HomeMy WebLinkAbout54- Western Star Lodge Number 4
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< J" . . . 'r'A. :i . .
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TJlISAGllIlqtI1'. _de'ancl entered .into tilt' ninth day of
.rune. A.D~lJI4..' b".ad. b.t...~ the WJ8TBlUI STAR LODGB NUMBEIt
\., "" ,,:, . :.. ' '~ , ' ~ : '
.. J/JFTD INDIPIlmIRTofUjl.aO', ODDP.IQ,OWS, a Montana Corpora tiOD
\~~~'\\';';':~". "','.",'" ","" , , .
of.Boze.n, Gallatin. C..._nty, J(ontana. act1a8:t'7 andtllro\lgh
it. duly.leetH" ,qualified J and actinl Trust... ,theparty
of,tbe first part, hereinafter called the Lessor, and.Tlle
........'''...f';:3i::-'lit(?!:,~''>vwet~,.':i'8f '....ill_.~:;':'i.:'~1Ift\Ir~~ti~~Fi~';:Gl1ttl_lt.i.fk;:'::}'\'''::''''''" ,
Montana, party of th....cond part, hereinafter called the
L._,... , -.
.. I T~ Is.l'T'.:
.'. ...:.
That 8aid Lea,ot"ct 'tor and in considerat1oD of the rente.
covenant's and alr"Il~Dt.h.re~Dafter cO!Jtainedand to bepai4
.D4p.rfo~d"_,::':t"~:':.'_.'i~..e.,, h", leas", '4..at..4 a.nd let
" .' ";\-:... ':"""'::";"'" 'C- "', . ",.... '_ ." '. .. .'
".""bf .hes. pr.....t.' 40'.. le..e, - dell1..i,ancl let utlto said
Le.... tb..:tO,~lowi.al::~..cr1bed pr..i.... 81 t\late In The City
ot SO.....n',' County GtGal'latill,' State of Montana, and described
" , ~'I
Lots ODe (1) ,all1:l"t1fe (2) in Block "8U of
Aldereou" 8 Ac.tditio,b' toTbe City of Boze_n, Montana.
TO BAVI AND TO BOLDt""'abo.. .lea.ect premses to the said
LlSS'I, tb.\IOO...01"..I1....1'118:1 f,or and durlncthe term of
ten (10) years frQ. anc! a.t~:.r tile 'dat.bereof, yieldIng and
payln, for the liIame, to the Leesor, 'tile aUIl of NiDe thou.and
dollars ($9,000.00), payable in lawful money of the United States
&8followa: The.ult of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) per month
payable on or before tbe tenth day of each and everllllOnth during
'"to, ',. .
thefullterli,r'df;,:it'ltlsl.-ase upon 'the pre.entation by the Lessor
to the Less.. of a properl".necutecl clai. for tne salle.
Iti. understood &tu$ acreed by and lIetween the partie. hereto
that the .IA.... intends t.Quse the premi... 1.,..4 hereun4erfot*
. ~ . . " . .
" . 1 . . . . .
. ~
ap\tbllc park1.. lot ..... tbat.t... Le.... .....li ba.. tll. rllht
.....'r1yl~...,at1.t..xp...., ~.' 0'.. 4I'i',._" .utr..e.. and
. .
,..~ :1:0'............., .I'M1:...'.t....c..Ol'b~rl.r. .....,.
; / ":' "",r. . .: ",'.' ',~ .'
W,_...al" to...." o".r..'lO.,.:'. ,... ., ot""".l.. ."tface
. p....l....... to' ....."" ......,,~..b.1" ...MO.lIl.0........or
,":'::.' , ...,"".' ',: ',,', ',' I.~ '.,." ',. ~
t....,......br.,t...:- P....~, ,&aM, ... 1'".i~dtofaCl11tat.
it. 11.. as a public car parkin, lot, and 1t 1. f.rtal" ...,....
...,',',...~....Y\,:;,,~,.,'''JiJ._J.... .... ....,." ,', ..,' '.' ......'. .' .... ." .......,....."....'.
.,," '...Ii'-.,' ~:.. '.' .tood,;',II''i....~.'.t...i:''.~w__r.;t....ll'.~.;(~.d_~'r''..:F""""
. '. " '.. ,.., ..'.':..':/ " "'. '" , ..... .."t,. ". . ;"..'", ""'.. '.' ".... .':' ..... ",,'''',.'''' . "",..,t,' ,"
... '....S.. '1:'" t.ra of till. Le&a. for aa,. .1I16W~1l1 or,ctffen-
,..:r'l.t_t,_.r....J:III~oOttaacl'..p'eed'b' ... ~.t"'ll . ,..
