HomeMy WebLinkAbout19- Ordinance 2019 UDC Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards ca '� t �+ r ORDINANCE NO. 2019 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AMENDING MULTIPLE SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 38 OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE AND IMPROVE TEXT CLARITY AND FUNCTION. MORE SPECIFICALLY, REVISING TABLE 38.310.040.A TO ALLOW SALES OF ALCOHOL FOR ON-PREMISES CONSUMPTION WITH A SPECIAL USE PERMIT IN B-2M; REVISING SECTION 38.510.010, BLOCK FRONTAGE STANDARDS INTRODUCTION; ADDING SECTION 38.510.020.E (FORMERLY SECTION 38.510.030.K) ADDRESSING MULTIPLE FRONTAGE SITUATIONS; REVISING TABLE 38.510.030.B TO CLARIFY MINIMUM DEPTH FOR COMMERCIAL SPACE; REVISING TABLE 38.510.030.0 BUILDING PLACEMENT FOR CLARITY;DELETING SECTION 38.510.030.K: REVISING 38.520.060 USABLE COMMERCIAL OPEN SPACE STANDARDS,AND REVISING TABLE 38.320.030.11, MINIMUM LOT WIDTH. WHEREAS, The City of Bozeman (the "City") is authorized by the City Charter and Montana law to promote public health, safety and welfare and otherwise execute the purposes of Section 76-1-102, MCA and the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The City has had land development regulations since at least 1934 and has amended them from time to time to respond to changes in state law, legal decisions, and changing community needs; and WHEREAS, The City is authorized by Section 4.04 of the City Charter and Montana law to adopt zoning, subdivision, and other land use regulations and provide for the enforcement and Page 1 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards administration of such regulations and otherwise reasonably provide for the orderly development of the community; and WHEREAS, The City strives to improve zoning code to implement the Growth Policy; and WHEREAS,the Bozeman Zoning Commission held a noticed public hearing on April 16, 2019. The Bozeman Zoning Commission voted 3-0 to recommended adoption of proposed amendments included in this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission incorporates findings presented by the Department of Community Development in its written staff report and all oral findings made during the public hearing on May 6, 2019 into this Ordinance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA: Section 1 That table 38.310.040.A, Permitted general sales in commercial, mixed-use, and industrial districts, Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: Table 38.310.040.A Permitted general sales uses in commercial, mixed-use, and industrial zoning districts Table cIarif"ications I Uses P Principal uses,C=Conditional uses, S`=Special uses,A Accessory uses, Uses which are notperinitted: 2. If a*`appears after the�zse;then the use zs defined in article T m .._ 3. Vv here anode section is referenced.after the use,then the use is subject to the additional standards i i ` that codesection: 4.- If a number appears'in the box,then the use tnay be'allawed,subject to development conditions), described iii the footnotes immediately following the table.If there are multiple raumbexs,then the use is . �.. subj eet to all-applicabl el e devopment conditions Page 2 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards 5. Where a number with a"sf',reference appears below a P or C in the box,it means that the use is permitted or conditionally permitted up to the(maximum)listed square footage in gross building area. Zoning Districts Commercial Mixed.Use : I Industrial Uses , B B B- B- UMV REMU NEHMII; BP M M 1 3 (38.310.050)° (38:310:060 : 1 2 )., General sales i Automobile,boat or i recreational vehicle sales, — — — — — — P P P — service and/or rental I Automobile fuel sales or S S S S S S P — P P — repair(38.360.070)* Convenience uses — P P C C P P - - — — (38.360.100)* Heavy retail establishment(Retail, — P P C P C P — P P (. large scale- 38.360.150)* Restaurants* P 3 Prp P P P 1,5OOsf P 3 P 3 Retail* 1 -- - 6 6 • 0-5,O00sf GFA P a P P a P p a p as A 6 C' 6 C' C' I • 5,001-24,999sf GFA — a P a a P a p a,s A 6 C 7 6 C C' Page 3 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards • 25,000sf-39,999sf P P 4 P P 4 — A 6 C 7 A A 6 A 6 — GFA 4 4 6 C 7 C 7 • Over 40,000sf GFA (Retail, large scale- — 4 S — — — — 38.360.150)* Sales of alcohol for on- premises consumption S s s ss a S s,9 S 8,9 S g — 8,10 0 (38.360.060) Notes: 1. In the B-1 district,the footprint of individual buildings must not exceed 5,000 square feet. 2. Authorized uses in the NEHMU district include those uses allowed in the R-2 district(see table 38.310.030 for those not listed in this table). 3. Occupying not more than 20 percent of the gross floor area of a building or 1,500 square feet,whichever is less,or occupying not more than 45 percent of the gross floor area of a food processing facility. 4. Excluding adult businesses as defined in section 38.700.020 of this chapter. 