HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 85- Private Property Week April 18 - May 4 1985 PRO C LAM A T ION -~._- _._~-- ..' ~- - -~,-~- Private Property Week " April 18-May 4, 1985 ************************ WHEREAS, Americans enjoy more political and economic freedom than any other people on earth, this great nation is known the world over as the land of liberty; and WHEREAS, of all the rights we have, one of the most precious is the right of each citizen to own, use or transfer real property as he or she sees fit, so long as the rights of others are not infringed upon; and WHEREAS, above all, we must guard against taking for granted the rights that come with home ownership. Owning one's home and preserving these rights fosters democracy because it disperses individual decision-making that collectively affects the well-being of our community. This ownership requires that people save not only for their own homes; it encourages activi- ty in other sections of the economy, creating growth and con- tributing to a higher quality of life; and WHEREAS, realtors in Bozeman, as members of the Bozeman Board of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors, are setting aside a week to celebrate our constitutional freedom to own real proper- ty. Further the National Association of Realtors asks all citizens in our community to join in reaffirming this basic freedom. THEREORE, I, Kenneth L. Weaver, Mayor of the City of Bozeman, do hereby proclaim April 18-May 4, 1985, to be PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK in the City of Bozeman and ask all residents of Bozeman to join with the Bozeman Board of Realtors and its members in setting aside this period to remind ourselves that we are a free people endowed with the right to own real property, and given the responsibility to protect that right. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the Seal City of Bozeman, in the State of Montana, to_be affixed at Bozeman, Montana, this 22nd day of April, in the Y8ar of Our Lord On bousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Five. --., ----....... , '- , '_)\~ ...J:,. .) E~H\. L:-WEA~R, M~Y r of Bo~man