HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 4 8 8 19 Resolution 2019 05 Permit PolicyCreation/Operation of Downtown Parkins Benefit Districts in the City ofBozemanlParking Benefit District - What is it?A geographically defined area, by ordinance, that actively manages public on-street parkingthrough the use of parking permits for residences, businesses, and transient parkers; as well asshort term timed parking (meters, etc.).On-street occupancy is managed to the 85% standard (adopted by the BPC).Resident parking permits are made available for purchase.Employee, and Transient parking permits may be available for purchase, depending on level ofpa rking occupa ncy/inventory.Short-term 'timed'on-street parking may be available in the district.Parking Benefit District - Why have it?The 2016 Downtown Strategic Parking Management Plan, Strategy # 19, identifies "explorechanges to existing residentiol on-street permit progroms ond evoluqte ond potentiollyimplement new residentiol porking permit districts in the neighborhood north ond south of thedowntown commerciaI district."The Parking Commission supports the goal of operating these new districts as Parking 'Benefit'Permit Districts. ln essence, providing a benefit to residents (or say "providing a benefit to theprimary user group") of such distr¡cts through lower permit fees (subsidized by external permitholders or "by secondary user groups"), the direct investment of surplus district-generatedrevenues, or other methods. Recognizing this may not be feasible within the current financialposition of the Parking Services Fund, but should be planned for in the near future.Manage on-street parking in a predominantly residential area impacted by a large, nearby,attraction such as downtown commercial, university, school, hospital, etc. This is done not toguarantee a specific space, but so that residents have a reasonable expectation of on-streetparking near their residence.Manage on-street parking in a commercialdistrict to facilitate visitor parking turnover andencourage private shared off-street parking arrangements; reducing the need for multiple off-street parking lots and utilizing available land for other development.Manage on-street parking in a neighborhood with a significantly mixed use of residential andcommercial developments, so as to provide maximum on-street parking opportunity for bothusage types.Parking Benefít District - How is it created, expanded, dissolved?The Bozeman Municipal Code would need to have a section added that provides enablinglegislation for the creation of a "Parking Benefit District" - to include the 'objectives' recognizedby state law and/or judicial opinions. Specific "Parking Benefit Districts" would then be created,with legal description of their boundaries, by separate ordinance.Petition from 60% of dwellings or owners.aaaaaaaaaoa1 Proposed framework for consideration in creation of new parking benefit distr¡cts; not proposed for existing 'residential' districts.
City Commission or Parking Commission can initiate creation, expansion, or dissolution withoutpetitio n.Managing on-street occupancy to the 85% standard will be a consideration in the decision-making process for district creation, expansion, or dissolution. Likewise, the principle IhaI25o/oof vehicles parked in the (proposed)district, during peak hour, are registered outside the(proposed) district will also be a consideration.Minimum district size of ten (10) blocks, or 2500 linear curb feet.Parking Benefit District - How does it work?An on-street parking permit allows the vehicle to park exempt from timed parking regulationsduring enforcement periods.A licensed driver residing in the district can purchase up to two (2)on-street parking permits forvehicles only. Trailers, campers, and other items are not eligible for parking permits in thedistrict.Each residence in the district may purchase up to two (2) residential/business parking permits,and two (2) visitor's permits for use in the parking permit district.A limited supply of Employee and Transient parking permits are available for purchase,depending on level of parking occupancy/inventory.The number of Employee and Transient permits available expands/contracts to manage on-street occupancy to the 85% standard.The district is enforced (permit and timed) utilizing license plate recognition technology, whichsimül+aåe€üdy-abq gathers parking occupancy data within the district; for further evaluation,modification, and management of the district.Funding Considerations - How is it paid for?o Revenues derived from permit sales within the district must cover the administrative andenforcement costs of the individual district.o Business and Transient perm¡ts are sold at a market driven rate.o Short term 'timed' parking is priced at a market driven rate, including event-based or other'demand' pricing opportunities.o Short term 'timed' parking is accomplished through the use of a Mobile Parking App, such asPassport, which requires only signage; drastically lowering capital costs for implementation andoperation.NEXT Steps (?) -oEstablish final recommendations for consideration by the City Commissionaaaaaaaa