,,""1,..: ......t-..l'batt'.t. l.pl'...., IJ,..i_.t. ,upo.tb.
.' . "', ' . . 01lt
..1~ ..r._...... ,r..l..'.e.".w."ll......~ ..rta.t.;bul141.llp
I . ' '.' ...' . , ", .
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*.~t.~',te."t1a9...ap-... .to.:I;tll.~:..~1:1.cu.r....
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fro..," .a~.""'''' '.~ tJaa. ,.....0.......101l of~",.a.i4
,:,preai_ t.p..,. to tli.La..... 'ttu.:__ will ..1'...., tell'
" :', '. ," " ,
1...U.la, and aurflLciDI foru.e .. a pUblic c.... p.rkilla'lot
". " ,,""'"''''-:'~''' t ",' ;,' .,' : .
.ail..t.r..... ~..
Jt 1. ,'u,,,,. ..."'.too.... . ....." ...br
. " ,
tnt lftll._ m.....tltl' I"..tal "a,.,o,... ..., ofth.., wlletl,.r
. . ,',
"~~ :,:. ,,( :
tile ....b......... Ol"..:t. are "~'..l...,~......hn 1:b.,. b.OO*".
. ' ..
, . .
.flu*._1'11 .._7 """...,""".0" a., 1I:1.cI.Il~11beco1lld.tt.cl
.po. t.....14, P......., 8r1.1 ..,part oft.....14 ,rell1... are
..b,..l.t'or.._...let, w1$1Io1lt t...eo....~'.1 ,... LINI.ol" ..
",...I...,ta.. ..-.vl4,., ,ol"b, op.l'atlRot:l....Ho'lf t;Il.L4t..... .
....t~:."....OD....'''''..... . ol'lf t b..'1.Le:........l1f~11 ,
rt..:Cl"'or"rif'8Hta PWton.a:a,. ofty ......B......<..""... . to. ,". ',. . ..
bek.jt ..It. ,.~fo....~ ._.n aDd ill '..t..eat, o~a.;. of tb..,
th.Le..ora_l1 Ila.e'be 1'1"'__ .ts.t.>opt~OD,"Il": .tlc", I'l.bt
1....I".bf r....n..,..'1. ,",.:'0 1:al1l1aat. tla..a14 ~.... aJUI
. ...
aD, ..a."11 r.~~Il,.t '.' iat...t. .' an ..tat.. tbattll........S ..,
h.... In.... to ..1. pl'..l..... b, elK" (80) _,..no1:1ee lawr1t11\1,
11 ' ,.',~, ", ':
.~ecI ..,.'the ....tI4n',' ~'t. ,;Me.tor 6t1:0.",., o.fl'. la,..tiQIl
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_ ",... .#... III.. ";it -..I . 110
. .
. . .
:-; _ "i, '/'
to tel'llinate sa14.Leaa., a,nd upan such terJal.nat1on of sa1d.Le...
th. ..id Le.sor shall h..... full and absolute"right to r.e!lter
~ "-:. ." ".. "'. .
.laid pre.i.es and to r..UIleposs..siOftof .aid pretia.., and
to ba.. and hol4the .... ..:ful11':,~ftd .cotlplet.ely as it could
. ,
do I~ theter. Iultr.lllf'....1tl..'::ba~.fullY esplr..lay lapse of tlae,
an'.ucb terat'nation of sa14 Leu. aDd re-entry shall iD. no
_noel" operate as a forfeIture of any rent due or covenanted
. :"" '<("',"'~'\1'>" ',: :\;",\""'::~.'''''' <,':, ",'.' """" """ ,,: , ~i,'::~,jL~:~;;'~::'~:"J.',;.,<::",:~:, f.":!:':, ",:' ,;' ":":. :':',','; , ''"'', <:~:,:::.::\""" , .:."..: ,,<,' " "Y~/",~":)":~;;':r\:"'~:""'>'i~:J(""~ ,;~ :-: "0"" . ",,, :'","~'" ;':"".-
Irowdu."6io":'W~,,~*,...tof *"..1ci r.i..or to 'the ,'p.rforunctS
ofaQ1.of the co,.nants herein contained, by the said Lessee
tob_ kept..~d.p.rfor_;provi4e4, bowe....r, that the parties
hereto shall ue>eve1"Y. rea_onable effort toflnd a8ultILble
tenl,Dt whose rentt;l _hall beapplie4 tore4uc1nc the rentals
Ilerein proY'1cle4fQr.
It is t~th.r U4.rstctOclu.4.....ecl b1 theparti..hereto
. :, ,.
