HomeMy WebLinkAbout95- Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife & Parks . ''lI It: ~ of . " , " . . . . ' . LEASE THIS LEASE, entered into this /tJ m day of November, 1981, by and between POLLARD FINANCE, INC. , an Idaho Corporation, of P.O. Box 84, Mack's Inn, Fremont County, Idaho, hereinafter referred to as "Landlord," and THE CITY OF BOZEMAN STREET DEPARTMENT, WATER DEPARTMENT, SEWER DEPARTMENT, all of which are acting through THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a municipal corporation, and all and each of which are known collectively as "'l'enant. II WIT N E SSE T H: ---------- WHEREAS, the Landlord has agreed to construct and own in its own name solely a vehicle storage building for the various utilities of the City of Bozeman, all of which is more particularly set out on Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof: and WHEREAS, the parties desire to negotiate a lease of the structure for a period of five years, together with three options to renew said right to lease, each additional renewed lease periOd under each option to renew being for a period of fivE~ years; and WHEREAS, the Landlord agrees that upon the completion of the twentieth year of said lease to transfer and assign the building and surrounding improvements to the Tenant for the sum of $10.00 and the further consideration of the Tenant's performance of this lease. NOW, THEREFORE, in mutual consideration of the covenants contained herein, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1-: l. Description of Premises. Landlord leases to Tenant the structure to be construed and owned by the Landlord and more specifically described and set out on Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof. This structure, which shall be constructed , ." . . ,I " , . <, by the L<~ndlorQ, shi.ill be located on real lJrul.J8rty O\v'w:ci by UtE" 'I'cnant. 2. 'l'crm. 'rhe ter:m 01 this lease: is Tor u period at five years, commencing on the first day of OCCUpancj' of the stl:ucture b;.' thE: Tenant, which shall be no later than J;1 AI< CII-.:z" /9 e~~ 'l'herea feer , suoject to the prov~slons provining tor rene\wls 01. this lease, thl.s lease shall terminate at Ule expiratl.on of the fifth year of occupancy of the [;tl:ucture by the 'i'enan t. 3. Her! t. 'l'he total rent under thi.s lease for d period of five :l'(:;ars shall be $173,280.uO. 'l'enan t shd.ll Pa.i' Landlord that amount in installments of $2,B88.00 pel:' month beginning upon occupancy of the premises leased hereunder, with each succeeding paj:'men t du(~ cen UIe next succeeding mon t.h thereafter during the five-year tEorm of t.lli s lease. In the eV8nt thE Tenant shall exerci~:>c any OpLiol'Lo; to renew this lease, then the same rent shall be applicable throughout th8 term of each addi.tional five-year period. , Use of Premises. The leased bUl.lding if:) t;o be '! .. used for a shop and storage facility for the 'I'cnant. rrlle 1'ena~--,t may also use it for such ether uses as it d~ems necessary under the corporate purposes authorized under the laws of the State of Hontana. The Tenant shall not use the premises for any unlawful or illegal activities. 5. \~aste , Nul ~;ance or Unlawtul Act"i ~;!.}.. Cl'cnElnt shall not allow any waste or nuisance on the premibcs. b . Delivery ot Possession. It is agreed tbat the Tenant shall have possession of the building and improvcm.ents on ';-lr before JtMR.CH q /Cf.l.y, 1982. ,-,-- -..--.--/--- --, '-...,. 7 . Utillties. 'I\.:nant .shall cli:TuWjC dWJ pd.Y 1()l.:. ,-:.~j_ utilities iurni,,;hed the prcmiu:::;:; fOL "he t(,nn oJ: th i f3 lea.sE. , including ~lectriciLy, gas, wcltr::>r, sewe:r and telephone S('TV j,cc. - ~~.. '1.0- . \ , , . H. Repair and Maintenance. Tenant shall maintain the premises and shall keep them in good repair at its expense; Tenant shall maintain and repair windows, doors, skylights, adjacent sidewalks, ~he exterior and interior walls. rl'hif:; prov ision shall not negate the Landlord's responsibilities contained in Paragraph hereot. 9. Dc U. vC'J:,"y , Acceptance and SurrE'ncic:c of Premisc:s. It is specifically understood &nd agreed that the premises to be leased hereulloer arc preSEntly under construction. 