HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-19 City Commission Minutes Ar THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday, May 20,2019 Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Present Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Present Staff Present:City Manager(CM)Andrea Surratt, City Attorney(CA) Greg Sullivan, City Clerk Robin Crough A. 05:59:58 PM (00:04:40)Call to Order—6:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Andrus called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. B. 06:00:03 PM (00:04:45) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:00:49 PM (00:05:31)Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D. 06:00:59 PM (00:05:41)Authorize Absence-Commissioner Jeff Krauss 06:00:59 PM (00:05:41)Motion and Vote to authorize the absence of Commissioner Krauss. The motion passed 4-0. Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-Terry Cunningham:Approve E. 06:01:15 PM (00:05:57) Public Service Announcements Page 1 of 6 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,May 20,2019 1. City Commission Meeting Cancelled on Monday, May 27, 2019 and Closure of City Offices (Crough) City Clerk Crough noted that there is no meeting on Monday, May 27, 2019 in observance of Memorial Day, and that City offices will also be closed.Solid waste and recycling services will be pushed back on day for the week. F. 06:03:47 PM (00:08:29) FYI • DM Mehl noted the Planning Board will be meeting tomorrow night to discuss the Community Plan update. • Cr. Cunningham discussed the move from the needs assessment to the action plan portion of the Affordable Housing Action Plan, and noted a few upcoming opportunities for public input. He also testified in Helena before the Board of Housing to discuss tax credit housing. G. 06:01:38 PM (00:06:20)Commission Disclosures There were no commission disclosures. H. 06:01:43 PM (00:06:25) Consent 1. Formal Cancellation of the May 27, 2019 City Commission Meeting(Crough), CZJ 2. Ratify the City Manager's Approval of an On-Premises Beer and Wine License for Little Star Diner, Co. of Bozeman, Montana to Sell Beer and Wine at 548 East Babcock Street, for Calendar Year 2019 (Portnell)01 a 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Access Easement with Bridger View Development, LLC for Installation of a Sidewalk for the Bozeman Commons Phase Four Project on the North Side of East Main Street, Located at 1107 East Main Street(Nielsen)7 a 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Lease-Purchase Agreement with Merchants Bank Equipment Finance for a 2019 Elgin Broom Bear Sweeper(Vandelinder)07 a 5. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (AE2S) for Improvements to the City's Drought Model (Ahlstrom)0 a 6. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Professional Services Agreement with Stahly Engineering and Associates, Inc. for the Front Street Interceptor Sewer Main Replacement Project (Murray)07 a 7. Authorize the City Manager to Sign Task Order Number EDD19-001 with Sanderson Stewart for Professional Services on a Time and Materials Basis for Economic Development(Fine), a 06:01:53 PM (00:06:35) City Manager Overview CM Surratt provided the highlights of the consent agenda. Page 2 of 6 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,May 20,2019 06:03:20 PM (00:08:02) Public Comment There was no public comment. 06:03:33 PM (00:08:15)Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-7 as submitted. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-TerrV Cunningham:Approve I. 06:05:46 PM (00:10:28) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 06:06:26 PM (00:11:08)Suzanne Held,Public Comment Ms. Held,the NENA representative of Vision Northeast,discussed the group and PhotoVoicesNE project and event happening later this summer. J. 06:09:52 PM (00:14:34)Special Presentations 1. 06:09:55 PM (00:14:37)AmeriCorps VISTA Project Update(Fontenot/Bowe) Economic Development Director Brit Fontenot discussed the economic development and library partnership,and introduced Eli Bowe.Mr.Bowe discussed his background and projects he's been working on. 06:26:23 PM (00:31:05)Questions of Presenter DM Mehl asked the Library Director to add anything. Library Director Susan Gregory responded. 2. 06:28:05 PM (00:32:47) Police Department Annual Report(Crawford) Police Chief Steve Crawford provided the 2018 Police Department Annual Report. He discussed correlation with the strategic plan, statistics and workload indicators, community outreach, public safety partnerships,and staffing and operations. 