" .,.
tbat: th, ......or, , :)),1 t..lfor",..nt ora..nts, sball ,have the
il'11'bt to enter the P...at...'le,..d hereunder at &11 reaeona.ble
and view and make improvements thereon.
;<,,,~,}~~,';,~~:'i,~':::'::,, '..>:.:.," ""'>"':"~:~~;"""::,:-~':"'?'~:"""",""',~~.,:::':',~:'~'''''~: ~ "" , ,,"':: "",' .',
further: uri.*Hod'.,aa. a~..4b, tile p"rtl.. be..et..\)
that UpoDtb.e exp1nti9Dof tht. LIt...e as herein specified or
UpoDtil.e t.r.i....t10D of th.!......e .sb,.reIn provided,' the
Leas.. will peaceable a~d qui.tly surrenderan4deliver up the
. .
..id Pr'..ls.saJid ..1.1 of ,the n()DrellOVable improveaents.de tiler.to
i.B as pod ooJadlt'j.onas when received by the Lessee., reasonable
wear and t.'arand damAge.lone excepted.
It 1s further eOV.D&DtftCland air..a by'tbe Lessor with tk.
,,'.' ".' .,'., ,', '.
j . ,
Lesseethat'upm. !.,t..."th.~.Jlta.J).4. perforainl.the COYenaD t.
and agreeme,nts hereth by the Le..ee to be kept and performed~
tb. L......balland...,. p.aoeably: aDd quietly have and'b()la
, ..~.
. . .
and .~jo.,. the>8a14 leti..d,pr..l...for'.th$te,ra hereln specitie4.
, , " , .'," , ' ' . ." ~~,~/ . 'I' II. ,.
. ~.l
~tis furtb.r(~.a-.tOOd ..n4 agl'ee4b1 and. between the-
parties berf!rto,tbat thet8S!Ge e,aDElot ,..ust DQt, and.ball not,
>, ,,'
. .
, '" . . . " . .' .
w ... - ,
.. .
-4. ...
.adth.L.....Cov.ul'ltand al~.. that th.y will Dot ...1,D
or traDsfertbls. .L.... or'llUb;"'J.,t,,',e:1:tb.,f11l wbol. or lDpa~t,
, 'J..' ", Y.,
the preaisell lea.eclhereaad_,r W,J:tbout the wr1 ttel'l consent of
. "" ",'"',''' ":"" ',." ."," ",';. I. "'._. .',
'::''.:, ',' "" ", :,Ti,' ",""" .
the Le..or bei,h, 11r:.t c)btalne4", pcI,-'.houlcl the Le.... .s.ieu
Or tran.:t.l"t~;h,".s.'or,'ub~1.t "DY ottll.'" prea1... ,or
. ' . 0' .'1', \.,. ".,," '.r, '". .
atte.pt 'to '50 do, SHh""l;PUIK,:transtel" or sub-letting
. ',,, ' ': , '~' ,
will be not binding and of ' no legal force or effect, an4sho1l1d
", ";"~"'trl\1;Ii''"t1lI'''.o;'..".i:'.''~.t,., itcJ,,;;..;,tdd;"-<'iH'?:."~M.WI..'i"""i';4'-
''''-'::::V!' .e,,'! ,," '.,',:, ,_}'?~'}:"\;:'.':""" ,':,i,;'-.,';",., '.__" ,,', _.,ii" _ . ',,'"
, ,
. . " ~
th.t";Lea'se shall tibereupon be forttt1 ted.
It is further,nderstood and agre.d that upon the expiration
of the terlllof this Lea.. the L..... t.hall have first option
to renew thIs LEt.... ftJ". period of ten (10) ,..ar8 and at a
rentalot Sevent,...flveDollar.($75.00) per IlOnth.
it i.furtbe'''_'.~'Ot:HlaDd acr.ad that 1t" durin, the
.," . '.
.', -,. .
. " ,
.,', ' c ~'..
t...a of tbisLe..e,Qt' &}1' renewal'tbereot, tbe Leesor .hall
decide to otter the Ilr.....,~"." hereunder for 8ale, the
Le.see ahall have the first option to purchase the same at
..bfpric.'for' "tlUJ"(,~_.Le..orl.;dfxfq"fo ..11 ttt. .";',"
It is further understood ...nd agreed that posse.sion of the
pre.ises l~ased. hereunder.hall beaivan to the Lessee within
' ' "'., "i .'.""r.-
sixty (60) day. from the date hareot and that the tera of this
,Lease and rental provid_dtar .herein -b*11 becin On the d.ate that
.uch posse.sion ia as.uMd by the Le.....
