HomeMy WebLinkAbout86- Sweet Pea Inc ~ - , . , - SPECIAL PERMIT FOR PARK USE TH IS AGREEMENT t made and entered into this ~;:; c::; day of ~t 1986 t by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN t a municipal corporation t herein- after referred to as the City, and SWEET PEA, IN C. t a Montana Corporation, of the City of Bozeman, Montana t hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, WITNESSETH: That the said City t for and in consideration of the rents and covenants hereinafter mentioned to be paid and performed by the Permittee, does hereby give Permittee the particular right to use all of Lindley Park, located on East Main Street in the City of Bozeman during the period August 1, 2, and 3 t 1986, for the purpose of conducting the Sweet Pea '86 Festival. The Permittee, in payment for the use of the above-described premises, hereby covenants and agrees to pay to the City the sum of One Hundred Fifty and noll00 Dollars ($150.00) to cover costs of upkeep and associated services on said premises during the term of this permit on or before August 1, 1986. The Permittee also understands that it may be requested to participate in restoration of park grounds should there be extensive damage done to such. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the Permittee agrees to maintain Lindley Park and leave all facilities in a clean t safe and sanitary manner t at no cost to the City t and shall comply with all ordinances, rules, statutes and regulations applicable thereto. Failure to do so will result in the Permittee pay- ing all costs incurred by the City to return the premises to a clean, safe and sani- tary condition. Permittee further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees against and from any and all actions t suits, claims t demands, costs, expenses (including attorney's fees) or liability of any character whatsoever, brought or asserted for injuries to or death of any person or persons t or damages to property arising out of t resulting from or occurring in connection with the Sweet Pea Festival. , I I N WITNESS WHEREOF t the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed this O? ~ day of -----.J, A PAt 1986. THE CITY OF BOZEMAN A Municipal Corporation ~oc?'l2~ ATTEST: ~. ~l)&" '" il. .~. ler 0 t e City Commission SWEET PEA, INC. A Montana Corporation D~{J c. ~.~ President ATTEST: (JrM; pl. ~4~U 5 re ary PPT'"'f)~rr:l.'t ".- I State of Montana ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this 27th day of May 1986 t before me the under- signed, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared James E. Wysocki, known to me to be the Manager of the City of Bozeman, Montana, the municipal corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. I N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. ~ ~,c;J (l1<L~ Notary Public for the State of Montana t Residing at Bozeman, (Notarial Seal) Montana My Commission expires 4-30-88 " - , State of Montana ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) On this d;<) day of _ LA-L. A 1986. before me the under- \ signed, a Notary Public for the State of Montana. personally appeared "ba\l i n\ r:. V\A>r\CI/' ' known to me to be the President of the Sweet Pea, Inc., a Montana corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. - - mJ \Arf;1> ~ ~(' ~C< c, t' . - . ry u I c or e tate of ~. Montana. Residing at Bozeman. - ~No.tarial Seal) Montana - My Commission expires ( I, /2 "/1 /i . OFFICIAL RECEIPT N'? 53003 THE CITY OF HOZEMAN Office of Director of Finance Bozeman, Montana, July 28 19 86 $ 150.00 RECEIVED OF Sweet Pea The sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars and 00/110-----------~- olla.s on account of Rents and Royalties 0010-3611-00 General Fund Mira1 D. Gamradt Dlrec10r 01 Finance t1E -j...;,-.......-- r-~--......... _....._ _ _.J,.~_ _......_.......... __........_......................."""'v....._....... ~ have sent John McNeil a copy of their request. HOME OF MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY GATEWAY TO YELLOWSTONE PARK . SWEET PEA 86 A Festival of the Arts March 20, 1986 Sue Neville Recreation Superintendent . Recreation Department P.O. Box 640 Bozeman, MT 59715 Re: Sweet Pea 86 Our File No. 88021-001 Dear Sue: At your request we are furnishing the following information to supplement our application for the use of Lindley Park on the 1, 2 and 3 of August, 1986. 