HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 2 BPC 8 8 19 Jul 19 minBOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSIONAGENDAThursday, July 11,2019 @ 7:30 AMA.Call to Order - 7:30 AM -City Commission Chamber, City Half, 121 North Rouse07:31:00 AM (00:00:17)Mavor - Cvnthia Andrus: PresentCommittee Member - Ben Llovd: PresentCommittee Member- Paul Neubauer: PresentCommittee Member - James Ness: PresentCommittee Chair - Pamela Bryan: AbsentCommittee Member - Shasta Winston: AbsentCommittee Member - Kellv Wiseman : PresentCommittee Member - Mark Egge: PresentStaff - Ed Meece: AbsentJames Ness commented on the end of Pam Bryan's term and acknowledges hertime, outstanding serv¡ce and dedication to the Parking Commission.B. Chanqes to the AqendaBrit Fontenot stated that the June Minutes wíll be reviewed for approval at thenext parking commission meeting in August.C. Approval of minutes for May 24,2019Exhibit Iand June 13,2019 (Exhibit 2)Motion to approve the May 24 MínutesCommittee Member - James Ness: MotíonMavor - Cvnthia Andrus: PresentCommittee Member - Shasta Winston: AbsentCommittee Member - Kellv Wiseman : AoproveCommíttee Member - Mark Egge: Approve
Staff - Ed Meece: N\APublic Comment - Members of the audience or their agent maybe invited to present testimony or evidence. To be recognized,each person desiring to give testimony or evidence shall stepfonruard and, after being recognízed, give their name and addressfor the record. The presiding officer may establish a time frame foreach public comment but in no case shall such timeframe be lessthan three (3) minutes per speaker. The presiding officer maylengthen or shorten the time allotted for public testimony.NoneEx Parte Disclosures of Parkinq CommissionersJim Ness disclosed his connection with his current employer First Security Bank,which is one of the suggested sites for a current study to expand parking in thedowntown corridor.Presentation of studies reqardinq additional public parkinqcapacitv studv at Bridqer Park Downtown Garaqe and potentialChrisNaumann, Bozeman Downtown Pafinership(Exhibit 3).07:35:57 AM (00:05:13)Chris Naumann presented the findings of a study conducted for futuredevelopment of parking structures downtown. He talked about the optionof expandíng the Bridger Park Garage. He pointed out that with this optionthe garage would have to be closed for a time during construction.He explained the second part of the study which was the analysis of fivenew sites for a second structure to be built. The sites being considered arethe Federal Building, First Security Bank, First lnterstate Bank, BozemanPublic Library, and County Courthouse.He explained the commercial space portion of the unified developmentcode, and the square footage of commercial space that is required forstreet frontage. He also explained the site evaluation matrix and the costbreak down. He provided information on the study's next steps, as well asthe needs and consideration for each site. Finally, he mentioned theregulations that would have to be meet with each structure.D.E.
Brit Fontenot pointed out that there is also a meeting planned with the FTAto understand what adding space to the existing garage does to the masteragreement related to transit uses at the facility.Chris Naumann pointed out that funding for a multi-million dollar projectwill have to be creative, and may include things such as, tax incrementfinancíng, special improvement district, cash-in-lieu, and public privatepaftnerships.Commissioner Neubauer asked if the parking space calculations includethe parking spots currently being used at the location. Mr. Naumannexplained that the total number of parking spaces created are beingreflected. Mr. Neubauer asked if the US Bank parking lot was a site thathad been considered. Mr. Naumann explained that it had been discussedinitially, but since the bank was not a local entity it was decided it might bemore of a challenge to work with on that site. Commissioner Neubauerasked if there had been any consideration as to if the City is willing toconsider going forward and if there has been any snags or lessons learnedfrom the current parking structure that should be considered.Commissioner Neubauer asked about the core business district. Mr.Naumann explained how they considered the distance from the core aspart of the evaluation. He also pointed out the existing plans and reportsand the spheres of influence.Commissioner Egge commented on the need/demand, and the long leadtime for a project like this. He asked about the main street diagonalparking and why this was not one of the considerations for expandingparking.Mr. Naumann said this report and analysis were specific to strategynumber 21, structured parking, of the Downtown Parking Plan.Brit Fontenot pointed out that the creation of a parking district downtown isalso beíng factored in when considering the future of downtown parking.Commissioner Egge also brought up the point that the estimated demandfor parking and strategic plan is based on a 2016-2017 WTI study. Healso asked if the public parking users are going to be funding any or all ofthe cost for building more parking downtown.
