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06-17-19 City Commission Packet Materials - C11. TO7 with Sanderson Stewart for Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Ranch Sewer
Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Bob Murray, Project Engineer Shawn Kohtz, City Engineer SUBJECT: Right of Way Acquisition Project - Task Order Number 7 for the Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer Project. MEETING DATE: June 17th, 2019 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Consent RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Task Order Number 7 with Sanderson Stewart. BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the partially executed Task Order Number 7 with Sanderson Stewart for the Right of Way Acquisition Project for Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer Project. The City has a term contract with Sanderson Stewart for right of way acquisition services. This task order is to obtain the necessary easements to for the installation of the sewer main across 4 parcels along the route. By going on the proposed route, we will limit the number of existing streets that will need to be cut and patched, and also reduce the impact to traffic in the area during construction. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission FISCAL EFFECTS: The proposed fee for this scope of work is paid on a time and materials basis with a total cost not to exceed amount of $15,700.00. Attachments: Task Order Number 7 Report compiled on: 6/6/19 168 SANDERSON^STEWART's^June 4,2019Mr. Bob Murray, PECity ofBozeman20 East OUve St.Bozeman,MT59715Reference: City of Bozeman Land Agent ServicesProject Scope of Services — Task Order No. #7Davis Lane Lift Station & Norton SewerDear Mr. ]V[urray:Sanderson Stewart is pleased to provide this scope of services for land agent services for street andutility improvements for the Davis Lane Lift Station and Norton Sewer Main Project. These servicesare to be performed under the Professional Services Agreement for Streets and Land Agent Services(FY 2018 — FY 2020) term conttact for realty and engmeering services. If this scope of sendees isacceptable to you, please execute this agreement where noted.OverviewWe understand the City ofBozeman intends to constcuct se-wer mam iinprovements in the vicioityof Baxter Lane, Cattail Street and Davis Lane in the near futiire. The project improvements willprovide an improved sanitary sewer main coUecrion system to cover current and future developmentgrowth in the northwest part ofBozeman. To facilitate the improvements, additional permanent andtemporary right-of-way may be required. Sandersoa Stewart wiU provide professional right-of-way(R/W) acqnisition seryices to acquire new R/W for the project as shown on the attached Figure 1.Scope of WorkSanderson Stewart wiU provide the following services as part of its basic services:1. Project ResearchThis task mcludes the preliminary R/W activities to obtam pertinent project information.Subtasks under Item 1 include the foUowmg:Obtain and review available preliminary design plans and project documentation.Coordination meeting with the project team members.Obtain current deeds and ownership information.InitialsBillingsBozemanDenverFort CollinsSandersonStewart.comSANDERSON STEWART.and we/re Just getting sforfed169 Mr. Bob MurrayJune 4,2019Page 22. Initial Property Owner ContactThis task includes initiating coordination efforts with affected property owners. Sub tasksunder Item 1 include the following:Compile contact information.Initiate contact with owners.Conduct pre-acquisition tneetmgs with affected property owners.3. SurveySanderson Stewart is currendy under contract to complete the survey phase of the project.This task is not included in this scope of seryices.R/W Mapping & ExhibitsThis task consists of the preparation ofR/W exhibits to acquire property interests. Subtasksunder Item 4 include the following:Sanderson Stewart is currendy under contcact for the design phase of the project andwUl provide existing and proposed design and right-of-way CADD files for theproject area.Review proposed R/W acquisition areas. Permanent easements and temporaryconstruction permits will be acquired on four (4) parcels of land (Parcels 2, 4, 5, and6).Prepare preliminary exhibits for four (4) parcels of land, as required.QA/QC of exhibits4.5.6.