J sam.3. In 1:11 tn.3SB wher'dof I herJUr1-to 1il0t my hanrl n.nd affix my notp.rial S dal at my offio3 in Bozdman, ;tontan&i,th~ (tZlY and year in this certificat3 above written. ~. - /.~ " ~_: _: - ~-4t!i{f:t;::r~ffon-tana, -' - ~iiin"" at ';~oz"m'.>n " C "i""" '"'. . -' - _. ' l. 'c> '. ., . ~ .'. y -,0. ,) .) ., .L or. J!.XP 1 r d3 , . ~_.z(lfl:c _2 ~'_.. -.- ,< ".",- Ii t , . StRtJ of Mont~na, SS. County of Gnl1~t1n, On this I~~ d.ay of ~~ . 19::n, l'~fo!"e me, thd und3~zisndj, ~l not'lry public "1 ttin',ni :'or tr:,) St"'. ~ ~ c>r ::ont"r.a, personally appeR.redA'moa'Ha.ll and C.. ,A'. . 'AplethJ known tom me to be the mayor an,J oity clerk, r3spectiv'jly, of th3 ~ity c: =-o~:m'ln, St? -: ::~ of \fcnt8.na. nnd ~',Jknowleleed to me th!:t s~id City of BOZJ'::lf'n, )!ont-cn."l, executed th~ 'vithin'Uld foregoin.~.:; instrum13nt, ani t:r,~t ttdY, ::'.n--:'1d9.c h of them, signdd said inetrument for "m,'l on b,3h" If of 8'1 i..l City of Boz 3m3.n, Mont".na., '1,nd 2.:-3 the m"yor and oity olerk, r ,3Sp dd.t i vdly. of sa i:1 G i t Y 0 f Bo 7. drnan, :!on tana . In witn.33S Wb;3TdOf I hereunto S:3t my hr>nd f\nl 8-ff'ix my nota,r- ial s.3al at my cffice in Bozeman, :'.10 n t "'...na , t h ~ d" Y .., nl y d~' r in t 11 i 6 cdrtific~t8 abov3 written. U!fl/,if? C-d1~ ,'.' " 'm- ,;,. ~ -:,......... nota::fY.P'tl )lof61" the State br" ~, - Mont~na, Residing ~t BO~2~nn. My . -- Commission ~~xpir3s ~",,/A,.. 1..'1- /q~~. - . , -'--'----'------- l ) ; .' 1 1 !p'iDEX~D I i I"d . .~x.:. ;""~ ~ t,-. - _ , f i -110--" . ,,-~\/ liriN~O j ----~ v-"j ~t ! .::'..":~:":::! . 1;, """ j l~: L.I.T''feo ~{ .~::v~ =. - L'i.':"r\~-''\_S.~.~~ 0,;<." \tow- AG REE".:E~'TT ~Ules ? Lewis ,ann.. '.,'if'd and City of Bozeman. ! 1'-" , ...... ' .. "..', i ,- .. " , .- -'-,___ r-;. .- :,! t. .Jo.-.~ i Y; '~.:- ,. , ; ~';. , r.?~iti/ ~ ~ , . fr rr r.' .fr'<-~C'-' . ~, f-.:", " J "'~i""f';,tj,j(lsfii'30.. .' ~~ .' ..- ,f I - --.... -~~ . - / ~,~~:~:!:J~~~1:t!J .1 i I , 1 l' ..~ f"...; l~ ,~- -' ~ ~!. ":_'___l'Ld_#:~. I 1 , ...a....:1f G{~!.f<ztr.!'} GOLi(i':~~; .:.1-; <.,-,'.' A lr./:;-;Ji.: ;~~' ha i ia ~.~ r-i(l [,~U~~ -;:~' ........;:~~ .. ~w. --, ." ..:~'--,.~'-'~;;:; . .,,,....,.....,... ~ /?WP ~. c0:._- "'~'-'"'""""'"..-------_....... { . - ~ . ~ uo ' , .. .' >: / C:... , , .' -;..-e~,<..:, 'Jo_~__- .r-'--::O\ / /.b- / .( . - /' .....-----. ; \ j /. d -