'I'he construction 18 to be completed according to the plans and specitications contained on Exhiblt "1'\" . Prior .to occupancy of the leased premlses by the Tenant, 'l'enant shall be allowed a full. and complete opportunity to inspect the premises. This lease shall not become effective and no rent shall become due until and after said p:r:'emises are accept-pd by the Tenant and are constructed in accerdance with the provisions of Exhibit "A". Acceptance of' the premises by the 'l'eni:lrlt shall then be construed as recognition that the premises i:-.re in (l good st.;;. te of repair and in sanitary condi~ion. 'l'enant shall surrender the premises at the end of the lease term, or any renewal thereof, in the S ill':lE condition as when Tenant took possession, allowlng for reasonable use and wear, and damage by act~, of God, includirlg fires and storms. Before redelivery, 'l'enant shall remove all signs placed on the premises by Tenant and restore the portion of the premises on which they were placed in the same condition as when received. 10. Partial Destruction ot Premises. Par."t.ial destruction of the leased premises shall not render this lease void or voidable, nor: terminate it eAcept as herein providca. If the premises are partially destroyed under the terms 01 this lease, Tenant shall repair them when such repairs call be made .1,\ conformity with governmental law and regulations. It is understood that the TeDont shall, ~,ubj ect to other provlsions of this l(;ast~ , carry all appropx: iate lIisurance in ox'der t.o tll'--lke the -3- .. , , , , . aforesaid repairs. If repairs cannot be made, said failure to make repairs does not reduce the &lliOunt of rent owed to the Landlord by the Tenant, nor does it reduce or affect the Tenant's right to lease the building. 11. Improvement. of Premises. 'l'enan.t shall be allowed to make any improvements, additions, alterations, repairs, or changes in the building, structural or otherwise, at its sole discretion and cost. However, such repairs and alteratluns shall be made according to the appropriate building, plumbing and electrical codes existing within the City of Bozeman. 12. Non-Liability of Landlord for Damages. Subject to Paragraph , Landlord shall not be liable for liabil i t:i or damage claims for injury to persons or property from any cause relating to the occupancy or use of the premises by Tenant, including those arlsing out or damages or losses occurring un sideWalks or other &reas adjacent to the leased premises during the term of this leasE.: or allY extension t.herr::o:t. Tenant shall indemnify Landlord from all 1 L;;ib i lit Y , loss or other damage claims or obligations resulting from .;.tny lnjuries or losses or this nature. 13. Liclbillty In!:..ur'ance. Tenant shall procure and maintain in force at his expense during the term of this lease and any extension thereof lidbility insur:ance. 'I'enan t shall obtain a written obligation from insurers to notify Landlord in writing at least 30 days prior to cancellation or refusal to renew any policy. 14. Assignment, Sublease or License. 1'enant shall be allowed to assign, sublet or relet any of the demised and leased premises described herein; however, such assignment, reletting or subletting shall not excuse, delay, hinder or otherwise abs01ve the 'l'enan t from the responsibility and liability for the payment of the rent agreed herein. -4- ,.. " 15. Remedies of Landlord for Breach by Tenant. Landlord shall have the following remedies in addition to its other rights and remedies in the event that Tenant breaches this lease agreement.. (a) The Tenant shall have a is-day grace period to make any rent payment or perform any obligation herein. (b) Thereafter, Landlord may terminate this lease according and pursuant to the laws of the State of Montana. On terminati.on, Landlord may recover from Tenant all damages proximately resulting from the breach, includif1(J the cost of recovering the premises and the worth of the balance of this lease over the reasonable rental value of the premises for the remainder of the lease term, which sum shall be immediately due Landlord from Tenant. (c) After reentering, Landlord may relet the premises or any par.t thereof, for any term without terminating the lease, at such rent and on such terms as it may choose. Landlord may make alterations or repairs to the premises. 