HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 90- Child Health Day October 1 1990 PROCLAMATION CHILD HEALTH DAY October 1, 1990 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHEREAS, Child Health Day has been observed every year since 1928 in rec- ognition of the importance of chi Idren and youth as fundamental necessities to the future progress and welfare of the Nation; and WHEREAS, today's teenagers will be our Nation's work force in the year 2000. They will be our technicians, our inventors, our corporate man- agers, the scientists and explorers of inner and outer space. They will be the parents and the teachers of the next generation of Americans. They will be the soldiers and the diplomats, the taxpayers and the voters who keep our country headed on a pro- gressive and peaceful course in the 21 st century; and WHEREAS, our Nation's future will be in their hands in the next century, just as their future is in our hands now. It is imperative, therefore, that we provide today's youth with opportunities and encou ragemen t to develop their minds and their bodies to their full potential; and WHEREAS, we know that adolescence can be a difficult time of life. Sepa- rating from parental supervision, taking on adult responsibilities, establishing new relationships, testing limits and seeking inde- pendence are challenging tasks. Fortunately, most of our young people successfully navigate this course and reach adulthood healthy and safe. But our Nation is losing too many of its youth to alcohol and drugs, to homicide and vehicular injuries, to pre- mature parenthood and school dropout, to illiteracy and idleness, to crime and violence; and WHEREAS, the theme of Child Health Day focuses on adolescents. there is recognition that the origins of adolescent health problems are often found in the pre-adolescent or even early childhood years. Many adolescent problems are a consequence of deeply-rooted so- cial problems, particularly family and community fragmentation. Bui Iding stronger. healthier families is an essential component of any strategy to improve adolescent health and well-being; and WHEREAS, on this Child Health Day 1990, our Nation again commemorates its chi Idren, let us forge a partnership of all those for whom healthy adolescence is a commitment--parents, the schools, the health care system, the community, business and industry, government at all levels and the young people themselves. Through collaborative actions we must assure that all young people, regardless of in- come, gender, race or ethnic heritage, are prepared to be healthy, productive citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, I , Robert L. Hawks, Mayor of the City of Bozeman. Montana, do hereby proclaim Monday. October 1, 1990 as CHILD HEALTH DAY in the City of Bozeman. SEA L IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here- unto set my hand and caused the great seal of the City of Bozeman, in the State of Montana, to be affixed at Bozeman, Montana, this 24th day of September, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety. Jj;, J R B R L HAWKS. Mayor