HomeMy WebLinkAbout57- Standard Construction Co. ;' . . . ~~~r<'>+t;. , , . 'j '. '. , ; , , .. .. - ,..'" . ....<t' . . """'.""';"""";:+#'rP\~'f't~>'{f:;'bi~~ij:.,;.;~,,~_~\:~l'#t;r<*,~#~\Jr';!~,:'fj~~~,:;,~::~~;.",.." ;,', ~,,\t,l t.-,.1I12 AJU) COft'UCT lOa 8ALB oP UAL PROPBRrY 'I.';'."."', '.we .-..teredintoth1s #Z":Q. ,-,. of :", : ' '"j;,., ", "",I,:,',:,'. OCtober, A. J)~ 1917, by "d'1>9t"Il,...~.~ION COIlPANY, ., ~, "\" ~ a MontanacorPONt.:tOa, ..lag ita PriDell*l place of bus!nea ., Boze1DaI&J~Dtua, IAI~ B. MI"". 1DlU'1'. w.a...n,I...C..N " .', and A. T. WHITE) p~rtiesof the ~irstpart, hereiJ:).&fter referred , " ..'" "'.", ",';;'"'' " ",' ","<i;';,;.t~.,1-,,,,,.i'<:T"""'';''t;,, ,',' ,,' " ,,", "",' "-eo'. .'t,....d,~" .,' ,.f '''. "W";lJIiicmjtf;i.f~ , '.'.' . '. ,'" ,',' .,"" .'... ,'. "" ,', ". ,.,. municipal corpora'ion of the state of Montana in Gallatlu County, '",,' , ' ' ' " party of tbe,aecoad part, JI-.1D&fter referred to .s tbe. Leeaee and/or Grantee . WI T 'XI.' a a T,Il: 'l'):)at the ..1d~"'. for and :l1fiGOh81defttl01'l of the rents" covenaats and ~...__...ft_ coll'taJ.lled to be paid, kept l,.. al1dperfonedby tbe ......'.' ha.,.. l....el, 4tMI:1sedaad let and b, these present. do lease, demi.e aDd let uD'totbe said LeflSee, the :::""",.:",::",:,',::~r"):,:,'~'c~::..~~,;;,I<;:I!~\:.,~:,: ":,."':,', ,:" ,,;,,::',::'" ,", :,.', " ,,:~.: ,," , ,~,:"",.).;:(;,:~,,,>I~.J'~"!:',~<'-1\:""'.' ,:,::~""''''.'J:, ~';':" 'I, './",:. feJ:l~ti'g" ~':PNJilses, 51 tuate in tl~tJ;j.~l' Of"~D, 'eoini.ty ofGallatin,...<te .ofll8td;~,.:_d,... partioularly described &$ :,.";. /: ,:",/, ",',:'...., ;,.,,' ',:, ;" ,.i,:?i;>"..;",'~::L}'''''','';'.:'' "~' ': ._""~~~<~~~~.'~t,;' ,: '~',';,:~~I~~~>~~':'i;:;:' .J "': ':<~;":': ...:. ~ :',,:i~~l:?r~~~it:/,'<' ,~""" , :"" . r, 'foI16.,to;'W1t: .'. ".~ All of Block 29 except Lots 11 and nand all Block,SO of laes Addition to Doae.an, Gall.t~. ~*., ,Jfptttaaa.,.U09'rd1DB' to the -.p aaet p1att~t oal118 aDd 01 1'8001"4 in the otfice of the County Clerk anel Ie- eoz.cter of Ga1.1at1D eount:,., 1IoDtau., Togetbu wtthal1bul141aap _ st~tu.. situate tbeJ",on; 'l'OU'B AID TO BOLD *_ above l..."~..'to tit. sa,1d LefIB..~,,1t. nee...' 'aDd"'.__;" ''fb~ a!'14dJtr1i1ga>'tenn not to .exceed tWe~(Ie;l,..u.. .treIa....,..,..,';-:,... date bWMI,wQ_ " ' .':, .. ., '.".'. .,,"'.',. .. Soo..x-~...t-"b,. 'tbfJt.e""~~E)?t. or otherwise ;yTelding and pa"~UI' ..fortlie' ..:'tif .."'t;~~';~"-'''~;'';\.I~.' descHbed' and le....d premises, the sum of Two Hundred Port)' Dollars <$240.00) pel" IlOnth in l~wful _Q8Y ..~.'b.e United Stat",un't11tlte .'-. . . . . . . , ,~~'f ": ,:,~;.}~~~}~:',. ':::':~;':,' ~ , : . . . . . , " . " . .. . ~ . - ,II . .'