HomeMy WebLinkAbout19- Ordinance 2020 Revising Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 cast C) CO. ORDINANCE NO. 2020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA REVISING CERTAIN SIGN REGULATIONS IN DIVISION 38.560 OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman (the "City") has adopted land development and use standards to protect public health,safety and welfare and otherwise execute the purposes of Section 76-2-304, MCA; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted regulations controlling the size, location, type, materials, height, maintenance and construction of all signs and sign structures not located within a building, or within a building and visible from the exterior; and WHEREAS, in 2015 the Supreme Court of the United States in Reed v. Town of Gilbert struck down the Town of Gilbert's sign regulations, finding they regulated signs based on their content in violation the U.S. Constitution's first amendment guarantee of free speech; and WHEREAS, federal courts since the decision in Reed have held that Reed did not extend to regulation of commercial speech and that the restrictions on commercial speech continue to be evaluated under prior case law; and WHEREAS, City staff reviewed the City's sign code for consistency with Reed and recommended amendments to the code; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission held a public hearing on the proposal to amend division 38.560 on June 4, 2019 and forwarded a recommendation of approval to the City Commission; and Page 1 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code WHEREAS,it is in the interests of the city and public welfare to establish sensible,fixed, uniform and objective zoning regulations for signs. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1 That section 38.560.010 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: Sec. 38.560.010. —Findings Intent and purpose. A. Findings. 1. Signs obstruct views, distract pedestrians and motorists, displace alternative uses for land, and may create hazards that threaten the public health and safety. Such a safety threat is particularly significant for signs that are structurally inadequate, confuse drivers or pedestrians, or interfere with official directional or warning signs. 2. Signs may also threaten the public welfare by harming property values and creating aesthetic concerns, especially where the accumulation of signs creates visual clutter or obstruct scenic vistas. 3. The ability to erect signs serving certain functions, such as address signs and directional signs are important because they enable residents and visitors to efficiently and safely reach their intended destinations. 4. The regulation of the physical characteristics of signs in the cit h�positive impact on the safety and qppearance of the community. 5. The purposes described in this section are compelling interests and the regulations in this division 3 8.5 60 are narrowly tailored to serve those interests while allowing adequate alternative avenues for speech. AB. Purpose. It is the imp and purpose of this division 38.560 to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents and visitors of the city by regulating and controlling the size, location, type, quality of materials,height, maintenance and construction of all signs and sign structures not located within a building, or within a building and visible from the exterior for the following reasons: 1. To ensure that pedestrians and motorists are protected from damage or injury caused by or partly attributable to the distractions and obstructions which are caused by improperly situated or dangerously distracting signs; Page 2 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code 472. To preserve the Bozeman area's natural scenic beauty and character as expressed in adopted city plans and policies; 23. To contribute to inviting entrances into the city by eliminating clutter associated, in part, with the unrestricted proliferation of signs, lights and stringed devices; -34. To encourage area beautification through creative, interrelated design of signage, landscaping, buildings, access and parking that enhances the community's built and natural environment; 45. To give all persons, organizations and businesses an equal opportunity to have a sign that will help people find the goods and services they need; and 5. To ensufe that pedestrians and motorists are pr-oteeted ftom damage or injury eaused o situated signs. The eity eommission ifttends to provide a reasonable balanee between t right of an individual to idepAify their business and the right of the publie to be prote from the visual diseord that results from the utifestr4e4ed p-roliferation of signs. Seetio.B. r-eview. The deliberations and deeisions of the design review boafd must be direeted to aeoomplish the intent and purpose of this seetion. It is determined that the regulations 6. To encourage economic developmentr� distfaetions to the traveling publie. C. The provisions of this division 3 8.5 60 provide a reasonable balance between a person's right to identify their organization or business, or to freely express thoughts and ideas, and the interest of the public to be protected from the visual discord and distraction that results from the unrestricted proliferation of signs. Section 34.340.070 establishes certain exemptions, and alternative procedures utilizing design review. The deliberations and decisions of the design review must be directed to accomplish the purposes of this section. D. This division 38.560 must be interpreted in a manner consistent with the the Federal and State Constitution's guarantee of free speech. Section 2 That section 38.560.030 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: Sec. 38.560.030. - Prohibited signs. Page 3 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code A. All signs not expressly permitted under this division 38.560, or exempt from fegulat on-the provisions of this division 38.560, are prohibited in the city. Such signs include, but are not limited to: 1. Portable signs (except as allowed under chapter 34, article 5 V); 2. Roof signs; 3. Revolving signs, except as permitted in section 38.560.060; 4. Beacons, spotlights; 5. Flashing, blinking, or animated signs, Vl•LED Vt�other eleet, signsexeept LLL for„n ident l signs s defined; e +ia 38.700.110 ftMs ,.hapto,. 