HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 88- Literacy Awareness Week February 21-27 1988 (( if~ .of J5DZtlmlU Il'rDtlantati1l11 'Nhereas. the aCil ity to read is vital to individual fulfillment. productive employment. community participation. and a succesful democratic society; and Whereas. more than 20 mil lion American adults cannot react or write beyond a fourth-grade level and 30 mi] I ion more cannot read or write beyond an eighth-grade 1 eve I , and Whereas. ill i tee dC y is diffused throughout our nation. not confined to any ethic or cultural group or any region of the nation; and Whereas. citizens with inadequate basic skil Is demonstrably can upgrade tho::.:e skills 1 f , in a sensitive and understanding way, they are given the opportunity and encouragement to step forward: anu Whereas. conquering i I I i te("acy is a democratic nece:::;s I t y for fucther cevelopment and progress and for our individual contribution to the ideals of equa lit Y In the stace of Monti:1na: and Whereas. a natIonwide movement to overcome I 1 1 I t '3' r ac y is growing rapidly with the active participation of '/0 lun t eel'S foe literacy dnd with the cooperation from a I 1 leVE:l::;:; of govE>cnment and major elements of the peivate $E'Gtor; and Whereas, local television stations. radio stations. newspaper's, Duslness firms, service organizations. schools, church groups, employee organizations. and literacy service pI'OV i der's ~re joining forces to support literacy during the "Liter!cy Awareness Week". Februa.ry 21-27. 1988. NOW. TIlEREFORE. I , ALFRED M. STIFF. Mayor of the City of Bo::eman. do hereby proclaim February 21-27. 1988 as LITERACY AWARENESS WEEK in Montana and urge all Montanans to join the celebration of ] i tera.cv and to participate i n and support the projects and activities that wi I I be launched throughout this week and beyond to help overcome 111 i teracy. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto get my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of Bozeman. in the State (SEAL) of Montana. to be atfixe1j at Bozeman. Non t alia, tnis 16th day of Februa.ry. in the 'leal of Our Lord. One Thousand Ninet<2en rk,ndred and Eigrlty-eight.