1. SECURITY: Sweet Pea will provide Security Service personnel as follows: Two uniformed personnel from a private security service who will be locat~d at the main stage in the Lindley Bowl from 7 to 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday (August 1 and 2). The City of Bozeman is asked to provide security as follows: Two uniformed police officers who will roam Lindley Park but concentrate their time around the perimeter of the Lindley Bowl area where the main concerts occu r. They should check the southwest corner of the park near the cemetery frequently. When the concerts let out please check the traffic situation at East Main and Cypress and direct traffic as necessary. We request that a Police car be available at the end of evening activity to enhance safety of departing people crossing main street. The potential safety problem of people leaving the Park would be greatly alleviated by flashing lights of a patrol car to slow traffic on Main Street. (Approximately 10: 15 - 11 : 00 p. m . Friday and Saturday.) They are requested during the following times: ) 7:30 to 11 : 00 p. m . Friday and Saturday (August 1 and 2 and 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Sunday (August 3). SWEET PEA 86 - A FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS - BOX 717 - BOZEMAN, MT 59715 . March 20, 1986 Sue Neville Page 2 Sweet Pea will reimburse the City of Bozeman for its expenses in providing this service, and will contract with and pay its private security service separately. 2. SANITATION: Sweet Pea will contract with a private company to provide and maintain chemical toilets to be located along the 'road into the Pavilion parking area. Sweet Pea requests that the City of Bozeman provide its existing indoor toilets (just south of the Children's Activities area) and that they be stocked and cleaned as needed during the festival (August 1, 2 and 3) by Parks Department personnel. Sweet Pea also requests that these personnel stop at Sweet Pea Headquarters tent (just south of the Concessions area) when they visit the - Park, to increase communication between the two organizations. Sweet Pea will provide garbage services. 3. ACCESS TO PARK THROUGH CEMETERY: Sweet Pea requests that the cemetery gate at the south end of Buttonwood be closed but not locked so that emergency vehicles could reach the park from Highland Boulevard via the cemetery. 4. ITEMS NEEDED IN THE PARK: Sweet Pea requests the following items be provided by the City of Bozeman. They should be in the locations indicated on the attached map at 1 : 30 p. m. , Friday, August 1. Sweet Pea personnel will be in the park at that time. A. Ten, red sawhorse barriers. Two of these barriers with signs saying II Resident Parking Onlyll (see map). B. Shut-off valve handles as necessary to shut off lawn sprinkler lines in case a sprinkler head is accidentally broken. C. Five bicycle racks. D. Two quick-couple water faucets installed in sprinkler outlets. These are for the use of the Food and Drink Concessions and the Children's Activities. ALL OTHER SPRINKLER LINES TO BE SHUT OFF TO MINIMIZE PROBLEMS IN CASE A SPRINKLER HEAD OR LINE IS BROKEN. E. The water faucet near the pavilion to be made operational. F. The drinking fountain near the Children1s Activities Area is to be 'J made NON-operational. SWEET PEA 86 - A FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS - BOX 717 - BOZEMAN, MT 59715 - --- --- March 20, 1986 Sue Neville Page 3 5. PARKING: Please advise Sweet Pea if the grounds around and to the southeast of the green cemetery building (south of the UCT) may again be used for parking. If so, please cut the grass in this area during the week preceding the festival. (We will be placing "Diagonal Parking" signs along Highland Boulevard in that vicinity to increase the number of cars that can be parked on the shoulder.) Thank you for your assistance in these matters. Please call me at your convenience if the City of Bozeman can not provide the services we have requested or if you have any questions regarding our requests. My number is 587-5511 days and evenings. Sincerely, - -j\ /" .' (/ / . /F" (,"--ie,",-_ )""\.. .,' ." \ <..~" . DAVID C. MOON Co-chai r I Support Services ) SWEET PEA 86 - A FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS - BOX 717 - BOZEMAN, MT 59715 .~ .-. I I I I ' I i I I b.O ... ...... ~. I .~\~11N(:, I I ....-.-" Wh-~ : I LINDLEY PARK . /~ : 'FAVc::...~T ; I .j, r- ;11:>% .' fI' / ; 'O)'eMT10IJ;.1.- i I -. I "lt 0 :~UON i .~-, II ,1, ' ' f,C /' IJ' .. HOLLOW ~ It I ~ 1\ (.) (. ~." . ,. .. U I _ I i I I t' Or I"~ 1\'" '/ i I 1"'0. 0 I _ J" UTI ~. //'1 0" lq . /,,--. J HANP\...e~ -fOf?. ~::~~1I i Stf-..\\-J~~e~ 'JA.I;,V5$ ~y,.'S-r rN6 CHr;:::H"1 I b ~ IN ~\ l'JG @ ! fr)vW11\1N I ,.IID t=>E. Nold- I p\KE ~Ac~5 ,I orslZA1\OlJA\... .1 C..I1... .'.' '1' ! \-1"'NDIc;:,I\f'~e .' - '~ '/ . b 1._" VI tJ& 0 '00':": : ' " r("*\.\~ L ..'l'.....-~."".I.f'J ~ ~ . .__ PAJlI(IIoIO) IN.;.' . l' ' . . ... . . . . .. ." . ", 1- ,... _ . . . '.' LINDLEY PARK PLAN ~.' '..