06:55:59 PM (01:00:41) Questions of Staff/Comments Cr. Cunningham asked about mental health pieces. He asked about trailhead patrols. He commented on the difficulty of the hiring process. Cr. Pomeroy asked about crime rate statistics and safety. DM Mehl associated himself with previous comments,thanked the chief, and encouraged him to continue to overhire. Page 3 of 6 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,May 20,2019 Mayor Andrus asked about the gun lock program.She requested more diverse hiring. K. 07:11:55 PM (01:16:37)Action Items 1. 07:11:58 PM(01:16:40)Resolution 5046,Approving a Project in the Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal District, Known as West Peach Condos, as an Urban Renewal Project, Making Findings with Respect Thereto and Approving the Use of Tax Increment Revenues or Tax Increment Revenue Bonds to Pay, Reimburse or Finance Eligible Costs Thereof; Approving a Related Development Agreement; and Making a Reimbursement Declaration (Fine) - a 07:12:36 PM (01:17:18)Staff Presentation Urban Renewal Program Manager discussed the recommendation from the Midtown Urban Renewal District,the 2015 Midtown Urban Renewal Plan goals,the Midtown TIF Assistance Program, context of the project, description of the West Peach Condos project,fiscal effects,the overall TIF program, required findings, and entered the staff report into the record. 07:24:17 PM (01:28:59)Questions of Staff Cr.Cunningham asked about the scoring and recommendation,the EPS report, and the zoning designation. DM Mehl asked if the five goals and findings are met, and the city fulfilling their fiscal obligation with this project. He asked where in the community development process the project is. He asked about the timeline for return on investment. Cr. Pomeroy asked how this works with the current affordable housing ordinance. Developer Julian Morice noted that they didn't have to meet the ordinance since these are condos.She asked about the five-year payback and interest. She asked if these would be affordable units. Mayor Andrus asked about the return on investment, and if this meets the recommendation. 07:35:45 PM (01:40:27)Applicant Presentation Developer Julian Morice discussed the scoring system. He discussed how these condos could not be affordable units. 07:39:05 PM (01:43:47)Questions of Applicant Cr. Pomeroy asked about unit costs. 07:42:03 PM (01:46:45) Public Comment There was no public comment. 07:42:20 PM (01:47:02)Motion that incorporating the information and findings in the staff report to the Midtown Urban Renewal Board, the staff memorandum to the City Commission, oral findings made by the Commission during the public hearing, information and findings contained in the proposed resolution,and after considering public comment, 1 hereby move to adopt Resolution 5046. Page 4 of 6 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,May 20,2019 Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: 2nd 07:42:46 PM (01:47:28) Discussion Cr. Cunningham discussed the five goals of the midtown urban renewal program. He discussed forward momentum in the district and with housing. DM Mehl supports the motion and agrees with the findings. Cr. Pomeroy supports the project, and supports residential and business combined like this. Mayor Andrus supports the motion, and discussed projects like this contribute to the goals of Midtown. 07:48:54 PM (01:53:36) Vote on the Motion that incorporating the information and findings in the staff report to the Midtown Urban Renewal Board, the staff memorandum to the City Commission, oral findings made by the Commission during the public hearing, information and findings contained in the proposed resolution, and after considering public comment, I hereby move to adopt Resolution 5046. The motion passed 4-0. Commissioner-Terry Cunningham: Motion Deputy Mayor-Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Deputy MaVor-Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Absent Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Commissioner-TerrV Cunningham:Approve L. 07:49:06 PM (01:53:48) FYI/Discussion • Mayor Andrus asked the commission to know about upcoming absences. • CM Surratt stated that Planner Sarah Rosenberg passed her planning certification this week. M. 07:50:14 PM (01:54:56)Adjournment Mayor Andrus adjourned the meeting at 7:51 PM. Cyn a L.Andrus Mayor Page 5 of 6 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes,May 20,2019 ATTEST: OV, Al Ak Robin Crough * : City Clerk 1883 1RTi1V C 0 PREPARED BY: Robin Crough City Clerk Approved on: JA AQ, 10 Page 6 of 6