>..\,....'..";$.p;<......"i'~>\."to,~,~:,:~'t"''(;:~~~:;,'1~t";~'4;:~~jll~;X~~ii:l~1:~'~If~~f~~~~~~"Jl!'l~~:~~'\~:!i'~',lf,.... .", '." . '-,"',..'*.......t1oit. ~f, or Uatl1: til.e .,ull pQI'Ch&8. pr1ce hereinafter ..gr_cito, be paid by the Leu.. toth_ Lessors 1. amortized and . 'Pti..,';t;,..Ml.1t...~aa ap~j.O# Q,tbls aP'MMnt beJ.-einafter . '.',.' "!"',,''':.'- ,'" ',', ' ",::.' .: '.,," "", . 1I,C)...,Mi,.,..ttorthtbattb.~...bal1,,_"tk. 'option to , " , ' "', ' , , , ,"". :' ~ '. ',:-: ,: " :,' \ . ,,; ,., ' , :.. .. I" "" ,,( i':l, " ' ' . '~utG... t"p"~,.l"""be....der. Iuch rent..Is are to be .' , " ",' . p~l..'f..tiAva.nC.bJlOI' ~..... the te.thday d __ aad every :, '",,::,.,.. " ".,'." ,.'." :'." ":.1,,, ,:,:,:,:~..... ,::,:,~;,:::" :,::,,::' ::.. , ,,:: ,~,....' , .' .. monthc!UringtH~'ful1 te:rmof 'tbis lease, the. first monthly rental ';';'>':)*'{:"'<'/"\'(:!.:~t'0;illp,.,,',.iR\,"'t'1IlI!"~.._:~..:.:(~~i;~;_.""'..,..J"'I'JlJl.'" o~ . J.. ,'. poss_ioll C)f tbe preis_ by said Lessee. SUch rentals shall be ~"i:d,t()t_oN..ref the Stalidard COnstruotion Coapany unless the ."~'d;It.._rd ~....tlOJl ..~ 81lo1i&14duriQgthe teN of this ,,) . ' ~ ' ' . "l~" ,ooa''''be 41..1ved.1.0 ""ch __ sa1d rentals are ,"t~'be~d to _.'.1.IOWiDI -...,.....?tu following designated ;;. ,\.~10.h eat....j. ,.~.O.J""". IIltt.l4." j Irene '_~,'I'."; ...........,~. lid", 1..... It j.;SWlCle"8toodaa4:....abJ' ,... partt.. h...tothat . poniOD ..4:;,;~~"'<;s.~;?)f:Ji;i:i<"~!~~~"'''~:~'''';~~~~it~~~~~.~:r.~~~4.,pr.~;..~.. ."are present 1, .le~!~~Y"!?'~;"w~~~<'i~e~s()rs ,. "'''';(e. .. of Porty Dollars per month oll.."WIlDf'tterm lease to 'V'f;'f,,.;;,,,.q',,, ""'i!"''t..~.P,~~..'.''''''.;>~lII.') 1M.. ..... Idlhooo~:ratloll.' ;:',..".,. '.'~t~M''l\k~~i)i&\\lt;i'i~r;1'~',;:~~~\'~~'''?I>.\,i.~~':':''''~~"'''. ..... . .. .. " '.. .' . '.. .... . ,'" '~:l~il)cl{.1....willa;p1" oDor about December 12,19157, and that l'IpOQ 'ttie .ecutlon of tbi8Leue &ndCotltraottbe LeUors will assign ,..let 1.... totlut l.....beQin 1'.~1td alldthe 1..... shall b. ..,' ' , , ' . \ ,'Atltl.ct t9 I'eC4ttptofal1 of the "Mf1t. the..eto. ~t 1. 1lDdeWlt.....d. agreed by the pUltle. h._to that during th".of tllt.l_,'tuL,aaee shall bave the sole andexclue1ve '......pod_.l0n ...otM14 .1....d.A',.......J,.~11.ha..tb. rigbt to remove ,,;:,,:,i'ii'."$atd"'1ir~..i "'i;j;";l.fg~=:Dt'~ · '~~e ~t ;th~"expense of the Lessee ,', '-, ,. 'f'~":'~' ,....:,. .:;.... ~. . .. .,.. .'.1r'"","..:w~.~: ".', ,..~ ;',.'~.: ~.":, ,'. during the tera of this leaie',' &\nd . ;b8.f1 have' 'the'~ti!.bt/tG>_i<"d i\c;~,:~~,.e#~i""~:~.i~O~.'P~."'..P~Vid1J1g that the I'."" ',~,:',' ,':' . " I : .' " ':,-' ., ",~>, :0:' ,: ':.,' ~<,<.