HomeMy WebLinkAbout75- Matter of the Estate of James Alton McIlhattan . , J "{i .- " , 1 IN THE DlJJTlUCT COlJ&T 2 OF THE EIGHTEENTH IVmCJAL DlSTJtICT OF THE STAT,L; Olf' MONTANA 3 Di AND FOll TH:E COtDlTY OJ' GALLATIN 4 In the Matter of the E,'-te of JAWlilS NO'. ~4JO FIL NO............M 0 5 AL TeN Me ILHATTAN. >>-c..... OATED... ._.. .' .....:......~..._._...19Z ~ 1\.... 6 PAUL: REESE, Clerk py...J~rraine.V"'''A''ff'8' ........ D8CaJ:,E OJ" DUTIWSUTICN TV 7 DEPl 8 ltATHEllDfl; O. Me lLHATTAN, the a4....i.tl'at.r1x "Lt.1 ..tato 9 of .JAMES ALTON Me ILHATTAM" Dec.....d, uvia.. $~ the 18th day $1 10 Au...t, 1971, tiled 1n W.Cout a.,. P.tlt.ioe prayiq f.r lb. cU.tdbu.Uea of 11 tho r.,iel.. .f the ..tate r...1aina i.s h.i' po.....l0D to the p.t rti.. entitled 12 thel'.te, al ..t lo..th 1" .a14 Petition. an.cllor be.. eli.char,., ..cd eatd Petition 13 comia.lon l'e,,"ar1y tJai. da, to b. hea..." 4.. p:roolhavtal been ma4. to the 14 ...U.laetloD .f dl1. eo""''''t clVI aaclle.&laoUcill of .e tlm. ar~' place .1 15 ..iel heal'hl' ha. beon .,.... .1 1'...\.1'.. by laW' ..d by Order 01 thb COUl't. 16 <ttn<l It app....r1nlthat eo .ttjectioD' 01' au:eptio.. have b.en. rn.a4. or lU.d 17 agi'itld tIl. ..tl'1'..&1o. .f ..14 'I'o,.."y .a .et t.rtllle a.iel Petition. a.ud it 18 ~dllilO appeal'bl.' t~ the C..,., tAa\tke ..xpeua.. 01 th. la.at iU'Oo.., 1_13.1'&1 es- 19 and ea=:.. p~rHHul,..l a ,.,latratiou. Inc:halllicc atto.....,'. f..'t whleh bav. aecrulucl O,f 20 .. l:Uu:he4 .,aiDat .aid ...te haft b.... paid (the ..141 a.4mbu.tl'.trlx ha vit" 21 ..iv.dAilY 1'1,bt to ce.,.en.ation ror 'h... ....vlee. a. ,uch admitd.tl'ah"hc). 22 aod Ulat ..1'01.&. b:'..I'U..ee taa ... bOlD ,our ,etUlo..l't KalAerill. o. 23 Mellha*., wielow 01 d.c......., .lUlUt. Willi... MeDlaatla., 'OA 01 ..o.....d. 24 aob.u't Leon McUutt_. IOU 01 ..c...... Joh. Alten W.Ubat.tan. .oa 01 de- 25 c....ct. a.d Law..... De.a w.cDllaU.a. ..I1.f d.c....., .a .hewn by tbe 26 late:rlontory C...Utlcat.of *. Boar' of Jtq\l&UaaUon .1 the Stat. ot Montau 27 a-cd the O,der dcterD11q aaid State ialle"'lt&llco t.axthi. cia, .ilDft4 aud lU.d, 28 in t~ .am of $113.1', oa wlUeh tlMre i. a diaco",:at ot 5". le.vinl aDet 1... 29 hedtaace t&.K ... of $559. SO. which. ..... .Qft'1 of $~59. 30 bae".." he...to!o,fO 30 paid lethe Co...ty Trea.u,..... of CiAl1&t1n C01lnty, Monta..., and a receipt 31 .er.for i...w 011 lil. 11.\ thla Courtl 32 - - ---.-- ~. ;: . . ." , ..a" 1 A:ad tho Covt ka\l'ha.ll..H di. ."1...... aMi .....t.... tile,...,. 2 ........lied. ,......... "Uowiq .1'1....... Dollie.... 3 1'... J..... Altow. W.U..ua. ".d. 1.t........ I. the eo....f 4 .U...'l........ .f No....... .0 .. l.t.,., ..."....,y. t 915. ..n..'''' 5 da. olh"''',,'*, .. .... 1'8.14...t.' GaU..... C...." Noataaa, and 1.(. u 6 .'''M th.l'.h~ COUiatlftl 6f",..1 ...,. ud pellooal property: 7 That. .. ...... by,... "'al Aee......... "tition for Di.t,ltltUio., 8 tlt.r~......i.. .. ba.. .. tile "et r...... .f dUe o.tate tIl. lollowi.., ......1.... 9 p"."I'*J whloh .... I.... ..t. ......1..'