HomeMy WebLinkAbout97- Funk, Security Title Co. Substitution of Trustee . ..- -, . . . filM 171PACf1725 SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE COMES NOW, the undersigned, City of Bozeman by Ron Brey, Acting City ~ Manager, Beneficiary, under that certain Trust Indenture dated July 14, 1992 wherein Eric D. and Sally W. Funk are named as Grantors and Security Title Company of Gallatin ~ County is named as Trustee, which Trust Indenture was recorded in Film 124 at Page ....... 6<1 3259 of Mortgages, records of Gallatin County, Montana on July 16, 1992 and indexed N ~ I as #247957. Said Beneficiary City of Bozeman hereby appoints Paul J. Luwe, City cL Attorney, as successor Trustee to Security Title Company of Gallatin County. EXECUTED at the City of Bozeman this ~ay of March 1997, STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) . 4'7: day of March 1997, before me, the undersigned, a Notary On this ..'---kA..... Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared RON BREY, known to me to be the Acting City Manager of the City of Bozeman and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. \~,"t~ U~/ ',. .,.,",' .~\.~. ~.~mSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial ::(~Brt.ne ~y(~\year first above written. ;"!- .' ".0 . "' ( ': 0 rl", ",:~.~'" ~..~ ,:>" -:/'f" a ..- . ." '." ,'';'" r::AL 7. " / ; % \~ t .~ ~ .7), ). <i ,E ",/J \'__>) .. "',:)' , ~J ~ '~ :: /" .__. / f o'~ ~ )0." I ,'~/ . ",/ -.;., ." '\ > ,..,,' ", ,"" ,Jl","'" .$, C /. ,,/7 , ,,' '. \<t4~~~~:;>l ~OE~p ~ Nota~~liG ~~r ~h~Sta:te'oi" ~-~" ';>~r"'" Montana, resIding at Bozeman ;':\!r;,~,\ My Commission Expires 6/15/99 340269 State of Mant., County of GaUatla. ss Flied for reoord MARCH 5 _--' 19-iL at 3 : 35 pM., and recorded In Boek 17' of (iI^^,!~~~~ag~il~~2" J Sh,n~, M. .., Recorder. ., FEE: $6.00 RT: AMERICAN LAND TITLE co. , ... . . . , , <: filM 171PAtE172f) LIEN RELEASE I, Paul 1. Luwe, Bozeman City Attorney and Trustee, do hereby certify that the Trust Indenture Lien in favor of the City of Bozeman and against Eric D. and Sally W. Funk, which Lien bears the date July 14, 1992, and which encumbers the property located in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, which is more particularly dcscribed as: Lots 12 and 13, Block D, Beall's Second Addition to the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The property is more commonly described as 316 North Tracy Avenue and which has been filed and recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder in and for the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, in Film 124 of Mortgages on Page 3259 on July 16, 1992, and indcxed as Document No. 247957, is fully satisfied, releascd and discharged, the debt secured thereby having bcen paid in full. And the Clerk and Recorder of said County is hereby authorized and directed to discharge the same upon the record thereof, according to the statute in such case provided, EXECUTED at the City of Bozeman this::~L day of March 1997. .., .,/:7 (J./7 , ,,/ ,/', " .. .,"-_.-' ',' l ,'-, /r1t{ II' ,,,"~/~.((( J---.// Paul J. Luwc,/d(y \:'\ttorney/Trustee // STATE OF MONT ANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On thi~J~ day of March 1997, before me, thc undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared PAUL J. LUWE, known to me to be the City Attorney and Trustee for the City of Bozeman and the person whose namc is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman, . .- -~ . . .. . .. .. fiLM 171fACf1727 . .. ~~~,( '. .', h:~~"','l:~,',\~,i,. ..~,"'.~"\.:. .J1",.~,,\NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the ::,l~~)9~d;I~~rr1ttst: above written. i / ,,/ ~." i !-J lS~AL')?: :.,/,l/ ;./ . lit, 'l 7 ,,',"" " , -/ ". 0 \ ',~" f ,.:;( ~ />,' , .." ,'.,) , \/~f~ .A~ . /'N;~;~;btc f~~~;'iS;:te-:~~~a ,...:~, ",4'l\ll1,1< . "~'/:') . . . ";\.~ ~3, / ResIdmg a~ B.oze~an. " ......~. My CommIssiOn ExpIres 6/15/99 cc: City of Bozeman, P.O. Box 640, Bozeman, MT 59771 340270 {INDEXED J: State of Montana }ss County of Gallatin Filed MARCH 5 .1997 at 3:36 p, M.. and Recorded In book 171 of RELEASES "Page 1 7 2 6 Sheftey .. ...." B CD. GOU~ & Reco~ y., MA 0 MrJ'l. Deputy Fee $ 1 2 . 0 0 RT: AMERICAN LAND TITLE CO.