'l"he duty and liabilities of the parties if the premises are relet as provided herein shall be as tollows: ( 1) In addition to Tenant's liabillty to Landlord for breach of the lease, 'l'E:nan't shall be liable :1:01: all expenses of the reletting, tor the alterations and repairs made, and for the difference between the rent received by Landlord under the new lease agreement and the rent installments that are due tor the same period under this lease. (2) Landlord at its option shall have the right to apply the rent received from reletting the premises (a) to reduce Tenant's indebtedness to Landlord under the lease, not including indebtedness for rent, (b) to expenses of the reletting and alterations and repairs made, (c) .to rent due under this lease or (d) to paymen't of future rent under this lease as it becomes due. If the new Tenant does not pay a ,L'en l i I:. s t ~:.11.rL1(:. ~.1 -t promptly to Landlord, and the rent installment h",S been credited in advance or payment to the indebtedness of Tenant other than rent, or it rentB.ls from the new 'l'enant have been othe:r:'Wl::;e applied by Landlord as provided for herein, and du:c L1g any rei"] t installment per i0d, are less than the ~"ent pClyable for the con:"espondillg installment -.5- " . . . , , . ' .- period under this lease, Tenant shall pay Landlord the deticiency, separately for each rent installment deficiency period, and before th~ end of that period. Landlord may a. t any time after such reletting t€,rmina te "the lease for "the breach on which the Landlord based the reentry and relet the premises. 16. Attorneys I Fees. If the Lanalord files an action to enforce any agreement contained in this lease, or for: breach of any covenant or condition, Tenant shall pay Landlord reasonable attorneys' fees for the services of Landlord's attorney' in the action, all fees to be fixed by the Court. 17. Option to Henew. Landlord gr"ant.s to 'l'enant three options to renew this lease tor a period of tive years each aft~r the expiration of the original term of thls Lease at the same rental amount., with all of the terms and conditions of the renewal lease to be the same as those herein. '1'0 exercise this option to renew, Tenant must give Landlord written notice of intention to do so at least 30 days before this lease expires. 18. Applicable Law. This .;lgreernent shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Hontana. 19. 1'ime is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in all provisions of this lease. 20. Total Agreement, Applicable to Successors. This lease contains the entire agreement between the parties and cannot be changed or terminated except by a wl:"i tten instrument: subsequently executed by the parties hereto. '1' his lease and the terms and conditions hereof apply to and are binding upon the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns hereof. 21. Option of Tenant to Purchase. 1'he rrenant shall have the option to purchase t.he leased premises at any time during the lease period or any renewal~ thereof. 'l'nl;'.~ pu:ccr-!Cl. ~c price shall be the total rent for one five-year period multiplied by four less all rent paid pursuant to this lease. If this lease is renewed for the third time, at the end of the twentieth year, -6-- '. , " .' the Tenant shall receive the building for the sum of $10.00 cash. The other consideration shall be the continuing of performance of this lease by the Tenant. The parties designate First Bank of Bozeman, Bozeman, Montana, as the escrow agent of this agreement. The Landlord shall deposit a copy of this lease together with a bill of sale and a qui t- claim deed transferring the structure and improvements to the Tenant. The Landlord covenants not to albw any liens or encumbrances on the leased premises during the term of this agreement, and further cove- nants the transfer of the property to the Tenant shall be free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and restrictions of record. 22. Escrow Agent. The Tenant shall pay the monthly rental to the escrow agent. The escrow agent shall forward said rental pay- ment immediately to the Landlord upon written direction. Upon final payment of the rent due and thus exercising the option to purchaser, escrow agent is authorized to close the escrow and forward all docu- men ts to the T enan t . 