HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-19 City Commission Minutes so THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,June 17,2019 Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Absent Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Present Staff Present at the Dais:City Manager(CM)Andrea Surratt,Assistant City Attorney(ACA) Karen Stambaugh, Deputy City Clerk Brenda Sweeney A. 06:01:10 PM (00:02:32)Call to Order—6:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Deputy Mayor(DM) Mehl called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM. B. 06:01:21 PM (00:02:43) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:02:05 PM (00:03:27)Changes to the Agenda • CM Surratt requested to remove Consent Item 2 and bring it back to the commission for consideration when the final plat for Willow Springs is considered later this summer. D. 06:02:33 PM (00:03:55)Authorize Absence—Mayor Cyndy Andrus 06:02:36 PM (00:03:58)Motion and Vote to authorize the absence of Mayor CyndyAndrus. The motion passed 4- Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Absent Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Page 1 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 Commissioner- 1-1-10 Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-TerrV Cunningham:Approve E. 06:02:52 PM (00:04:14) FYI • CM Surratt announced that the National American Water Works Association held a national competition for best tasting water last week, and Bozeman was voted third best in the nation.John Alston,Water and Sewer Superintendent, acknowledged staff and thanked the commission for their support. • CM Surratt talked about the budget open houses this week for public attendance. • Cr. Cunningham talked about the city's Adopt-A-Drain program. He indicated the public should contact the city's Water Department for interest. • DM Mehl stated the Young Professionals Group will meet on Wednesday at 5:30 pm and is open to everyone. F. 06:06:29 PM (00:07:51)Commission Disclosures • DM Mehl stated that concerning Action Item 3, he lives two blocks from the project but cannot see it, nor is he directly impacted by it. G. 06:06:51 PM (00:08:13)Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services(LaMeres) "<--] 2. .. t� 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Pipeline License Numbers 602,187 and 602,188 with Montana Rail Link, Inc.for the Front Street Trunk Sewer Main Project(Murray)1-_a 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Temporary Occupancy Permit with Montana Rail Link, Inc. for the Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer Project(Murray) G� 5. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Sidewalk Easement with Bozeman Health for Sidewalks Within the West Bozeman Ambulatory Surgery Center Project in the Loyal Garden Subdivision (Nielsen) s a 6. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Use Easement and Right-of-Way Documents with the Islamic Center of Bozeman, Inc. and Bozeman High School District#7 for Installation of a Roundabout at the Intersection of 15th Avenue and Beall Street(Kohtz) ; a 7. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Use Easement and Right-of-Way Documents with N. R.Ardesson and Bozeman High School District#7 for Installation of a Roundabout at the Intersection of 15th Avenue and Beall Street(Kohtz) . .tom 8. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement,Storm Drain Easement, and Right-of-Way Documents with Oak Springs Community Association, Inc. for the Oak Springs Storm Pond Right of Way Acquisition for Construction Improvements to Durston Road, Page 2 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 Parcel 1-1 (Murray) 9. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the Montana Department of Transportation for the Highland Boulevard (U-1215) and Ellis Street Intersection Improvements(Kohtz) :a 10. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Architectural Services Agreement with Architecture 118, LLC for Design and Contract Administration Services for Phase 2 of the Stiff Professional Building Remodel (Winn) �4:3 11. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Task Order Number 7 with Sanderson Stewart for the Right of Way Acquisition Project for Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer (Murray) - CP 12. Resolution 4917, Authorizing the City Manager to Sign an Annexation Agreement and Public Street and Utility Easements with R. P. Ballard for the Completion of 1803 Bridger Drive, Application 18143 (Garber) . -4- 13. Resolution 5047, Authorizing the City Manager to Sign the Required Lessee's Authorization Resolution with Merchants Bank Equipment Finance(Vandelinder) 14. Resolution 5061,Certification of Delinquent City Assessments to Gallatin County(Donald) a 15. Ordinance 2005 Provisional Adoption, 1803 Bridger Drive Annexation Zone Map Amendment to Designate Approximately 0.742 Acres as R-1, Residential Single-Household Low Density, Application 18143 (Garber)" ~4. 06:06:53 PM (00:08:15) Public Comment There was no public comment. 06:07:04 PM (00:08:26)Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1,and 3-15 as submitted. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Mayor-CVnthia Andrus:Absent Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve H. 06:07:27 PM (00:08:49) Public Comment There was no public comment. I. 06:08:10 PM (00:09:32)Action Items Page 3 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 1. 