.. p..,..." ofthl, .......d. to-wit. 10 Aa ....."l..d .......11 la_..... 1_ ...... ...tal. '''..'''1'7' :lot. .he...'. th, 11 en,.1 .......l...-k..... W. ..c..... ... Ill. .lI. &"0 ,.y..a. ..cli e..,lal.,. .....hall bd.....t tJIaa...... ..M' Aa,u.' lZ, .'70. oa wldch.. 12 bal..... ....r ,rtutpal, .tab 1.'...... ,.... Ito J'abI'QAt>y 1. .911. ........ "$'. 41&" I. 13 AD ..ell "'.M.........l'l......' ... aM .. ...C.U..80........ ...lUll...,. .... ad ...,...., _via, . ,.u ..1.. .f $1&40. 00 14 p,..,....ty hel. " ..e..... la4i"ldaall,. .. t.U.... ....I'If'" ....c...u.Il..... t..." .,. ".nlJAr. VaioG G,al. T.,w...' 15 A........ttoa of 1M....... ......Wj,.. Ian val.. SSc..oo; Pat....... 1'.'_ ....da...... 1.......,.l'u..,. O.ioa Oct''". Tehlllaal 16 .....el...p .. ........ ........ tall val.. $.14. .,~ t.. '911 ...... .".n.,,., hrial N..... 'lSI 671'" ."..&1.... .able$liOO.. 00, 1 ... 1914 17 ..... I:. ...'....10 '8..la) Mo. II 511 Oll,app."... .&1.. $100..00 18 The Tinal ......, at.. _.w. t1a&t the,. ... a d.n.U.I 19 .. 016..', wWe" '.Ilele hU ....n paid b, Kal".'..40. Wc.llbatta.. ...,.,. 20 .b1.b,.,.... ... ..u ..1... .aJ r1p'le ,..,............. 21 .,.., I.... AU.. WeIU.'''' left.. )d., aud hl. oftl,.. bel....a,.. 22 law" CoU..*-, ..." ,.'....... to ",wu. Hia .....ivia. wi"'... aa..,l.. O. 23 M.Il......... .'Ii. tow '.'. ......it. ,.... WUllam Mcllhauafl.. ,..hUDsa' 24 lOlJWU.... A.... Ha.,,... Moatau, S'IOha.HI"' L.." Mell...n, a....a. It 25 aoa 11. .....nlo, T...., 1.101 j J.lla AltoR NcW.ttao. ....14bl.at .1',..... 26 J1II'1.. Trail1<:...1 No.. I"......... ........., 19? 1'1 ..d LA.......... 0... 27 Ne...U.... ....l.ta..' CIla.... aO\lt. ....azl. 2Ua Ttmbe r. MoctllD. 590 It; 28 TM., 1a )4Al...., It11, I..... WUUam Wf;:llU."aD, .oll.f ..c....d. 29 ... hie wlf., ........, 1..... "cUbattall. ...., .......d, .ad Ai. wile. J'.. 30 AU... WCllbaltaD. ..B.I ............bl. .U., &\'14 Lawe...nc. gap 31 W.w....., ... .,......... a" ILl. wit., belaaall th.b.l"....a4:..1..., 1.... 32 AI... "cUlt.,.., ct.o...... HC.P' hie wi"'... Ka.tlutrl.. O. WclU:aattali. .' '. i . . .' , ..).. 1 ....,... ..44.11...1''' _to 1<atAe..ll~I" O. Mcw..tta..ll of .eu, ami ..ell ot 2 tlu.l... ......... dU.... i......th" .... _the ....t. of.1..... Alto" W.nbattafl. at. ,. .1'1et_, .... 3 wilte" ........,..tllha'W'. 1M... .......,.,.. 111.. ht the ...v.....fttitl.. C...... . 4 ......,.. .1~. 0....... ...db..le. ..t dt.. DfltcrllMt .1 J::>i.'l'lbatlo. di.- 5 tl'l..... .. ....."..f)....Il...... .. ."U... ra.t ........1....' of .. 6 ......,. .f 1_.. AUe". Nenh&U.... ........: 7 T.t lbe. a" Ul. 011I1., ,...p....,....... .., 'h. dec..... a' dt.I1a\t'i 8 ef ,illa ...tJa.. 111. ..Ie .... ...l..h'. ,re,erty 1. -.... partlc1&lad, ....1'1..." 9 .. foil.... t 10 All udh1.... ....h.lt l......t 1n .. to. ...tat. ',..1.....' _t......l. tIl. 11 Cl2 01................. W......... ad bl. wll. al. ""'0', eack ... _,. .......U 1.......... tIl.,.._, ............ 11, 1910, Oft wtu.ch. die 12 ............ ., Jl1"1Mt..l. ..tIt. later... pal' to l".b.......,I. 1915. ........ to '70 41110" 13 .a .mllv'..' .........11 ,......., 1...4 .. .1...S1...... .... maclWMl'Y, tool. ...~............ fIIll val... 0' .al40." 14 ...,..."'1' b, ........ ....ln4-.l1y.. follow.. ......vi::. .... ...lU1ca'.. 1..... ...,. F......... .1.. a..l. 1'eratUaal 15 .......,.' '..1 .........., n...... IaU. vat.. 'J'..OO; ht....._ 1'." ...,tlfl.....ia.... b l'anD.... UlIloYJ Oral. Termh,at 16 A....1aUo. .1 ......., Wen..... ,.U 'f'Al.. $&.. Ii, t .. 197J x..... ,..nel', ....tal......... , 1') I &771'. .p,..a'." ~&1u $ISOO. 00. 1.. 19'" 17 8M.. &1 ... ...ackll ....1&1 Mea..' III 011* ...nt.... ...1\10$$00. e. 18 11r.at, ......., tb. ,...,.... It.r.i,..,..... .o,.e ,........1&1'1, 19 ....ri1tecl... ... ........ _t..l.. ,......ty of thl. ........, all .u.... ,H. 20 perty u... .:ad ....,,1." ,. t1ae In...tol'l' a.' .."!'al...... ... ~.. by 21 lam.. AU.. WCnu....1IIl ... htla.ri.e O.Well...tta., hu....... aM wile, .. 22 Jol". ,..at. .Uhfi...... .............,... M'.. _.au 1. co.m~. acd 23 .u t......1 MelIt... .. ...... fe, mo.. ,.... tl\1'.e '..1"''''.'' to tile "AU. .f 24 S.... At.. w.n......., ... ..14 "'1" ..ua., ,........, t. .... .....tl..s.arly 25 d.......... .. tollowl. .. .w1*1 26 .&4L, UTATa, nftr...... CI') ..r....... .. 1..., '..e..n... .. 1111... , 27 .....wt.t~ fta,,...u.- of Let Th.... (') tytll' '''.twe_ eo..ly a.a. CMarra, 80Mrt ......'61) aa' "~I CWe.._ Wi.a..e a&111'0&d I'l'ht..f......' O'f'1!r 28 aad "".. ,aUt lot; al.. .... ....tae. .f Ule No,......' Qu.rtel' .1 lb, South- we.' GIla...... (MEtS.') wWe" U.. ..... of .,.....&1. (14......,. B.laa,t C....,. 29 a... NealHt. "la al.. ............t lbe So.th.... Qu.rte, of &:he ....w..t Qw.a...... C8,ctIW)lyiq ........ .&1. w..rl'a,Bohad bad N........ ,., a11d dI_ 30 eWe... WUwanee ...U.... ..l.Id....'.....l' ....... laid ................... all La ......TIlWtr .'.l",T....ld.p 0.. (1) ....th.Raftl. 81.(6) Ea,. 31 "'.P.M". ......,..... all.....' ,l,ll'_, tlUelle., n........ ..lpt....f.....y. ....,.10...,.. ....,. .f Cu"o C.e.. aU..,.. 18 Oall.U.C..ty, Me_taUt 82 . ., , . , . , , ....... 1 PERSONAL pao._ft. Llv.....k ....., ......l1a.. (Y) u.ed on :ript: aedl.f.,id..., ...dl..ItoI".'''' cattle 2 Live'lIe.1t 8"Md, (x..,. u.r ) .... .. 1.lt,,1" .. cattl. Ami llhea" .f cow. ,..".d wUlt..ald "...ad 3 .41;.... tad 1 '.... .ue, 3& .... .1 hay 4 Chadda, aceo..t. hn.lt'J.... ... Tra.t: Co., Bo..man, )U..... lari... Ace.'" 10'''''''-1 "evU, ...k .... Tl'u.t Ce. ,Be........MeIltaaa. 5 Pria.l~." ,....... to '..1.'. ..vl....~lftCl!at... he.rlty Bau aM T...tCo. ..,........ ....taaa: 6 No. 16623, ....... J /11/71; No, 1'981. dated 9/11171 t ... No. 18t8., llI.ted .0/11/711.. 1.3.., ..... 11"."1; .0. 1""', d..ed 3/U/71; 7 No" al131, ..W 6/'11"; Me. aUll........ "611S. No.. 1'16&, ..... 11/1811'; :Ne. .3'41, ..aM 1/14/'4, No. ISH7 ,dated J/al114; Me. 14&48, 8 Qt.. Il11/74t ..1.619, _ted 1/11114. Mo. ,,,a 1 0, clat." 8/'1,1./74; Mo. llaal, ....... 11/11/74; Mo.&116S, _ted II/1t/".) 