HomeMy WebLinkAbout97- Willowbrook Development Limited, American Land Title Substitution of Trustee wr · ,. : . I . . filM 171 PACf1716 SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE COMES NOW, the undersigned, City of Bozeman by Ron Brey, Acting City Manager, Beneficiary, under that certain Trust Indenture dated October 16, 1986 wherein Willowbrook Development Limited is named as Grantor and American Land Title ~ Company of Montana is named as Trustee, which Trust Indenture was recorded in Film <t 94 at Page 1438 of Mortgages, records of Gallatin County, Montana on October 17, \ ('j ..... 1986 and indexed as #162603. Said Beneficiary City of Bozeman hereby appoints Paul \):) ~ J. Luwe, City Attorney, as successor Trustee to American Land Title Company of I ~ Montana. EXECUTED at the City of Bozeman this ~y of March 1997. STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) ., On this ':~ j;( _ day of March 1997, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared RON BREY, known to me to be the Acting City Manager of the City of Bozeman and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on b~halt.QJtbe. City of Bozeman. ,:\,,,,...~t'i,!~~~.;J, .:-$"4'~:~~~"'''l; "if.;:lESS W~EREOF, I ~~ve hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial tks~~t":':~I!""'l,(?~~ year first above wntten. -1,:\1; .',,', ,.,..r ~,.~""", i~=",~ ,.., _~~" .....A ' ',' "'. ':: I "'"j.' , ",1.,'" fIi-:,.. ' "1IIIIt- ( '~,::I,\"F,,,t: Sc~~ "i,jJ L-//) " ' ^'~'....... ,," ~ .... /, , .. " :..L'l1j:. .......', ,'r',..1 ,~--.110.',~' ,,/ .-" ~ ' _, . ,':;'" ,,?"/!- , '__ ,,,",,,'IRo ....~ ,.. //,..' "_' ,/ -' / ,..,,:,>,...j~ ~,~ _ k cI'!L-r1, (_L-.~(~-C/ ~ A ~~<~ I'.;,~~;,..,t~~;..\'-' ../-'-Notary Public for the State of , ,', "~ Montana, residing at Bozeman 3 4 0 2 6 3 My Commission Expires 6/15/99 State of Mont., County of Gallatlll. ss Piled for reoord MARCH 5 , 19-9.1- at 3 ,2g pM., and recorded In Boek 1 71 01 ~ ~~~~~aDe ..1l.1Jl Site., M.....' Recorder.., (n f\ 0 Deputy , FEE: $6.00 RT: AMERICAN LAND TITLE CO. .' ~, , . .. '. . ,- 4', <" t 'I " 171 ?ACfl?17 r t" LIEN RELEASE I I, Paul 1. Luwe, Bozeman City Attorney and Trustee, do hercby certify that the Trust Indenture Lien in favor of the City of Bozeman and against Willowbrook Development Limited, which Lien bears thc date October 16, 1986, and which encumbers the property located in the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, Statc of Montana, which is more particularly described as: All of Lot 3, 35 feet off of the South side of Lot 2; and 85 fcet off the South end of Lot 4 in Guy's First Addition to the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Rccorder of Gallatin County, Montana and which has been filcd and recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder in and for the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, in Film 94 of Mortgages on Page 1438 on October 17, 1986, and indexed as Document No. 162603, is fully satisfied, released and discharged, the debt sccured thereby having been paid in full. And the Clerk and Recorder of said County is hereby authorized and directcd to discharge the same upon the record thereof, according to the statute in such case provided. EXECUTED at the City of Bozeman this>..;';x..-- day of March 1997. ., S'l'AfE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On thi~ j;A day of March 1997, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, pcrsonally appeared PAUL J. LUWE, known to me to be the City Attorney and Trustee for the City of Bozeman and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for and on behalf of the City of ..i .. ., '. -, .':;..r fiLM 171PACf1718 . .. Bozeman. k,r"J.t(WrrNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the .,.9aV~Y,"'~"" ~r.S,t above written. d , ....).:~ ," ,. /) , 'oO 1,/ .,' y ," , ". /... '"', {, ""1, .~ ,.""*,,, '-.;':'6- .~~ , :1 L · ~",,,{ (~Aeo ..../ . 0/:", " ','." "'. :-- ,~ >>, ,'", / i' : ','"1' f" ; t'1 : ~ 7,: .~~h'" 4.. L. ~.<_ ./ ___~~ .. <,,, - t~ \:'I<''2' . 2:./ -----1'Jot~r~ Public for the State of Montana '\-f-..t'''I;~.,r ,,',(':. ,.$ ReSIding a~ B.ozell1an. '\~:,~",;~i>~i{'''' $~",.$ '" My CommIssIOn ExpIres 6/15/99 ',1,1:.'\1;::.:::"" 1J,:y,'". ~.wio'l<'~ ..} '~'''''''''."'''~' , , ,'i}':~'" /": . "" ','" cc: City of Bozeman, P.O. Box 640, Bozeman, MT 59771 340264 ~OEXEo,q, \ State of Mon,tana }ss County of Gallatin " Filed MARCH 5 ,1-9 97 at 3 : 30 PM., and Accorded In book 1 71 of RF.T.EASES Page..1llL S.D., .. 1IMna, C Goun~rt & Recorder By ...a ^^ 1 0 l'lf'{\A ~ Deputy Fee $ 1 2 . 0 0 RT: AMERICAN LAND TITLE CO.