6. LED or other electronic messaging signs except for incidental signs as defined in section 38.700.100 of this chapter; 67. Pennants, streamers, wind socks,pinwheels, or similar items; -78. Stringed flags; -89. Inflatable signs and tethered balloons (except as permitted per section 38.560.040); 910. Signs located in public rights-of-way (except for those specifically permitted in this division 38.560); and 4-011. Signs that(a) contain structural components such as size, location,movement, coloring, or manner of illumination that are similar to or which may be confused with or construed as a traffic control or hazard warning device or(b)interfere with the travelling public's view of a traffic or hazard warning sign or si ioa1 Feseff 4'e a offw a' rafk sig of signal, and signs that fesembletfaffie signs beea-Use they predominately display rl "STOP," "GO SLOW,"" "CAUTION," "DANGER,"�7�1 A"WARNING," 1 ;�'��0�cr.�--o-r-vr— , Trc�z , �-smnr�v�EHE--S�i�li�udrww at4ention to tr-affie or-roadway hazards. Section 3 That section 38.560.040 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: Sec. 38.560.040. —PermittedTem-porary and speei,i eve signs; permit required. A. Excluding those signs subject to section 38.560.050,T-temporary signs as defined in 38.700.180 and speeial event signs, sueh as bapners,tethered balloons and inflatable signs-, but o.,,.iudi g those subje t to seet o 38 560 n50,may be alle permitted only as follows: Page 4 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code 1. TemporaryLSpeeial event. signs may be-permitted only with an approved temporary sign permit;„ the zones deseribed; section 38 «n 060 n i and2 2. Applioants for temper-ary signs must apply for, and have approved, a tempofary sign Pow -32. All temporary signs must comply with size, height, and location requirements of this division 38.560. 3. A property mqy have temporary sign(s) on display for no more than 30 cumulative days per calendar year (January 1 to December 31). A new business or nonprofit organization, during its initial calendar year in business or in existence,may display temporary sign(s) for a maximum of 60 consecutive days. period not to exeeed 15 days, for a maximum of 30 days per-ealendar yeaf, ffom January ! to Deoembef 3 1. There must be a period of at least seven days between eaeh 15 day display period-. 5. Te . I .- is whieh identify a new business may be displayed for a period not to exceed 60 days,additional temporary signs must not be allowed until the next ealendar year. Only one tempofafy sign identifying a new business will be penni ed for the life o the business. A subsequent tempor-afy sign identifying a new business may be penni 6. Te . I .- is that identify a new business may be displayed timil the business ereets a pemanent sign, only if the business is in the proeess of obtai i _ � inent sign, o days, w-hieliever eomes first. if the business has previously had a temporary sign ill t same loeation, the business will be allowed a mw6mum of an additional 30 days o -74. Itinerant vendors as defined in 12.01.01 O.A will receive information about allowable temporary signs at the time y-ft vendor appliesy for a business license, but ne a temporary sign permit is not required if the itinerant vendor is operating less thanfor seven days or less. 5 Temperary signs that are A person who conducts seasonal operationsinf=atufe, such as garden greenhouses, boat showrooms, or ski rental facilities, may apply for a longer term temporary sign permit which may be approved for a period not to exceed 180 days. Festival, by applying for and reeeiving a tempor-afy -*r5--.F---.t fOf-their loeation. When notiee of the event and non sponsor-ship related information . . re than 75 per-eent of the banneir area, sueh a tempor-afy sign will not 0ount towards the temporary Page 5 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code and speeia4 event sig-nage limit of 30 days per year. Section 4 That section 38.560.050 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: 38.560.050. —Signs exempt from permit requirements. A. The following signs are exempt from the permitting requirements of this division 38.560 but must comply with the criteria for signs allowed by this division 38.560, except section 38.560.060. In order to be exempt from sign permit requirements, such signs must not be internally illumated, cause glare, cast light onto adjacent property, be placed in sight vision triangles, or otherwise impede or obstruct the view of the traveling public: -3l. All zones. a. Government and public utility signs. Directional, warning, street, traffic control, informational or temporary speeial evepA signs that are erected, installed or placed by or on behalf of or required by transportation agencyfederal, state, county