•Title CommitnientsThis task consists of the preparation of tide commitments for affected property interests.Subtasks under Item 5 include the following:Tide cotnmitments will be secured for one (1) parcel (Parcel 2).Team coordination.Appraisals and ValuationsThis task includes the preparation of valuation documents to value the property rights to beacquired. Subtasks under Item 6 include the following:• FuU appraisal narratives are not included in this scope of services.Waiver valuadons wiU be completed for one (1) parcel (Parcel 2) by SandersonStewart.Team coordination.-T^Initials170 Mr. Bob MurrayJune 4,2019Page 3•QA/QC of waiver valuations.7. Prepare ContractsThis task includes the preparation of the offer packages to acquire R/W, includingagreements, easements, exhibits, figures, and correspondence letters. Subtasks under Item 7include the following:Prepare four (4) permanent easement documents for Parcels 2, 4, 5 and 6.Prepare four (4) tempofaty construction permit documents for Parcels 2, 4, 5 and 6,as required.• Prepare acquisidon documents including maps and project information.Prepare acquisition cost details and summary.QA/QC of documents.8. AcquisitionsThis task includes conducting the acquisition meetings with affected property owners andmodifying the initial offer packages based on owner/client meetings. Subtasks under Item 8include the following:Conduct acquisition meetings (minunum of 3 meetings per parcel).Conduct meetings with property owners of Parcels 2, 4, 5 and 6.Conduct meefcuigs with the home owners association of Parcel 1 for impacted privateproperty features only.Prepare final acquisition documents for all affected parcels.Prepare final acquisition costs for Parcel 2.QA/QC of documents.9. R/W and Design Plan UpdatesThis task includes updating the preliminary easement exhibits and documents based ondesign changes, if required.10. Relocation ServicesThis task is not included in this scope of services.11. Title Clearing and ClosingThis task includes coordinating and completing the dde closing process with the tidecompany. Subtasks under Item 1 1 include the following:Prepare final tide transfer documents and schedule closing date.-^•171 Mr. Bob MurrayJune 4,2019Page 413.14.•Obtain mortgage releases, clear taxes and Hens, as required.Submittal of completed R/W acqmsition offer packages to the City for review andexecution.Attend closing meetings.Team coordination.12. Final Submittal and CloseoutThis task includes the final project activities to finalize and submit executed acquisitiondocuments. Sub tasks undet Item 12 include the foUowing:Prepare completed R/W acquisition project submittal packet.DeUver completed dde transfer documents.Project closeout.•ContingencyThe scope of services for this project includes aU the necessary steps to acquite propertyinterests from private owners. A majority of the acquisition process reUes on goodcooperation and timely responses from aU parties involved in the process. Due to the aatuureof coordinadon activities, the amount of tune required to work with individual propertyowners varies significandy. This task serves to capture the potential additional costs incurredduring the acquisition process due to challenging coordination activities with propertyowners.Project AdministrationThis task includes activities to manage the project requirements, deliverables, and tasks.Subtasks under Item 14 include the following:Project status updates.Budget and schedule monitoring and planning.Invoicing and billing.•The following items are not included in the scope of sendees or project budget for this project andare therefoie specifically excluded from this scope of services:Engineering or right-of-way design services.Eminent domain proceedings, expert witness testimony, costs, or other servicesnecessary for legal proceedings.Additional costs related to the actual purchase price of property interests as detailedin R/W acquisition agreements.Relocation costs paid to property owners as detailed m R/W acquisition agreements.