5. Special REMU district conditions based on the amount of on-site retail uses: a. Retail uses greater than 5,000 square feet and less than or equal to 12,000 square feet are limited to no more than four structures per 100 acres of contiguous master planned development and subject to section 38.310.060.C. b. Retail uses greater than 12,000 square feet and less than or equal to 25,000 square feet are limited to no more than two structures per 100 acres of contiguous master planned development and subject to section 38.310.060.C. 6. Retail sales of goods produced or warehoused on site and related products,not to exceed 20 percent of gross floor area or 10,000 square feet,whichever is less. 7. Retail establishments as a primary use are conditionally permitted. 8. Also subject to chapter 4,article 2. 9. No gaming allowed. 10. Sales of alcohol for on-premises consumption in the M-1 and M-2 districts are permitted with the following conditions: a. Restaurants serving alcoholic beverages are limited to those with state beer and wine licenses issued since 1997, prohibiting any form of gambling and occupying not more than 45 percent of the total building area of a food processing facility;and/or b. Retail sales for on-premises consumption of alcohol produced on site, not to exceed 10,000 square feet or 50 percent of the facility,whichever is less. Page 4 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards Section 2 That table 38.320.030.B, Minimum lot width in R-S, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-O, and R-MH zoning districts, Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: Table 38.320.030.13 Minimum lot width (feet) Table clarification: 1. Where a cone reference or link appears after the foi7n and intensity topic;the use is subject to standards set forth in that section or chapter..,. '. . = 2< If ammber appears in the box;refer to the development condition with the corresponding number immediately followang,tlie table If there are multiple numbers,then all deVelopment conditions apply. _., _w _1_7 Zoning District j7774 d r m R S R1 RZ R3 R4 R=5 RO RMH! 1 Single-household dwelling [50 rj4o 50/40 50/401 50/35 35/25 1,2 50/401 50/40 Single-household dwelling (only for dwellings to satisfy 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 requirements of division 38.380 of this chapter) i 60/50 Two household dwelling — — 1 60/401 50/401 50/401 50/50 1 — 50/40 -SW Accessory dwelling units 50 40 60/50 �} �40} None a — Accessory dwelling unit'on Width of Width of Width of Width of 30 30 30 interior interior interior interior lots with Townhouses — units'2 units'2 units'2 units'2 Page 5 of 20 Ordinance 2019, TextAniendments to Block Frontage Standards Dwellings in three- or four- household dwelling - - — 60 60 None 2,4 60 — configurations Width of Width of Width of Width of Townhouses 30 30 30 interior interior interior interior — units'2 units'2 units'2 units,2 All other uses I50 I 50 ( 50 I 50 50 None 2,4 50 50 f Notes: 1. When the lot is adjacent to an alley and vehicle access is taken only from that alley. 2. Lot width is subject to section 38.400.090. Lot widths of 25 feet or less may jeopardize compliance with standards for legal and physical access, street trees, on-street parking, garage design, drive access width and placement, and utilities. Home design and size will be restricted as a result.Mitigation measures may be required for placement and separation of public and private utilities. 3. Second dwellings in accessory buildings are subject to all restrictions in this chapter relating to accessory buildings. Lot area and width must be provided as if the dwelling were attached to the principal use. Dwellings to be developed under this option are subject to section 38.360.040, 4. Lot widths may be variable provided they are sized and shaped sufficient to accommodate permitted uses and conform to applicable design and density standards. Section 3 That section 38.510.010, Introduction, Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: A. Purpose. 1. To provide standards to implement the growth policy and applicable adopted subarea plans; 2. To design sites and orient buildings with an emphasis on compatible development and creating a comfortable walking environment; and 3. To provide standards that recognize the need for a system of streets and block frontages. B. Applicability. The provisions of this division apply to all development within Bozeman, except single to four-household dwellings in any configuration. Also: 1. For clarification on the relationship between the provisions in this division and other documents and codes, see section 38.500.020.A. Page 6 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards 2. For the application of building additions, remodels and site improvements, see section 38.500.020.B. 3. For elarifieation on how the provisions of this division are ap lied, see seetio 38..500.030. C. How to use this division. Since Bblock