06:08:13 PM (00:09:35) Fiscal Year 2020(FY20) Budget Work Session-Enterprise and Internal Service Funds(Donald) `,_ 06:08:35 PM (00:09:57)Staff Presentation CM Surratt introduced the Enterprise and Internal Service Fund Work Session. She summarized the budget items and explained these are funds that generate a revenue that pay for services city residence receive. Finance Director Kristin Donald reviewed the Public Works Administration Fund,Water Fund, Wastewater Fund, and Wastewater Impact Fee Fund. 06:33:28 PM (00:34:50)Question of Staff Cr. Krauss asked if we replaced all lead service lines that were proposed. He asked when we stopped using lead service lines. He asked about the part-time water conservation staff person. He asked whether we inforce outdoor watering times. He asked if we look for unusual water usage rates in water bills. He asked about the attorney being paid half by the Planning Department and half by the Public Works Department. He asked what kind of data is used for budget assumptions. Cr.Cunningham asked about the increase in the general government from$2.4M to$2.9M and what comprises that increase. He asked about operational costs of the Public Works administrative budget. He asked about the Engineering performance measures table. He asked where in the push notification is located in the budget. He asked who we are adding in City Works. He asked about the Water Treatment Plant performance chart relative to corrective vs. preventative maintenance. He asked about the increase in the cost per million gallons of wastewater flow treated. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the Public Works Administration Fund relative to the increase in personnel and benefits but decrease in capital.She asked about the personnel in the GIS budget.She asked about Water Fund rates, specifically why the government rate is higher.She asked if we are expecting more water pipe replacement. Cr. Krauss commented on new water lines inspected and lower year averages. DM Mehl commented that a third of our measurements have standards, but a lot of them are just numbers. He further commented we need to start dialing those in with some assurance we will compare and contrast. 07:12:07 PM (01:13:29)Staff Presentation Continued Finance Director Donald reviewed the Storm Water Fund,Solid Waste Fund,and Parking Fund. 07:20:41 PM (01:22:03)Questions of Staff Cr. Krauss asked what the new 1.6 FTE person will be doing in the Solid Waste Department. He asked whether the department routinely replaces the residential containers. He commented about the county's recycling areas disappearing and asked if the city is picking up customers as a result. He asked about stream health and how much can we do. He asked if we are looking at the water quality as it comes in off of Bozeman Creek. Cr.Cunningham asked how many tons of debris we are able to remove through infiltration systems and using this as a performance measure if the commission requested it. He asked about the health of the Page 4 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 solid waste fleet. Cr. Pomeroy asked about the Storm Water Fund stream health report card grade relative to what we can expect in FY21. She asked about FY19 revenue being higher than expenditures for the Parking Fund and whether we saved money.She asked about the plan for an additional parking facility. Cr. Krauss asked about the solid waste trucks wearing out. DM Mehl asked about Stormwater Facility performance ratings. He asked for the delta by this Friday. He asked about the loss of tons of recycling per person. He asked for a reason for the decrease in percentage of specific recycled materials. He asked what is happening to our recycling since there is no longer a market overseas. He asked about going into neighborhoods and increasing recycling rates. He asked about a national standard for what percentage of communities' customers recycle. He asked about parking garage data and if there is a time we will be able to say with certainty whether the parking garage is full. Cr. Krauss commented on recognizing that people use small totes and take their recycling to drop off spots. He talked about private recyclers as well and we don't know how that ties into this data. He talked about composting. He talked about when the city used to run the land fill which subsidized the trash collection. 07:55:03 PM (01:56:25) Public Comment There was no public comment. 07:55:41 PM (01:57:03) Recess DM Mehl called the meeting into recess until 8:03 PM. 08:03:10 PM (02:04:32)Call to Order DM Mehl called the meeting back to order at 8:03 PM. 2. 08:03:16 PM (02:04:38) Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District(TBID)Sunset Plan Presentation (Fontenot/Schliem) .a 08:03:31 PM (02:04:53)Staff Presentation Economic Development Director Brit Fontenot introduced Executive Director of the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce Daryl Schliem, and the liaison to the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District,who presented the Sunset Plan for the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District. 