HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 86- AAUW Week/Womens History Week March 2-8 1986 PRO C LAM A T ION AAUW WEEK/WOMEN'S HISTORY WEEK "RESTORE THE STATUTES OF LIBERTY" March 2-8. 1986 ********************************* \~HEREAS. the American Association of University Women has existed in '3ozeman for over 56 years and has branches in 17 communities and a membership of 1.000; and WHEREAS. the American Association of University Women is an organization dedicated to education and the advancement of women. involvement in community issues and life-long learning; and WHEREAS. the American Association of University Women serves as a means for women to be effective participants in the areas where crucial issues are being decided; and WHEREAS. the American Association of University \'Iomen believes that discrimination. be it based on race. sex, age. national origin or disability. has no olace in our society. particularly within institutions that choose to accept federal assistance; and WHEREAS. the American Association of University ~lomen designates the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1985 (HR 700). a bill in Congress to restore basic civil and educational rights that formerly were protected by Title IX and other legislation passed to prevent discrimination against minorities, the handicapped and the aged. as its highest legislative priority; and WHEREAS. the American Association of University \1omen celebrates its heritage of working to eliminate discrimination in this nation and brinq greater equity for women in conjuncti on with ~Jomen I s Hi story Week; NOW. THEREFORE. I. Judith A. Mathre. M~yor of the City of Rozeman. do hereby proclaim the week of March 2-8. 1986. as AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN WEEK in the City of Bozeman. Montana. and urge all citizens to recognize the importance of this observance. IN VlITNESS I~HEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the City of Bozeman. in the State of Montana. to be affixed at Bozeman. Seal Montana. this 24th day of February. in the year of Our Lord. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Six. __ ~ftt fl- rn;J.~ JUDITH A. MATHRE, Mayor