frontage standards for individual properties depend on the zoning designation adjacent type f street that the properties front onto and Community Design Framework maw;eonside Take the following steps in using this division: 1. Determine the zoning of your property, then see section 38.510.020 to find the block frontage type designation for the street or streets fronting your property. For properties in residential zones, the standards for Landscaped block frontages (see section 38.510.030.C) apply. For properties in Industrial zones, see section 38.510.030.H. For properties that front onto multiple streets, see provisions in section 38.510.02-3O.KF; and 2. Go to the appropriate code section in this division for the block frontage standards for applicable to the block frontage type designation. Table 38.510.030.A includes a summary of the five primary street frontage type designations along with links to the appropriate sections,the intention for each block frontage designation,and key design/use provisions. Section 4 That section 38.510.020, Community design framework maps and standards, Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: A. About the maps. The maps, together with the block frontage standards in section 38.510.030, guide the look and feel of development in commercial and multi-household areas throughout Bozeman when viewed from the street. The provisions herein recognize that there is a hierarchy of different streets and block frontage types ranging from pedestrian-oriented storefronts to arterial streets/frontages that warrant greater flexibility in the design of frontages. The block frontage standards address streetfront elements including: 1. Building location and orientation. 2. Parking lot location. 3. Window transparency. 4. Weather protection. 5. Landscaping. The community design framework maps also identify high visibility street corner sites that warrant special design treatment. Ultimately, these"form-based'-' provisions will help to reinforce existing and desired development patterns intended to implement the growth policy, including adopted neighborhood plans. Page 7 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards B. All block frontages within residential zones are subject to landscaped block frontage provisions set forth in section 38.510.030.C. C. All block frontages within industrial zones are subject to the provisions of section 38.510.030.H. D. The default block frontage for new or undesignated streets (such as those within annexed land) in commercial and mixed-use zones is Mixed (see the mixed block frontage provisions set forth in section 38.510.030.D), E. The block frontage designations apply to development on both sides of the street except where otherwise specified. F. Multiple frontage situations where a property and building(s) front onto multiple block ontages or internal fronLage designations. Where a property fronts onto more than one block frontage, each building must comply with the standards for the block frontage upon which it is located,with the following clarifications: 1. When a building or buildings is located such that it faces and is adjacent to multiple block frontages,the orientation of the front of the building must be sited and placed on the property in the following order of precedence: a. Streets (all types, see F.2 below) b. Trail/Park c. Special Residential or Internal Roadway(parking areas/lots, block separation corridors . d. Departures may be considered provided the location and front orientation of the buildings are compatible with the character of the area and enhance the character of the street. 2. When a building(s) is located such that it faces and is adjacent to multiple street block frontages: a. The orientation of the front of the building must be sited and placed on the property in the following order of precedence: 1) Gateway (38.510.030.E) 2) Storefront(38.510.030.B) 3) Landscape (38.510.030.C) 4) Other(38.510.030.G) 5) Departures may be considered provided the location and front orientation of the buildings are compatible with the character of the area and enhance the character of the street. b. For corner sites with landscaped block frontage on one street and storefront or mixed on another, a storefront frontage may wrap around the corner (on the landscaped block frontage side) for up to a half block or no more than 120 feet (whichever is more). Page 8 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards c. Each building(s) must address a frontage. ALLEY ALLEY Storefront can wrap C W Facade meets O W around corner up to Wo.a Landscaped block nW half block or 120' b CL�Z frontage standards Q o (whichever Is less) , UvF LL o C x F] 2 o Storefront doesn't Z g go to corner m CNTRANCF TNTRANCT STOREFRONT STREETFRONT (BLOCK FRONTAGE) (BLOCK FRONTAGE) 3. All buildings must be placed and designed to present the front and primary fagade to the block frontage or street block frontage that is highest in the order of precedence. 