08:16:13 PM (02:17:35)Questions of Staff/Presenter Cr.Cunningham asked CM Surratt about the effect on city personnel hours. He asked ACA Stambaugh about concern toward organization of legal documents. He asked about the "Only in Bozeman"campaign and the philosophical reason around the regionalization of the district. He talked about collection of funds and asked about the strategy of using them for challenges hoteliers face. DM Mehl asked for confirmation that Mr.Schliem expects the future board will be open to working with the city on mutual interests. Page 5 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 08:23:54 PM (02:25:16) Public Comment There was no public comment. 08:24:03 PM (02:25:25)Motion to accept the information presented for the TBID Sunset Plan and instruct the City Manager to bring back additional information regarding the dissolution of the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner-1-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 08:24:26 PM (02:25:48) Discussion Cr.Cunningham commented that we as a city need to think regionally and are going that direction. He will vote in favor. Cr. Pomeroy will support this motion and congratulated Mr. Schleim. Cr. Krauss asked what additional information we require of the city manager. 08:26:32 PM (02:27:54)Staff Clarification ACM Rosenberry clarified staff has been working out details with the dissolution of the district and liabilities that might still exist with the district. 08:27:58 PM (02:29:20) Discussion Continued Cr. Krauss commented on what has happened over the life of the tourism district. He wished the new district well. DM Mehl will support the motion. 08:34:20 PM (02:35:42) Vote on the Motion to accept the information presented for the TBID Sunset Plan and instruct the City Manager to bring back additional information regarding the dissolution of the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Absent Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve 3. 08:34:34 PM (02:35:56)Walsh Garage Neighborhood Certificate of Appropriateness Application with a 75% Rear Setback Deviation for an Accessory Garage in the Bon Ton Historic District of the Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District, Located at 921 South Page 6 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 Willson Avenue,Application 18361 (Quasi-Judicial) (Garber) 45 08:34:58 PM (02:36:20)Staff Presentation Associate Planner Danielle Garber entered the staff report into the record and presented the application. 08:39:55 PM (02:41:17) Questions of Staff Cr. Pomeroy asked how many bedrooms will be built and if there are enough parking spaces. Cr. Krauss asked if a 20 foot setback from the alley is necessary for health,safety and welfare. Cr. Cunningham asked about the difference in height between the proposed and existing garage. He asked about the condition of approval related to lights. DM Mehl asked if the garage loads onto the main street and not the alley. He asked about windows on the second floor. He asked about written comments from the neighbors. 08:44:03 PM (02:45:25)Applicant Presentation Bayliss Ward,with Bayliss Architects, is the architect on the project and talked about the project in detail. 08:45:42 PM (02:47:04) Questions of Applicant DM Mehl asked if Mr.Ward has seen the staff report and if there are issues or concerns. 08:46:09 PM (02:47:31) Public Comment There was no public comment. 08:46:19 PM (02:47:41)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 18361 and move to approve the Walsh Garage Historic Neighborhood Certificate of Appropriateness application and deviation request to allow the construction of an accessory structure within the current zoning regulations required rear setback,subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd 08:47:08 PM (02:48:30) Discussion Cr. Pomeroy commented this could be a great affordable housing example.She agrees with staff findings. Cr. Krauss thinks it is reasonable to grant this deviation. Cr.Cunningham adopts the staff findings and believes the criteria has been met including NCOD guidelines review criteria. DM Mehl supports this as well. 08:50:33 PM (02:51:55) Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,and all the information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in Page 7 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 the staff report for application 18361 and move to approve the Walsh Garage Historic Neighborhood Certificate of Appropriateness application and deviation request to allow the construction of an accessory structure within the current zoning regulations required rear setback,subject to all applicable code provisions. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Absent Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve 4. 08:50:43 PM (02:52:05) Lot 11 Gallatin Center Second or Subsequent Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Located at 3155 Cattail Street,Application 17483 (Quasi-Judicial)(Garber) a 08:50:58 PM (02:52:20)Staff Presentation Associate Planner Danielle Garber entered the staff report into the record and presented the application. 08:53:33 PM (02:54:55)Questions of Staff Cr.Cunningham asked if this is meant to be for commercial that brings folks in throughout the region. He asked about the process of items of condition coming back for acceptability. 08:56:51 PM (02:58:13)Applicant of Applicant Chris Budeski is representing the owners of Gallatin Center and answered Cr. Cunningham's question. He talked about the conditions of the staff report,and the only condition is an improvement on the street lights.They are in agreement with the staff report and conditions. 