HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 74- Bill Koller Day February 27 1974 ."L~ ()!.,i ,::;;'" .".~ .- ,",- PROCLAMATION BILL KOLLER DAY Pebruary 27, 1914 WlIE1mA.S, Bill Koller has pertormed in stellar and outstanding manner as a member ot the Bobcat tootball team during the previous tour years; and WHEREAS, he has rece! ved individual recop! tion as first team tackle in the Big Sky' Conterence; selection on tour all-American te&Dl8; and pl~ed in two post-season bowl games, being selected as the outstanding illdi vidual _~ pla,yer at the Senior Bowl pla,yed in Mobile, Alabama.; and WIIEREAS, through his ettorts and acble'ft'llents, Bill Koller has brought wide- spread honor and recogn1 t10n to himselt, to Montana State Uni versi ty , and to the Community ot Bozeman; and WHEllEAS, Bill Koller is a young man ot outstanding personality and character. NOW, 'l'HEREP'ORE, I, EDMUND P. SEDIVY, SR., Mayor ot the City ot Bozeman, do here- by proclaim Wedne8dl"Y, J'ebruary 21, 1914, as BILL KOLLER DAY in the City ot Bo.e1R&l1. On this occasion &. testimonial dinner honoring Bill Koller 18 being conducted, and I encourage all citizens ot this cOllllunit:r to re- cognize the charaoter and achievements ot this outstanding man bY' participating in the testimonial dinner and other activities being held throughout the com- muni ty 111 his honor. SEA L IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I haTe hereunto set. Jq hand and caused the great seal ot the City or Bozeman, in the State ot Montana, to be affixed at Boz8'.m&I1, Montana, this 20th day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy- tour.__ /" ~'7 /1 c:;;;;.~' ~. .;// ,// /-"--~ ........ / .,.", ~_,~_,~--."..,..~._~ ., r'~r'.'/'", ,.,,". ~ " <~_:./~=". ~"..?''- /\. ''-.~~4~- di- e:.?'... P."' EDIVY, SR. / Mayor----------, I /