or city government. Public utility signs showing locations of underground facilities or public telephones, and safety signs on construction sites are included within this exemption. b. Incidental signs as defined in 38.700.100. ^ sign, gener-a4ly inf +; na +h.,+ has puTose secondary to the use of the zone lot on whieh it is leeated,sueh as "no park4ng, "entranee," "leading only," and other similar direetives. No sign V�4th a oofmnereial message, whieh is designed with the ii#ei#to be legible from a position off the zo lot o „>t„ b, the sign is i,,eate,i will be eensidered; eide ,+.,l c. Ghost signs. A ghost sign as defined in division 38.700 may be, but is not required to be, stabilized, rehabilitated or preserved to its original condition, design and size. A ghost sign may not be altered in any way that changes its original design, wording, or size. d. Sign on property that is for sale, rent, or lease. One temporary sign in addition to that otherwise allowed by this section 38.560.050 may be located on property when the owner consents and the property is being offered for sale,rent,or lease for a period not exceedingl 5 days following the closing date. The sign may not exceed nine square feet in total area and may be no more than five feet high. 472. Residential zones (R-S, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, RMH, REMU [single-household, two- to four-household, townhouse, and apartments]). a. Non-commercial Ttemporary,non ;ll,,m i +o l signs that do not exceed nine square feet per individual sign in total area at any particular time and, if freestanding, five feet in Page 6 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code height. No mofe than one sueh sign shall be displayed per- street f, ntago. A total sign area of not more than 32 square feet may be displayed at the same time. b. Businesses working at a residentially zoned lot, such as landscapers or window treatment installers, may post an iderAifying temporary commercial sign only during the period the business is actively working on the site and up to three days after the business' work on the site is completedwhen they are—physieally at the r-eside-nee, and the sign must be removed immediately when the working party leaves the property. Each Ssuch sign on a single lot at any particular time may not exceed nine square feet per individual sign in total area and, if freestanding,may not exceed five feet in height. A total sign area of not more than 32 square feet ma b�played at the same time. Not more +h,,n one el sign pers+roo+ f onf ge per. lot ; allowed, Such signs are not considered off-premises advertising so long as the identified business is actively engaged on the site. 23. Commercial and manufacturing zones(R-O,B-1,B-2, B-2M, B-3,UMU,M-1,M- 2, BP, PLI,NEHMU,REMU [mixed-use,non-residential]). a. Window signs,provided that such signs do not occupy more than 25 percent of the area of the window in which it is displayed. If itthe window signs) exceeds 25 percent of the area of the window, it will be classified as a wall sign. For the purposes of this section, a window is a transparent glass opening in a wall separated from other glass openings by mullions or other dividers of four inches or less in width. b. Signs within a structure or building or other enclosed area of property when such signs are not legible when viewed from outside the structure or property. c. Non-commercial Ttemporary non iglu „„a signs (e.g., real estate eI4 e= lease,politieal eampaign,non eonnnereialee g„`; such signs must not exceed 32 square feet in si-zetotal area, must be no more than five feet high and must be at least five feet from the property line when the required setback is in excess of five feet.Only one sign of eae c.ubjeet per street f-roi#age per loft; ts allo e d. A temporary, non illuminated sign idepAifyingh Businesses working at a construction site may he-postertemporary commercial signs on the site with the property owner's permission. The signs for multiple businesses v�411 be aggregated- among all thoseworking on the site and in total Each such sign on the site may not exceed 32 square feet in aizetotal area,may be no more than five feet high and must be at least five feet from the property line. All r i4ies to the development, ineluding but not limited to banks, , > real estate agent, and landse .es, nmst be on a single sign per street ftontage pef let-.-Such signs are not considered off-premises advertising so long as the iae��ea business is actively engaged on the site. Page 7 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code No more than fi�on premises dir-eetional signs not e)Eeeeding fouf squafe feet in af and five feet in height; sueh signs may not eopAain any eemmef eia4 messages. Section 5 That section 38.560.060 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: Sec. 38.560.060. - Signs permitted upon the issuance of a sign permit. A. The following on-premises signs afe-may be permitted in the indicated zones with an approved sign permit: Table 38.560.060 Non-Residential Sign Standards Zoning District 'B-1 672' B-3 UMU' M I' M-2 B-2M r Maximum sq.ft. area 80 per 400 250 250 per 250 per 250 per building per lot per lot lot lot lot Allowed sq. ft.sign area per linear foot 1.5or21 2or31 2 2or31 2or31 2or31 of building frontage first 25 feet Allowed sq.ft. sign area per linear foot 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 of building frontage>25 feet ____f Monument max. size sq.ft. 32 32 32 32 32 32 Monument max. height 5' 5' S' S' S' 5' Monument setback 5' 5 5' 5' 5' 5' Pole style max. height Prohibited 13' 13' 13' 13' 13' Pole style setback Prohibited 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' Pole style clearance Prohibited 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' Pole sign max. sq.ft. Prohibited 32 32 32 32 32 Page 8 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code Projecting sign max. area 8' 8 12' 8' 8' 8' Projecting sign max. distance 4' 4' 6' 4' 4' 4' 2.5 sq. 2.5 sq. 2.5 sq. II Rotating sign max area 2.5 sq.ft. E ft ft ft Prohibited Prohibited 1 The larger value of the two listed applies when a building is located on a lot such that there is no parking or other vehicular use area between the building fagade and the street right-of-way or between the building fagade and a public pedestrian right-of-way adjacent to a street. 