4. All buildings on a corner at the intersection of two streets must be placed adjacent to and present a front and primary fagade to both street block frontages. 5. Entrances: a. A publicly accessible entrance must be provided on the front and primary facade unless not required by the block frontage. b. For buildings on a corner at the intersection of two streets,publicly accessible entrances on both street frontages are encouraged, but only one entrance is required. c. .For buildings that front on internal and external block frontages,publicly accessible entrances on both types of block frontages are encouraged,but only one entrance is required. d. The publicly accessible entrance must be provided on the storefront block frontage if one is provided. e. For buildings on a corner at the intersection of two streets with a mix of block frontage designations the publicly accessible entrance must be provided on the block frontage according to the order of precedence in subsection 1 above. f. For buildings on lots or sites that have multiple street block frontages the publicly accessible entrance must be provided on the block frontage according to the order of precedence in subsection 2 above. Page 9 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards 6. Buildings that face two streets and meet the primary frontage parking location standards are not required to meet building to parking location percentage frontage standards for subsequent building frontages. 7. Parking: Surface parking (including ground floor parking in a structure) adjacent to a street corner is not allowed, except: a. Corner lots with non-designated frontages (other) on both streets, b. Other combination of block frontages, except those with a storefront designation, via a departure and subject to the applicable departure criteria. FG. Changes to the default block frontage designation for new and existing streets may be made through the Community Design Framework Master Plan per section 38.510.030.L. GH. A reference map of approved community design framework master plans and default block frontages is maintained by the department of community development. The map is a visual representation of the text of this section and is for illustrative purposes only. Section 5 That table 38.510.030.13, Storefront block frontage standards, BMC be amended as follows: Table 38.510.030.13 Storefront block frontage standards 47_n "M _ �_.._ __ _ m �.ElemegU Standards(refers to departure Examples&Not es 1 o _ Alin zes see subsection K , pP Non-residential uses specified in Ground floor 3 8.10.020,except for lobbies Land use associated with residential or hotel/motel uses on upper floors. Floor to ceiling 13'minimum(applies to new height buildings only). Page 10 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards Retail Non- residential space 20'minimum(applies to new depth buildings only). :D Required at front property line/back edge of sidewalk. I Building Additional setbacks are allowed �. placement for widened sidewalk or pedestrian-oriented space (38.520.060.D). Must face the street. For corner Building buildings, entrances may face the entrances street corner. At least 60%of ground floor between 30" and 10' above the sidewalk for primacy facades and 40% of ground floor between 30" and 10'above the sidewalk for Window area that is glazed over or covered in secondary facades. Display Facade windows may count for up to any manner that obscures visibility into the wi ws transparency ndo the transparency storefront space shall not count as transparent requirement provided they are at window area. least 30" in depth to allow for changeable displays. Tack-on i display cases do not qualify as transparent window areas.� I Weather protection with 8-15' vertical clearance at least 5' in Weather average depth along at least 60% protection of fagade. Retractable awnings may be used to meet these requirements. Page 11 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards New surface and structured parking areas (ground floor)must _ Parking location be placed to the side or rear of Also see division structures and are limited to 60' 38.540 of this of street frontage. Provide a 6' UML division for minimum buffer of landscaping k related parking between the street and off street requirements parking areas meeting the - , _7;(7 77; + performance standards of MM6W.1h..Ms. str..t division 38.550. 