Creation/Operation of DowBozemanlParking Benefit District - What ¡s ¡t?. A geographically defined area, by ordinance, that actively manages public on-street parkingthrough the use of parking permits for residences, businesses, and transient parkers; as wellasshort term timed parking (meters, etc.).o On-street occupancy is managed to the 85% standard (adopted by the BPC).¡ Resident parking permits are made available for purchase.o Employee, and Transient parking permits may be available for purchase, depending on level ofpa rking occupa ncy/inve ntory.o Short-term 'timed'on-street parking may be available in the district.Parking Benefit District - Why have it?The 2016 Downtown Strategic Parking Management Plan, Strategy # 19, identifíes "explorechanges to existing residentiol on-street permit progroms ond evoluote ond potentiollyimplement new residentiol porking permit districts in the neighborhood north ond south oÍ thed ow ntow n com m e rci o I d i stri ct. "The Parking Commission supports the goal of operating these new districts as Parking 'Benefít'Permit Districts. ln essence, providing a benefit to residents (or say "providing a benefit to theprimary user group") of such districts through lower permit fees (subsidized by external permitholders or "by secondary user groups"), the direct investment of surplus district-generatedrevenues, or other methods. Recognizing this may not be feasible within the current financialposition of the Parking Services Fund, but should be planned for in the near future.Manage on-street parking in a predominantly residential area impacted by a large, nearby,attraction such as downtown commercial, university, school, hospital, etc. This is done not toguarantee a specific space, but so that residents have a reasonable expectation of on-streetparking near their residence.Manage on-street parking in a commercial district to facilitate visitor parking turnover andencourage private shared off-street parking arrangements; reducing the need for multiple off-street parking lots and utilizing available land for other development.Manage on-street parking in a neighborhood with a significantly mixed use of residential andcommercial developments, so as to provide maximum on-street parking opportunity for bothusage types.Parking Benefit District - How is it created, expanded, dissolved?The Bozeman Municipal Code would need to have a section added that provides enablinglegislation for the creation of a "Parking Benefit District" - to include the 'objectives' recognizedby state law and/or judicialopinions. Specific "Parking Benefit Districts" would then be created,with legal description of their boundaries, by separate ordinance.Petition from 60% of dwellings or owners.aaaaaaa1 Proposed framework for consideration ¡n creation of new parking benefit districts; not proposed for ex¡sting'residential'districts.
City Commission or Parking Commission can initiate creation, expansion, or dissolution withoutpetition.Managing on-street occupancy to the 85% standard will be a consideration in the decision-making process for district creation, expansion; or dissolution. Likewise, the principle Thal25%of vehicles parked in the (proposed)district, during peak hour, are registered outside the(proposed) district will also be a consideration.Minimum district size of ten (10) blocks, or 2500 linear curb feet.Parking Benefit District - How does it work?An on-street parking permit allows the vehicle to park exempt from timed parking regulationsduring enforcement periods.A licensed driver residing in the district can purchase up to two (2) on-street parking permits forvehicles only. Trailers, campers, and other items are not eligible for parking permits in thedistrict.Each residence in the district may purchase up to two (2) residential/business parking permits,and two (2) visitor's permits for use in the parking permit district.A limited supply of Employee and Transient parking permits are available for purchase,depending on level of parking occupancy/inventory.The number of Employee and Transient permits available expands/contracts to manage on-street occupancy to the 85% standard.The district is enforced (permit and timed) utilizing license plate recognition technology, whichsiffi¡*a+eeuslyAlsq gathers parking occupancy data within the district; for further evaluation,modification, and management of the district.Funding Considerations - How is it paid for?Revenues derived from permit sales within the dístrict must cover the administrative andenforcement costs of the individual district.Business and Transient permits are sold at a market driven rate.Short term 'timed' parking is priced at a market driven rate, including event-based or other'demand' pricing opportunities.Short term 'timed' parking is accomplished through the use of a Mobile Parking App, such asPassport, which requires only signage; drastically lowering capital costs for implementation andoperation.NEXT Steps (?) -oEstablish final recommendations for consideration by the City Commissionaaaaaaaaaaaa