09:00:28 PM (03:01:50) Public Comment There was no public comment. 09:00:38 PM (03:02:00)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17483 and move to approve the subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 09:01:09 PM (03:02:31) Discussion Cr. Krauss thinks this is an area that we've designated as a regional commercial for so long and it's been Page 8 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 developed as such. Cr. Pomeroy agrees this makes sense. Cr.Cunningham agrees with the staff analysis and findings. DM Mehl will also support it. 09:03:44 PM (03:05:06) Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,and all the information presented, 1 hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 17483 and move to approve the subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Absent Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve 5. 09:03:53 PM (03:05:15)Spring Creek Inn Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Located at 1641 Hunters Way,Application 19082 (Quasi-Judicial) (Rosenberg) ha 09:04:08 PM (03:05:30)Staff Presentation Associate Planner Sarah Rosenberg entered the staff report into the record and reviewed the application in detail. 09:07:06 PM (03:08:28)Questions of Staff DM Mehl thanked staff. 09:07:19 PM (03:08:41)Applicant Presentation Clint Litle, with Alpine Surveying and Engineering, reviewed the application in detail. 09:08:13 PM (03:09:35)Questions of Applicant Cr.Cunningham asked the applicant if he has read the staff report and agrees with conditions. Cr. Krauss asked if this will finish the build-out of West Winds. 09:09:17 PM (03:10:39) Public Comment There was no public comment. 09:09:23 PM (03:10:45)Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment, and all the information presented,1 hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 19082 and move to approve the Amended Plat of the West Winds Subdivision with Page 9 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 09:09:46 PM (03:11:08) Discussion Cr. Cunningham called out the work of Associate Planners Danielle Garber and Sarah Rosenberg saying the plans were well done. He adopts the findings of staff and agrees they have met the criteria of code. Cr. Pomeroy will support the motion as well and thanked the applicant for in fill and affordable housing. Cr. Krauss talked about the pace of the subdivision being an example of providing an inventory for people living in the city. DM Mehl will support this as well. 09:12:36 PM (03:13:58) Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials,public comment,and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 19082 and move to approve the Amended Plat of the West Winds Subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Absent Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve 6. 09:12:47 PM (03:14:09)Appointment to the Downtown Area Urban Renewal District Board (DURB)(Sweeney)7Laj 09:12:55 PM (03:14:17) Public Comment There was no public comment. 09:12:59 PM (03:14:21)Motion to appoint Barbara Bear to the DowntownArea Urban Renewal District Board, to a voting position, with a term ending June 30,2023. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: 2nd 09:13:03 PM (03:14:25) Vote on the Motion to appoint Barbara Bear to the DowntownArea Urban Renewal District Board, to a voting position, with a term ending June 30,2023. The motion passed 4-0. Page 10 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Absent Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve 7. 09:13:11 PM (03:14:33)Appointment to the Impact Fee Advisory Committee(IFAC) (Sweeney) :=a 09:13:18 PM (03:14:40) Public Comment There was no public comment. 09:13:22 PM (03:14:44)Motion to appoint Teri Lumsden to the Impact Fee Advisory Committee with a term ending December 31,2020 to the Citizen of Bozeman Not Employed in the Development Industry position. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 09:13:38 PM (03:15:00) Vote on the Motion to appoint Teri Lumsden to the Impact Fee Advisory Committee with a term ending December 31,2020 to the Citizen of Bozeman Not Employed in the Development Industry position. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-TerrV Cunningham: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Absent Deputy MaVor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve J. 09:13:47 PM (03:15:09) FYI/Discussion • DM Mehl recognized Cr. Krauss for 16 years of running and serving in office. • CM Surratt thanked ACA Karen Stambaugh for stepping in this summer in CA Sullivan's absence. • DM Mehl asked CM Surratt if the final vote on the budget is still on schedule for next Monday. He asked when she would have the cut/add memo prepared as well as the top level staffing memo. • Cr. Krauss noted that according to The Missoulian,the average residents in Gallatin County went up 23.5%,and the average business was up 19%,which represents a significant increase in taxable value. K. 09:19:02 PM (03:20:24)Adjournment Page 11 of 12 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,June 17,2019 Deputy Mayor Mehl adjourned the meeting at 9:19 PM. C nthia L.Andrus Mayor ATTEST: AL Robin Crough • City Clerk L9TIN Cp. PREPARED BY: Brent Sweeney Deputy City Clerk Approved on: JLAI I A IS Page 12 of 12