HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 86- International DeMolay Week March 16-23 1986 . ,- ). ~., , -",\'. I, ,"'...;;.".....\ '. ~;_ ""Y'" .",' ...'y,.... . . ,',', "'-'yu. ."" '--y,-- . '. . '.' _ , ,,,,. . ' , ' .~ I,. ... ',' _ , <\ .i:k;.:::~::: ~~; :~~~;I:~. ~' .i~~~: ::~::: :~; :;~; .t~..::, i\'" {~~: :~::: :"': :~~; ::~"f, ' ~'<"~1~; '~~~: :...; :~~~;.:S~~.<~ t:\:"'Ji.~"i: '::~;: ::; :~~~;::..:..~:. !' , ,,'c ~f!:- /: ,~-~- " . . "- ""'-",: ;,;.-. .~ "'~"-;i:" ~'O'+ c,~~~~/ r~~ ot ~j!)f },~I! I:, ' --=.~,' '\ i~-::.t '~',' ~ ' , L h~ ~ ~t'itl \\' ii', .:~ , .~.;. \~ t / . II> ..,. ~~~~~r ,,' , 1 ...,{ ,~ W ~ E. REA S, ~he 0 R D E R 0 F D E MOL A Y is a.\~!.1 '!it.o character burldrng organ1Zatr~n of young men from thrrteen to twenty-one .,,::. {~;;, ' years of age, who are seekl.ng to prepare themselves to become bettert:~C ~J; . ci tizens and leaders for tomorrow by developing those traits of character "lii~ ~~, whl.ch have strengthened good men of all ages; and ~~~' 00 'Ii · "jii ' ,~~t: W HER E AS, the organization has carried out the . :~~ ',' aforementioned goals for sixty-seven years through programs of athletic,'>-: competition, social activity, community service and charitable projects; and 3~"f :J.\-'~.. W HER E A S, the members of j~~l , ~~~~ "/'-:"'-;" ROSS C. JENSEN CHAPTER, ClIDER OF DEPDLAY ~U:::.~ ~ ~ ,.~ ~ .:: ~ ~. ," will observe the year of 1986 as the .. ,;, t . ;~~ f'" , ;:~:: tf ; ~~. 67th ANN I V E R S A R Y o F THE o R D E R ~~~~,' fP.~I ~:( so as to exemplify to all citizens here and everywhere their many "'r activities and to tender recognition to their millions of Senior DeMolays; $:.fj~: ~>.;l ~~y ,: ';''>:1 : ~ i; ~ <, > l T H E R E F 0 R E, by the authority vested in me, I proclaim . - :',:'{f that MAR C H 16 - 23, 1986, be observed as :~'t ,,' \~-~ ": ,'.;..- . . ..~~ ,. ~~t~~ j {( I N T ERN A T ION A L D e MOL A Y WEE K :>.~, ::~ : '';'-" ." rl" , r ~~ ~.~ - ,~~f and call upon our citizens to join in saluting the young men of the Order ~~:~ ': ;.',' of DeMolay, and in expressing our grateful appreciation for the fine examples set by them in contributing to the welfare of our community by addressing themselves to the building of good character among our youth; thereby aiding in the development of leadership for tomorrow. ~)): .. . ~[f .~;t BY: ~ DAn _& :' ..~\ ;;fflo ... 1 ..~ ~ /. < .;~ ..... i'!---n--- m,,~~,~ ,ll~:' ,':j "\ ':!J-> > "''':''':r- '" .)i ill , I -,,' , .,,- . . r.1 \'''' .. "',", .,:~;...~:.:: ~;:",l'~:"'!:":.".