12 feet minimum between curb edge and storefront(area includes '~F' clear/buffer zone with street r trees). Setbacks and utility Sidewalk width easements must also be considered and may result in a larger minimum sidewalk width. iz min M Section 6 That table 38.510.030.C. Landscape block foontage standards, BMC,be amended as follows: Table 38.510.030.0 Landscaped block frontage standards. Element Standards(refers to departure Examples &Notes opportunities, see subsection 38.510.030 below)c) Ground floor: See Tables 38.310.030-.040 for permitted Land use use details. Page 12 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards 10'minimum front setback eyeept whefe See section 38.510.030.J for special Building eater Seth,eks afe speeifi a i the distrie design provisions associated with placement i division 38 220 ground level residential uses adjacent to a sidewalk. Building entrances must be visible and directly accessible from the street. For uses Building that front on multiple mixed designated entrances block frontages,an entry along both streets is encouraged,but not required. Window area that is glazed over or For buildings designed with ground level covered in any manner that obscures non-residential uses, at least 25%of the visibility into the storefront space shall ground floor between 4'-8' above the not count as transparent window area Facade sidewalk.For residential uses,at least 15% transparency of the entire fagade(all vertical surfaces generally facing the street).Windows must be provided on all habitable floors of the fagade.mz) Fagade transparency example. Provide weather protection at least 3'deep Weather over primary business and residential _ -- protection entries. Parking must be placed to the side,rear, Parking below or above uses.For single and multi- - location building developments,surface and - Also see structured parking areas(ground floor)are -- division 38.540 limited to no more than 50%of the street qy, of this division frontage.Private or shared garage entries CM) for related must occupy no more than 50%of fagade h' 1 parking width. Provide a 10'minimum buffer of requirements landscaping between the street and off street I ParkhM parking areas meeting the performance M".W%offronnae standards of division 3 8.5 50 of this chapter. Page 13 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Teat Amendments to Block Frontage Standards New parking structures must feature landscaped setbacks at least 10' in width. - The area between the street and building must be landscaped,private porch or patio ' space, and/or pedestrian-oriented space. Landscaping For setbacks adjacent to buildings with Also see windows,provide low level landscaping division 38.550 that maintains views between the building of this division and the street. for related Also provide plant materials that screen any landscaping blank walls and add visual interest at both Example of low level landscaping that standards the pedestrian scale and motorist scale. For screens foundation walls,provides extended wall areas,provide for a diversity visual interest and maintains views of plant materials and textures to maintain from dwelling units to the street visual interest from a pedestrian scale. 6'minimum sidewalks are required adjacent to arterial streets and public parks and 5' minimum width in other areas, except the Sidewalk width review authority may require wider sidewalks in special areas where called for in adopted plans or where significant pedestrian traffic is anticipated. Section 7 That section 38.510.030.K, Where a property fronts onto multiple streets/frontage designations, Bozeman Municipal Code be amended as follows: fropAs onto more than one street and eaeh street has a Eliffefet4 b b f+ePAs, with the following ela-Fi4ea4iopis-1 e standafds, the r-eview authority will apply b order- of . Page 14 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards a. Cto of,,,,+• , b Mix e. T a s a„ed; the„ d.Other, elo is .-n-sncr�� 2. Building hoeation; For- eorner sites with landseaped bloek f+en4age an Eme street, and stor-ef+on4 of mixed an another-, a steFef+ent frontage may wrap ar-ound the eeffief (on the landseaped bleek f+on4age side) for up to a half bleek or no more than 120 feet i...t,ieheye. i. sites, > designations but only one eatfanee must be plaeed en the ster-efT-eat bleek f+entage side. Fol: eamer- sites with a mix of 4. Tfanspar-eney: For- eomer sites at least one bleek frepAage must meet the applie tfanspar-eney standards (based on the or-def of pfefer-enee above). For-the seeond amount of tr-anspafeney by 50 per-eent. For- street eer-ner-s with the same designations on both eempatible with the ehafaeter- of the afea and enhanee the ehafaeter- of the street. buildings must effi-ploy the full tr-anspar-ene), on the dominapA frontage (based on the ften4age A4dth of established neighbor-hood pattern). b' Suffaee b groundpar-king Par-icinstFeeteemer- of allowed, pt• a. Comer- lots with non designated fientages (other-) on both stFeels; b. Othef ,z.,hina4io of bloek f o tages „t those with ., stor-e f on desib via a . Page 15 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Arnendnrents to Block Frontage Standards ALLEY ALLEY Storefront can wrap in w Facade meets O C around corner up to w a Landscaped black aw a a BE or Z 0 (whichever Is less) un LL " Z x Z �P Z o Storefront doesn't 9 m go to corner QJ m FNTRANCF