~-; '#'':':-':':--:~:. . - -~ '.~"~ ......-..-....... ...;._...~.. .. '. t.... ....0.... . , ;~-: ~. ~:/':f.~~,:i1:}-~F;~th-*~i1~~{;'f..i-'; - ) .. .,..,..,)-_...-.....i-'--:..f1.."..~_., . _ . . ." '. . <f>.~_ ".jIo#' - ':r:....:..;.:.~;:._....~,~ ~.i....;...._........,..:...__., ~... _ . @ t<.ed s.."" +to'('S(... Berr " ers . , II 'I *" \\ \\" " W/51~V'\5 Re:.~\t>ENT P"~t<\NCS ON\...Y @ ~\J.\c:.\c..Coup'~ 'Wp-1-er. f'a\Jc..a...1-S , ftr1~/ l-' ,'''''-..... APPLICATIQ~ FOR \'JUVER CO fl'c -' . ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE pm-liT Jll\"'D/OR CITY PAR}, USE . l. Date of function: August I, 2, 3, 198p . 2. T.ine: fro:n 8 : 00 am to 11:0Q p11 Also 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. setup on July 31 3. Perk: Lindley Area: Entire park (Pavillion, Bandshell, Covered Table, Etc.) .;; . Name of person making request: David C. MODn Phone: 587-5511 Organization, group, or other contact person: Sweet Pea Festival 5. Estimated nurrber of persons attending: 13.000 (total for 3 day event) 6. Alcoholic beverage to be consumed? * * * * * * Yes No X * * * * * * * $10.00 fee required for alcoholic beverage permit. Please make check payable to the Ci ty of Boze.<an. 7. Public address system, loudspeakers, organ, bullhorn, or other sound system that will be heard beyond the immediate area of your function? If so, please explain: Sound systems for music groups. 'Hours requested fran 12: 00 pn to 11: 00 pn. (I'lc6::lc nr:;te: eft1). thI'e:c eO:-.!3cE:\1tyJ'c flSl:1re \....111 Be ellCiv>",J.) 8. Electricity needed? Yes --.X...-. No 9. Water needed? Yes -X- No - - 10. Are you requesting a permit to take in ITDney in a City park? Yes X No - D..-planation: Fee for purchase of buttons to gain entrance to Festival. $10.00 fee required. Please make check payable to City of Bozern.3.n. If also applying for an alcoholic beverage permit, only one fee is required, total amount $10.00. II. ,other comments or requests: See attachments regarding other requests. "Any pol ice officer shall have full authDrity to take steps necessary to bring the activity hereby approved unaer control if it becomes unduly disruptive or abusive. The undersigned hereby makes application for permission to hold a function in a public park in the City of Bozeman, Montana, as detailed above. The undersigned agrees and understands that: ,""flY flElliee: officer 2!lhc..ll L............ f.....ll ........U,........:.ly to ',,"Oid thb pe.l.'f\rit should the activity he:rcl>y ~pro'..cd bcE!CI'a:: dioruptive: 0:= cl::l\:l8ivc 30 ~ to dioturb Lhe PCo.c:::: of~y arlj~~~fit -~r~i no alcoholic beverages can or will be sold; no admission fee can or will be charged uJ1less detailed aJ:x:>ve and approved by the City Ccmnissioni and the prorroters of this activity shall take full responsibility for the conduct of this function, including the control of juvenile cons\mlption of alcoholic beverages, and further, leave the park in in a safe, sanitaIJ', and clean condition. Parks may not be used for private gain except when expressly permitted by the City Carrnission. - .1/z,(./r 6 Signature of applicant ",i3Q' 0 ~ i{ c.. (1.-'"\ W"A. 4,1. )c I I)' Date ,-J . i-v J.... ''-<\..-- , , * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ 'eo Fee of $10.00 received at Recreation Office? 1..: i:.~ Yes_ No_ by ) Recreation Superintendent Date -, -- Assistant City Manager Date - City Carrnission Date . . INFORMATION SHEET FOR PROGRAM GROUPS AND REQUEST FOR USE OF CITYFACIL~TIES/FIELDS ; -1 IJa- Jl~. / Group or Association ..' <~;i:, //IT ~ , ContCict Person: 1.David Moon. 426 NDrth Grand. Bozeman. MT 59715 587 -5511 Name Address \\Tork Phone President 586-3674 Organization Position Horne Phone 2. Laurie Schultz. Baxter Hotel 587-8848 Name Address Work Phone Vice-President 587-7650 Organization Position Home Phone Programs Offered: Sweet Pea. A Festival Df the Arts (Art. Music. Theater. Dance. Children's Activities. etc.) . Age of Participants: 1 to 101 - # of Participants in your 1985 program: Approximately 13.000 over 3 day event # of City Residents Approximately 9.000 :/1 of County Residents About 12.000 Fee's you charge for your programs: Button for Admission: $2.00 Registration Information (dates, ete. ) : August 1. 2 and 3. 1986 ~ Assistance you would like from the City Recreation Department: See attachment. ~ Assistance you would like from the City Parks Department: See attachment. ~. Facilities and/or Fields requested: \-- Dates and Times: July 31 setup 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. August 1 and 2 - 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. August 3 - 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ,.'. j --