HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-19 Public Comment - N. Ross - Gallatin Green Boulevard ProposalFrom:Nicole Ross To:Danielle Garber; Agenda Cc:raderconnie@gmail.com Subject:Gallatin Green Development Concerns Date:Monday, June 24, 2019 1:36:47 PM Attachments:Baxter_Development_Letter.pdf Greetings - Please see the attached letter about the planned development project on the NE end of Gallatin Green Blvd. I hope you will agree to modify the plans to address the concerns of our neighborhoodresidents. Sincerely, Nicole Ross Bozeman Planners, As a resident of the Baxter Meadows neighborhood, I’m writing to voice concerns about the proposed commercial/residential development on the NE end of Gallatin Green Boulevard. While scrolling through our neighborhood online group last week, the first episode of Kevin Costner’s ​Yellowstone​ happened to be playing in the background. As I read through my neighbors’ anxieties about the development news, I heard these words from the living room: “We don’t measure our progress by the size of our cities. We measure our progress by how those cities impact the people and the land surrounding them.” Talk about serendipitous timing. During the next few weeks, you’ll likely hear from other residents who oppose the development -- at least, the plan as it stands today. You’ll also hear from developers and businessmen advocating so-called “progress.” The true motivation, however, is simple: profit. With Bozeman’s booming population growth and housing shortage, the development will likely be positioned as “necessary” to our city. ​A three-story commercial mix space and 70-space parking lot packed onto 1.4 acres ​in the middle of a neighborhood​ is far from necessary. Our community is not against development of this space. We understand the land’s value, desirable location, and zoning. We accept that someone, sometime, will try to capitalize on it. All we ask for is compromise. We ask for revisions to the plans that will minimize the dangers to our children, families, properties, and community. We ask for revisions to the plans that maintain the beauty of one of our neighborhood’s last natural open spaces and mountain views. We ask for revisions to the plans that preserve the aesthetic cohesiveness and peace of our neighborhood. Specifically, here are key areas of concern: ●Our neighborhood, and Gallatin Green Boulevard, in particular, is ​full of children and elderly​ ​residents​. ○There are more ​children playing on the sidewalks i​n this section of road than almost any other in Baxter Meadows. ○Children use this street to bike to Chief Joseph Middle School, and their journey is already dangerous enough with existing traffic. ○Many of those children are babies and toddlers, unaware of the dangers of traffic and unsteady on their feet. ○Elderly residents (including my own parents, who bought a home on that block just this year) have limited mobility and noise tolerance. ○Increased traffic endangers children and the eldery. ○Accompanying noise counters the serenity for which homeowners purchased their homes and the limited views they can currently enjoy. ○Decreased safety, increased noise, and obstructed views also push our home values down. ●Gallatin Green Boulevard has street parking on both sides, which narrows the street to a single lane ​for moving traffic. ○This problem worsens once snow falls and street width is reduced even further, which can be 5+ months of the year. ○Adding traffic for a 70-car parking lot, businesses, and residences will only make this situation worse. ○Pedestrian and vehicular traffic cannot support the current scope of the project. ○See Sec. 38.230.100 // division 38.400 ●Property has already been damaged​ by the existing traffic flow. Last month, a street parked car was totaled. ○Additional cars have been damaged by passing traffic over the past year. ●Surrounding structures are two stories tall, and a​ three-story development​ does not align with the other homes and condos in the area. ○The architectural design does not align with our neighborhood identity. ○The structure needs to be reduced to one or two stories. ○The height of the structure will also obstruct the already-limited mountain view for our residents. ○Wildlife frequently this area and rely on the land for food and shelter, particularly as the city has absorbed so much of their natural habitat. ○See Sec. 38.230.100 // article 5 Bottom Line: ​Legally, you are likely able to justify the development plans as-is. But, just because you ​can​ doesn't mean you ​should. ​We are the residents of this neighborhood. We are most impacted. We are the ones this community is built to serve. Planning should be based on ​community​ ​need​, not capitalistic desire. Our concerns should be prioritized and the plans adjusted to ensure our neighborhood retains its safety, peace and quiet, and beauty that we all collectively contribute to on a daily basis. Sincerely, Nicole Ross 2229 Gallatin Green Blvd. nikross@gmail.com