INWITNB8SWBBUOP, tile .ald p.rtJot tbe first part has
" ' ,
cau.ed it. corpor~te name to be su.cribtd and its corporate seal
tobeafftxed,llJiltsproper officers \~here~nto duly; autboriz.d,
aadtlle p-artyof thes.eond part has herjuntoset its hand b' its
Mayor and Clerk ott:he Cl ty COJlUli8s1on, each thereunto duly
authorized, and has cau8editli1 corporate .....1 to be affixed, both
.. ot tbe day and,...r first hereinoefore written.
, "'.;;...........,~.....'..............,~...:..............'...~...:. ....
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7'Auaust 19'-
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~.tithe "bn1'fJf' TNateel&
......_ ...._...-0.40:. - ,.... ..' . ._'.. .'.... '.'_ -
.~ .star. Lo4ge.l&o.,"'.r~I.. 0..' o. F.
210~;'ii~ AwnUll
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,Wi'tbref~ toQ\Jr4iseussiOn..,~th YQ~ _Boaro 00. 3 August .'
_:liarter- of'" tl'Ml.,City'. 1...,01 the Lodge property m Willscn
i~ and Batcqak8't88t,- referred totha City Attorney and
-'aiPdisousGSd'Jd.tll the City Camdasion at their meting on 5
~t 196-:. . -
tr ',fh
,'~;"~ntnp8 ..'~ 1ltade..to .~. Lease ~eeo.nt 'entered into
..;,bj;:~;~abd,tha"-City en 9 J~l9S" and in particular- the
:,'pQl~."ini~gD4- to therel18wal of the 'lease' fwnd 00 the
.s:" .xttci;;~ last .--J}IIIlI "qf u.. ~MiOOnt, ~g as follows:
\'.'~,' :::;,;,;"~,,,.~;:> ::';~,ei' ,:~;'" , ,,:: ',::;":. :~/. , ' , .
'''It' ii::~ ~mCOd' and-...4I1'*Id tha'tupal the expira-
"tt.'::Ofthe tea'ot, thiS Leeae the Lessee shall have finst
; qltiOn -tb ~. 'tbiaJ,._ toJ:o a period often (10) years
Md" -.. reriU4 of S41Jwrity-five Dollars ($75.00) per month."
.,," ,.
'I~':{~:{~'"'opinim .Of the .City At'tomeythat the Lodge is firmly
bC6ldby,titis ~tij.onanc1 in view of th~ fact that the City
, '<u4'.~.p..yrrenw.of $75..00 lnJuna and July 'of this year and
W1ic;n-.,~ts, _".iIOO8ptedbythe LodRG. did in fact e.rcise
tJ18.ot~t8 optlonancl did l'WIMI",~. lease fOl' ltJ'lother ten year
.... periOllLat a rental of,$75.00perlllGnth.
,. "..:" ~ " . , .' ' , '" , ". ",' ,," ,'" . "
'I ?',' "" ,'L"' , ~ ,,'. .
"ii";~k~eCi~ptlit1ld..i9ll:_Ptea,~ opiniooof ti1eCi'ty Attorney and do the",fore
)~r~"",:"" "'-'~"Tamsi<;lell":~ 1...01 your,~ject property renewed as indicated. \
"' We~~~g1,.ene~. 'h.z.dth Ci~ ~t in the atnaJIlt of $75.00 for
r, =~~t~ :;;?"tywW. QCI1t~ Mking these payments thIQ.Igh
.':':,,:,~"~\r ,:,,,,.,.~'.,- J
,~., V .,:; ,,, "-: . ::"
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~:,; ,~/r~~~~~;::~i! . li":" . OSCARE. o.rrr:nfG
"'~. '''~ "^',m:C,WS;".
,.;'i"-eno...<~::f "'"
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1. o. o. F.
June 141 1954.
To Whom it may Concern:
At a regular meeting ot Western star Lodge No ~ rOOF o~t 5 195~ th&
Following motion was mame, seconde4 and Carried:
Be it reso1ve~ that the Trustees ot Westenn star Lodge No 4 rOBF b~
.~'- ,. -'.'" - '~...,,~.~ ._~~ --" ..- ",..~. -
glv~n authority to oontra~t with the city ot Bozeman in regard to leasing
Wetern Star No 4 property located at 101 South Willson.
I certify that the above motion 1& a tru~ and exact copy of the motion
as it appreas- in the Mlnute Dook 01l' Westenn star Lodge: No 4.
E Sect
313 North Blaek Ave.
, -
... ,-
--- -