1. A comprehensive sign plan pursuant to 38.560.080 is requir-edmust be approved prior to installation of signage for all commercial centers or buildings consisting of two or more tenant spaces on a lot and must comply with section 38.560.080. 2. Freestanding signs. One freestanding sign4s may be permitted per zoned lot as defined in section 38.700.47070 of this chapter. Signage area used for freestanding signs is counted towards the maximum allowed signage area. 3. Wall signs. a. Regardless of the allowance for additional area, the maximum area may not exceed the amount allowed for the district. b. Lots fronting on two or more streets will be„o,.,,,i fte may be allowed signage area for each building frontage. c. Canopy,window and awning signs are ez#ssifiedconsidered as-wall signs.Wall signs may not project above the top of a wall or parapet. 4. Projecting signs. One projecting sign per tenant is allowed may be permitted, unless otherwise approved through a comprehensive sign plan. Projecting signs must provide a minimum sidewalk clearance of eight feet. a. A rotating sign located within the building does not need to provide the minimum sidewalk clearance height. A rotating sign exceeding a rotational speed of one full rotation in two seconds are prohibited. S. Residential building idenfifieation signs. For- pfoper-ties used foF multi househol residetAial buildings, one residential ideiAifieation wall sign per- street frontage permitted.Nomay gIA square uii.0 feet in area.ee o . 65. Ghost signs as defined in division 3 8.700 do not apply toward the maximum square foot signage areas of Table 38.560.060. B. Residential zones (R-S, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, RMH, R-O, REMU). The following on- premises signs are-may be permitted in the indicated zones subjeet4e-#with an approved sign permit: Page 9 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code 1. Subdivision and residential complex ident fleatioi signs. For residential subdivisions consisting of more than four residential lots units and for residential complexes with more than four dwellings residential , and more than one building, one low profile, freestanding, re ghbo.-,00a idea# fieat sign per development entrance is allow may be permitted. No sign may exceed 16 square feet in area or five feet in height from the finished grade. The sign must be set back at least five feet from the property line. 2. Residential building idenl fieatie signs. For properties used for multi-household residential buildings, one rest ei-Ail idepA neat,, wall sign per street frontage is-may be permitted. No sign may exceed eight square feet in area. 3. Signs appurtenant to residential principal, special and conditional uses., and home occupations. a. Sims not to exceed four square feet in total area maypermitted for pgrincipal residential uses and ppp itted home occupations afe permiRed ,.,,,,.,,,..efei,i message sotto exeeedfeu sire feet in area, however, such signs may not be located in any required setback area. In addition, home occupations afe-may be permitted a single one-square foot sign on a mailbox or lamppost or one and one-half square feet of freestanding signage located a minimum of five feet from the property line. b. Principal residential uses are-may be permitted non-commercial speeeh signs whie� if such signs do not exceed 32,0 square feet in total area nor five feet in height. Such signs must be set back at least-15 feet from the property line. C. Permitted Conditional non-residential type uses, such as churches, community centers, veterinary uses, golf courses, day care centers and schools may be permitted signage as if the underlying zoning were B-1. d. Permitted C-conditional and special residential type uses such as homes used as bed and breakfasts homes, and fraternity and sorority houses; -may be permitted signage as if the underlying zoning were R-O. Such signs may be illuminated only during the hours of operation. 