Commissioner Wiseman pointed out that the suggested diagonal parkingis not in the 2016 Parking Plan, it was part of a transportation study andthe 2019 Downtown lmprovement Plan.Mayor Andrus asked about the existing surface parking lots, and if it hasbeen discussed about building a structure on these sites.Chris Naumann stated that none of the current surface lots wereconsidered for a parking structure because they were not large enough.Mayor Andrus asked how it was determined how many parking spaces areneeded.Chris Naumann pointed out that it would be beneficial to maximize asecond structure as some of the available funding would be unavailable inthe future and a parking garage is a long term large ínvestment.Mayor Andrus questíoned if there has been any major improvements instructure or design of parking garages since the city built the parkinggarage.Chris Naumann explained that the standards are basically the same andno great advancements in parking garage structure have developedrecently.Commissioner Lloyd asked about the metric of cost per space. Hequestioned the range of the cost, and asked what it was based on. Heasked about the potential revenue from condo sales.Chris Naumann pointed out that the full report may have more detailedinformation to answer the question of cost.Commissioner Lloyd asked about expanding the Bridger Park Garage andthe challenges with snow removal.Chrís Naumann confirmed that there would still be a need for snowremoval to some degree.David Kack, 1107 Pínnacle Star Street: He poínted out the growth ofBozeman and the downtown area and its continued development. Hepointed out that as we look at moving ahead we have to look at the private
sector who is generating the demand for parking downtown, and pointedout that they should be the ones responsible for paying for the solution.G.Action ltems1. Appointment of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and one (1) member toExecutive Committee. (Exhibit 4)Commissioner Wiseman made the motion to appointJim Ness, Mark Eggeand Paul Neubauer to the Executive Committee. This was amended toinclude the appointment of Jim Ness as Chair and Mark Egge as Vice Chair.Mavor - Cvnthia Andrus: PresentCommittee Member - Shasta Winston: AbsentStaff - Ed Meece: N\AParkinq Proqram Manaqêr Report(Exhibit 5)Brit Fontenot pointed out that Mr. Meece is setting up time with T2 to refineand reflect on the implementation, as well as to look at how to furtherrefine the data being collected.He pointed out two items of interest going to the City Commission, theincrease cost of the parking district permit fees and approval of a MOUagreement with HRDC to open the transit station at the parking facílities.Commissioner Neubauer asked about the Bridger Park Garage table andthe grayed out data. He is hoping to see monthly data in the future.Brit Fontenot assured him that he would research this issue and find outmore information about this once Mr. Meece returns.Commissioner Egge asked for an update on how the basement of thegarage is currently being managed.H
l=J.Brit Fontenot stated that a majority of the space has been allocated to ahotel and there may be some city operational vehicles using the garagebasement. He explained that the technology remains the same as it hasbeen since it was installed.Laurae Clark pointed out that there are about 80 basement permit holderscurrently.New BusinessNoneAdiournment.K.Upcominq lssues (Tentative):August 2019:"Revised "Parking Permit District" concept outline (following publicengagement sessions)"Revised "Parking tease Permit Policy"6The next Bozeman Parking Commission meeting will be held August8,2019, 7:30 am, at City Hatl.Bozeman Parking Commission meetings are open to all members of thepublic. lf you have a disability that requires assistance please contact ourADA Coordinator, Chuck Winn 582-2307.08:39:38 AM (0L:08:54)