B OZ Ë M/À. [.,] "I't, t i. i ¡i,-. ,--, e_: I r,ii t,:MEMORANDUMDale:To:FronrReJune 7 ,2019Bozenratr Pa rl<i n g Cot-¡lt-n j ssi olrEd Meece, Parking Pt'ogt'ant Managet'Spring 2019 Public Engagetlelrt Sessiorls (Parking Pel'niit Distlicts)IThe Bozel¡a¡ Parì<ing Corn¡ission recet.itl), coltducted three public ellgagenlent sessionsfol'the purpose of soljciting input oìl a concept plan fot'the creation of 'Parking PernlitDistr-icti' (nnO1. Briefly stated, a Parl<ing Pernrit District utilizes a niix ofl-esiclential/transient pennits, as ruelì as tjnred parì<ing, to actively ìxanage oll-streetpar.king in areas rt¡ìtere llon-resicìential parl<rng flort¡s into a prinlarily residentialneighborhood. ììather than l'estrict on-street parking to residents only, the PPD seel<s tonraxinlize the r¡se of a public asset (street) to the best use of all citizenS'The public eìlgagementsessions trrel'e ìteld atthree separate cìates ancì ìocations, to providea variety of opportr,rnities for citizens to attend. The pubìic engagement sessiol.ls wereadvertised on www.bozeman.net, as welì as social ntedia channels and the Next Doorsoftware usecl by the Neighborhottds Departrnent. ln addition, a newspaper artlclereporting on the first session provided infornration on date/time of subsequent sessious:April 30 - 5 PM - City Commission Room - 16 attendedMay 16 - 5 PM - Beal Recreation Center - L0 attendedMay 21- Bozenran Public Library - 7 attendedEach sessjon began wjth an overview presentation of the PPD concept, during whichcitizens asked questions and offerecl cornments. After approximatel¡r l9-45 minutes, theìarge group portion of the session nras closed so that participants could have snlaìlerdiscussions wjtl'r parking comlnissioners, staff, and others in attendance'-The BozemanParl<ing Conrntission was well represented, witìl a mix of comnrissioners in attendance atthe sessionsOveralì, the tone of each session was positive and participants were appreciative of theopportunity to ìearn about the PPD concept in au interactive forum. Notably, someparticipants are concerned about the ability of tlie PPD to effectively manage on-streetparking; and additionaì burdens a PPD n-ray place on them'A review of tìte r.nost frequent topics of discussion, wouìd include:Permit/Timed Parking Pricing: There was o difference in opirtiott, beãueettporticipants, on tuhether residential/transient perntits sltottld be priced ot the sonteI ettel, or d iffire n ti ated.a@ ZO Eost Otive StreetP.O. Box 1230Bozemon, MT 59771-1230i (Ð 406-582-2e03@www-bozemon.netI l)ir úilí,--';82 2-ì[r I1 ¡ll,À"¡rCi:''i i- l"ir\lìi i i'i ii(,i
Ë0 ZË"M,4.Fn-l "i'r,ii.: ilÌ(r :,(ì;vit c.'.aacaBusiness Pernils:. These shoulcl be lirtited in quantit¡t, per bttsiness, the sctnte osresidentiaI perntits.Several residetttsof the existing residential parking perntit clistricts ottenried, concertted tltot tlieresidential parking perntit districts are going to becctnte PPD's; to whiclt they orestrongly opposed.B-3 Residents Parking in PPD's: Severol residents of the B-!J stated rt need to¡trtrchase tronsient parking pennits in the PPD. Liketuise, othet'participants stotedthatB-3 residents should notbe allowed to purchuse transient parl<ing perntits in tltePPD's. These participonts believe that tltis allows cÌou.tntouttt develoÌ:tttettt to cotttinuewithout providing odequate parking (off street) and placittg that burden on thenea rb¡t n eig h b o r hoo d s.Nurnber of Residential Perrnits per Resident: Several participants statecl that two(2) residentiol parking permits/per resident, witltin the PPD, was too many and wottldlitnit the effectiveness of the PPD concept.Rental Homes With More Than Two Residents: Concel'lrs \ /ere stated that manyrentaì honres have more tlian two residents, and er¡en with a reduced nunlber ofresidential perntits, these residences would continue to fill up oll-stl'eet parkitlgwith vehicles.Residential 'Voting' On Creation of a PPD: A comment rryas nrade tliat theresidents/property owners of a proposed district shouìd get to 'vote' on thecreation of a PPD before the issue reached the Bozeman City Conrntission for finalactior.r. As part of this comntent, without 600/o approvaì the creation of a PPD couldnot move forwardIn addition to the discussions above, the University Neighborhood Associationprovided rvritten comments in a letter to the Bozeman Parking Commission.aaa@P-O.8ox 1230Bozemon, MT 59771-123020 Eost Otive Street406-582-2903www.bozemon-neti t-, ij ¡: ri ii, I, ¡ ?-i' l:,:-))-i iii. rri,(-'i; I I l\14i'i i i i.il- -