••Initials172 Mr. Bob MurrayJune 4,2019Page 5If needed, these items wiU be added as a separate task order or contract amendment.Proiect ScheduleOnce Sanderson Stewart receives Client's authori2ation to proceed, Sandersoa Stewart will proceedwith fulfiJling the project scope of services itnmediately. The intent is to complete the R/Wacquisition activities in as short amount of time as necessary.The Client and Sanderson Stewart are aware that many factors outside Sanderson Stewart's controlmay affect Sanderson Stewart's ability to complete the services to be provided under this agreement.Sanderson Stewart wiU perform these seryices with reasonable diligence and expediency consistentwith sound professional practices.Fees and Billing ArranffementsInvoice and Billing: Sanderson Stewart wiU biU for its services on a time and materials basis with atotal cost not to exceed $15,700.00. Sanderson Stewart will begin work once this agreement has beenexecuted by both parries.TaskFee1. Pro] ect Research2. Initial Property Owner Contact3. Survey4. R/W Mapping & Exhibits5. Tide Commitments6. Appraisals and Valuations7. Prepare Contracts8. Acquisitions9. R/W and Design Plan Updates10. Relocation Services11. Tide Clearing and Closing12. Final Submittal and Closeout13. Contingency14. Project Administration$590.00$270.00$0.00$2,380.00$475.00$745.00$1,860.00$5,670.00$450.00$0.00$540.00$850.00$1,080.00$790.00Total$15,700.00J^-Initials173 Mr. Bob MurrayJune 4, 2019Page 6Sanderson Stewart shaU submit invoices to the CUent for work accomplished durmg each calendarmonth. JVIonthly invoices shaU include, separately Usted, any charges for services for which timecharges and/or unit costs shall apply. Such invoices shaU also include, separately Usted, any chargesfor consultants retained by Sanderson Stewart, and reunbursable costs. Such mvoices shall besubmitted by Sanderson Stewart as soon as possible after the end of the month in which the workwas accomplished and shall be due and payable by the Client upon receipt. The Client agrees thatthe monthly invoice from Sanderson Stewart is correct, conclusive, and binding on the Client unlessthe Client, within 20 working days from the date of receipt of such invoice, notifies SandersonStewart in writing of alleged inaccuracies, discrepancies, errors in the invoice, or the need foradditional backup.ConclusionMr. IMurray, we look forward to working with you on this very exciting project. Feel free to caU meat 406/922-4304 if you have any questions regarding this proposal. Otherwise, if it meets yourapproval, simply mail or email this signed and dated agreement to our office at 106 East BabcockSt, Bozemaa, MT 59715 or tgaddo@sandersonstewart.com. Thank you.SincerelyTony Gaddo, P.E., REALTOR®Senior Engineer /Right-of-Way SpeclaUstTG/epEnc.0:2019_Murray_Bozeman_ROW_TO#7_Prpsl_060419**** END OF SCOPE OF SERVICES EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURES ****-Q^Initials174 Mr. Bob M.uttsyJune 4,2019Page 7This Task Order is datedand Sanderson Stewart (Conttactor)._, 20_ between City ofBozeman. Montana (City)IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this insteument the day andyear first above written.CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANABy:Print Name:Print Title:Date:SANDERSON STEWARTBy: _Print Name: 'T^^.v (j-Ac(JLoPrint Title: f^o^ejc^ ^<A«^C-<I^Date:^/•///q"T1TC^Initials175 FIGURE 1PRELIMINARY R/W ACQUISITIONWITHINSEC. 54, T1S, R5EPREPARED FOR : CITY OF BOZEMANPREPARED BY : SANDERSON STEWART @JUNE 2019BOZEMAN, MONTANA—""/.—-^fw«s..,ijp----:-(-•"'7^!^^K!j ^"~F^-D a^D^(—r——-.i jU^^@[M§1IIiro(||@@Kt"JI l[:::q SS^f^\c-ll^fflteB?.—^ L-=^:„^J„„____1 L-^Z_^J______^ ||if"'sC3PARGE15PARCE14-J i-^ai1^;I:PARCEL 2-———-i'•?..-k ^ s, \ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^C ^'^'•T^'^ 's'c'r^T ~~~~ ~~-—~ ~~ ~ -PARCE13•^^:;C^^^^^-s-<\\s\\-<\\s'>.\\s\s\\^\\s1•\'V\\\\\s\\\\s\\\'.\' i .\\\s\ '1^s\^\\^\\\\\\^\·>.·k^^\\\M•\'k '.•>k'.j-——.-_^ ^___.__.___.QAyTAIL S'S \\ \\ \S \\ ^. •>. \\\\ \ \V\ S'. \ \\\ \ \S S S \ S \\ S ^\\\\\^t^^^^^^^^ff^ ^^^'^^·ki1\^\SS\\\ \ \S\'*kS'kS '.'^ '-S\\\S\\\\\\1>.\SSS\\\S\\'>>S^V\.^^S\\-<^\\\'.\\I jr~-i-^:I iaaT'\11 f@ p:^ @^ L.10^[H [--^ 1^-R Qiililcl U/'7c37'/~~-"~~">la"&©;K^h CTS^ r~~~^,a•M;'Qt:~l W^c37/IJ^ISJS[ i Ip'-LTLiiri__i__rTi!,LL__J i.^L^f/-ca//.^~ @ S@1^ te^ I H§111-^ IS^s I 11!r^i say I @d|@@ IHir--' ?:ZJii?'^i \"~\\a ^\ ^'ufy^ ^ iL^U^@l^,1 sail gisiI fi^ @^@@@?i @kj |^@@£@G@|\s\\s\\\s\s\(\ \'<11 RIB7Tn-~,Tr-i^PFl^^iBIl-l-—-^—--^-.Dc?JI"\ \ /w^p \ ^-l^l^\ \ \*^\·\·> . \ \ \\^----L-_______.___.Lrm_<•i:'is^^(Ttf.r"t:-.'/"r:'-/ft^'.•I->..•/--^-^^^^^•ya-..As•-i|^ii-/ji!-.Ji iy[OS7[3^M^JEQUESTRIAN LNQaIPTiaio'BR—1-—j [r-^ •f._^.-^, .IWb-f@iPi1!'!U! ! 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