HomeMy WebLinkAbout82- Railroad Company FORM l.P. 25A REV. Z-5-75-lOM . I. . ,~ , - I i EXTENSION OF 'LEASE N<f0881 ~, . " . I Made December ~~i! lJnbenture . by and between RICHARD B. OGILVIE, as Trustee of the property of CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, Debtor, hereinafter called the "Railroad Company, " and '- City of Bozeman Bozeman, MT , hereinafter referred to in the of singular neuter gender "Lessee, II as WITNESSETH:- November 16, 1976 WHEREAS the Railroad Company, or its predecessors, heretofore on . entered into a certain indenture of Lease bearing No. 80881 , wht'reby, it leas(.'d, demised and let UntO the lessee - certain of its property at the Station of Bozeman, MT b for a public ,to e usee park , and more particularly described in said lease. WHEREAS said indenture of lease was drawn for a term ending December 31, 1981 and was extended for additional period(s),the last of such extensions expiring onDecember 31, 1982 WHEREAS the parties hereto mutually desire to extend the term of said indenture of leasc for a pe- riod of one year (s) from and after January 1, 1983 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreemcnts of the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. That said indenture of lease is hereby extended for a term of one year (s) from January 1, 1983 at a rental of $200 per annum. . 2. Lessee shall pay all taxes and assessments (except special assessments for permanent improvcn1t'nt,~) le- gally levied Or assessed against said premises for the term hereof Or of any extension t.hereof; and in L:<lSt: "f sf'''- cial assessments for permanent improvements, the annual rental will be increased by H"';, of such aSSL'SSIIl!'nt.. '\ N' d' f ' ,- f one () , I -' otwlthstan Ing t.he <lct that t.hls extensIOn IS or a t.erm of Xear S. ell. H.'r p'Hly hereto reserves the right to terminate the lease at any time by givin,l( to the other party~days' wrintcn nOlice of a desire so to do, and in the event of such t.ermination, any unearned rental shall be refunded. 4. All the terms, conditions and covenants of said indenture of lease herehy extended shall, during the tt'rm hereof, except as herein expressly modified, be binding upon the Railroad Company, it.s successors and <lssigns, and upon the Lessee, its successors and assigns, heirs and legal representatives. This agreement is binding on Richard B. Ogilvie, not as an individual, but solely in his capacity as Trustee. RICHARD B. OGILVIE, as Trustee, of the property of CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE. ST. PAUL AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, Debtor "II? /if ... {-. :,. (Ji~ ' Ry ~AssI{ ;c f3::~ .'- WITNESS FOR RAILROA COMPANY -~ ~r~j1~-~ City of Bozeman By II - II