FNTNANCL STOREFRONT STREETFRONT (BLOCK FRONTAGE) (BLOCK FRONTAGE) Section 8 That section 38.520.060, Usable commercial open space, BMC be amended as follows: C. Usable commercial open space. New developments with non-residential uses (except for development within the industrial zones) on sites with a total site area greater than one acre must provide open space. o 1. Commercial only sites. An area equal to at least two percent of the deve opme„+ envel area. For this specific standard, "Site area" includes all land needed for the non-residential portion of the project including,parking, service areas, access and required landscaping. The open space may be in the form of pedestrian-oriented open space per subsection D below, garden, play area or other open space feature that serves both as a visual amenity and a place for human activity. Portions of sidewalks that are wider than 12 feet and which meet the standards of pedestrian-oriented open space may be counted toward this requirement. For this speeifie standard, ar-ea= parking, servi rea aeeess a-ad required landseaping. ,.To residential open featff es ma hd by the review authority-, 2. Mixed use sites. When determining the "site area" for mixed-use buildings, areas solely used for residential use may be omitted. To be omitted, areas must be specifically restricted to residents (e.g. parking spaces signed for residential parking only, open space areas gated off or only accessible from internal residential areas, Page 16 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards internal lobbies without access to commercial spaces). When the omission of solely residential areas results in the site area being less than one acre,no commercial open space is required. Reduced open space area will be considered by the review authority for projects that include exceptional design features and elements that meet the intent of the standards. This includes open spaces that feature a combination of design (site materials, amenities, and configuration) and location/context that clearly exceed typical plaza designs found in the region. All departures must feature usable open space no less than one percent of the development envelope. Example 1 Example 2 Single large pedestrian-oriented open space Multiple pedestrian-oriented open spaces 320' 320' Pedestrian- floor late oriented open Building p space located 45,000 SF I in visible spot Entry -{- near major building entry and adjacent to street a Building floorplate U1 M 100,352 SF Parking lot/garage to serve use(s)in building Multiple P pedestrian- orfented open spaces located in strategic, wJ: ,.=------------ --- — ------ visible spots 33��11 Lot=102,400 SF(2.35 acres) The"development eavelope""site area"on both sites is 102,400sf(2.35 acres). The minimum amount of usable commercial open space(2%of site area development envelepe)is 2,048sf. The left example consolidates the open space into one plaza near the major building entry. The right example includes three separate open spaces at strategic,visible locations. r I Figure 38.520.060.C. Example of site development integrating usable commercial open space. Page 17 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards Areas used IF 5;{�e exclusive 11 = �C{or resident• purposes AWV > I acre of x mos+ 1pe 01f.4c ds 4sa6le open 5PACe O 11-h t0 179 for des19hs that clearly Exceed r►„►,;,�,N,� tYFical s+andaq Figure 38.520.060.C.2 Illustration of mixed-use building open space calculation. Section 9 Repealer. All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Page 18 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Text Amendments to Block Frontage Standards Section 10 Savings Provision. This ordinance does not affect the rights and duties that matured, penalties that were incurred or proceedings that were begun before the effective date of this Ordinance. All other provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code not amended by this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 11 Severability. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Bozeman Municipal Code as a whole. Section 12 Codification. This Ordinance shall be codified as indicated in Sections 2 through 8. Section 13 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect 30 days after final passage and approval. Page 19 of 20 Ordinance 2019, Teat Amendments to Block Frontage Standards PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by the City Conunission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the 6ch day of Mar, 2019. THI DR Mayor ATTEST: ROBIN CROUG * •, - ' - •�� b • City Clerk c9lL•. 1�• .•10 ' `9TIN CO.S' FINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 3rd day of June, 2019. The effective date of this ordinance is July 3, 2019. C7TIA L. A RUS ATTEST: S0 F, • r s•i, • •A:+ ROBIN CROUGH City Clerk * =- ±• ter••`. a$3 •'���' APPROVED AS TO FORM: TIN co•�`l�' ULLIVA City Attorney Page 20 of 20