~,~,{\' ": ~t:.~';~j;,">.::,-r:!'",!~.~':';,i':: ,::~<:. "~,~:':'ii,(f:'~ ";';~~~';~j:5:~,~.i~~'~:::~::~~~~~:\~,~,;;:;"',,,~. ,~i~~r':;i#X ~.:,:,::\~~::(;, ':~, ":1,:\.: ~':,,:;,:!;;;\~,"'," ','"," ,/" i~ ":' '. ,', . sue ..are_tntu.... by the Lessee lil .. 'N8Ji6ild1.'" ftit. of repair, ~ble weu, .t....> ....... daMge b7 the .l....xrt.alone .xcepted. .,;,..; ",'1',' -1- .. ., . - : .." .....:-:'.,' :~' ''', ' ,I fA. ._,~ . . . . , . . . to terminate the said lease, and any and all rights, interests and estates that the Lessee may have in and to said premises, by sixty (60) day. notice in writing, signed by the Lessors, of their intention to terminate said lease, and. upon such termination of said lease the sald Lessors shall have full and absolute right to " re-enter said premises and to resume possession of said pre~..s, and to have and hold the .... &II full,. aad ccmwletely as they cou.ld .' do if the term herein specified had tully expired by lapse of time, and such termination of said lease and re-entry shall in DO manner operate as a forfeiture of any rent due or oovenanted to grow due " or the right of the Baid Lessor. to the performance of any of the covenants berein contained, by the said Lessee to be kept and per- formed; prOVided, however, that the parties hereto shall use every reasonable effort to find a suitable tenant whose rental shall be applied to reducing the rentals herein provided for. The Lessee further covenant. and agrees that it will not assign or trans1er thi8 1.... or sublet, either in whole or 1n part, the premises leased hereunder without the written consent of the Lessors being .irat obtained. It is further covenanted and agreed by the Lessors with the Lessee that UPOD paying the rent and perfOrming the covenants and agreements herein by the Lessee to be kept and performed, the Lessee shall and may peaceably and quietly have and hold and enjoy the said leased premises for the term herein speCified. It is further understood and agreed by the parties hereto that in addition to the aforementioned tera1aatioD of this lease for non- payment of rentals or for violation by the Lessee of any other covenants herein entered into, this lease may be terminated at any time durlng the ten thceof by the Le.... bJ the stving to each of the Lessors of twelve (12) months written notice of the Lessee's intention to terminate the lease. -4. " . ....'~'~":'.~:I,'~~i<:, ':... . ~ :J'. ... ~ . '. , . , W . , . . -, -;;" -. .. 'I: II. < ..' .;..... . . - , .. . .."' , , ,. r.. ~.':;.< . 'W , it .'"".'..... ..'.,. ....' , ."2.,,..'l~~.~~'1I;" H.]j__~..",~r.i "", ' ""."1"'-'.."......,' . , ,.,,;,' ",. ....'