4. Planned unit developments. Commercial establishments within planned unit developments where the underlying zoning is residential may be permitted signage as if the lot were in a B-1 zone. C. Special districts and zones. The guide! visions of this division 38.560 appl till the underlying zoning districts-apply unless otherwise addressed below: 1. Neighborhood conservation overlay district. Within this district, prior to the installation of a sign, the city must approve all ignage- is subjeet to is:uanc-eoff-a certificate of appropriateness for all non-temporary signage after review for compliance with the design guidelines for the neighborhood conservation overlay district. Page 10 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code 2. Inter-change zone. Signage may e),we d the maximum total signage area permitted by review authority, upon the reeommendation of the appropriate design review advisofy body, and upon reeeipt of a eomprehensive sign plan. Eaeh lot is permitted tro Stan ; a. how profile signs. One low profile sign pef zoned lot. The maximum area for a profile sign is 40 squafe feet. The sign must beset baek a minimum of five feet wi a mfficingimi height of eight feet. b. Pole style signs. A pole style freestanding sign must be set baek a miflimum o feet and will maipAain at least an eight foot mipAmum veffieal elearanee. Pole style- not exeeed a total afea --r All feet or 16 feet in height, provide however, that for- every two feet said sign is set baek ftem 15 feet beyond the str-ee right of > foot, not to excee a total of 32 feet, and the area may be inereased by two and one half square feet every two feet that said sign is set baek 15 feet beyond the street r-ight of way a maxi of 120 s ofo+ -32. Downtown business district{ --3}. Permits for signs in the downtown business district as defined in 34.05.020.A that encroach into the public right-of-way must be obtained in accordance with chapter 34, article 5 of the Municipal Code. Section 6 That section 38.560.160 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: Sec. 38.560.160. - Signs erected in conjunction with nonprofit activities on public property. A. Signs erected on public property i suppo1* of by or on behalf of nonprofit organizations , are allowed only with the prior consent of the director of the department of the city or other government agency responsible for the property only as follows: 1. The sign is-may be permitted only on structures at developed f edit es in public parks or other publicly owned lands. 2. The sign may be erected two weeks prior to the commencement of the activity and must be removed within two weeks after the cessation of the activity for which the sign was erected. 3. Each individual sign may be no larger than 32 square feet. Freestanding signs must be setback a minimum of 15 feet from the property line and have a maximum height of five feet. Signs attached to walls or scoreboards are not subject to the five foot height limitation. Page 11 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code However, signs attached to walls or scoreboards may not exceed the height of the wall or scoreboard to which they are attached. All signs must be oriented towards spectators attending the activity. 4. The sign may not: a. Be individually illuminated; nor b. Be placed in sight vision triangles or otherwise impede or obstruct the view of the traveling public. 5. Applicants for such signs must apply for, and have approved, a speeiel-temporary sign permit detailing the nee physical characteristics of the sign to be erected and the duration of the activity or date of the event sign will remain i ,.,i ee Applications and review procedures must be made per section 38.560.180. Section 7 That section 38.560.210 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: Sec. 38.560.210. - Substitution. Any sign allowed under this division 3 8.5 60 may contain, in lieu of any other message or copy, any lawful non-commercial message does that oes not dire et attention t business to f, 111U{ li profit, or to a produet, eommedity or service for-sale of lease, or to any other eommereial ipAerest of aE4vi , so long as the sign complies with the size, height, area and other requirements of this division 38.560. the vie:,,NTo4#of the speaker when taking ae4ion to approve or de" sign permits or other ri; at r for Signs. Section 8 That section 38.700.170 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: peeial event sign. A t gn whieh advertises speeia4 eivie events and aetiv sueh as street fairs, eomfftufiity festivals,parades, farmers' markets and eharity beneftts-. Section 9 That section 38.700.180 of the Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: Page 12 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code Teinporary si n.AAU advertising display that appears to be intended or is determined by the code official to be displayed for a limited period of time rather than permanently attached to the ground or a structure. Section 10 Repealer. All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are, and the same are hereby,repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 11 Savings Provision. This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this ordinance. All other provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code not amended by this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 12 Severability. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Bozeman Municipal Code as a whole. Page 13 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 3&560 of the Bozeman Alfunicipal Code Section 13 Codification. This Ordinance shall be codified as indicated in Sections 1-9. Section 14 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty(30) days after final adoption. Page 14 of 15 Ordinance 2020,Amending Certain Sign Regulations in Division 38.560 of the Bozeman Municipal Code PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the 1 Oth day of June, 2019. Y AL A Mayor ATTEST: '`OF•B 02' ROBIN CROUGH =' City Clerk ���'• �83 �'��_ CO.�No. FINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 24th of June, 2019. The effective date of this ordinance is July 24, 2019. YNT lK. DRUS Mayor ATTEST: ,�� g B o2� •, ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk • 03 .rC�' • . . . ti10 APPROVED AS TO FORM: KAREN STAABAUGH Acting City Attorney Page 15 of 15