HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 84- Big Brothers and Sisters Appreciation Week Febuary 12-18 1984 - PRO C LAM A T ION - - ~~ ~ -.- -..- - -- ~ ~'~ -..- - BIG BROTHERS AND SISTERS APPRECIATION HEEK OF BOZE~1AN February 12 - lA, 198^ ************************* WHEREAS, to seek the efforts of community citizens to volunteer their time and efforts to take a direct, nersonal and friendly interest in children and Youth nrimarily from sinnle parent families fro~ the hallatin Val lev. and I./HEREAS, to improve services to the children of this community bv develooinn and maintaininn standards of accentable Bin Brothers and Sisters service and by develonino methods of nronram self evaluation: and I./HEREAS, to oraanize, under nrofessional direction, a body of mature and responsible adults to interest themselves indiVidually in the welfare and the positive develonment of youth' and YHEREAS, to take a direct, nersonal and friendly interest in children and youth and to emnlov methods that will tend to nromote their nhvsical, mental, and social welfare and thus aid them in develooino positive attitudes about themselves and the community' and ':/HERE/\S, to orrlanize and operate for charitable ourposes, not for profit, clnd no Dart of its net earnina will be used for the benefit of any member, shareholder or individual. ~IQI.!, THEREFORE" I Kenneth Heaver , Mavor of the City of Bozeman, do hereby declare the week of February 12 - 18, 1984 as BIG BROTHERS AND SISTERS APPRECIATION WEEK OF BOZE~1AN dnd I encourage community support of this worthwhile orqanization. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the rlreat seal of the City of Bozeman, in the State of Montana, to be affixed at Boze~an, Montana, this day of January in SEAL the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine- teen Hundred and EiQh~v Four. ~< , ""'- , -.'). ..............,-- ......-......'.....----- --- ----- KENNETH \'/EAVER,