.,>:'.. :reuta18 over and abOve n.ch pa~at. shall be IWP11ed on the balance of 1;~, .~,pUce..reJQ&i;q~J1~. , ' ,', , . , ' , ", ' ,~ ..' .U1."""beI" W14ers~o-oct M;d .,"_~", tltePart,ieB hereto \ , ,,~', : "~<" ,'" :/'~\~~ 'V:(""" .' that 11 LeAora..orantotll'H...IhlJ.d,~_, 8bPuld bereq~r"to , ' ',' . ,_". atnya4d1tio..l.......If. .,t_ ~t1qDO.,p.vl~ ..... .' .'. . . ....:' ". . ' "1' ',' " ,J' . "",,'" ., . '.' _,"."-"w,va6Utional taxes or assesS1II8Rs tor &llJ'...-,,- ~1.~t~~ '~. 1;~ "'~M,':i~e"t;~~t~~-"!~"'''' ~..,. ..,.i,14cl., :,. .11 'be ~ by t1le~t'" ~f aIlJ' II'IICh.....8II8D1:s .'" It is ~bIr und.entood and agreed by the. partie. bar.to that 1;h.op't1cntb.eni.........~to ~.~....on.ntee to pllI'Ohue t thent~ 1e....~_at pyttao durtng the t_.ol the 1... sha11_. ~diPed to ........1:I..1:1,....I'C1..d ftea aod 11 1;h. total puJ.'CbaM pr1..of Tht*",,~tve T1IouADdDol~ (ta5.000.00), ... ~~ 1.:UOO......,."Jl_.....-n.1OM aho.,., 1s paid., ,~ It. 1.'-'_........... :...........,_ tile parii..b....to r' that 'the Le.-aee'!4ranee sball haft, a.d ta hereby papted, the :; ;.....'.f.,..,.,..7....."............... a"~I''''.''''''-;;- " ..: ,~ !.,', " .':,t'l",,::L,,'r~:'....~:' ..,'t , the agJ."8eu D1ODth11renta;J.,~at~, replar :renta.l pa.ying date. such ."'.' '~"'i \ "":;,L, Y",: "j:',..i.,"....,,_"~\,..;;.~lr.-...';Ij:_i.........:lilJIt'#(1W, ..,.., 'p~", of .tJw;',;t;I'Il__,~~:i("''''::r:r''-'i'' .. ,', ., ," ..{::"..' ".:' ,. " ""," ..' " " " ,'.' ~: ',: ~.' " . '.'t., : '~' ,..' '.:' '.: ' , " , ,", \' . Grantors if the opt lOll heJ-e:l.Jl granted to the Le....-Gn.Dtee 18 DOt __1'01_, ...b(l ~o apply....,. th9 PlD"c-..pI'1ce 01 theproper't,. in the ...... h.,...lDbefwe pl'OV~i"h~-GI'..ntee exerci... . ',' ,".' " the optiOD herein' p.....~tiUpuro... 'the luaed 'hili.... J ~'t.ia ftnher ~ood __a~ by tlMt part i.. her.-to that to eft.,ate 'thta .~Yl.1o- oftble ___.antenati.. to ,:. the Les8..-GI'.....,.,,~.;.~i_.;..;__"::....;',~..... *- '~CT"""";'>';hereunder, the Le~.:~"'''"", -.0 .....4 _ute:: pod . _.~~.~".~, . .',' L ' " ' ,:':', ' . . aDd.lltf1Q1'D~_"aDtYDe~dS conveying totbe 1,essee-Grantee a '......';, . ' .'......,._.... of .11 '.. ,. .~< ,.'. \4...,~I. ;'; ,~. >'.',,'~~r~., ',,:' .,: ,-: :',.~ '",' ,~ -.i! ' " eDC'UJlaDraaees whatsoever, to the property leased h....eunder, whicb W,arra.Dty ~ ,au 1JMexecm~ orip_l'of tbiS ap8ell8J1t aballb. l "'\ -6- I~'I ' .' '. . , ~ ,,' ~- .. ~ I " . . . . . . . -. . ... . < .~ , . .' . . ;. . -' . ,0 " . .- '110.. lo" . . ""~.~~;<l'I'Il' 411i'tJ....'. . &""a~,_t""(""'_~)"""~l .' . .,' ........, ....:'.c, ,;.,:11.. .. .'. ..,.....''"1.' .H': ,'? . ..:.,., . ,'.. '. ". '. .'