HomeMy WebLinkAboutProclamation 88- National Association Insurance Womens Week May 15-21 1988 PRO C LAM A T ION -----~~------~--------- NATIONAl, ASSOCIATIon INSURANCE \'JOr.1EN I s t'TEEE Nay 15-21 1988 ******************************************* WHEREAS, professional insurance women make a significant contribution to the risk and insurance industry; and WHEREAS, they are increasingly effective locally and statewide, in promotin<] public awareness of such important issues, as tort reforms, automobile safety and the problem of drinking and driving; and HHERRl\S, they endeavor to reaffirm t.he indust.ry as a vihale the highest professional standards; and WHEREAS, they are working effectively on a national level as the national Association of Insurance \'fomen (International), which has reached a membership of more than 20,000; and t'7IIEREAS, professional insurance women have earned recoqnit.ion for their outstanding accomplishments in the economically vital insurance industry; NOW, TH8REFORE I, ALFRED M. STIFF, Mayor of the City of Bozeman, do hereby proclaim the week of Mav 15 through May 21, 1988 as I .. - ~ : NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INSURANCE HONEN'S PEEK and urge our citizens to do honor to the ~onen who are performing such important and eJiverse roles throughout tbe rislt: and insurance industry. IN IHTnESS iYHEROF, I have hereunto set my band and caused the great seal of the City of Bozeman, in the State of l10ntanar this 9th day of May, in the year of Our Lord, One Thousand Hine Hundred and Eighty Eight. ___ . / ~i^.1 /", -' J ,. ~'~). . / ~-- '.... /i /> /J / ... ,_ ,"-.'.'/,,' /./ I ,,~ " ..,,/' .,.- ," ,..'.- .". /'" :z. _.t;.;;tt___..~4.. -.--~:-~:?c4- ---.--. 11. STI FF r Tlayor ;;