23. Liquidated Damages. As an inducement to enter into this lease and to grant to Tenant the extensions and renewals of this lease, the Tenant agrees that in the event the Tenant fails to renew the lease at the end of the original term of the lease or after the first and second renewal periods, the Tenant shall deposit with the escrow agent the sum of $175,000.00 cash as liquidated damages for the failure of the Tenant to renew said lease. It is further agreed that in the event of default for failure to renew this lease, the Tenant shall deposit a quitclaim deed to the real property beneath and immediately surrounding the building to- gether with reasonab Ie access thereto. The Landlord shall be entitled to receive this quitclaim deed from the escrow agent upon termination of the Tenant's occupancy of the building after default. -7- . . : . , , , . - . " " I " , . ' 24. Guarantees and Warranties of Landlord. It is understood that the Landlord is constructing said building according to the specifications and requirements of the 'I'enant. These specifications and requirements are set out on Exhibit "A" . The Landlord agrees that it will guarantee and warrant all workmanship, labor and materials used in the construction of the building for a period ot one year afler commencemE.:n'L at occupancy of the building by the Tenant. During the course of that one year, if the Tenant shall sustain any damage to any of its property, personnel or equipment located in the bUilding, the Tenant is authorized to hold such damages from the next rent payment and may continue to withhold such rent payments until the Tenant is full~' compensated. This warranty and guarantee for workmanship, material and labor shall terminate one year after occupancy and acceptance of the building by the Tenant. 25. I-lechanics' Liens and Liens for Construction. In addition to the covenant contained in Paragraph 21, the Landlord agrees not to allow any liens, encumbr:a.nces or any other.' restrictions to be placed of record against the real property owned by the Tenant on which the structure is being built. The Landlord will indemnify and hold the Tenant harmless from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action that the Tenant may incur, including attorneys' fees, as a result of any lien~' , mechanics' liens, restrictions or encumbrances filed on any property owned by the Tenant or leased by the 'l'enant which lC the ,0 subject of this agreement.. 26. Warranties of Title and Quiet Possession. Landlord covenants that Landlord is seized of the demised premises and has full right to make this lec'ise, <:tEd tha t '1' t..':ii d.n t -8- " . III ~\,. "",~, I '" ., ~', . . ' . " , " .. I shall have quiet and peaceable possession of the demised premises, building and improvements during the term hereof. IT WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seals the year and date first written above. POLLARD FINANCE, INC. . Ho es, Esq. A rney-in-fact Dean pollard, President ATTEST: ~ ,,,,---_., ~,' " -.LY~ -A, - l:"Jv- Secretary "Landlord" CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation CITY OF BOZEMAN STREET DEPARTMENT \"\ /; " \.l/ i) L./ / BY <erln"l / ' J. ('ill) LJ Director of Public Works CITY OF BOZEMAN WA'l,'ER DEPARTMENT BY. r-~);l U~ Director of Public Works ~ CITY OF BOZEMAN SEWER DEPARTMENT .. r " (''), ,I" ~/ BY \" cJ-lf}2 / )ll. ~/t /&)/{/' J r \ Director of Pub lC Works CITY OF BOZEMAN, A Municipal Corporation _ \".-. I i -' """",1 / l..-. /~ " -'''" J / /J / J "-:,,, I \ BY \Hh[ f" C;' -,j./~ ~\, \ City Manager ) ATTEST: I ., .' _,J" "Tenant" -9- . , .. .,' .J... ""' ." ~ ". " POWER OF ATTORNEY STATE OF IDAHO ) :SS COUNTY OF MADISON ) Know all men by these presents that I, Dean pollard, the undersigned, of 82212 Hansen Drive, City of India, State of California, hereby make, constitute and appoint Roger J. Hoopes of the firm HOOPES & SMITH, 110 East Main, 2nd Floor, city of Rexburg, County of Madison, State of Idaho, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact for me and in my name, place, and stead, given unto said Roger J. Hoopes full power to do and perform all and every act that I may legally do through an attorney-in-fact, and every proper power necessary to carry out the following purposes: To execute two (2) particular contracts and any and all necessary documents related thereto. Said contracts being between Dean Pollard and William Henderson and Dean Pollard and the City of Bozeman, State of Montana I hereby ratify and affirm that which Roger J. Hoopes shall lawfully do or cause to be done by himself lawfully designated by virtue of the power herein conferred upon him. This Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect until such time as it is revoked. Dated this 28th day of October, 1981. ./ j, . ' ;' ;/ '(" ,'- .....l ,':'" , Dean pollard STATE OF IDAHO ) :SS. COUNTY OF MADISON ) On this 28 day of October, in the year of 1981, before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally , I appeared DEAN POLLARD known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to . . me that he executed the same. ,( Notary Public Residing In:."