. ..... ..a BO-.aa, 01 Bozean, IIont_, 111 ..crow, together with a 18tte7: 0'1 eaarowiD8tl'QCtio. .,iped by all Qf 'tb.epanies hereto, Whtch lettvtl1laJ.l ~Mtruct"he _i4 ..lft1'."oa&1....U 8oz....'0 bold said agr...nt ., ....&Ilt7'.....,aaa;tl1the option h.reia 'p.-&nt\td.. 'toth.LetIHe...ona~.18...rc:L8.d by ~:t,tfi)"}Ulti.l t~ ' ;.....;:d.i*l.;......8ha11 expire, whichever ehall tirst, ...a. The , ~;~cl"~"" Jfa,a.~.,~.,~,'It,~;,!JI1Il.i.,".I.:",....$.". ,_ ."~~.'.LI..I.~" Gra.Dtee theeaid .~ DMds or "deliver t.. to the Lee...... GrantonupoG....~d in case the Lessee.-Grantee faila 1>> perIod the teu ~. -J ..-0"'" 01'" ot.... apeMM1I1atlY..., , " , . , ' " . , connect.4w:t.thtl:11a "~'.. "'11be~D...ua111b, "be pt.rt1.. h~o., .. 1. bere1...... PHY1ded, DO ,as81p,.-"t or '..-ter ot 'this .. 1..... &Qd,ooDt.... J~'" .ot &Il7 1llt-.at t1tereuader shall be _de ", the x..u............,'boat.... vi"".GODIIent ottbe LessOl's-GJianton being first obt.a1ned, but 1t ia UJUIerstood and agreed by tbe parties '.....'T~,"......~ ~'1JIMt11ba th..~ft..... '," ''-''''}'''.'., '''''''', . '" .'..., ".',...,.. .'. ....",. .,,' '... :v~'.... ,,!," "', "', . .',' .'.... assip, i;ftD8fer',.ell0l"!!~l' Clverthia 1..-..e and oootraot, aDd that ".-V~~...;_.e~":'iftJJm~.:.l..'" ._ and....l1 be ' .'.",:".\i .' ,\~. " '. " ,.. , ' .. 8ubje~t to all tbe prov1aio.. and. obl,.':10118 berei. conta11Md 1n favor oforagailUtt the LteIlO.~t9" '!' .XB VhUJ. ........., .,the,-.i4ItaDdardt Qoutruot10D eoawaar. , ' ' . ;" ". , \., ., ,. caU" tt....rate ..~.,to" ~1bed aa4lt. cos-porate....l$o be afts....',b'" 1t. proPN'''b"lC," th~o 'tbI1~autbOri"d.and , ,', " ,. the .u""'lQM a. ."~'.JJd.1\a ,...JW.;te, II''' CaJll\OD. a1UJ A." T. " White bave he~'t~""'.~',b~"':''',,'.,.'..''):'''. pU't7 of .. ' "?...tb.&eCQ~4paFtIaU.~~",,!IR ita .~b1 i'tll,..."J'01l"Md C~ of the ,Cj,.t.yC081..1on, each thereunto dul., autborlMt1,ud has ....N;._i,,:I'~..l...jl.tt'.;;.i..!~:,~,~;,~,~;lJ..~h ~'~~""" H~ ~~r~5~ ' "',' " " .', ~" "~ " Aft_: .' ' II'1'AIIIIAIID COIIllft1lCrIOlf J;:ABY c,'-;'::l... " .... i. /~ .,:,S;. R'~1 .'ft.~ov ~~.t-<~<_,;~,~~. '. .' ., " ~ - ..7. ., :~ ,~,~ "..'.,>{~;~Y,i'. ....'\'..'. ' ~.',.. -.-.;~l'::. . ~,'~~' '~"'" ' - . . ,~~~~~"~:,:~~\...". ".:' '~,r , ".:-..~....~ :pe,Ao.xddy ~...'...'.'.,.."......"....""'.'.',"""."'.'..'...'.......'....'.....~..'................' . ," . . , ' , ., - .,.,....... .' )/~.-~.'. ..... .tJr~.- t>~....ls _~~<~::'"~'-'~.uiiJ:JN v-" , ,.,', ' , ., ~ ~~ . , . ,',' ~ "'" ' ' "/ ~', "- KwlUl~ ItJ .LLl:) IJU, - -' a3.1q~ -.I. .V .,../ "",.. ('lft8) . -.~ J-/- - ('1ft8) '~~ . '.'. ,.,..'.... . ,'''I.JU~> ('lYU) -~ -c 7 . ~, '~ 'f~~) ,.'~ ",' ":';:",~ .. --";'i,.-" ," 4 '..... 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