HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 82- Employ the Older Worker Week March 14-20 1982 /"- ~ ;-- .'0 '~I / r ; ! ,; ~/ }/I PROC LAMA T1 ON MO.ll.e .than 78 rni.1.lion AmeJUc..aJU, Me aged 40 and ofdeJ1., and neaflllj 40 mLtU,on aJ1,e wO.ll.mg a/[ -6 eelUng wo/[k. M0-6.:t On .:thue m1.ddte-aged and o-C.deJt WOllJUUI1, Me .Il.egutalLty employed, plWduung :the good6 and .6eJtv-Lce.6 OuA Nation need6 . They have .6oUd job -6~ and a wea1.th 06 expvuence. T yp-Lc1Lf.Iy , they Me -6.:tea.dy, .Il.eliable wO.ll.keJL6 who tak.e plUde in .:the1.lt woJrk and Me valued emplo ljeu . ThU6 wo/[ke.JW ovVl. 40, a.6 a g.ll.OUp, have no .6vUOU6 job pltOblem.6-- -60 .tong a.6 they .Il.emcUn emp.eoye.d. The pM bIem i..6 that, de--6 plie hig h job q ua..f.),O,Lc.a.tM 11.6, many who f0-6 e .:the.i.Jt job.6 have g.ll.ea..:t. tAouble MncUng new onU; and the .6eaJ1.eh becomu mo/[e dit56ic.u..U a.6 they gltOW oldeJt.. The ec.6:t6 06 :the longeJt .6 pe.tf-6 06' unemploy- ment thue wo.tr.keJr..6 expelLienee Me pVl.6ona.t hMd.6Mp-6, cU..6plWpo/r.:t.Wna..te pubuc expencU.tultu 60lt wtemp-C.oymeiLt J'.n..6UJtance and otheJr income maintenance pltoglWJn6, and loweJl plLoducUvdy M oWl, economy i..6 depJt.ived 06' hlghty expeJdenced woJtkeJt6. The FedeJr.a.t GOVeJlJ1men:t and ,the State 06' Montana Me wO/iklng .:to oveJl.Come wlde-6p.ll.ead Jte1uc..tance .:to IUJI.e oi.deJ1. job.6eeke.M by malUng employelL6 aL<JaJte 06 a well-documen.:ted n-Lnding: by eVe.Jrlj common me.a.6LtJte 06 job peJtno/(mance., oldeJt wOlLlzCM ahe a.t -C.ea-td a.6 e66ec..uve a..6 youngelt people. The objective - iA to have each wo.tr.kelL judged on the ba.o1.6 06 -individual. abJ.J1;ty .to do a .6peu6ic job. M pal!-t 06 .:th...i..6 e15150Jr.:t, .:the Pltulden:t ha.6 dUignctted :the we,ek 06 MaAch 8.:to 14 a.6 Na.tJ.onal Employ .:the OldeJt WOlLkeJt Week. M Mayo.ll. 06 :the. CA...ty 00 Boze.man, I actlvuy e.ndoJr..6e. thJ..6 oppoJr;tunUy .:to 6ocU6 public a.:t:ten..tion on the plLoble.trUJ 06 oldeJt wOl!ke.1L6. An Equal Opportunity Employer /Y UJ)/fl.2 NOtAl, THEREFORE, r, Vunc..an Ma.cNab, do helLeby plLoc1..aJ.m MCVl.c.h y:to "J...t a.6 Employ -the Oldv1.' WOlLkeJt Week Jn Bozeman. r UlLge aLe. emploYeJL6 ht Bozema.n :to c.oMJ.deJt c.aAe6uUu the .6kJill. and o.thVt qu..a..U.nica.t.<.OM On men a.nd women age 40 and ovVt when the.y hJAe ne.lA,I WOMeJL6. r at60 a.6k. pubUc. onoJ.c1..ctfA lLe6poMJ.ble nOIL job pfac.e.men.t a.nd Jc.e1.a.:ted .6eJrvJ.c.u :to J..nte.n.6J.6Y theJ.Jt et60w thILoughout the yeOA to help oldeJ1.. woJtk.elLb Mnd.6 u..Uab.te j 0 b.6 and .:tJta.1.rWr.g. / /