9 10 ......... Acre"...' with Eap!J'........al lariat. and Lou A..ociatiou, >>0....... M..... ... foUO'WlII CUk ... 12"00..: No. J3601211; No. aOOJtJ71 11 12 1 1 "~T PI,.... "d,. ......, PM4Ul ,.117 06a 13 IT ..,....,UOU OaDUU..A.f)lVDO,ED AND DEC1\EED Tbat 14 aU .flU late......I JUDe. Mom.at.taD, .OW ......M. 1. anti. the prep.rty 15 Uaat wa. iMlYitN&lly O"H '" bl_. aJMt .....In'',to... more pal'd.....arty de.. 16 acrib". .... &11. lb. lame I, h......., dt.'l'lbrated to J(atll...lae O. Mcllhatta. 17 a. he,. 101a ... _...1..lve p......... 18 IT _ ruaTIIP O&DItJlU.ADJUJ:)GBD AND D&Cl\EED'l'bat. 19 with. ..1I.peet to tIl.p.r.,.~" that ... ....... by '...8. Alto.. WenhattaD, ci.. 20 ....... and KUh...lnll O. WC1Uaat.... hi. wil., a. Joint te'AD.t. wltlll'ipt 01 21 ,.al'Viyol'.ld, ... ...... hi"'&' 1" coDllllOa, .1I1ch .alel p......ly1. ......1.... 22 b.f.,. .....,.,.d....l' ...crilNMl. lbe ,loUd ...uncy IMtw..u Jame. Alto. 23 McItha..., JtOw.......... aft" Katbe.,.". o. McDhattaa. hi. wUe. tile '.1''' 24 vi..... Jewt ,_.._t, -'., .1l4Idle .... t. IM..by terminated, aa. IT !S 25 01\,0."&1). AOSUDQaJ) ANI) DECa&l:D That all of ..1d property .. lielel In 26 J..... t.aaaey...., ..... .... 1. .....by cI........ .. ... "'" ..le.a. aaoluah/' 27 ,rope..ty .t ka....'la. (). McJ1Da.ttaa. l.viviD, JoiBt te"aat. and Uaat .he baa 28 ".n die ..1. ....... 01 aU ., eat. Jolat t.....y ,"p...ty .""1' .1aco I'.-'nary 29 I, 1 '",. wlllch. 1. 0... date .1 aile .....,1.... Altoll l.4cUAattal\, cl........ 30 11' 18 J'VJ\ TH&a Oa>>DED, ADIVDOED.AND DEC.EED That 31 be all ,..,.o..ly Nt M_ k....., 01' daM .., Aller.alte, dA.co.e.eel, .....hiell. ..lel 32 ..c..... ... ..tid", ...In whicb .aid ........ ud ..,. la'or.,t, be, and . . . , <f . " r . ,f . . ..I.. 1 .k. .ame la ,.,..., dl.....klMt .. Ka....d... O. w'CUMttaD, tb a\il'rivla. 2 widow of ,alel ......... 3 IT 11 I'D 1"11&1\ O.lll'UalD, ADJVDO.EI> AM>> DECll&E>> That, 4 .... aUa, wi.th :tllt. eoWI'* p...,.. ...h.r. ........ that all ....tIt MV' b... 5 ,.wi,.......... to .. J1aal Act"..'. tlh.e ,al4 X'atJM..i..O. :Mcallatt&a, .. 6 ..........t..r.....w ., &1\. ..tae. .1 Ja._. Alton Mcllhattan, be finally die......." 7 '..... ller ""1.. .. ...Il. 8 Datefl ttbl. aMI _, .1 le""'r. 1 9'1. 9 10 T l:..!f:. ;=~t7 , " .. ,'1PII 11 12 ' ,~~' . . ~'. \, ' ,. . SfATEj,SF MONIA'lA. I.,~ County- 0 :.GaI13tin. ,ss. I;JlflUl W:ESt::. Clerk of the District Court of the Eighteenfh JudiciallDistrlct (If JibE 9* d .......iII! in andJ.f.J1r heGountyqfG;1lhtin.da,h'e;cb:,r ce,~j;/ thet th~~tlOveis a Lll, true and em-reet cl)d)y Df thfi origiaal a5.1itJesamaUIPlllUBiJff1e files and COrds of this 9ftice.- . .J ~ _ 15~ ITNESS MY HAND and fhe S"I of n,is Court fhiS..........0;2...... ...e.....-...day al......._ ..~..__._""...7~ . 16.. . .......q.lJ-L...RF.ES.B.......................................Clerk By......... ..~ ~__~ ............ , 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 II:TH .,. IlORAaT 31 Fir.' Hal...at ... .u.U.... ......., ,Woatua "T11 32 At.......,. I.. ....lDl.b'&t1'la ________n_____