HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 85- Senior Sports and Arts Festival Week June 2-8 1985 PRO C LAM A T ION "SENIOR SPORTS AND ARTS FESTIVAL 1'J~:SK" June ~-8, 1985 ************************************** li'lHEREAS, Montana Senior Olympics, a Dart of the United States Senior Sports and Arts Festival, Incorporated, is sponsoring a regional senior Sports and Arts Festival competition; ann WHEREAS, this activity will provide an opportunity for older persons to compete against their peers in regulated events; and I'JHEREAS , this activity will focus attention on the imnortance of regular physical exercise in each person's plan for good health; and ~ti)'HEREAS , this activity will help in discouraging the stereotype of the older adults as rocking-chair-bound, fragile and weak; ana WHEREAS, this provides an opportunity for older adults from this region to meet with one another to develop ne~ friendships; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Kenneth L. Weaver, Mayor of the City of Bozeman, do hereby proclaim the week of June 2nd through the 8th, 1985, as "SENIOR SPORTS ,AT\!D ARTS FESTIVAL v.7EEK" in Bozeman, 1'10n tana , and encourage all citizens to recognize this special observance. IN WIT::"JESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the Citv of Bozeman, in the State of Montana. to be affixed at Bozeman, Montana, this 28th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, On~__:rhousand 1\Jine Hundred and Eiqhtv-Five.