HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-31-19 Public Comment - C. Rader - Gallatin Green Boulevard ProposalFrom:Danielle Garber To:Agenda Subject:FW: application 18557 Date:Wednesday, July 31, 2019 10:40:13 AM Please see public comment below received today. Danielle Garber | Associate Planner, Community Development City of Bozeman | 20 East Olive St. | P.O. Box 1230 | Bozeman, MT 59771 P: 406.582.2272 | E: dgarber@bozeman.net | W: www.bozeman.net The update to the Bozeman Community Plan is underway. Help shape the future at www.bozeman.net/communityplan. -----Original Message----- From: Connie Rader [mailto:raderconnie@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 10:25 AM To: Danielle Garber <DGarber@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: application 18557 Dear Danielle Garber and City of Bozeman Department of Community Development, This letter is regarding application 18557. I am a resident on Gallatin Green and am very concerned with the size and scope of this particular project, specifically the amount of traffic that it will generate on Gallatin Green and the safety problems associated with that amount, as well as the number of cars that will end up parking on Gallatin Green. After reviewing the master site plan, it is evident that the developer has manipulated the number of parking spaces that the master site plan shows to try and accommodate the necessary parking stalls required as per the parking calculations. According to the parking calculations, 70.9 spaces are required - at minimum. First, note that they conveniently rounded 70.9 down to 70. Second, please note that they have placed 5 parking spaces directly in front of the 3 garages in Building D (thereby either making those garage spaces useless for parking, or making the 5 spaces useless for parking). They also have designated 4 cars to be parked on Gallatin Green. As a resident on Gallatin Green, the street is currently lined on both sides of the street with parked cars from renters and homeowners, reducing the street to a 1 lane street- especially in winter. There is no room for additional parked cars. I am requesting that the commission please take a close look at these issues and require the developer to provide parking within their parking lot of the development (not on the street) for all the required spaces, and to provide spaces that truly “work”. Garages on site, should not have designated parking spaces in front of them. They should also supply “ample” parking - not just the bare minimum, as the parking calculations do not take into consideration the fact that a 1 bedroom unit, may be occupied by a couple, thereby bringing 2 cars with them, etc. I am also requesting that a traffic study be done before phase 1 is started, not just before phase 2. The reason for this, is because this particular parcel is land locked, and the only way in to the parcel is on very narrow, neighborhood streets. The safety of kids riding their bikes to school on this street, as well as the children that live on Gallatin Green is at stake with the proposed number of cars that this development will bring. Access to public transportation is too far away to be a consideration with this project. It is already known that phase 2 will exceed the traffic estimation for lot 5, so approving this project in its current state is admitting that there will be an issue with the traffic, but not addressing the issue from the start - which is just completely unfair to the local homeowners. A traffic study done before phase 1, could also determine how many cars (and therefore parking) could (and should) be handled in a safe and suitable way for this area and any proposed project. Please understand that as a resident on Gallatin Green I am not in complete opposition to development of the land. But a realistic and intelligently thought out design that will contribute to the neighborhood (not take away) is what I am asking. I understand that there are criteria that must be met, and that potentially when met, the project could be approved. But, I am asking you, the city, be the human eyes that see this project through the lens of reality. For example, in reality, a 1 bedroom unit is often occupied by 2 people (therefore 2 cars), and a 3 bedroom unit might be occupied by 4+ people. A commercial space may have more than 1 worker or visitor at a time. While parking calculations are a great guideline, please recognize that every project, including this one, should have human eyes look at the project in detail and balance calculations with what happens in real life. You, the city commission, are our only voice - please represent us well. Ideas to make this project something that adds value to the area, as well as stays within the character of the neighborhood are: *All parking requirements for proposed development be met by the development's parking lot - not on the street, and exceed the number of minimum spaces required because of the very real fact that there will be more people living in 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom units. *Considerations be made for snow removal - who will be responsible (our HOA?), where will the snow be put? *Safety for the kids that walk and ride their bikes to Chief Joseph middle school, and to the park that is on the west side of the proposed development *Scaling the buildings down to 2 story - especially, those that line Gallatin Green. *Remove the commercial spaces of this project, which will keep the project more in line with what is already on Gallatin Green, as well as help reduce the amount of traffic that this project will potentially bring in. The other two developments on Gallatin Green, although also zoned B2, have no commercial space. *Consideration given to emergency vehicle traffic (especially in winter) - will they be able to even drive down Gallatin Green when the street is lined with cars, and will they be able to make the turn on Kimberwicke and Gallatin Green - has the fire department looked at the access, or lack thereof? Thank you in advance for taking the time to really examine this project and the impacts that, as it stands now, will have on the people living in this area. Sincerely, Connie Rader Homeowner on Gallatin Green