., My Commission Expir'es: ; POWER OF ATTORNEY 4240a 1 ..__..,.~ n.. ,._ ,....-. __._ ._,- ,... . .. ~ >~ \ . .. '" ,... 'IIJI""" .. L '. . - . . I .. . . POWER OF ATTORNEY STATE OF IDAHO ) :SS COUNTY OF MADISON ) Know all men by these presents that I, Dean pollard, the undersigned, of 82212 Hansen Drive, City of Indio, State of California, herebr make, constitute and appoint Roger J. Hoopes of the firm HOOPES & SMITH, 110 East Main, 2nd Floo r , City of Rexburg, County of Madison, State of Idaho, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact for me and in my name, place, and stead, given unto said Roger J. Hoopes full power to do and perform all and every act that I may legally do through an attorney-in-fact, and every proper power necessary to carry out the following purposes: To execute two ( 2) particular contracts and any and all necessary documents related thereto. Said contracts being between Dean Pollard and William Henderson and Dean Pollard and the City of Bozeman, State of Montana I hereby ratify and affirm that which Roger J. Hoopes shall lawfully do or cause to be done by himself lawfully designated by virtue of the.power herein conferred upon him. This Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect until such time as it is revoked. Dated this 28th day of October, 1981. . ) / / /' <:i/ r, . / . / ", / ~ / -'. t ' t. '", ,,' / / ' / D~an pollar~ . , . STATE OF IDAHO ) : S5. COUNTY OF MADISON ) On this 28 day of October, in the year of 198+, before me, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally I appeared DEAN POLLARD known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to . . me that he executed the same. r Notary Public Residing In:,'.,. .. . I ~ My Commlsslon Explres: POWER OF ATTORNEY . 4240a 1 . . . . -... 11 j/l" . '. :".. ~ ~ . . 011 ..... ~ ~ . ... -, .. .. '" \ ." .. I" . oj. " . . POWER OF ATTORNEY STATE OF IDAHO ) :SS COUNTY OF MADISON ) Know all men by these presents that I, Dean Pollard, the undersigned, of 82212 Hansen Drive, City of Indio, State of California, hereby make, constitute and appoint Roger J. Hoopes of the firm HOOPES & SMITH, 110 East Main, 2nd Floor, City of Rexburg, County of Madison, State of Idaho, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact for me and in my name, place, and stead, given unto said Roger J. Hoopes full power to do and perform all and every act that I may legally do through an attorney-in-fact, and every proper power necessary to carry out the following purposes: To execute two (2) particular contracts and any and all necessary documents related thereto. Said contracts being between Dean Pollard and William Henderson and Dean Pollard and the City of Bozeman, State of Montana I hereby ratify and affirm that which Roger J. Hoopes shall lawfully do or cause to be done by himself lawfully designated by virtue of the power herein conferred upon him. This Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect until such time as it is revoked. Dated this 28th day of October, 1981. /' ) (' 1/ I' /- /~,: "".", ./ ,/" ,." , j, /' /' ... // '/"i:>f :1. / / / / ,,,,'. i Dea--n pol'latd" \ STATE OF IDAHO ) :SS. COUNTY OF MADISON ) On this 28 day of October, in the year of 198+, before me, a Notary public in and for said State, personally j appeared DEAN POLLARD known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the.within instrument, and acknowledged to ,. , me that he executed the same. \ \ , -",' ) , \ /1 ( ,',,' .- 'Not~ ;~Lpubl ic Residing In: /'<j'/i""J' /., d My Commission Expires: ;//:' / ' .. POWER OF ATTORNEY 4240a 1 ~ . ~' .. , . (C G rco,,;, "'0 ~l \ 'Ln,') U _^ /'/ I f"'-'" 'k,. ~,.. -",. / f. ~ .. .,'~ l......J TO: Pollard Finance, Inc., an Idaho corporation P.O. Box 84 Mack's Inn, Idaho 83433 NOTICE NOTICE is given that the undersigned, as Lessee of the green metal building, commonly known as the "Vehicle Storage" building, located at 814 North Bozeman, City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, under a Lease Agreement which is to expire on March 9, 1997, hereby requests that the Lease Agreement be renewed to a termination date of 2002. DATED this 6th day of February 1997. RON BREY, Ac ' anager City of Bozeman, .,. ~~~~